• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2014 european winers here

I think the only reason they selected more 'winners' this time is that they want to ensure they have a large enough pool of applicants in in case many applicants with lower numbers drop out or fail minimum requirements.

I think this rate is similar every year. In previous year case numbers in my region was around EU20k. In this year we have a lot of variety numbers e.g 5xxx, 6xxx, 16xxx, 17xxx, 21xxx, 23xxx, 25xxx, 28xxx, 31xxx, 33xxx, 39xxx, 40xxx, 41xxx, 47xxx. So im follower the gaps theory.
What exactly do you mean my these numbers? Where do you source them from?
I mean only numbers up to listed max numbers were notified about their winning status. The rest of the winners did not know they were the winners and could not proceed with visa applications.
DV-12 data is more or less forum data, from immigration forums.
Look at this - 94 winners https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArJIaarrI2E5dExiUy1wS0JMZmZmREc4dTVFdFRQNEE#gid=13 with numbers up to 31xxx
DV-13 data from the same forum is also available (118 winners, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArJIaarrI2E5dExiUy1wS0JMZmZmREc4dTVFdFRQNEE#gid=3 )
However, we have official CEAC data for DV-13.


Ten largest EU numbers are:
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BTW, the link I provided also contains data for DV-10 and DV-11 (from the forum, 115 DV-10 winners and 142 DV-11 winners). In both cases (289xx for DV-10 and 29xxx for DV-11 max) max numbers are much lower than numbers mentioned in VB as well

May 29250
June 31000
July 32000
August Current
forum max 289xx

June 29450
July 33000
August Current
forum max 29xxx
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Hi everyone,

Again me, an again another question :) when I found out that I have been selected for further processing, my wife was pregnant and we were expecting our child in July, obviously the filled in documents have been sent before that... after it, I did contact our local Embassy to find out what are my further steps since the information in the forms I sent is not up to date anymore, I was told on the phone that all I have to do is wait for the interview to be scheduled and come with the new documents on the scheduled say. It seemed confusing to me and I wrote an e-mail to KCC for double verification, here is the answer:

Family members not included on the initial entry may cause the case to be disqualified. Extenuating circumstances such as; you have been married or had a child after the initial application submission may be acceptable. If you meet either of these circumstances a photocopy of the marriage and/or birth certificate, along with English translations, should be provided with the completed forms. If you need to obtain additional DS 230 Parts I & II forms, you may download them at: http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/forms/forms_1342.html.

A spouse and/or eligible children, unmarried and under the age 21 must have the above forms completed and returned before KCC can make the necessary adjustments to your case. KCC will accept this information via postal mail, email, or fax. Information received at KCC after interview scheduling will be forwarded to the Embassy or the applicant may carry this information with them to their interview appointment.

Basically it is the same answer except the fact that I could send it to them for proper case adjustment, and this is what I am thinking to do, I got the translation and the new forms for me, my wife and the newborn child. Since they said it is acceptable to send it via e-mail do you see any necessity to resend them after it by mail? and another point is, the photo of the kid, they did not mention anything in their answer... do you think I shall take one and adjust it to their conditions (600*600) when sending the e-mail?
Seriously I am confused since I do not want to mess it up and to be disqualified.

Thank you,
Hi everyone,

Again me, an again another question :) when I found out that I have been selected for further processing, my wife was pregnant and we were expecting our child in July, obviously the filled in documents have been sent before that... after it, I did contact our local Embassy to find out what are my further steps since the information in the forms I sent is not up to date anymore, I was told on the phone that all I have to do is wait for the interview to be scheduled and come with the new documents on the scheduled say. It seemed confusing to me and I wrote an e-mail to KCC for double verification, here is the answer:

Family members not included on the initial entry may cause the case to be disqualified. Extenuating circumstances such as; you have been married or had a child after the initial application submission may be acceptable. If you meet either of these circumstances a photocopy of the marriage and/or birth certificate, along with English translations, should be provided with the completed forms. If you need to obtain additional DS 230 Parts I & II forms, you may download them at: http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/forms/forms_1342.html.

A spouse and/or eligible children, unmarried and under the age 21 must have the above forms completed and returned before KCC can make the necessary adjustments to your case. KCC will accept this information via postal mail, email, or fax. Information received at KCC after interview scheduling will be forwarded to the Embassy or the applicant may carry this information with them to their interview appointment.

