• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2014 european winers here

Hi britsimon,

sorry for confusing, I wasn't precise enough. It is clear that the visa issuing is limited to the related fiscal year. Extending into the next fiscal year isn't possible at all. With my post I'm just interested in the clarification of different scenarios when the visa issuing will end under specific circumstances. I guess I got most of it but probably not all. Your annotation explains it very well and closes leaks on my side, thanks.

Anyway nobody knows for now what will happen during this fiscal year, but your illustration makes it very likely that we will have a remarkable situation at the end. And unfortunately some disappointed guys....

Thanks again and best regards

I think this has been alluded to already but : if they think they are going to run out of visas, they don't switch the region/s to "current". It's only the past few years (6 or 7 I think) where all or most regions have been current by fiscal year end. Before that (my guess: people were happier to take up the green card option in the boom times pre-crisis!) the fiscal year often ended with regions being cut off at specific numbers, which would mean that not all selectees got interviews. By contrast, the last few years people with exceptionally high numbers (for example AF93xxx) have indeed received visas after the bulletin moved to current, so I think they only do that when they are pretty sure they can accommodate everyone left (and by then they will have a good idea of exactly how many are left, as they will have had almost all the forms sent in by those interested in pursuing the application).

There was a link somewhere on the forums to a Bangladesh newspaper article from some years ago claiming that Bangladeshis who had appointments scheduled in September of that year, subsequently had them cancelled as the visa quota had been reached (obviously this was when Bangladesh was still eligible for DV). I don't think the article mentioned whether that was the overall cap or the 7% limit for Bangladesh itself, and it's the only instance of cancelled interviews I've ever seen referred to.
This happened for Iranian applicants in DV2013. Check this http://turkey.usembassy.gov/iranian_applicants.html

There was a link somewhere on the forums to a Bangladesh newspaper article from some years ago claiming that Bangladeshis who had appointments scheduled in September of that year, subsequently had them cancelled as the visa quota had been reached (obviously this was when Bangladesh was still eligible for DV). I don't think the article mentioned whether that was the overall cap or the 7% limit for Bangladesh itself, and it's the only instance of cancelled interviews I've ever seen referred to.
This happened for Iranian applicants in DV2013. Check this http://turkey.usembassy.gov/iranian_applicants.html

Very interesting - thanks.
Must have been heartbreaking for some - it sounds like there were some people caught between the end of AP but just before their visas got issued who missed out.

Will also be very interesting to see what the final issued numbers of DV visas for dv2013 is - has anyone seen this published yet?
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This happened for Iranian applicants in DV2013. Check this http://turkey.usembassy.gov/iranian_applicants.html

IMO, this information from this link is not along the line of the Bangladesh incident Suzzie referenced in her post though. There is no indication that Iranians who had been scheduled for interview when their CN or region became current had their interview cancelled. Of course it talks about people under AP (including some who likely received letters about their AP being complete) not being issued with visas because the country had maxed out. It's not the same as being scheduled to attend an interview and then receiving an interview cancellation notice.
This is just my guess, just like everyone here just states their guess too. There is nothing official that explains exactly how this works.

The Visa Bulletin has a decent explanation on how this works. Here is a direct quote from it:
"C" means current, i.e., numbers are available for all qualified applicants;

Here's another official material from USCIS website:

What does it take to make it 'official' to you? You want a letter stamped and signed by John Kerry himself?
Immigrants to the United States

Current/non-current: There are numerical limits on the number of immigrant visas that can be granted to aliens from any one foreign country. The limit is based on place of birth, not citizenship. Because of the numerical limits, this means there is a waiting time before the immigrant visa can be granted. The terms current/non-current refer to the priority date of a petition in preference immigrant visa cases in relationship to the immigrant cut-off date. If your priority date is before than the cut-off date according to the monthly Visa Bulletin, your case is current. This means your immigrant visa case can now be processed. However, if your priority date is later/comes after the cut-off date, you will need to wait longer, until your priority date is reached (becomes current). To find out whether a preference case is current, see the Visa Bulletin or telephone (202) 663-1541.

Immediate relative immigrant visa cases do not have country numerical limits, with waiting times as a result of the country limits. The terms priority date, cut-off date and current/non-current does not apply for immediate relative cases.

Cut-off Date: The date that determines whether a preference immigrant visa applicant can be scheduled for an immigrant visa interview in any given month. When “C” (meaning Current) is listed instead of a specific date, that means all priority dates are eligible for processing. The cut-off date is the priority date of the first applicant who could not be scheduled for a visa interview for a given month. Applicants with a priority date earlier than the cut-off date can be scheduled. However, if your priority date is on or later than the cut-off date, you will need to wait until your priority date is reached (becomes current). To find out whether a preference case can be scheduled, see the Visa Bulletin or telephone (202) 663-1541.
Dear All,
I though my English skills were ok before I received this e-mail from KCC - can you please help with interpretation, as it does seem I am not fully understanding the process now... Thanks!

"Your forms have been received and pending further embassy review for the continuation of your visa processing. KCC is currently scheduling visa numbers for your region for the month of November. Please refer to the visa bulletin at www.travel.state.gov to locate the current numbers being processed. This bulletin is updated after the 15th day of each month."

They just tell you that your forms are received and under further processing. The rest means that you need to check the visa bulletin board regularly around 10th to 15 th of each month if and when your CN becomes current/active. If this happen from this point of time you should expect to receive an email from KCC to check online with your confirmation no that some entries have changed for you especially that the interview appointment might be scheduled.

btw, I got the same answer from KCC after I mailed them to confirm that they have received my docs. This is a standard mail template they use to all requestors.

Best regards
Thanks, @mikettl, for the reality check! The 'further embassy review' part got me confused - maybe because that would have been the ray of light :)!
your're welcome, stelunea :). Just to be more precise, use the Entrants status check web page with your confirmation no afterwards when the KCC mail will drop into your box in a few months.

Best regards
Thanks, @mikettl, for the reality check! The 'further embassy review' part got me confused - maybe because that would have been the ray of light :)!

...just means once KCC have done the preliminary admin and background checks the embassy will do the rest of it :) ... Good luck!
forecast for January: Africa 23700-24500, 15000-15500 Europa, Oceania 500-540, South America 750-800.Asia do not know yet.