• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2012

Do we need to send the self addressed label???? There is nothing mentioned in the selectee instructions.
Hello! Thanks for the useful informations :) I also got some questions in this DS-320 form:
10. Permanent address in the United States where you intend to live, if known (street address including ZIP code). Include the name of a person who currently lives there.
^ I already
had a relative there but he probably move to a new address in July (still tentative), is it okay if I write down his address for now and inform the change on the interview date later?

And a question on DSP-122:
Within the last 5 years, I have worked at least 2 years in a job that requires at least 2 years of training or experience:
^ I've been working since April 2010, do I have to write down my work info? or just leave it blank?
Hi everyone!!! Congratulations for those who won and good luck next time for those who haven't...!
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Does anyone have an idea on the procedures on how to obtain a police certificate/record from the US authorities? My hubby used to live there for about 3 years in two different states (New Jersey & PA) while he was there. Is it required to have 2 police certificates from different states in this case or just one will do? We are not in the States at the moment and I believe that processing will take a while.

Thanks in advance!
I believe you do NOT have to submit police records for the time he'd lived in the States. I remember I read this somewhere. So don't worry about it. That's the case since they can access US police records on demand if they wish to do so...PLUS you are automatically vetted by the authorities during you application so they will pull up all the records they have on your hubby from the time he was in the US, anyways.
Guys I was looking into the visa bulletin that shows the serial number of winners ready for processing from each region. I have won the DV based on my asian origin but i am in ocenia now and will be interviewed in Australia. so which region serial should apply for my case? any info will be appreciated.
Guys I was looking into the visa bulletin that shows the serial number of winners ready for processing from each region. I have won the DV based on my asian origin but i am in ocenia now and will be interviewed in Australia. so which region serial should apply for my case? any info will be appreciated.

2012AS00000XXXXXX AS for asia
Guys I was looking into the visa bulletin that shows the serial number of winners ready for processing from each region. I have won the DV based on my asian origin but i am in ocenia now and will be interviewed in Australia. so which region serial should apply for my case? any info will be appreciated.

2012AS00000XXXXXX AS for asia
I believe you do NOT have to submit police records for the time he'd lived in the States. I remember I read this somewhere. So don't worry about it. That's the case since they can access US police records on demand if they wish to do so...PLUS you are automatically vetted by the authorities during you application so they will pull up all the records they have on your hubby from the time he was in the US, anyways.

Thanks delit2727. Maybe I should check with KCC on this? It kind of make sense that they might not require a police certificate while he was there since they can pull up the information from their own sources.
This is what written on the travel.state.gov website:

They say that "All DV Program 2011 visas must be issued or adjustment of status completed by September 30, 2011 - without exception."

Does it mean that everybody will receive a visa and the Green Card by September 30, 2011?

Or do i just have it wrong?
Hi guys,
I have a question. Which address do i have to send the letter? Because the instruction page and the form 122 has a different address, which says, send here the letter.
Hey all,

I checked this monrning too, I woke up early to see the results and yeah... NOT SELECTED. This was my second try.

I've checked with I.E 8, Firefox and Chrome. Both IE 8 and Firefox say not selected while Chrome does not seem to work with the website.

I was a bit disappointed at the time I checked but now I am fine, I guess I'll try again next year. By the way if anyone wants me to help check with the different browsers, just message me.

Since getting a visa for the US. Is anyone also considering for Canada (especially Quebec for fellow French-speakers) ? (Ok this is not the topic sorry)

Congratulations to the lucky winners!!!

Dont go to Quebec, just my personal recommendation... try Toronto or Vancouver.
Hi guys,
I have a question. Which address do i have to send the letter? Because the instruction page and the form 122 has a different address, which says, send here the letter.

It should be the same? 3505 N Highway 25W, Williamsburg KY 40769.. that is also on my NL (Digital) and DSP-122
Yes, but in the webpage it says: U.S. Department of State, Kentucky Consular Center, 3505 North Highway 25W, Williamsburg, KY 40769, U.S.A.
I the form: Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, Kentucky Consular Center, 3505 North Highway 25W, Williamsburg, KY 40769, U.S.A.

The differences are highlighted.
Letter's are written *from* an address. In this case, it's from the US DoS.. which is valid. The return address is the DIVP one.
Thanks, so this: Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, Kentucky Consular Center, 3505 North Highway 25W, Williamsburg, KY 40769, U.S.A.

And is it good, if i write my case number to the upper corner of the forms with computer, not by hand?