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DV-2013 Under Administrative Processing

Thanks for explaining .now it is clear!may the ones go 4 interview donot fall under AP!!!goodluck

Errr no, you are only put on AP once you have attended the interview. Not everyone goes on AP, but everyone who is on AP was put on AP during their interview.
Errr no, you are only put on AP once you have attended the interview. Not everyone goes on AP, but everyone who is on AP was put on AP during their interview.

I think friendlyy was trying to pray for those yet to be interviewed to not fall into the unfortunate AP trap and the stress associated with it. :)
I request all friends who are going through AP to write all their case and interview details in their signatures. That way, we would know each other well.

I second that.
I did my interview on 5th June and everything went good and was given the visa approval form and told the visa would arrive after 5 working days. Then after the 5 working days I was told I was under AP and to wait for 3 months or more to get cleared. Still waiting..........
People with AP, can I ask you what country are you from? Why are your APs taking so long? And good luck to all of you.
People with AP, can I ask you what country are you from? Why are your APs taking so long? And good luck to all of you.

Am a Muslim from Kenya. I think if your name sounds Islamic then they kind of suspect you and hence need to do further screening and investigations.

Think of it this way...if there is a thief from one part of your town and you happen to come from that part of town, obviously people will associate you with being a thief...its a basic human nature which will never be erased.

Hope this helps....please correct me if wrong
Am a Muslim from Kenya. I think if your name sounds Islamic then they kind of suspect you and hence need to do further screening and investigations.

Think of it this way...if there is a thief from one part of your town and you happen to come from that part of town, obviously people will associate you with being a thief...its a basic human nature which will never be erased.

Hope this helps....please correct me if wrong

It is an unfortunate reality that there is a lot of nervousness and misunderstanding particularly around "Islamic sounding" names. You have to understand that many Americans believe what they hear on TV and if they are watching certain news channels like FOX news then they are horribly misinformed about a great range of subjects.

However, you can do some things to help yourself "blend in" a little bit without compromising your beliefs etc. For example, the name you chose for your profile is very unfortunate in that it is the name of a fairly infamous radical Imam (Abu Hamza al-Masri). The USA and UK have spent years dealing with this man on terrorism related charges and multiple extradition requests. Using that name for a profile in a USA immigration forum could be considered insensitive and is therefore more likely to be the sort of thing that would gain unwanted, and most probably undeserved, reaction in the States.
It is an unfortunate reality that there is a lot of nervousness and misunderstanding particularly around "Islamic sounding" names. You have to understand that many Americans believe what they hear on TV and if they are watching certain news channels like FOX news then they are horribly misinformed about a great range of subjects.

However, you can do some things to help yourself "blend in" a little bit without compromising your beliefs etc. For example, the name you chose for your profile is very unfortunate in that it is the name of a fairly infamous radical Imam (Abu Hamza al-Masri). The USA and UK have spent years dealing with this man on terrorism related charges and multiple extradition requests. Using that name for a profile in a USA immigration forum could be considered insensitive and is therefore more likely to be the sort of thing that would gain unwanted, and most probably undeserved, reaction in the States.

Excellent post Simon! I couldn't have put it better myself.

There are lots of Muslims who have a clean background and do go to the USA (myself included) but in relation to Kenya I'd say it is a little bit more sensitive in that you've got the Somalia issue/war next door and Al Shabab and Al Kabab and Al Whoeverbab all over the place and there has been a spate of bombings in Kenya over the past couple of years so the US authorities are a little wary.

I have to agree that a name like Abu Hamza does stick out for the US authorities because they would automatically associate the "image" with the Abu Hamza radical from the UK who just got kicked out of the UK. Any name sounding a little overly Muslim does attract more attention so to speak.

Another thing that I don't know if most people are aware of is that these COs know EVERYTHING before you even set foot in the embassy for the interview so those who want to BS them would be doing so to their own detriment.

When a name is selected and sitting at the KCC before your interview, you can bet your bottom Dollar either the KCC in conjunction with Homeland Security/NSA/FBI/CIA does a background check on that name by way of looking at your Facebook posts, Twitter, forum blogs (such as this one), past traveling history to the USA and other countries.

They aren't going to just let in "anyone" into the USA on a DV visa so one could say there is internal processing. Don't forget that many people are critical of the US Government and its foreign policy and have a habit of sticking up their criticisms on Facebook or Twitter - NOT A GOOD IDEA!.

The ironic thing is that many people I've met criticise the USA yet they want to apply for Green Cards and live there because they say life there is good (which I think is hypocritical).

If I was a consular officer (don't forget these people are trained in psychology/psychiatry to catch people out!) interviewing a selectee my interest would be the safety and protection of the USA and if I see some dodgy person on the other side of the window and have his/her background in front of me then of course even I'd say no or put the person under further screening.

