• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

Urgent pls......

Any qualified lawyer can draft an affidavit stating the person named in your kcse papers and the other names in docs is just one person with different spelling which is pretty easy and they will take it since its affidavit is a legal document.
For your signature, go to settings in the right hand side up here,click on it and on your left hand side under my settings you will see edit signature. Your cn will be current within no time just take this time to prepare and cover all the areas of questioning. God bless.

Case No: DV2013AF00018XXX
Entry checked: 9th May 2012
Forms sent to KCC: 12th July 2012
Received by KCC: 16th July 2012
Confirmation from KCC:
Police clearance: Not yet
2nd NL:Not yet
Medicals:Not yet
Interviews:Not yet
Visa Pick up:Soon
P.O.E: Staten Island, New York

Hello house,please i need some clarifications.I was single when i applied,but i got married March this year.
My international passport,school certificates and other relevant docs have my dad's surname,apart from my marriage certificate that has my husband 's surname.
More so, am yet to do a change of name,my birth certificate got missing in transit which means i will need to apply for a new one before my interview.Please, i want to know which surname i should use when applying for a new birth certificate and police clearance certificate.Expecting your good advice house
Thank you all.
Relax and take a deep breath, you're not the only selectee to have found himself/herself in a similar situation. Your birth certificate should always have your father's name, since you were born to him before you got married, right? :). So, apply for a new birth certificate with your maiden (father's last name). As for the police clearance certificate, it should be in your current last name (husband's surname) since you're applying for the clearance certificate after your marriage. Don't forge documents or manipulate them, such lies will eventually catch up and backfire.

If you can, I suggest you do a formal change of name, so that you have an additional legal document for your new last name (in addition to your marriage certificate - it wouldn't hurt to have that), and if you can't don't panic. You may want to consider getting a new passport using the new last name too.

Also go ahead and email KCC with regards to your change of name. Remember though to always use the last name listed on your notification anytime you contact KCC.

All the best!

Hello house,please i need some clarifications.I was single when i applied,but i got married March this year.
My international passport,school certificates and other relevant docs have my dad's surname,apart from my marriage certificate that has my husband 's surname.
More so, am yet to do a change of name,my birth certificate got missing in transit which means i will need to apply for a new one before my interview.Please, i want to know which surname i should use when applying for a new birth certificate and police clearance certificate.Expecting your good advice house
Thank you all.
the post of a prophet

Since she's already been anointed,now we spread the word that we have a seer from Africa..more like an outreach program.

@Catchme,what would b ur rates?? an arm & a leg:D


hahahaha! u guys just cracked me up. and who would u be obeezyb? the prophets assistant?
Hi forum! i can see now guyz are active..i landed safely in SA naendelea na training poa..its been really cold but weather is changing now, Hope we have a guniea pig :) (no offence just joking) for the interview, i hoped to be current in DEC but venye kunaenda naona ni kama January anyway no problem..an ready! @ karendi inbox!

Hihiiii...i think we have a guinea pig in house- that should be Wakinmaster :)) his no. is quite low actually he is expecting his 2nd NL anytime this week.
Enjoy your SA stay, I should take safari too and forget about all this manenoz for like three months, got your email pap!!
Hi forum! i can see now guyz are active..i landed safely in SA naendelea na training poa..its been really cold but weather is changing now, Hope we have a guniea pig :) (no offence just joking) for the interview, i hoped to be current in DEC but venye kunaenda naona ni kama January anyway no problem..an ready! @ karendi inbox!

