• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2012

GREAT ADVISE TO ALL PHRONESIS! It is important to people to understand that the U. S. is not obliged to do this for us, its just doing us a favour to give us the opportunity. If one hasn't been selected they ought to realize that God knows what the best time for you to win is and you never question God's integrity . . .

Agreed. To add to your comment, I am certain that millions applied on the 5th and 6th as well and did not win. Like you've said, "God knows what the best time is and you should never question God's integrity". This is very true. Having said this, you will also note that people was talking about God so much before the results were released. Most of them have fallen off the radar and some have ceased talking about God. It so amazing!!
Dont go to Quebec, just my personal recommendation... try Toronto or Vancouver.

I lived in quebec for 6 months (Montreal) & honestly, i don't see what peoples find that amazing in that place, honnestly, there is nothing i like about quebec except the fact it is close to the usa... the food are garbage, no soda exept coca, pepsi, 3 fanta flavours & some crappy others, high taxes, bad weather, crappy road ect...
for address in the US you can write "will be provided" as many people don't know what address if at all they will have in the US.
It is ok not to hear from them , because they are processing your papers, you will only get to hear from them only when your case number will be current and you will be schedule to go to the embassy for an interview for the Immigrant visa. Good luck and just wait for now.

The waiting is the most difficult part.
:( I have sent the documents and they arrived. I will call them next Friday If I dont hear from them.
You are so right win dv. People seem to remember God when they're in need and uncertain but when reality strikes in, only a handful remember God. That is so bad! Anyway, let us keep our prayers on the next DV and if it is the best time for us to win, we will win. Else . . .we will keep trying until that time comes . . .only God knows best!
Agreed. To add to your comment, I am certain that millions applied on the 5th and 6th as well and did not win. Like you've said, "God knows what the best time is and you should never question God's integrity". This is very true. Having said this, you will also note that people was talking about God so much before the results were released. Most of them have fallen off the radar and some have ceased talking about God. It so amazing!!
You are so right win dv. People seem to remember God when they're in need and uncertain but when reality strikes in, only a handful remember God. That is so bad! Anyway, let us keep our prayers on the next DV and if it is the best time for us to win, we will win. Else . . .we will keep trying until that time comes . . .only God knows best!
I love your spirit!! All the best to you for DV-2013:D
I lived in quebec for 6 months (Montreal) & honestly, i don't see what peoples find that amazing in that place, honnestly, there is nothing i like about quebec except the fact it is close to the usa... the food are garbage, no soda exept coca, pepsi, 3 fanta flavours & some crappy others, high taxes, bad weather, crappy road ect...

I think you're being a bit bitter. Montreal is a very beautiful city, there are lots of things to do there. High taxes? Garbage food? You're in for a shock if you go to pretty much any state in America. Montreal actually ranked in the top 20 most livable cities worldwide.
I think you're being a bit bitter. Montreal is a very beautiful city, there are lots of things to do there. High taxes? Garbage food? You're in for a shock if you go to pretty much any state in America. Montreal actually ranked in the top 20 most livable cities worldwide.
Garbage food... I'm from France bro so believe me, garbage food...
& I think loving Montreal or not it is just based on opinion.... Ranking are crap simply because it depend on peoples, come on, how come city like Zurich is better ranked than Paris or London... One think you need to know is that they ast people who lives in that city where is the best place to live, & for montrealer, their city is the best in this world in all cathegory & most of them didn't even left quebec in their life... a good exemple is that they picture toronto of being a english version of montreal, they say it's crap but when you ask them if they ever went there, most of them will tell you that they have never ever even left Montreal island...
Livable city only because the rent is kind of cheap so you don't realy struggle to make a living but that's about it.

Montreal is that high ranked because it's a big city where you can laid back without rushing for anything... while city like paris are so packed & fast paced & you are always in a hurry.
What most people likes about Montreal is the parcs, the housing cost (not the built quality because there are a lot to say about this quality), free swiming pools during the summer, some festivities (but not free) & the false belief that they will find a mini paris while it is 100% FALSE because I live in paris & it is nothing like it (while i prefer Montreal over paris).

what I do not like is the weather, the building built quality, expensive rent if you compare it to the south of the usa exept Miami (yes, a house far from Downtown montreal is more expensive than the same flat but downtown houston TX...), high taxes because Quebec is the most taxed province in whole Canada & american find Ontario taxes way too high.. Quebec taxes are higher.
The vibe, sorry but me i am into ragga dancehall music & in Montreal thins kind of vibe is not there...

there are so much to say especialy the housing law wich basicaly allow landlord to pretty much do whatever he want to you, you will still lose in front of a judge...
One thing you don't know is that Montreal is slowly dying (office rent too high, they keepfighting over the french language thus pissing company off so they move to Toronto, long ago Montreal was Canada first city but started fighting against the english speaker resulting in ALL the money migrating to toronto... now there is basicaly no money in montreal, If you live there instead of just visiting it you will see it, just look at the roads...), high unempoyement rate...