Case No - DV2013AF0007XXXX (applied the first time and got it the first time - lucky me!)
Entry Checked - 1st May 2012
Forms Sent To KCC - 10th May 2012
Received By KCC - 12th May 2012
Confirmation From KCC - 25th May 2012 after I sent them an email
2nd NL - 14th June 2013
Police Clearance (TZ) - 13th June 2013
Police Clearance (UK) - 21st June 2013
Medicals - Completed 24th June 2013
I-134 - 16th July 2013
Bank Statements - 22nd July 2013
Interview - Wednesday, August 7th 2013 @ 8am - US Embassy Tanzania
Visa Pick up - Hopefully August 11th 2013
Departure Date - August 17th 2013
Port of Entry - Washington Dulles
It is an unfortunate reality that there is a lot of nervousness and misunderstanding particularly around "Islamic sounding" names. You have to understand that many Americans believe what they hear on TV and if they are watching certain news channels like FOX news then they are horribly misinformed about a great range of subjects.

However, you can do some things to help yourself "blend in" a little bit without compromising your beliefs etc. For example, the name you chose for your profile is very unfortunate in that it is the name of a fairly infamous radical Imam (Abu Hamza al-Masri). The USA and UK have spent years dealing with this man on terrorism related charges and multiple extradition requests. Using that name for a profile in a USA immigration forum could be considered insensitive and is therefore more likely to be the sort of thing that would gain unwanted, and most probably undeserved, reaction in the States.

So what's your point britsimon? Didn't get you? You mean using my Islamic identity is a problem....Then i'll tell them what am telling you. Let them stay with their visa and I stay with my beloved Islam. May Allah guide us all
Excellent post Simon! I couldn't have put it better myself.

There are lots of Muslims who have a clean background and do go to the USA (myself included) but in relation to Kenya I'd say it is a little bit more sensitive in that you've got the Somalia issue/war next door and Al Shabab and Al Kabab and Al Whoeverbab all over the place and there has been a spate of bombings in Kenya over the past couple of years so the US authorities are a little wary.

I have to agree that a name like Abu Hamza does stick out for the US authorities because they would automatically associate the "image" with the Abu Hamza radical from the UK who just got kicked out of the UK. Any name sounding a little overly Muslim does attract more attention so to speak.

Another thing that I don't know if most people are aware of is that these COs know EVERYTHING before you even set foot in the embassy for the interview so those who want to BS them would be doing so to their own detriment.

When a name is selected and sitting at the KCC before your interview, you can bet your bottom Dollar either the KCC in conjunction with Homeland Security/NSA/FBI/CIA does a background check on that name by way of looking at your Facebook posts, Twitter, forum blogs (such as this one), past traveling history to the USA and other countries.

They aren't going to just let in "anyone" into the USA on a DV visa so one could say there is internal processing. Don't forget that many people are critical of the US Government and its foreign policy and have a habit of sticking up their criticisms on Facebook or Twitter - NOT A GOOD IDEA!.

The ironic thing is that many people I've met criticise the USA yet they want to apply for Green Cards and live there because they say life there is good (which I think is hypocritical).

If I was a consular officer (don't forget these people are trained in psychology/psychiatry to catch people out!) interviewing a selectee my interest would be the safety and protection of the USA and if I see some dodgy person on the other side of the window and have his/her background in front of me then of course even I'd say no or put the person under further screening.

Case No - DV2013AF0007XXXX (applied the first time and got it the first time - lucky me!)
Entry Checked - 1st May 2012
Forms Sent To KCC - 10th May 2012
Received By KCC - 12th May 2012
Confirmation From KCC - 25th May 2012 after I sent them an email
2nd NL - 14th June 2013
Police Clearance (TZ) - 13th June 2013
Police Clearance (UK) - 21st June 2013
Medicals - Completed 24th June 2013
I-134 - 16th July 2013
Bank Statements - 22nd July 2013
Interview - Wednesday, August 7th 2013 @ 8am - US Embassy Tanzania
Visa Pick up - Hopefully August 11th 2013
Departure Date - August 17th 2013
Port of Entry - Washington Dulles

So what's your point britsimon? Didn't get you? You mean using my Islamic identity is a problem....Then i'll tell them what am telling you. Let them stay with their visa and I stay with my beloved Islam. May Allah guide us all

I think you are misunderstanding britsimon. He was just saying that some common Islamic names have been associated to many terrorists etc, so that's why people start doubting us. I am sure a person named Joseph Stallin or Adolph Hitler would also have tough time in US, lolz!!! So, don't worry, and be happy, we are all going through AP because of all these reasons. We cannot blame USA for what they are doing. THEY DON'T WANT TO LET ANYONE ENTER US AND POSE A THREAT TO US NATIONAL SECURITY. They have the right to doubt anyone anytime, it is their right, and we must respect it.
So what's your point britsimon? Didn't get you? You mean using my Islamic identity is a problem....Then i'll tell them what am telling you. Let them stay with their visa and I stay with my beloved Islam. May Allah guide us all

I'm not trying to insult you in any way and you are free to ignore my comments. I am only trying to help.

