• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

I applied last week for permanent residency in Australia, as a backup plan... Crossing fingers.

New Mexico is a fun place, with lots of Tequila ;)


What do you do for a living? Have you ever been to OZ?!
I really like New Mexico... and the Tequila, heheh :)
I have a friend who is still there - she is a US citizen tho... says she would adopt me if it were possible - so I could stay!
Somehow I think 30 is a little too old! Fingers and toes still crossed for the winning letter!
I applied last week for permanent residency in Australia, as a backup plan... Crossing fingers.

New Mexico is a fun place, with lots of Tequila ;)


What do you do for a living? Have you ever been to OZ?!
I really like New Mexico... and the Tequila, heheh :)
I have a friend who is still there - she is a US citizen tho... says she would adopt me if it were possible - so I could stay!
Somehow I think 30 is a little too old! Fingers and toes still crossed for the winning letter!
USA! this might be an answer to last time debate over Free will Vs Determinism. If we consider that labrea's destiny is to live in the US then no surprise he wins the lottery twice in a row. Whilst other can try forever (I hope not our case :) ) and fail. A known American football coach said "Luck is a residue of design".

Of course kario, if someone is not destined to win he/she can try forever with no results (and I also hope it's not our case :)) I think people should also follow their instincts and act according to how they currently feel about certain issue. So if they feel like keep trying even after dozen attempts then it's probably the right thing to do and they should soon see in reality the confirmation that that was the right thing to do.

WWOOOOOAAAAAAHHHHH IM DEFINITELY AMAZED!!!! I M SURE U have seeennn sooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im sure this trip was wonderful!!!!!

It really was amazing, I drove 8000 miles, and saw about 25 states... It's a beautiful country.

What do you do for a living? Have you ever been to OZ?!
I really like New Mexico... and the Tequila, heheh :)
I have a friend who is still there - she is a US citizen tho... says she would adopt me if it were possible - so I could stay!
Somehow I think 30 is a little too old! Fingers and toes still crossed for the winning letter!

LOL, my friend also wanted to adopt me to stay, but you have to be under 21, and I will also be 30 this year...

I am currently working on my Masters degree in Computer Information Systems, and work as a Network Administrator. I haven't been to OZ yet, but my buddy emigrated to Melbourne last week so I will go visit him in the near future.
HI Yes_we_can!!!
@labrea : Did u played at the beginning or at the end of the lottery?????

I played last minute

How is ur life in LA right now??? Have u find a job easily??
It was not hard to find a job at the beginning, I had a friend he was leaving from USA and I started to work instead of him after I worked about a year that company went out of business so I lost my job but after day I found another one, worked about 7 months than that company also went out of business which was last month.. and than I decided to open my personal company.. Since last month I m doing my personal business, its going good, better than work for someone..
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I played last minute

It was not hard to find a job at the beginning, I had a friend he was leaving from USA and I started to work instead of him after I worked about a year that company went out of business so I lost my job but after day I found another one, worked about 7 months than that company also went out of business which was last month.. and than I decided to open my personal company.. Since last month I m doing my personal business, its going good, better than work for someone..

Labrea, your story is really amazing. First you win the lottery twice then once in the US two companies your work for go out of business !!! It must have been tough. I wonder if you have not been through times of despair and regret your move to the US. Well, I am glad that you have been able to carry on and open your own business. That's the good thing about America, if you have the entrepreneurial spirit then the sky is the limit ! Thanks for sharing your personal experience with us. I am sure you will inspire a lot among us.
Destined to win

I played within the first few minutes after it was available... Crossing fingers

Hi all, I'm a DV 2010 winner from Nigeria,

This forum is very interesting & I like everybody's high expectation. I so much wish you all the best & pray you all shall be selected when the big white envelop start rolling from next week.

Funny enough, I never expected the letter when I received it simply because I can't remember the number of times I played it (I started since 1990s before on-line application was introduced. I think I only skipped it 3 times) so because it's lottery I always put my mind off it the moment I send the application. I kept trying because quitters never win.

Then again, I applied on the very last date - 1st December, 2008 for DV 2010, in fact just few hours to timeout and as usual put my mind off it. Then in April, 2009, I returned from office stone tired & my mum gave me an envelop, I didn't know where it came from just like my mum so I flung it aside cos I was too tired to open the envelop. After about 30 minutes or so, I took the envelop and I couldn't believe what I was reading, thought I wasn't alright, I talked to myself to relax, wiped my face over again to see clearly, I read it 3 times to assimilate the 1st page, eventually when I got it right I didn't know where the energy came from, I rushed out of my room & hugged my mum sooooo tight, I wanted to lift her up but I couldn't because her weight is over 100kg :eek:

All the best guys.