Basically it is the same answer except the fact that I could send it to them for proper case adjustment, and this is what I am thinking to do, I got the translation and the new forms for me, my wife and the newborn child. Since they said it is acceptable to send it via e-mail do you see any necessity to resend them after it by mail? and another point is, the photo of the kid, they did not mention anything in their answer... do you think I shall take one and adjust it to their conditions (600*600) when sending the e-mail?
Seriously I am confused since I do not want to mess it up and to be disqualified.

Thank you,

You have plenty of time to sort this out, so fiorst of all, don't worry.

As they said, you should complete a 230 form for the child. Send that along with the required photos and a copy of the childs birth certificate. Make sure you identify the forms as "yours" with the complete case number. You will also need to make adjustments to the other forms for yourself and your wife, obviously now listing the child as a dependent. They will add the child to your case and all will be well.
Sorry to be a bearer of bad news but...if a miracle happens then September 2014 but I would not count on that. I have a number 10 000 less than yours and I don't think I will get an interview. On the other hand wait few months, check the bulletin, check the forum and see what will go down. Stay positive and hope for the best !!!


can someone tell me please when the interview?Thanks

I agree with franko on this one...given the much higher number of selectees for 2014 (55k compared to 45k for EU), I would not count on being called for an interview, at all. Don't want to discourage, as no one knows for sure, but I just think it is getting rather unlikely the higher the number is beyond the 40k mark. The published case numbers have never been higher than 33k prior to all remaining numbers being made current, so anyone in the mid to high 30k's will stand a chance, perhaps some in the early 40k's - unless they changed things around that none of us knows about. Good luck.
do not worry we will all have our interview, we just need a lot of patience

Sorry to disappoint but that is an unqualified statement. The DV Lottery is not designed to guarantee every selectee an interview - read through all the info on this forum and the official DV Lottery site information. It is wrong to suggest that "we all" would "have an interview", as it creates false hope. Only because all numbers turn 'current' towards the end of each DV period does in no way suggest they will all even be invited for an interview. The whole reason why such high numbers are issued is for them to guarantee they exhaust all visas for sure. This means, many (many!) selectees with lower numbers would have to give up on their application or be disqualified, neither of which happened in the past to that extend. So what makes you think otherwise?
i me personal opinion .is a problem with this think?

There is no problem with expressing personal opinions on a forum, at all - that's what a forum is there for!
However, you do not explain the basis for your assumption ('we will all have our interview, we just need a lot of patience') as nothing that has been discussed here or written by DV Lottery info would support your personal opinion. Hence, stating this as if it was true, is creating false expectations which is not fair to the person asking the question. They might think they will have an interview for sure and make all plans in the world towards their new life, only to realize that it might not happen (and was never likely to happen). That's why just making a statement like yours *is* a problem.
Quote from:

There are 50,000 DV visas available for DV-2014. Because it is likely that some of the first 50,000 persons
who are selected will not qualify for visas or pursue their cases to visa issuance, more than 50,000 entries will
be selected to ensure that all of the available DV visas are issued. However, this also means that there may
not be a sufficient number of visas for all those who are initially selected
. All applicants who are selected will
be able to see whether they have been selected for further processing and their place on the list by checking
the E-DV website’s Entrant Status Check. Interviews for the DV-2014 program will begin in October 2013 for
selectees who have submitted all pre-interview paperwork and other information as requested in the
notification instructions. Selectees who provide all required information will be informed of their visa interview
appointment through the E-DV website’s Entrant Status Check four to six weeks before the scheduled
interviews with U.S. consular officers at overseas posts. Each month, visas will be issued to those applicants
who are ready for issuance during that month, visa-number availability permitting. Once all of the 50,000 DV
visas have been issued, the program will end. In principle, visa numbers could be finished before September
. Selected applicants who wish to receive visas must be prepared to act promptly on their cases.
Random selection as a selectee does not guarantee that you will receive a visa. Selection merely
means that you are eligible to apply for a Diversity Visa, and if qualified, be issued a Diversity Visa.
Only the first 50,000 selected applicants to qualify will be issued visas.
and your comment is good because you are removing the slightest i hope hi can have and this just because europe has not had as big nr before.and you are saying that only 75% of the persons from europe will have their interview this year dv 2014