PEOPLE, before praising a place, go there & stay there a while, don't just paste what you read on internet
I guess I should just give up on this ... seems I am not meant to get it. Every year I am full of hope and end up with a big disappointment :(

Congratulations to all winners.

DV 2000 - DV 2012 (13 times) Nothing!!!
very disappointed but no choose keep trying
the entrant status check website has got
technical failure
how can it be
so it means is better for us to check it again?
when its back to the system.
the entrant status check website has got
technical failure
how can it be
so it means is better for us to check it again?
when its back to the system.
Been like this since yesterday... If on monday no change, I'll call the KCC monday evening
Garbage food... I'm from France bro so believe me, garbage food...

I would not say America has the best food in the world... Most of it is Fast Food, Americans ARE popular for their fast food. You don't know how much rubbish Americans put in their food compared to the rest of the world which is why 1/3 of Americans are overweight or obese. Watch a documentary about farms in the United States called "Food Inc", then please tell me food in Canada is garbage compared to the States.

Montreal is that high ranked because it's a big city where you can laid back without rushing for anything... while city like paris are so packed & fast paced & you are always in a hurry

Not entirely true, it was ranked on crime, climate, business conditions, public transportation etc.

One thing you don't know is that Montreal is slowly dying (office rent too high, they keepfighting over the french language thus pissing company off so they move to Toronto, long ago Montreal was Canada first city but started fighting against the english speaker resulting in ALL the money migrating to toronto... now there is basicaly no money in montreal, If you live there instead of just visiting it you will see it, just look at the roads...), high unempoyement rate...

You do know the unemployment rate in the USA is 9% at the moment don't you? Canada is much lower.

PEOPLE, before praising a place, go there & stay there a while, don't just paste what you read on internet

Actually have been and Montreal Quebec is a beautiful city. I'm sorry but I just really hate it when people bash on a city or possibly country they live in that is actually performing well compared to most US cities. Wanting to live in America is fine with me, but talking garbage about a great city you live in is another thing. I think people are too blinded about how "great" the USA is that is shown in the media. Sure it's a great country but maybe you need to research it more before heading out there. You would find that many move out there and see things don't seem to be what they are being shown on tv or on holiday and then move back home realizing the country they were living in before is better off.
I would not say America has the best food in the world... Most of it is Fast Food, Americans ARE popular for their fast food. You don't know how much rubbish Americans put in their food compared to the rest of the world which is why 1/3 of Americans are overweight or obese. Watch a documentary about farms in the United States called "Food Inc", then please tell me food in Canada is garbage compared to the States.

Not entirely true, it was ranked on crime, climate, business conditions, public transportation etc.

You do know the unemployment rate in the USA is 9% at the moment don't you? Canada is much lower.

Actually have been and Montreal Quebec is a beautiful city. I'm sorry but I just really hate it when people bash on a city or possibly country they live in that is actually performing well compared to most US cities. Wanting to live in America is fine with me, but talking garbage about a great city you live in is another thing. I think people are too blinded about how "great" the USA is that is shown in the media. Sure it's a great country but maybe you need to research it more before heading out there. You would find that many move out there and see things don't seem to be what they are being shown on tv or on holiday and then move back home realizing the country they were living in before is better off.

I've seen this documentary, & i've seen way more choices in New york groceries than i did in montreal... In montreal I was basicaly buying the same thing over & over... & many peoples from Montreal when the Canadian $ is high, they go buying food in usa...
Business condition & climate? The ranking just lost its legitimacy there because specialy climate...
unemployement rate is 7.7% in quebec & 9.8% in montreal (& i am talking about montreal not quebec nor canada) & in usa it's 9.2... once again, bring some facts.
There is this study that says that Montreal is slowely dying due to lack of investissement in the city... once again, the ranking just lost its legitimacy... You think I'm lying? well, if you can read french, here http://investglobe.wordpress.com/20...mage-a-montreal-quand-une-metropole-se-meurt/ ... once again, your ranking keep losing its legitimacy