One Love.

Hi all, I'm a DV 2010 winner from Nigeria,

This forum is very interesting & I like everybody's high expectation. I so much wish you all the best & pray you all shall be selected when the big white envelop start rolling from next week.

Funny enough, I never expected the letter when I received it simply because I can't remember the number of times I played it (I started since 1990s before on-line application was introduced. I think I only skipped it 3 times) so because it's lottery I always put my mind off it the moment I send the application. I kept trying because quitters never win.

Then again, I applied on the very last date - 1st December, 2008 for DV 2010, in fact just few hours to timeout and as usual put my mind off it. Then in April, 2009, I returned from office stone tired & my mum gave me an envelop, I didn't know where it came from just like my mum so I flung it aside cos I was too tired to open the envelop. After about 30 minutes or so, I took the envelop and I couldn't believe what I was reading, thought I wasn't alright, I talked to myself to relax, wiped my face over again to see clearly, I read it 3 times to assimilate the 1st page, eventually when I got it right I didn't know where the energy came from, I rushed out of my room & hugged my mum sooooo tight, I wanted to lift her up but I couldn't because her weight is over 100kg :eek:

All the best guys.

One Love.


Wow, what a wonderful story:)....hopefully you won't be home sick when you have to leave your mom behind when you start your new life in the US!

Good luck:) Congrats!
ajaylagos, thank you for sharing your amazing story with us—it certainly adds quality to this thread.

I was thinking, I don't remember I've ever heard of someone who was expecting the letter when it actually arrived—almost everyone would say that they weren't really thinking about it when it surprised them. I think it would be very interesting to hear someone's story in which he/she was actually expecting the letter with great excitement (like we do now) and the letter arrived. The reason I bring this up is that I somehow feel that you need to forget about it a little bit so that the letter can surprise you, otherwise it almost feels like the more you're expecting it and counting days, the more you drive it away from you kind of.
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I played last minute

It was not hard to find a job at the beginning, I had a friend he was leaving from USA and I started to work instead of him after I worked about a year that company went out of business so I lost my job but after day I found another one, worked about 7 months than that company also went out of business which was last month.. and than I decided to open my personal company.. Since last month I m doing my personal business, its going good, better than work for someone..

U r story is just for me the American DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U r for me one of those personn that I look up for !I definitely dream about u r life lol and u r success!!!
lol when I started University i told to my mum i want to live in LA and do my own company....so hearing u r story it just makes me feel that I still can do it!!
U r story Inspired me!!!!!
CONGRAT ON EVERYTHING!!!! Im sure u deserve everything!! Keep doing what u r doing!!!!

I will definitely try to play the last minute next year coz from everyone who is winning, they all played the last minutes.....that is maybe the key to the success for the DV Lottery!!!! I ll try!!!

@Beech1814 & @Boer that have 30 or more !!! U r soooooo young 30 is nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U can play and play and play !!!!!!!!!! iT STAYS maybe 30 or 60 more years to live so the double or triple!!ENJOY EACH MINUTES OF U R LIFE!!!!! WHY NOT WITH SOME DELICIOUS TEQUIILA:D:D:D
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Hi all, I'm a DV 2010 winner from Nigeria,

This forum is very interesting & I like everybody's high expectation. I so much wish you all the best & pray you all shall be selected when the big white envelop start rolling from next week.

Funny enough, I never expected the letter when I received it simply because I can't remember the number of times I played it (I started since 1990s before on-line application was introduced. I think I only skipped it 3 times) so because it's lottery I always put my mind off it the moment I send the application. I kept trying because quitters never win.

Then again, I applied on the very last date - 1st December, 2008 for DV 2010, in fact just few hours to timeout and as usual put my mind off it. Then in April, 2009, I returned from office stone tired & my mum gave me an envelop, I didn't know where it came from just like my mum so I flung it aside cos I was too tired to open the envelop. After about 30 minutes or so, I took the envelop and I couldn't believe what I was reading, thought I wasn't alright, I talked to myself to relax, wiped my face over again to see clearly, I read it 3 times to assimilate the 1st page, eventually when I got it right I didn't know where the energy came from, I rushed out of my room & hugged my mum sooooo tight, I wanted to lift her up but I couldn't because her weight is over 100kg :eek:

All the best guys.

