I would not say America has the best food in the world... Most of it is Fast Food, Americans ARE popular for their fast food. You don't know how much rubbish Americans put in their food compared to the rest of the world which is why 1/3 of Americans are overweight or obese. Watch a documentary about farms in the United States called "Food Inc", then please tell me food in Canada is garbage compared to the States.
Not entirely true, it was ranked on crime, climate, business conditions, public transportation etc.
You do know the unemployment rate in the USA is 9% at the moment don't you? Canada is much lower.
Actually have been and Montreal Quebec is a beautiful city. I'm sorry but I just really hate it when people bash on a city or possibly country they live in that is actually performing well compared to most US cities. Wanting to live in America is fine with me, but talking garbage about a great city you live in is another thing. I think people are too blinded about how "great" the USA is that is shown in the media. Sure it's a great country but maybe you need to research it more before heading out there. You would find that many move out there and see things don't seem to be what they are being shown on tv or on holiday and then move back home realizing the country they were living in before is better off.
I've seen this documentary, & i've seen way more choices in New york groceries than i did in montreal... In montreal I was basicaly buying the same thing over & over... & many peoples from Montreal when the Canadian $ is high, they go buying food in usa...
Business condition & climate? The ranking just lost its legitimacy there because specialy climate...
unemployement rate is 7.7% in quebec & 9.8% in montreal (& i am talking about montreal not quebec nor canada) & in usa it's 9.2... once again, bring some facts.
There is this study that says that Montreal is slowely dying due to lack of investissement in the city... once again, the ranking just lost its legitimacy... You think I'm lying? well, if you can read french, here
http://investglobe.wordpress.com/20...mage-a-montreal-quand-une-metropole-se-meurt/ ... once again, your ranking keep losing its legitimacy
Once again, i'm being objective... you love MTL? That's your opinion, me, i do not like that place BUT i bring some facts... national unemployement rate is innacurate as i can vary from city to city... Quebec for instance has 5% while Montreal has 9.1%... New York has 8.8 while DC has 6... see what's I'm doing there?
Am I bashing Canada? Hell no because I didn't see the rest, I only saw Montreal & i was very desapointed
1 last thing, why do you bring us cities here? i said that i do not like montreal & you find a way to hit on the usa... that's low.. very low
Here the positive about Montreal :
Taxes (even though it is higher than anywhere in the usa, it is still way lower than most european union, like 24% for Belgium & 21 for France, in Quebec it is 13.75% heading to 14)
crime, Montreal is a very safe city
Housing cost (cheaper than most NORTHERN us cities)
Schools cheap especialy universities
easy to immigrate (well, long but very easy in quebec)
Mostly friendly peoples (but that seem to be all north american)
Now the negative
the nightlife (for me because i am into ragga dancehall & this is nowhere to be found in Montreal)
Roads (seem like a bombing took place)
Built quality (most building outside downtown are old & in a bad shape... get out of old montreal for a change & visite the "real" Montreal like CDN, Montreal nord, riviere des prairies ...)
the weather... don't even need to elaborate
the food (bring on american cities if you like)
The clothes (i bough everything in new york)
Basicaly, some will love it, other won't.. Me i don't & accept it