Once again, i'm being objective... you love MTL? That's your opinion, me, i do not like that place BUT i bring some facts... national unemployement rate is innacurate as i can vary from city to city... Quebec for instance has 5% while Montreal has 9.1%... New York has 8.8 while DC has 6... see what's I'm doing there?
Am I bashing Canada? Hell no because I didn't see the rest, I only saw Montreal & i was very desapointed

1 last thing, why do you bring us cities here? i said that i do not like montreal & you find a way to hit on the usa... that's low.. very low

Here the positive about Montreal :

Taxes (even though it is higher than anywhere in the usa, it is still way lower than most european union, like 24% for Belgium & 21 for France, in Quebec it is 13.75% heading to 14)
crime, Montreal is a very safe city
Housing cost (cheaper than most NORTHERN us cities)
Schools cheap especialy universities
easy to immigrate (well, long but very easy in quebec)
Mostly friendly peoples (but that seem to be all north american)

Now the negative

the nightlife (for me because i am into ragga dancehall & this is nowhere to be found in Montreal)
Roads (seem like a bombing took place)
Built quality (most building outside downtown are old & in a bad shape... get out of old montreal for a change & visite the "real" Montreal like CDN, Montreal nord, riviere des prairies ...)
the weather... don't even need to elaborate
the food (bring on american cities if you like)
The clothes (i bough everything in new york)

Basicaly, some will love it, other won't.. Me i don't & accept it
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I won the DV but I claimed chargeability to the country where my derivative spouse was born. Later on we divorced. Are we still eligible to visa. According to instruction:
"...you may claim chargeability to the country where your derivative spouse was born, but you will not be issued a DV-1 unless your spouse is also eligible for and issued a DV-2, and both of you must enter the United States together with the DVs."
So to obtain the visa"
1) should we marry again and inform the KCC about this fact (and being divorce as well)
2) marry again and not to inform KCC
3) not to inform about our divorce.
4) there is no chance to obtain the visa
I won the DV but I claimed chargeability to the country where my derivative spouse was born. Later on we divorced. Are we still eligible to visa. According to instruction:
"...you may claim chargeability to the country where your derivative spouse was born, but you will not be issued a DV-1 unless your spouse is also eligible for and issued a DV-2, and both of you must enter the United States together with the DVs."
So to obtain the visa"
1) should we marry again and inform the KCC about this fact (and being divorce as well)
2) marry again and not to inform KCC
3) not to inform about our divorce.
4) there is no chance to obtain the visa

I smell bad news
Am I in a proplem???????????????

I think myself in a proplem. I am a winner of DV2012. I have come back from the US in July 2010 as I was there for 6 months on J1 visa(exchange visitor). By mistake, I answered question#40J by no..........and the correct answer is yes as I did not pass two year home residence after I was an exchange visitor. Now I have sent my completed forms with the wrong answer to KCC....... What can I do????? Anyone can help please....
I won the DV but I claimed chargeability to the country where my derivative spouse was born. Later on we divorced. Are we still eligible to visa. According to instruction:
"...you may claim chargeability to the country where your derivative spouse was born, but you will not be issued a DV-1 unless your spouse is also eligible for and issued a DV-2, and both of you must enter the United States together with the DVs."
So to obtain the visa"
1) should we marry again and inform the KCC about this fact (and being divorce as well)
2) marry again and not to inform KCC
3) not to inform about our divorce.
4) there is no chance to obtain the visa

This is an interesting case and I would like to hear what the more experienced/knowledgeable ones on the board think.

When you applied for the DV, we you still legally married and what did you put as your marital status? Did your divorce become final between October and now?
On the face of it, it seems to me that you may not be issued the visa since you are no longer married to or chargeable to country of the spouse who would be issued the DV-2. If you remarry now it will most certainly appear to be a fraud marriage which is a no-no. You will need to inform KCC of the divorce since it is asked on the form and you do not want to put false information on that form.

My advice, get a consultation with a very good lawyer who has experience with DV cases.
I think myself in a proplem. I am a winner of DV2012. I have come back from the US in July 2010 as I was there for 6 months on J1 visa(exchange visitor). By mistake, I answered question#40J by no..........and the correct answer is yes as I did not pass two year home residence after I was an exchange visitor. Now I have sent my completed forms with the wrong answer to KCC....... What can I do????? Anyone can help please....

I would resend the forms with the correct info inserted and indicate by cover letter where you made a mistake on the previously sent forms. In the meanwhile try to get the waiver in time for the interview.