• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2014 european winers here

There is no problem with expressing personal opinions on a forum, at all - that's what a forum is there for!
However, you do not explain the basis for your assumption ('we will all have our interview, we just need a lot of patience') as nothing that has been discussed here or written by DV Lottery info would support your personal opinion. Hence, stating this as if it was true, is creating false expectations which is not fair to the person asking the question. They might think they will have an interview for sure and make all plans in the world towards their new life, only to realize that it might not happen (and was never likely to happen). That's why just making a statement like yours *is* a problem.

There have been many discussions on this subject. The process is a big deal for most of us, and for some, it is something they have dreamed of for years. So - there is lots of emotion at stake here. Some like to understand the process from a logical point of view, others prefer to hold on to the hope - regardless of what the statistical analysis says.

NONE of us really KNOW what is going to happen, so if some people want to hold on to hope - well - why not let them. I think there is more than enough hope and logic available in the forum and people can hopefully make up their own minds in whatever way they prefer - and people are free to ignore the posts that seem at odds with what they want to believe.
ok we say that is correct way haw you are saying that person with nr more big that 40000 they dont have visa available for them.and the persons how have the nr more big the 100000 what they can say?
NONE of us really KNOW what is going to happen, so if some people want to hold on to hope - well - why not let them. I think there is more than enough hope and logic available in the forum and people can hopefully make up their own minds in whatever way they prefer - and people are free to ignore the posts that seem at odds with what they want to believe.

I completely agree - with the hope part ... IF it was someone stating it about themselves, in a way similar to:
"I have a high case number but I am {positive/hopeful/etc} that I will still be getting my visa."

But I do not agree with someone posting as a fact about someone else's situation when it only relates to hope.
Like it was done here.
"do not worry we will all have our interview, we just need a lot of patience"
But I do not agree with someone posting as a fact about someone else's situation when it only relates to hope.
Like it was done here.

Yep I hear you, but it is no different to those that post comments about the DV lottery based on their religious beliefs - often in a way that applies to us all (including those of us that don't believe). Again, as you said - this is a public forum so people are free to post their opinions/views and yes, even comments about blind hope or faith. It's harmless enough - even when posted as a fact since the other side of the coin is out there too. We are all adults after all....

You know it's funny, around the time I joined the forum there were *many* people getting upset with a long time forum member who was providing lots of analysis/opinion/facts but (because of his unfortunate delivery style, IMHO) he managed to alienate many people. He was only stating the truth as he saw it, but people were calling him a "dream stealer" and so on. Time has moved on an his analysis seems to be more generally accepted, but I'm sure there are still those that would rather not hear the logic, they just want to keep the dream alive.

Personally, I want to hear both sides of the story, and whilst I believe and understand the logic, I hope that logic is proven wrong (or at least overly pessimistic).
CN's linked to the chances of getting an interview?

Dear All -

I am new to this forum, but I was wondering: it seem that everyone is linking the CN number to the chances of getting a visa. However, I don't necessarily see that link. If, let's say, people with smaller CNs - like 00010xxx, for example, never go through with the process, I don't think the processing center will just wait until the earlier CN's apply or not and thus diminish the chances of those of us with higher CNs. Maybe it is just wishful thinking, but it seems to me that this practice on the behalf of the KCC would be somewhat illogical.

Thanks for your comments!
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Dear All -

I am new to this forum, but I was wondering: it seem that everyone is linking the CN number to the chances of getting a visa. However, I don't necessarily see that link. If, let's say, people with smaller CNs - like 00010xxx, for example, never go through with the process, I don't think the processing center will just wait until the earlier CN's apply or not and thus diminish the chances of those of us with higher CNs. Maybe it is just wishful thinking, but it seems to me that this practice on the behalf of the KCC would be somewhat illogical.

Thanks for your comments!

Hi Stelunea,

The reason that case number is important is that all cases are processed in a case number order/preference. There are MANY more selectees than there are visas available. (originally 125k selectees, PLUS family members and only 50k visas). MANY of the 125k have already been disqualified and many more will not take up the opportunity or will fail in the process. However, once the available visas are alloted, the program will end - so a high number means you may lose out because all the visas get used up before you get a chance. That is a reality, although none of us know when the cutoff will happen. Your number is very high - and there are some who believe the cutoff will be well before the EU51k range, but - as I said - none of us really know for sure...
britsimon, it does not explain anything. Raevskogo theory is wrong, I do not understand why many believe him.
2014EU00004*** (Poland)
Hi. interview in October
Yeah - there are many who disagree - so what do you think he has got wrong - do you have an opinion/theory?
I'll name a single cause that explains the large rooms. This is the launch of new software. In the history of the lottery were not the usual two, it's DV03 and DV07, when innovations were introduced. In these, the numbering was very different from the past. I think it was applied an erroneous software, which has given a failure in DV12. So his theory loses all meaning.
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I think more likely November or December but good number though - congratulations.

Thanks britsimon.

DV2012 and DV2011 numbers for October interviews was bigger than my CN. That's why I'm expecting interview to be in October :)
I'm probably wrong :)
Earlier I got the interview, the less time to think that US is a bad decision for my life. I wanted this so bad, and now when I got it in my hands I have second thoughts about it :(

Maybe I am retarded or something :D
Thanks britsimon.

DV2012 and DV2011 numbers for October interviews was bigger than my CN. That's why I'm expecting interview to be in October :)
I'm probably wrong :)
Earlier I got the interview, the less time to think that US is a bad decision for my life. I wanted this so bad, and now when I got it in my hands I have second thoughts about it :(

Maybe I am retarded or something :D

I don't think that is unusual at all - this is a HUGE step for anyone - it is natural (and right) to question yourself to make sure the decision is right.
Hi. interview in October

I'll name a single cause that explains the large rooms. This is the launch of new software. In the history of the lottery were not the usual two, it's DV03 and DV07, when innovations were introduced. In these, the numbering was very different from the past. I think it was applied an erroneous software, which has given a failure in DV12. So his theory loses all meaning.

Interesting - let's hope you're right!
DV2014 -October 2013


Looks promising people ! Will give it couple of months and see how it follows through before I get all excited :)
DV2014 -October 2013


Looks promising people ! Will give it couple of months and see how it follows through before I get all excited :)

LOL - I agree - I am very pleasantly surprised. DV2013 was only 7000 in November. Dammit. I promised myself I wouldn't put a lot of meaning into one result because you can't tell a trend from one month... BUT 8000 is brilliant!

LOL - I agree - I am very pleasantly surprised. DV2013 was only 7000 in November. Dammit. I promised myself I wouldn't put a lot of meaning into one result because you can't tell a trend from one month... BUT 8000 is brilliant!


Same here. November might turn out to be 8500 :p Next few months will be interesting.