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Dv 2014 european winers here

BS - only 1 more post to go...well, it's 2 at this point but I am certain by the time I am submitting this, you will have added another one...lmao! You know what that means...2000 posts in 10 months. That's 200 posts per month and that will earn you ....

BS - only 1 more post to go...well, it's 2 at this point but I am certain by the time I am submitting this, you will have added another one...lmao! You know what that means...2000 posts in 10 months. That's 200 posts per month and that will earn you ....


LOL - Thank you OnTheGo. This is indeed my post number 2000 - I saved it just for you! I lost some posts when the forum was hacked and I had a short spell as Sir Percy but yeah - it is funny to think I have posted 2000 times. Actually 1 of those was in February when I joined, the others have all been since May 1 when I found out my better half was selected.

Of the 2000 posts I reckon I have given mostly good advice and good vibes. There have been a few with incorrect advice (which hopefully were corrected by someone smarter than myself - Sm1smom or SusieQQQ typically), there have also been some grumpier ones for which I apologize - but I can't promise I won't be grumpy again.

Peace, success and happiness to all! I will continue to do what I can to help out around here!
LOL - Thank you OnTheGo. This is indeed my post number 2000 - I saved it just for you! I lost some posts when the forum was hacked and I had a short spell as Sir Percy but yeah - it is funny to think I have posted 2000 times. Actually 1 of those was in February when I joined, the others have all been since May 1 when I found out my better half was selected.

Of the 2000 posts I reckon I have given mostly good advice and good vibes. There have been a few with incorrect advice (which hopefully were corrected by someone smarter than myself - Sm1smom or SusieQQQ typically), there have also been some grumpier ones for which I apologize - but I can't promise I won't be grumpy again.

Peace, success and happiness to all! I will continue to do what I can to help out around here!

I think u should become a Mod on this website lol
I have read here and there that many politicians are opposed to the DV lottery during times of recession and the need for job creation, not increased job competition (adding new immigrants to the pool of willing workers).

Honestly, I have seen many TV programs (here in the EU) about the stories of recent emigrants, and most of them came via a business investment. I saw them taking huge risks and I admire them for investing $$$$ and time and sweat and tears, all for being on a 5-yr visa where they have to prove their business will turn a profit.
Then...after having moved across the big pond, settled in, set up a business, employed people...they are STILL being denied easy transition into permanent residency, and in the meantime their teenage children are getting close to being deported as at 21, they will have to have their own visa.

If you consider these people, I can understand their frustration when they see how many people are getting such an easy way in...without more than average education or qualifications, no investment, no risk.

It is realy sad to see people struggling for year to see them selves regularised after many year
Of hard work in usa. Best exemple obama's uncle 50 years to get a CG !
I have read here and there that many politicians are opposed to the DV lottery during times of recession and the need for job creation, not increased job competition (adding new immigrants to the pool of willing workers).

Honestly, I have seen many TV programs (here in the EU) about the stories of recent emigrants, and most of them came via a business investment. I saw them taking huge risks and I admire them for investing $$$$ and time and sweat and tears, all for being on a 5-yr visa where they have to prove their business will turn a profit.
Then...after having moved across the big pond, settled in, set up a business, employed people...they are STILL being denied easy transition into permanent residency, and in the meantime their teenage children are getting close to being deported as at 21, they will have to have their own visa.

If you consider these people, I can understand their frustration when they see how many people are getting such an easy way in...without more than average education or qualifications, no investment, no risk.

It is realy sad to see people struggling for year to see them selves regularised after many year
Of hard work in usa. Best exemple obama's uncle 50 years to get a CG !
It is realy sad to see people struggling for year to see them selves regularised after many year
Of hard work in usa. Best exemple obama's uncle 50 years to get a CG !

Wow...I had no idea. Even the president's relatives have been living in fear for being deported ... it must be really stressful every day not to know if one day you might be deported. What I never understood is, how thousands upon thousands of children of illegal migrant parents were able to attend PUBLIC schools and attain educational qualifications, despite the fact that they are in fact illegal residents, just like their parents...now they are giving them all full citizenship.
Do they not require ID's (parents) to even register these kids into the public school system?
Wow...I had no idea. Even the president's relatives have been living in fear for being deported ... it must be really stressful every day not to know if one day you might be deported. What I never understood is, how thousands upon thousands of children of illegal migrant parents were able to attend PUBLIC schools and attain educational qualifications, despite the fact that they are in fact illegal residents, just like their parents...now they are giving them all full citizenship.
Do they not require ID's (parents) to even register these kids into the public school system?

Never mind obama's uncle his aunty also only had her asylium app granted 2 only two years ago ! After 40 years somthing !
Now about how illegal immigrant manage to suscrib their kids to skool ! I have no idea I know all over the planet they require the I'd
Od the parents like said !!!
That is interesting - I can imagine that sort of thing is common in some countries - hopefully those overworked fraud officers will weed out the bad applications - and that will leave more visas for genuine, deserving people...
similarly. I suspect this is the main reason for high numbers and a large number of winners.
I agree with the only solution to fraud like illustrated in the Ukraine example would be for local Embassy staff to manage all selectees on a list and actually track them down from their end, in order for them to personally pick up their notification letters after showing a valid ID.
That will have to incur a fee to each "selectee" and is unfortunate but it is neither the US Govt's fault (that there is fraud) nor the "selectees" fault ... "selectee" in apostrophes because some or most of them did not actually intend to enter in the first place!
They did not intentionally enter...well, around 80% of them.
Thanks for this good link sloner.
I m still gonna wait for simon to make us a resumee of the article and lighten up the
Big point of it :)

What is it that you don't understand in the article? Don't say you are just too lazy to read it and wait for him to "serve" the bullet points to you ... hahahahaha...that would be lame! :p
Thanks for this good link sloner.
I m still gonna wait for simon to make us a resumee of the article and lighten up the
Big point of it :)

LOL - I replied to someone else about this link by PM - so I am going to paste that response here...

I think it is sad in a way. There is always someone looking to take advantage for personal gain. This sort of thing happens in other countries too, so it isn't a total surprise.

What are the impacts?

Well I think there should be a higher number of cases where the selectees don't send in their 122/230 forms. If someone submitted on their behalf without their knowledge then they are unlikely to have the means/interest to go through the process. If they submit the forms, many will be no shows at the interviews.

Next, I imagine there will be a lot of people picked up for marriage fraud.

Net result, Ukraine will have an abnormally low rate of success (selectee to visa issued), and that will be helpful for the rest of EU region.
I was always wondering why some countries like ukraine, egypt, kenya,...
Getting more winner than other !?
this countries have more entries then others . for example Ukraine in 2013 has 852856 entries (w/o family members)
i guess it is more then all EU countries together.
And what is interesting , Ukraine(852856 entr.2013) and Uzbekistan(293543 entr.2013) each have about 6000 winners per year,
according to theory , only first 6000 winners from this countries receive winer notification , because no use to select 10K winners from one country when its qouta for visa is just 3,5K.