Jan is not so far. Am after you in Feb. Enjoy yo stay in SA.
No reply from KCC

Hi folks,
I sent a request for confirmation of receipt of documents to KCC on 23rd July 2012, to this date i have not received any response from them. What do you suggest i do? Must they confirm? Did i do it the wrong way? Exactly how do you format the enquiry, i included my name, DOB and CN but i had no subject on the mail.
Hihiiii...i think we have a guinea pig in house- that should be Wakinmaster :)) his no. is quite low actually he is expecting his 2nd NL anytime this week.
Enjoy your SA stay, I should take safari too and forget about all this manenoz for like three months, got your email pap!!
Ooooh my.....not the2NL, I was just talkin' 'bout the email of the date of ma interview. Anyway...................................
Hi folks,
I sent a request for confirmation of receipt of documents to KCC on 23rd July 2012, to this date i have not received any response from them. What do you suggest i do? Must they confirm? Did i do it the wrong way? Exactly how do you format the enquiry, i included my name, DOB and CN but i had no subject on the mail.
Subject doesn't matter at all. the format should be like this;
Case number: 2013AF0000000X
Principal Applicant: XXXXX Julius XXXXXX
Date of Birth; MM/DD/YYYY
And then yua request in few words.........................
, anyway didn't yu even get an email like this one here below?

Thank you for your inquiry.

Your forms have been received and are currently processing. Allow several weeks for processing. Interviews are scheduled numerically based on case numbers that have completed processing.

Please refer to the visa bulletin on our website at www.travel.state.gov after the 15th of each month to locate the current numbers being processed.

Hae guys I had of a guy talking 'bout the AOS in the DV immigrants interviews.
Is it a must to have one?
Is it advisable to email the embassy where ma interview is based and ask them about the issue b-4 the interview date?
If its so, where can I get the AOS?
I hav a guy a friend of mine n' a comp illiterate.He is a Dv2012 and he received the 1Nl via email last month on 15th as a result of a redraw and I took the opportunity to assist him in sending the forms. Fortunately, he received the 2NL this month on 10th stating that his interview will be on 26th August this year. Since their fiscal year was ending on 30th Sep, I was persuading him to quickly finish wid police, Birth, Passport n' brbrbrbrbrbr.............in order not to waste this chance bt he told me that the process can take several months b-4 completion. Now that he hav'nt don anything, what can yu advice him? My God!!! the guy is counting days n very confused
Will there be need to go for the interview?
Hi folks,
I sent a request for confirmation of receipt of documents to KCC on 23rd July 2012, to this date i have not received any response from them. What do you suggest i do? Must they confirm? Did i do it the wrong way? Exactly how do you format the enquiry, i included my name, DOB and CN but i had no subject on the mail.

That is a long time ago. Mine took 9 days before they replied. I suggest you send another one or call them. I guess they are busy sending out files to the embassies and they have no time for email.
Hae guys I had of a guy talking 'bout the AOS in the DV immigrants interviews.
Is it a must to have one?
Is it advisable to email the embassy where ma interview is based and ask them about the issue b-4 the interview date?
If its so, where can I get the AOS?

According to the interviews I've perused thru,I've only seen 1 or 2 out of like hundreds where the AOS forms were required.If u r married with kids,they may require u to have it but again I'm yet to hear of any Kenyan(single/married) whose been asked to come up with it.

From my research,this is what I came up with;(Note:these r personal opinions_copied & pasted from somewhere_probably this forum!!!)

- Poverty Guidelines are not for DV category, thats why DV is not mentioned enywhere around it, other words - there is no amount defined as a DV evidence of support, not per person, not per number of family members.

- The consul is the one who will finally say YES or NO for your GC.

If NO - you can have $1.000.00 but you can't have GC
If YES - you can have only printed e-mail or post mail of someone from US saying he will help you if you need it. If consul himself thinks that you should have some money on account he would tell you that and accept that statement latter, in a few days.

I'm not taking out the conclusions right now, that's what the guy from the Embassy told me.

AOS Documents to request
If the sponsor is self employed:

1. Affidavit of Support (Form I-134) (Required)
2. Income Tax Return from last year (Required)
3. Certificate of Naturalization or US Passport or Green Card Copy (Recommended)
4. Bank Statement (Optional)
5. Business License (Optional)
6. W2 (Optional, W2 is used to get tax return from the gov. A tax return report from the IRS should be enough because it contains the same information)

If the sponsor is employed by a company:

1. Affidavit of Support (Form I-134) (Required)
2. Employment Letter (Required. It should contain the nature of the job, salary, and the position in the company. This should be written by the company itself)
3. Income Tax Return from last years (Recommended)
4. Certificate of Naturalization or US Passport or Green Card Copy (Recommended)
5. Bank Statement (Optional)
6. W2 (Optional, W2 is used to get tax return from the gov. A tax return report from the IRS should be enough because it contains the same information)


Required: You MUST have it with you for the interview
Recommended: It is better to bring it for the interview but it is not an official requirements.
Optional: Not necessary to bring it with you for the interview. Bring this if only you have the time and don't mind asking your sponsor or your sponsor doesn’t mind giving it to you.

