• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2012

Thanks to everyone who is replying to all those questions asked. BIG help fellas! Bless you.

I was wondering... KCC says that if lucky, we will have to enter USA by September 30, 2012 (according to new rules - no matter when the visa is given, if I understood correctly). So the question is, if I still have some stuff to do in my home country, is it possible to enter USA by that time, and then leave straight away - like in a 3-5 days - for about 5-6 months? I know you're not allowed to be away from USA for more than 6 months, but that's plenty for me. Do you think they might not let me in after I have left USA straight off and was away for about 5-6 months? Would that be a problem, or they would consider this as normal, because some people might still have some business to take care of?

Thanks to everyone who is replying to all those questions asked. BIG help fellas! Bless you.

I was wondering... KCC says that if lucky, we will have to enter USA by September 30, 2012 (according to new rules - no matter when the visa is given, if I understood correctly). So the question is, if I still have some stuff to do in my home country, is it possible to enter USA by that time, and then leave straight away - like in a 3-5 days - for about 5-6 months? I know you're not allowed to be away from USA for more than 6 months, but that's plenty for me. Do you think they might not let me in after I have left USA straight off and was away for about 5-6 months? Would that be a problem, or they would consider this as normal, because some people might still have some business to take care of?

in fact you could enter as soon as you get the visa that means starting october 2011
in fact you could enter as soon as you get the visa that means starting october 2011

Yeah, but I'm more interested in entering as late as possible, then leaving as soon as possible, and staying away from USA for as long as possible, because I have some business to take care of before I move to USA for life. So the question is, how soon can I leave after my entry before September 30, 2012, and for how long can I be away so that after I return to USA I won't have any problems crossing the border?

Hey guys,

I have been selected for the DV-2012, CN: 2012EU00001XXX. I am filling the form DS-230 and the question 40J, ask you: "An alien who is a former exchange visitor who has not fulfilled the 2-year foreign residence requirement". Well, in 2010 I had an J-1 visa with 212(e) requirement (2-year home residence) HRR. That visa J-1 expired on the 09/17/2010, so that means that I will fulfill my HRR on 09/17/2012, which is before the end of the fiscal year 2012 (September 30, 2012). So, this means I can still get the DV-2012. So, my question is: if I answer "YES" to the question 40J on the DS-230, will the KCC automatically drop my application or in any case will I receive an appointment for the interview at the embassy?. Should I answer "YES" to that question?

As you see I have a very low number, so this means that I should be called for the interview at the embassy in October 2011. I can ask for a waiver of the HRR, the statement of No Objection, it takes 6 to 8 weeks, and If I am lucky and get it, then by the time of the interview, the HRR will no longer apply to me.

I called to KCC, and they don't know. I called the General Visa Inquiries, and they don't know. I called the embassy and they don't know, but they gave an email address of somebody at the embassy who can answer my questions. I already emailed them. The KCC, and the General Visa Inquiries told me that the embassy is one who decide about the eligibility of each candidate, not the KCC.

I am extremely worry about all this, and the possible incompatibility between the DV and HRR. Given my case, do you guys think I am already ineligible?

Is anyone here in a similar situation or has been in the past?

Please, help
Yeah, but I'm more interested in entering as late as possible, then leaving as soon as possible, and staying away from USA for as long as possible, because I have some business to take care of before I move to USA for life. So the question is, how soon can I leave after my entry before September 30, 2012, and for how long can I be away so that after I return to USA I won't have any problems crossing the border?

Once you get the visa, you got 1 year to move in or else it will be void, then once you're there, you can't leave the usa for more than 6 month or you lose your green card

But, in Question 6a if I choose High School Diploma, should I mention my 2 years of college (no ceritification) in 6b? As I'm therefore unsure what to enter in the last column "Degrees or Cert. Received"

Also, for my high school, in 6b do I just enter "High School Diploma" or "GCE/VCE A-levels"
We ask on one of official sites why most part of winners is among those who applied on 5-6 of October. The topic is here ://careers.state.gov/engage/forums/careers-state-gov/green-card-dv-2012/3?func=rate;rating=1#idkfFi6pMyTIJyzKzp2IrgNA If you want - you can add your oppinion about it.
HI all

I know you might not have a clear answer on this but I wanted to check.
If the person can write the SSC number on the forms since he/she lived in the USA before. Are they going to check it? And what if there are open collections or unpaid invoices? My husband was living there and he had a car crash ones and could not pay all of the amount back to the insurence company... we then moved to switzerland where I came from. On the forms we of course mentioned his SSC (I am not sure if there this will be visible). And we will also tell it when they ask us but do you think this will not go that far and that we will not even get an interview date? Or if they check the forms and send us the interview date does this mean they already checked this issue and they think it is ok?

Thanks a lot!
Social Security Administration is a different department from USCIS. Therefore, your social security card will not affect here and it is not even required here because more than 90% of dv selectees are people who have never been to the U. S. Therefore, if you have issues with your Social Security Card then you will deal with it when you get to the U. S. Moreover, your husband will get his same Social Security Number!
HI all

I know you might not have a clear answer on this but I wanted to check.
If the person can write the SSC number on the forms since he/she lived in the USA before. Are they going to check it? And what if there are open collections or unpaid invoices? My husband was living there and he had a car crash ones and could not pay all of the amount back to the insurence company... we then moved to switzerland where I came from. On the forms we of course mentioned his SSC (I am not sure if there this will be visible). And we will also tell it when they ask us but do you think this will not go that far and that we will not even get an interview date? Or if they check the forms and send us the interview date does this mean they already checked this issue and they think it is ok?

Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot a lot a lot!
This bothered me so much you cannot believe it. Because we are OK people (I mean of course everyone things that of them selfs but we would never do bad things) and I was so worried just becuase of these unpaid hostpital bill we will not get the green card :( Thanks you so much for explaining it to me and it is really logic! We have mentioned the SSC number on the forms because we did not wanted to tell we dont have one. Puf, I am so happy now!
Shihabmh maybe you can help me again.

After we have sent the forms (to KKC which already happend) will we receive a letter with the interview date? Does this mean almost we passed the process (if we of course do not have other issues like medical or something with the police)?
Or based on what can the person who makes the interview say that we are not ok for a visa? Summary, does it come out normally before or later the interview that you do not qualify for GC?
Thanks a lot!
My two cents:

Get the f-ck over it! You didn't win, that means you didn't win. People like you and others who go around forums complaining - screaming how unfair the opportunity for DV lottery was, and how KCC cheated or whatever, when US is making a big favor for you when giving out visas - should be disqualified from every DV lottery in the future, and banned from the USA for life. No one needs people like you there. Good luck with your whining.

The same to you!
This link wasn't for such a pompous person who believes in his impeccability and uniqueness! I WASN'T sorry when didn't win - it's a lottery, everyone can't win. It's just for those who wants understand the situation. Nobody complain, personally I have plans and in my country and some level of life. So I wish you good luck although speaking this way to other unknown people I don't think that exactly you earned a right to be a winner.You will need a big luck! Calm, you are winner - enjoy. And keep your abusive language for the similar to you.

The website really confuses me. I still do not understand after sending the forms, will I be requested by mail from KKC to submit the documents and send them to them? Or will I receive directly the interview date from KKC and take the documents to them then....
USCIS will not check it, but after arriving in the USA collecting agencies might be checking on it...you can run but not hide from them. Unless they closed the case, the love it when people come back and they are able to collect.

A debt wil stay on for 7 years and you can file for less than $ 20.- to have the debt stay on for longer, that worth it to file for...

It won't affect your chances for the GC. Unless you have no proof of any funds.

The other issue that might come up is if he had any tickets outstanding or if he was charged of something due to the accident....that might come up when they run his background check. USCIS will know quickly what his SSN was....easy for them to figure that one out.

You have to fill out prior addresses and if you lie it can hunt you later on. Recently a person was deported after more than 10 years for lying on her GC application. One also was kicked out after they found out she voted while not allowed, all that are crimes, when caught.
Hello bentlebee

Thanks a lot!
We are happy to go back and pay it since our finacial sitation is much better now. And we wont have any problems when they run after us. But I was just worried not to get a GC because of this. We also can give the address where we have been and lived in the US and we have very good records of paying rent on time. No tickets are outstanding as far as I know only hospital bill because of the big accident he had with his car (own accident no one else got hurt).
We have mentioned his SSN on the forms which we sent to KKC because we thought it is better to mention it because they can find out anyway...
So summary you say it will not effect if you have a bad credit because of not paid hospital bills?
I am happy to hear that! I worry to much I think :(

The website really confuses me. I still do not understand after sending the forms, will I be requested by mail from KKC to submit the documents and send them to them? Or will I receive directly the interview date from KKC and take the documents to them then....

After you submit those two forms + 2 photos (only these), you wait for an e-mail from KCC that will say that your status has been changed, which will mean you have gotten an interview date. Then you go online, check your status as you did when checking if you have won the DV-2012, and check the date. After this, you start working on those documents - bank statements, medical exams, police certifications, etc. - and bring them all to the interview with you for the interviewer to look through them. That's all.

As for your other situation, the fact that you have some unpaid bills will hardly affect you getting a Green Card, although you might get some letters/other notifications about this issue as soon as you enter the USA, so be prepared to deal with it. Good luck!
After you submit those two forms + 2 photos (only these), you wait for an e-mail from KCC that will say that your status has been changed, which will mean you have gotten an interview date. Then you go online, check your status as you did when checking if you have won the DV-2012, and check the date. After this, you start working on those documents - bank statements, medical exams, police certifications, etc. - and bring them all to the interview with you for the interviewer to look through them. That's all.

As for your other situation, the fact that you have some unpaid bills will hardly affect you getting a Green Card, although you might get some letters/other notifications about this issue as soon as you enter the USA, so be prepared to deal with it. Good luck!

hey Powka
thanks a lot this is a very helpful summary... I really got confused first how they will contact us. now it is clear... thanks a lot.
however it sounds very interesting that they are checking the documents on the same date when you have the interview... will they have time to proof or check all of the documents? since i think you will knw after the interview if you will get the visa or not.

thanks a lot powka
. will they have time to proof or check all of the documents? since i think you will knw after the interview if you will get the visa or not.
They are trained to check the documents and you dont need that much documents. And yes, you will know after the interview if you get the visa. However, dont expect something big at the interview, we only signed the sworn statement and gave our finger prints, that was it :)
BengsBengs, Sorry for my late response! However, Powka has said it all - I couldn't have done a better job! How it used to be until last year was that you get a second letter near the time for your interview (6 weeks before the Interview) with those instructions but as of this year things have changed and everything is being done online. Therefore, Powka has summed it all up!