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Dv 2012

Guys in the house i would like to ask if it is necessary to include nursery and primary school attended information when filling the form.
I included High schools and primary schools. (aged 4-18) Nursery schools technically aren't governed institutions, so I didn't include that.
Congratulations on all who got selected for a chance of the so called American Dream people worldwide go on about. My friend in Australia got selected and applied near the end of October, you guys seriously aren't missing much since even he is re considering furthering his application because Australia is too damn awesome to leave.
Congratulations on all who got selected for a chance of the so called American Dream people worldwide go on about. My friend in Australia got selected and applied near the end of October, you guys seriously aren't missing much since even he is re considering furthering his application because Australia is too damn awesome to leave.

That's great,... but why did he even bother with the lottery if he didnt plan on leaving Australia?
That's great,... but why did he even bother with the lottery if he didnt plan on leaving Australia?

Many believe that America is the land of opportunity and riches where everything is perfect. But I guess for Australians its not their thing, many Australians think that in this forum and enter and realize their missing home which is why they only keep their green card and never turn to US citizen. I mean the Unemployment rate in Australia is perfect at the moment 5% while in US it's 9%, Australia is actually a far better country compared to the United States IMO. I like how they keep themselves out of other countries situations compared to the United States who think their the most important country in the world... Plus about 7 of Australia cities were in the top 10 most livable cities worldwide... Of course Vancouver Canada was number 1 ^_^
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Here's the latest from my friend who is at DOS.
There have been some issues with DV 2012 selection process and KCC is currently working with DOS to decide what would be the next step. They could have a redraw as they have all information needed for that. (basically all the applications receive during registration period). Update you with soon;
the classic case of "I know somene who knows someone who work there ect..."
Here's the latest from my friend who is at DOS.
There have been some issues with DV 2012 selection process and KCC is currently working with DOS to decide what would be the next step. They could have a redraw as they have all information needed for that. (basically all the applications receive during registration period). Update you with soon;
Here's the latest from my friend who is at DOS.
There have been some issues with DV 2012 selection process and KCC is currently working with DOS to decide what would be the next step. They could have a redraw as they have all information needed for that. (basically all the applications receive during registration period). Update you with soon;

If this is a joke, it's not funny. They would have ceased the process immediately. Stop trying to discourage the winners!
Well, its up to you to believe it or not. Not sure what is the next step. At least they do not want to say anything as long as they come to a decision. I guess next time we may see a long description telling what happened and what to do. DOS has full rights to cancel or recall the results. I post as I hear, but I ma just a messenger & not the decision maker.

Well, they do all selections on April. So may be they were not aware of the issue until they released it. I hope they do not evaluate or let it go through a QA process...
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Well I apologize if someone felt I was trying to discourage the winners. Please disregard all what I said.
Lets wait and see what DOS has to say. Again, my apologies
Well, its up to you to believe it or not. Not sure what is the next step. At least they do not want to say anything as long as they come to a decision. I guess next time we may see a long description telling what happened and what to do. DOS has full rights to cancel or recall the results. I post as I hear, but I ma just a messenger & not the decision maker.

so why do they tell us to keep on with the process... do us a favor, vanish, you lost move on
Well, they do all selections on April. So may be they were not aware of the issue until they released it. I hope they do not evaluate or do let it go through a QA process...

Wouldn't they have done a test run after selections?
To losers and Winners: Please post factual information if they are from reliable sources. Thanks