The official requirements are in the I-134 form itself. It says the required supporting documents.http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-134.pdf
It basically give you the option to choose either one OR any combination OR all of them:
A: This is if your sponsor is either employed or self-employed or unemployed (unemployed could be someone who is already retired). Required:Bank Statement
B: This is if your sponsor is employed by someone or by a company. Required: Statement of Employer
C: This is if your sponsor is self-employed or own his/her own business. Requried:tax return
D: This is if your sponsor is either employed or self-employed or unemployed (unemployed could be someone who is already retired). Required: Bonds
(GERINDO, 2008)
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Tick tock

I hav a guy a friend of mine n' a comp illiterate.He is a Dv2012 and he received the 1Nl via email last month on 15th as a result of a redraw and I took the opportunity to assist him in sending the forms. Fortunately, he received the 2NL this month on 10th stating that his interview will be on 26th August this year. Since their fiscal year was ending on 30th Sep, I was persuading him to quickly finish wid police, Birth, Passport n' brbrbrbrbrbr.............in order not to waste this chance bt he told me that the process can take several months b-4 completion. Now that he hav'nt don anything, what can yu advice him? My God!!! the guy is counting days n very confused
Will there be need to go for the interview?

U really do not mince words "a comp illiterate" LOL;come to think of it,how did he apply for the DV if he is a comp illiterate as u mentioned?

On to the heart of the matter,

PRIORITY:is he qualified?work/experience??

If he is qualified,good,the next items r listed below:currently,what does/doesn't he have?

>>Birth cert.
>>Marriage/Divorce/Annulment docs(if applicable).
>>Military Cert(if applicable).
>>Police Cert.
>>Educational certs.
>>Deportation docs
>>Court & prison records(if applicable).

In order for him to undertake the medical,he needs a passport(if I'm not wrong_let him call IOM to confirm).

He must have his birth cert & educational certs since they should concur with what's written on the his DS-230/DSP-122 forms.

He should make an appearance on Aug 26th to see whether he'll be turned away at the gate or not without the full list of docs.

Unless there were changes,the Nrb US embassy doesn't conduct DV interviews after Sep 15 & thus cumulatively,he has (unfortunately) 19 working days b4 Sep 15!!

This would be the time to call in all the favors he has banked & pray fervently.
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Visa instructions for immigrants visa applicants

Hae guys I had of a guy talking 'bout the AOS in the DV immigrants interviews.
Is it a must to have one?
Is it advisable to email the embassy where ma interview is based and ask them about the issue b-4 the interview date?
If its so, where can I get the AOS?

Please read these instructions carefully. AOS is one of the options. AOS is not a must but EVIDENCE OF SUPPORT is a must. You must show that neither you nor your spouse nor children will become PUBLIC CHARGES in the US. Public charges means living off the US tax payers money for example getting food stamps etc. The Evidence of support required can be a bank statement showing some money for example 7,000$ if you are alone. I think the poverty guidelines are standard for all immigrants though the DV guys are treated abit fairly. The poverty guidelines help you to know how much money they will need to see on the bank statement for you to pass the PUBLIC CHARGE test. It can be a combination of a bank statement and assets eg a land title or log book. Some people go to the embassy with a land title only and they get the visa. Remember, if the land title or bank statement is for your father,then he should write a covering letter stating so and also promising to support you.


This office has received a petition entitling you to immigrant visa classification as an alien proceeding to the United States. To prepare for your interview appointment with a consular officer, please read and follow carefully the instructions below.

FIRST: The total fee for an immigrant visa is U.S. $330 or the local currency equivalent. Each applicant must be prepared to pay this fee on the appointment date.