One Love.


Specialllyyyy u r mumat the end!!!!!
It shows reeaaaalllyyy thee speaciiiallll moment ,ur feeling!!!!and the longggg path, the long year waited for...and suddendly the year u did not expected for ....there is....they WHITE ENVELOP!!

IT REALLY SHOWS soooo many destinies !!!
I really appreciate the time u take guys to share u emotions!!!
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ajaylagos, thank you for sharing your amazing story with us—it certainly adds quality to this thread.

I was thinking, I don't remember I've ever heard of someone who was expecting the letter when it actually arrived—almost everyone would say that they weren't really thinking about it when it surprised them. I think it would be very interesting to hear someone's story in which he/she was actually expecting the letter with great excitement (like we do now) and the letter arrived. The reason I bring this up is that I somehow feel that you need to forget about it a little bit so that the letter can surprise you, otherwise it almost feels like the more you're expecting it and counting days, the more you drive it away from you kind of.

but trust me I know someone who was worse than me lol and trust me it s hard to find!! Since the summer he ve been to California he got madly crazzzzy in love of US!!
He applyied for the first time and he won, and he was just freaking out every single day he didnt find anything in the mailbox,he received his letter in late JUNE (he is actually my best brother's friend), anyone who approched him during the time he was waiting he got mad at him coz he was just thinking about the lottery , he called me every single day asking me if i got something (lol even if i was even not in my france)
That was funny...lol he still laugh about this time coz he really got crazy.....he told me like 2 months ago that when he thinks back about this time he is ashamed about this crazy time...
SEEEMMSSS LIKE USA can really Made people (Me included!! lol) do and think crazy things!!!

USA!! I definitely Got U!! I m scared coz everyone who won played the last time which is not my case (lol I played the 1st day!!), and I m definitely thinking about this Lottery like 24h/7 (I think even when i m sleeping LOL) so do to what "most" of people r saying i wont get anything LOL

WISH U ALL TO GET THIS 1st NL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well great Diafa, so you already know someone who was freaking out like we do and anticipating every single day and it finally happened—that is quite a relief, thank you for this info.

It is the same case with me when it comes to the period I applied—all 3 times I applied, I couldn't wait for the online application process to start so, as you probably guess, I applied the very first day. I think I won't do any more contemplation or analysis, I'll just try to be a little bit more patient hoping that April can bring some good news which would be awesome as April is almost here.
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Hi Friends... another question flashing before my mind while anticipating the BWE (Big White Envelope)

At the interview - are you asked how much money you have?, also - does the mail come registered (you have to sign for it) or does it just come regular post? Police clearance - how do I go about that? and one final question (for now :) My friend who I was planning on filling out the affidavit of support has just sold her house - and her finances aren't look to great right now.... she is a US citizen....do you think it will still be ok for her to sign?

Thanks you guys!
Hi Friends... another question flashing before my mind while anticipating the BWE (Big White Envelope)

At the interview - are you asked how much money you have?
Depends on the employee who conduct the interview. My friend was asked for financials...if you are asked and don't have them that could mean administrative processing until you provide them or being denied.
, also - does the mail come registered (you have to sign for it) or does it just come regular post?
regular mail. that is why later on the website is launched with all the winning info when you enter you conf.#, in case you didn't receive anything

Police clearance - how do I go about that?

You go to the authorities of places you have lived after you were 16 years old and lived for over 6 months and you can get a police report, stating you have no criminal background, or if you had what you did wrong...
and one final question (for now :) My friend who I was planning on filling out the affidavit of support has just sold her house - and her finances aren't look to great right now.... she is a US citizen....do you think it will still be ok for her to sign?

NO! If the authorities check on it, she can be charged with either a misdemenor or felony for lying to authorities and IMO you don't want to ask any one to lie for you. Also if this comes out, you will be denied access for a long time.

Try to get some one else to fill it out, or get a job offer, and start saving some money? Did you already win, if not it doesn't mean you will win this year and you have time to start saving. Some win the first time, others haven't won after 10 years....

Thanks you guys!

Your welcome:)...hope you win soon:)

thanks for the reply. I have been saving for quiet some time with anticipation that I will win. So, that shouldn't be an issue. I'll be sure to take financials.
Also, thanks for the heads up on my friend signing the documents. I would never lie to officials - or try and wrangle my way. It would not be worth it.
Thanks again. :)