• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

This has really weighed me down....a lot of inefficiencies somewhere...January 2012??? but we were notified of the win in May 2012??..or how do they update their stuff??...lots of Q's in my mind..Ash God will surely Open another door for you and your Family.Stay Blessed dear.

Ash its truly heartbreaking..By the way did you send a copy of the child's birth certificate when you informed KCC of the newbie in your family... Coz i rem Frank80 had a similar case...baby born after forms sent to KCC....Is there a way of appealing for them to reconsider?

Oh no, i have no words even.

Its very diheartening to hear someone denied the visa for THEIR fault. God is still on the throne, we prayed and he heard and he answered in his own beautiful way. We might not see it now but he still answered. Lets all take heart and wish Ash the best in future.
OMG do we have those City Council Offices here in Mombasa i will check them out tomorrow.

Yes there is Makiki, make sure they give you the universal card (its yellow) have them clearly mark what you have been immunised against.
Guess my 8 weeks are over time for re-jabs :mad:
All the best

to all 2014 hoefulls i pray that the God we pray in this forum who is all knowing will make all things beautiful at this time you are eargerly waiting to be 2014 winners.shorrie n all the others all the best we are waiting for those testimonies.
JER.29.11 HE has good plans for us plans for a future and agood hope.HE will never leave or forsake us,HE is all knowing nothing surprises him,all things happens for good to those that trust in him.ASH be encouraged God knows u like the palm of his hands n has good plans for u.U HAVE A GOOD HEART N COURAGEOUS,God will reward you.God bless u n your family.
Thank you Papa and every one in the house for your prayers. However, I didnt get the visa. Reason being that the application was incomplete. I had a baby in december 2011 after the online application. I informed KCC about this new fact. But the CO said our file was created in January 2012 and it did not include the new baby. He even showed us the KCC documents showing Jan 2012. So that was it. There were no other questions asked.

this is bad :( pole Ash. but am sure God had a reason for allowing it to happen. take heart sista. Father has your best interests at heart.
Yes there is Makiki, make sure they give you the universal card (its yellow) have them clearly mark what you have been immunised against.
Guess my 8 weeks are over time for re-jabs :mad:
Is it in any kanjo clinic or at city hall Karendi?
Please forum mates lets keep asking questions in this forum we are here to help each other. there are things we can avoid by asking before hand. i am truly sorry for Ash 2013 but i think she must have assumed so many things here!
Please forum mates lets keep asking questions in this forum we are here to help each other. there are things we can avoid by asking before hand. i am truly sorry for Ash 2013 but i think she must have assumed so many things here!

I agree with you about asking Questions, please Members ask ask ask and ask. So what even if you ask what you asked the other day, so what??? All you are after is the best answer. Musione aibu kuuliza jameniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? Fungua roho yako, uliza. Be like me hehehehehe i asked until i became a pro
Hey Ash,

I'm sorry to read of your visa denial, it seems like an unexpected blow that came out of nowwhere. Almost everyone so far that has responded to this unfortunate situation seem to be certain the denial is as a result of some sort of incompetence/negligence on KCC's part. Is it possible Ash could have had some over-sight on her part too that contributed to this? I'm sorry this may sound harsh or unsympathetic, (it's certainly not what ASh wants to hear at this point, I wouldn't want to either if I was in her situation)
after spending so much and building up such a high hope, but some things don't seem to add up and hard questions need need to be asked.

  • It doesn't make sense that KCC would prepare and have your file dated January 2012, when Selectees where announced in May 2012
  • Did you fill out a separate form DS-230 for the baby following your selection?
  • Do you have a copy of this form to confirm it was correctly filled out with the baby's last name and all of his necessary information as required?
  • Did you include the baby's birth certificate in the package sent to KCC?
  • Was the baby's document sent along with the rest of that of your family or was it sent separately?

Just so many questions and stuff that's hard for one to comprehend regarding this case. Anyway, it's not the end of the world (yeah, it's easier for those of us not in your situation to mouth stuff like this), but it's the truth. Pick yourself up and dust off the disappointment, God's plans for your life are still on track!

All the best to you and your family!
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Sm1smom please tell us what our kids will be doing for all those 3 months if we get there by June kindly give us information that can help them mingle with others. I know you mentioned early about Bible vocational something what else please. I checked the summer enrolment where am heading to and they closed on 18th April could there be other summer school thing for the kids
Grade C iin KCSE requirement in Nairobi Embassy

US nairobi embassy have introduced their own criteria for green card of KCSE mean grade of C. Is this a was of introducing corruption through the back door or is it a requirement from the government of USA. How do they rate people in the rest of the world?
US nairobi embassy have introduced their own criteria for green card of KCSE mean grade of C. Is this a was of introducing corruption through the back door or is it a requirement from the government of USA. How do they rate people in the rest of the world?

There is NOTHING like corruption at the Embassy, all they want is someone who can be competent someone who can measure with the standards they need from High School. Atleast they have allowed those who have below a C to atleast have done a certificate course of 2 yrs then a Diploma then a Degree but if one has only a KCSE grade below C with no more college education you are NOT going to get that VISA. See their requirements in the following link http://www.scribd.com/doc/127772927/KCSE-Diversity-Requirement-in-Kenya :D
Naweee utakita kambi kwa mtandao kungoja matokeo (hey you, you'll stick online to see the result) hebu relax
Hahaha Makiki...wee nawee....Ati kukita kambi....My Life is in God's hands...and so are my plans. So I wait upon Him...
Sm1smom please tell us what our kids will be doing for all those 3 months if we get there by June kindly give us information that can help them mingle with others. I know you mentioned early about Bible vocational something what else please. I checked the summer enrolment where am heading to and they closed on 18th April could there be other summer school thing for the kids
When are you leaving for Fort Worth?