SECOND: All documents not in English, or in the official language of the country in which application for a visa is being made, must be accompanied by certified English translations. Translations must be certified by a competent translator and sworn to be before a Notary Public.
Obtain the following documents on this checklist which pertain to you. Do NOT send them to this office.

PASSPORT: A passport must be valid for travel to the United States and must have at least six months validity beyond the issuance date of the visa. Children may be included in a parent’s passport, but if over the age of 16, they must have their photograph attached to the passport or their own passport.

BIRTH CERTIFICATE: One certified copy of the birth certificate of each person named in the application is required. Birth records must be presented for all unmarried children under age 21, even if they are not applying for a visa at this time. The certificate must state the date and place of birth and names of both parents.

UNOBTAINABLE BIRTH CERTIFICATES: If an official birth certificate is not obtainable, present the best possible secondary evidence, such as a baptismal certificate, hospital certificate, school records and/or a notarized affidavit from your parents.

POLICE CERTIFICATES: Each applicant aged 16 years or over is required to submit a police certificate from the police authorities of each locality of the country of the applicant’s nationality or current residence where the applicant has resided for at least six months since attaining the age of sixteen. Police certificates are also required from all other countries where the applicant has resided at least one year. A police certificate must also be obtained from the police authorities of any place where the applicant has been arrested for any reason, regardless of the length of residence. Police certificates from certain countries are considered unobtainable. The consular office will advise you about any particular country.

COURT AND PRISON RECORDS: Persons convicted of a crime must obtain a certified copy of each court record and any prison record, regardless that they may have benefited from amnesty or pardon.

MILITARY RECORDS: A certified copy of any military record is required.

PHOTOGRAPHS: Two (2) photographs are required. The photographs must be a recent likeness, 2 by 2 inches in size, unmounted, with no head covering, and showing a full, front-face view against a light background. Either color or black and white photographs are acceptable. The applicant must sign (full name) the reverse side of each photograph.

MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES: If you were married previously, obtain one certified copy of your marriage certificate(s), and one certified copy of the divorce decree or death certificate to prove the dissolution of each such prior marriage.

EVIDENCE OF SUPPORT: Evidence that will show that you and your children, if any, are not likely to become public charges in the United States. The enclosed information sheet, Optional Form 167, lists evidence that may be presented to meet this requirement of law. If an affidavit of support is to be submitted, Form I-134 should be used.

MEDICAL EXAMINATION: Arrange for a medical examination with one of the physicians listed on the attached information sheet. You are responsible for the cost of the examination. A Medical examination is also required for each child who will accompany you.
I beg to differ

Please read these instructions carefully. AOS is one of the options. AOS is not a must but EVIDENCE OF SUPPORT is a must. You must show that neither you nor your spouse nor children will become PUBLIC CHARGES in the US. Public charges means living off the US tax payers money for example getting food stamps etc. The Evidence of support required can be a bank statement showing some money for example 7,000$ if you are alone. I think the poverty guidelines are standard for all immigrants though the DV guys are treated abit fairly. The poverty guidelines help you to know how much money they will need to see on the bank statement for you to pass the PUBLIC CHARGE test. It can be a combination of a bank statement and assets eg a land title or log book. Some people go to the embassy with a land title only and they get the visa. Remember, if the land title or bank statement is for your father,then he should write a covering letter stating so and also promising to support you.


This office has received a petition entitling you to immigrant visa classification as an alien proceeding to the United States. To prepare for your interview appointment with a consular officer, please read and follow carefully the instructions below.

FIRST: The total fee for an immigrant visa is U.S. $330 or the local currency equivalent. Each applicant must be prepared to pay this fee on the appointment date.

SECOND: All documents not in English, or in the official language of the country in which application for a visa is being made, must be accompanied by certified English translations. Translations must be certified by a competent translator and sworn to be before a Notary Public.
Obtain the following documents on this checklist which pertain to you. Do NOT send them to this office.

