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Dv 2014 european winers here

We have sent in the marriage certificate . We don't get the weeding because did not have economic opportunities.
We have photo since 2007 more 300 .
Photo with our family.
Sms phone
Message Facebook
Conversation on Facebook
DVD weeding by others.

Are sufficient?

That sounds ok. Did anyone take any photos at your wedding? It doesn't matter if they were professional or not.
We Haven't to make wedding,because we don't have possibility .

Well OK provide all you have. I think it would be considered "unusual" not to have any wedding photos at all. See what you can find. IMagine from their point of view. The other proofs you have may show evidence of a relationship between you. You need to show that the relationship was more than a friendship and people normally celebrate that day with some friends or family and so on. Two friends committing a fraud probably would have no friends or family at the wedding - so it would be important to show something that makes it clear your marriage is genuine. To be clear, people do get married with no guests (I did exactly that), but normally there would be something that commemorates this special day in your lives.

In the end everything is at the discretion of the interviewing CO. If they are in a bad mood on the day you interview they may ask you more questions than usual. On the other hand they may be in a happy mood, or in a rush to go for lunch, and they just ask no questions. It is all part of the "lottery"...
My friends' number is very close to yours. I am not very worried, because for the past 6 years (2008-2013) the numbers have ended at 28,000-40,000. Chances are we will end up at 28,000-35,000 this year as well. I do sympathize with you, as we worry for months to find out if we will make it or not. Do you really live in Paris and you'd like to come here instead?

Well, I hope you are right! But thank you so much for saying it ! I do live in Paris lol ! But I've already spent a year in the US and I really want to go back... So I keep my fingers crossed !

There is no doubt that 13200 was less than we had hoped BUT we are still almost a month ahead of last year, so we have to keep hoping that numbers will go higher this year.

I definitely feel better when I come to this forum ! I mean, even if nothing is sure of course, it is still good to find some optimistic people !
We have sent in the marriage certificate . We don't get the weeding because did not have economic opportunities.
We have photo since 2007 more 300 .
Photo with our family.
Sms phone
Message Facebook
Conversation on Facebook
DVD weeding by others.

Are sufficient?

When your husband filled in the eDV application, which marital status did he select, 'Married' or 'Single'?
But when he entered the lottery online in the first place he put single - is that correct???

When he entered the lottery online in the first place he put single because we were not married. We are married on May and wr send the document on June.
When he entered the lottery online in the first place he put single because we were not married. We are married on May and wr send the document on June.

Excelent - that is exactly as you should have done - no problem.
Please can you explain me better..

Thank you !

It is the same thing I was saying earlier - Sm1smom is pointing out that yours was a real relationship and a real marriage, not just an arrangement to get an additional Green Card.
It is the same thing I was saying earlier - Sm1smom is pointing out that yours was a real relationship and a real marriage, not just an arrangement to get an additional Green Card.

Thank you !

Good luck for all !

Best regards,
Hi guys, I've read the forum since may 1 2013. I often agree with britsimon's posts. As a 2014EU39xxx I'm very worried. Well, will see...
Hi guys, I've read the forum since may 1 2013. I often agree with britsimon's posts. As a 2014EU39xxx I'm very worried. Well, will see...

Only one post of the forum but already Jean Michel is making lots of sense! :D :eek:

EU39k - I really think that is still in with a good chance. You will have seen my simplistic way to calculate your global position - that calculation puts you under the 100,000 mark - so I believe that is pretty safe.
Only one post of the forum but already Jean Michel is making lots of sense! :D :eek:

EU39k - I really think that is still in with a good chance. You will have seen my simplistic way to calculate your global position - that calculation puts you under the 100,000 mark - so I believe that is pretty safe.

Hi Simon could you perhaps point me to where you had previously explained your simplistic calculation? My number is 2014AF0007XXXX I am also worried.

Thanks for the kind help you give, I find your posts helpful!
Hi Simon could you perhaps point me to where you had previously explained your simplistic calculation? My number is 2014AF0007XXXX I am also worried.

Thanks for the kind help you give, I find your posts helpful!

Flattery will get you everywhere! LOL

OK - here is a simplistic (VERY simplistic) way of looking at your number in relation to the global count.

Let's say your number is AF70000. We know the max number for AF is ~116000 so your number is in the first 60% of AF numbers (70000/116000*100 = 60.3%). If you take the 140000 number of selectees you could compare your AF raking to that and say that you are in the top 60% of global numbers i.e. 84000 (60% of 140k). They increased the selectee count to 140k this year to be SURE they will fill the global quota of 50k visas, since previous years did not fill with around 105k selectees. Therefore the global quota will be hit somewhere between the 105k and 140k. You are below that 105k lower limit, so my simplistic method says you are sitting pretty and can be sure to get an interview.

I should say there are better more complicated ways to look at this so I can't be sure - but it "feels" logical...
Hello !

I have one question , please answer,

What questions do at the interview ?What is the duration of the interview?

Thank you!
Oh man, so my current number of 2014EU00049*** is quite high :(
I really hope to hear something and have the interview, since I just returned from California and boy I want to do this!

Fingers crossed for you. None of us know what will happen for sure - so just keep watching the visa bulletins and keep hoping.