My point is that we can find things easier when we are prepared to "fit in" with the people - especially when we are new to the area/country. A combative attitude just brings aggression and slows down the process of settling in. How you live is your choice, but how the world is and how people react to you is reality.
So what's your point britsimon? Didn't get you? You mean using my Islamic identity is a problem....Then i'll tell them what am telling you. Let them stay with their visa and I stay with my beloved Islam. May Allah guide us all

Abu Hamza chill nobody is attacking you personally. We were speaking in general; even I am a Muslim and I don't take offence when someone is afraid or has Islamophobia.

Unfortunately the religion has been hijacked by a few nasty individuals that have given a bad name to all Muslims and the media blows it out of proportion as we all know and what we see on TV is what we take at face value and believe unless we do some inner research into it.

As for you using your Islamic identity, well let's put it this way. If you were asked in the USA "what is your name?" and you replied with "Abu Hamza" then be prepared for an apprehensive/suspicious/fearful reaction from certain individuals.

From my own experience I have NEVER EVER had any backlash or negative reaction during all my visits to the USA and all the airports I went through so I think its all hype and just blown out of proportion.

Personally I believe in the way the French have put it; first one is French then one is Muslim so first I'd be an American then I'd be a Muslim. I don't believe in this whole which came first theory or if I was born Muslim first or American first because America is not a Muslim country and it is accommodating us Muslims to live and worship there which I think is a BIG gesture of goodwill.

If the USA is taking me and my family in then I plead allegiance to it first and I firmly believe that religion belongs in a home and place of worship. Out on the streets we are residents/citizens first.

Question is why do you want to go to America if you're saying "let them stay with their visa and I will keep my beloved Islam."

Nobody is telling you to dump your religion but it is unrealistic to think that you can be an all out Muslim in America and be accepted or be able to blend into American society. Try walking around with a long beard and Islamic cap or turban and see the reaction you get or a woman walking around with a full burqua or niqaab or even headscarf and see the reaction she gets.

You want an example? Look at France, all the Muslims are bundled up in one corner of Paris and the rest of the people are all over because Muslims are too hell bent on being Muslim first and not patriotic about the country that allowed them in because they're too busy trying to impose their beliefs on others.

Anyway before this thing becomes a big debate and creates friction, I'm backing off from here lol

Case No - DV2013AF0007XXXX (applied the first time and got it the first time - lucky me!)
Entry Checked - 1st May 2012
Forms Sent To KCC - 10th May 2012
Received By KCC - 12th May 2012
Confirmation From KCC - 25th May 2012 after I sent them an email
2nd NL - 14th June 2013
Police Clearance (TZ) - 13th June 2013
Police Clearance (UK) - 21st June 2013
Medicals - Completed 24th June 2013
I-134 - 16th July 2013
Bank Statements - 22nd July 2013
Interview - Wednesday, August 7th 2013 @ 8am - US Embassy Tanzania
Visa Pick up - Hopefully August 11th 2013
Departure Date - August 17th 2013
Port of Entry - Washington Dulles
I think you are misunderstanding britsimon. He was just saying that some common Islamic names have been associated to many terrorists etc, so that's why people start doubting us. I am sure a person named Joseph Stallin or Adolph Hitler would also have tough time in US, lolz!!! So, don't worry, and be happy, we are all going through AP because of all these reasons. We cannot blame USA for what they are doing. THEY DON'T WANT TO LET ANYONE ENTER US AND POSE A THREAT TO US NATIONAL SECURITY. They have the right to doubt anyone anytime, it is their right, and we must respect it.

Thank you Gabam for those comments. You are absolutely correct about the other names - they would raise eyebrows also. This isn't new either. Italians, Jews, Irish and so on have been experiencing the same thing for years. If you look at many names in the States you will see that names have been chnaged/adjusted to be more acceptable.

One if my friends was named Suhkminder and lived in the UK for years known as Suhki. Once he moved to the States he became known as "Simon". He believes that made his transition and business a bit easier. His choice, and not for everyone...
Please stop this argument my friends. By the way, does UK, Germany, Canada or Australia etc also have some kind of Administrative Processing to scrutinize people whom they doubt???
As a matter of convenience Chinese people in Hong Kong keep two names: a traditonal Chinese and an anglicized one. The famous movie star Jackie Chan has a Chinese name of Chen Lung.

If you have a very Muslim name, especially one that Americans find hard to pronounce, it's not a bad idea to adopt an anglicized name.

My legal name is short and not really hard to pronounce, yet many people here still mangle it just the same. As such I adopt an anglicized name to use with strangers and to order stuff at Starbucks.
Please stop this argument my friends. By the way, does UK, Germany, Canada or Australia etc also have some kind of Administrative Processing to scrutinize people whom they doubt???

I've stopped. :eek:

The question about AP is interesting. I don't think the UK or Germany would be as "judgemental" based purely on country of origin or religion. I think there is less of an island mentality in Europe as you see in the USA. However, there may well be checks in place during immigration and obviously UK and Germany have similar intelligence gathering resources to use.

Not sure about Canada and Australia...