PASSPORT: A passport must be valid for travel to the United States and must have at least six months validity beyond the issuance date of the visa. Children may be included in a parent’s passport, but if over the age of 16, they must have their photograph attached to the passport or their own passport.

BIRTH CERTIFICATE: One certified copy of the birth certificate of each person named in the application is required. Birth records must be presented for all unmarried children under age 21, even if they are not applying for a visa at this time. The certificate must state the date and place of birth and names of both parents.

UNOBTAINABLE BIRTH CERTIFICATES: If an official birth certificate is not obtainable, present the best possible secondary evidence, such as a baptismal certificate, hospital certificate, school records and/or a notarized affidavit from your parents.

POLICE CERTIFICATES: Each applicant aged 16 years or over is required to submit a police certificate from the police authorities of each locality of the country of the applicant’s nationality or current residence where the applicant has resided for at least six months since attaining the age of sixteen. Police certificates are also required from all other countries where the applicant has resided at least one year. A police certificate must also be obtained from the police authorities of any place where the applicant has been arrested for any reason, regardless of the length of residence. Police certificates from certain countries are considered unobtainable. The consular office will advise you about any particular country.

COURT AND PRISON RECORDS: Persons convicted of a crime must obtain a certified copy of each court record and any prison record, regardless that they may have benefited from amnesty or pardon.

MILITARY RECORDS: A certified copy of any military record is required.

PHOTOGRAPHS: Two (2) photographs are required. The photographs must be a recent likeness, 2 by 2 inches in size, unmounted, with no head covering, and showing a full, front-face view against a light background. Either color or black and white photographs are acceptable. The applicant must sign (full name) the reverse side of each photograph.

MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES: If you were married previously, obtain one certified copy of your marriage certificate(s), and one certified copy of the divorce decree or death certificate to prove the dissolution of each such prior marriage.

EVIDENCE OF SUPPORT: Evidence that will show that you and your children, if any, are not likely to become public charges in the United States. The enclosed information sheet, Optional Form 167, lists evidence that may be presented to meet this requirement of law. If an affidavit of support is to be submitted, Form I-134 should be used.

MEDICAL EXAMINATION: Arrange for a medical examination with one of the physicians listed on the attached information sheet. You are responsible for the cost of the examination. A Medical examination is also required for each child who will accompany you.

Ash 2013,I beg to differ.

The above doc is meant for family sponsored immigrants & when I google "VISA INSTRUCTIONS FOR IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICANTS ",google's first pick will refer u to the following link http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/info/info_3190.html .That however that not preclude anyone from being required to come up with a means of supporting himself/herself while in the US by the CO(afaik).For safe measure,be prepared to come up with one if required to do so.

For DV selectees,there's no mention of such a document_ref:http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/visa_4756.html :all 4 pages do not mention anything regarding AOS documentation.Do note that they are not requiring any educational docs from non DV immigrants since its assumed that the petitioner will support them!!With regard to the DV,the petitioner in this case will be urself.

I think the reason they r not particularly insistent on AOS is ur DV qualifying criteria_which is work/education level.At least with either/both of these,one should be able to seek gainful employment & sustain onself and/or dependants.It is also highly unlikely that an immigrant would be so lazy such as to not seek employment/earn income since he/she would be deportable_ref #5:http://www.uscis.gov/ilink/docView/SLB/HTML/SLB/0-0-0-1/0-0-0-29/0-0-0-5672.html

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@ Abu Hamza,Catchme is a she;)

sori catchme. didnt recognise. iza siz ni dunia yetu iko upside down
Finally i have completed 8-4-4;) Thanks God for giving me that opportunity........now tuko full tym tuone how this thing will go...........
Obeezyb....vipi hali...nw hata sijui kama nikuite bro or siz...coz i fear ni offend anyone of my newly found family members.......anyway i c see u r keeping us all informed. thanks bana. really do appreciate
sori catchme. didnt recognise. iza siz ni dunia yetu iko upside down
Finally i have completed 8-4-4;) Thanks God for giving me that opportunity........now tuko full tym tuone how this thing will go...........

Congrats on ur completion of 8-4-4:welcome to the employment sector:rolleyes: