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DV 2011 Winners from EUROPE ONLY

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worse than that... dish washer in the hood :) got shot and stabbed while I was working eh eh eh... this is why I had to move to London, so I could get free healthcare ;-)

you said it:D
2nd NL is usually due in the last week of august or first week of september for those with low case numbers
oh yes .. one more thing .. about HEALTH INSURANCE here and "somewhere else "
well I have "minor" allergy problem/condition which cost about 80 dollars per month in prescribed drugs (on average )+ every 6 months another 130 dollars in doctors fees (prescription)
I need those drugs for about 12 years now ... since it was "pre-existing condition " (it got developed when I was a child but did not appear till my late 20s ) my insurance in the US covers only about 50% of the bill (at the beginning it was only about 20%!)... now in my country (back in EUROPE ) I pay only about 12 dollars per month (YES... TWELVE DOLLARS PER MONTH ) for prescription (drug is free) and get this ..ITS A SAME DRUG !!! (US MADE) ... and again just to be clear ITS VERY MINOR HEALTH PROBLEM ...can't even think about what would happen to someone with MORE SEVERE MEDICAL CONDITION AND HOW MUCH THEY WOULD PAY ... it could be TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ... now I guess that lots of the people on this forum are young (in their 20s or 30s ) so you might think ... who cares...I'm not gonna get sick ..or that's for the old people to worry about it ..BUT SORRY TO SHIT ( "prop" to my "sista") ON YOUR PARADE BUT THOSE TIMES WHEN YOU GONNA BE CHECKING LOCAL HOSPITALS ON WEEKLY BASIS ARE PRETTY CLOSE AND GUESS WHAT .. THAT SHIT (sista!!!!!!!) ITS GONNA LAST FOR DECADES ...so there is another thing to worry about .. not gonna even comment on possible accidents or injuries (job related or otherwise)..
my favorite "on line "news for this evening ...FOOD FIGHT IN THE KARDASHIAN HOME AND ....16 MILLION US CHILDREN GO HUNGRY DURING SUMMER VACATION .....only in AMERICA BABY ...you have to love this country ...:D
Visa bulletin september

Hi guys,

I've been selected for DV 2011 and my CN is 2011EU00008xxx. I saw on september's visa bulletin that for Europe they are now around 9600. What does it mean? Did they send the 2nd notification letter to those who have a CN under 9600?

Do you know when will be the interview approximately ?

Your CN will be current in october, (all the CN from Europe below 9600 will be)
It means that you will have your interview this october, you can send an email to KCC to ask them about your interview date,
You will receive your 2NL in a couple of weeks (or days)
You should start to prepare all your documents for the interview, Good luck!
Which country are you from?
and yeah... GET A LIFE, Im pretty sure you just done nothing with your life, being on a forum like this all the time tsss...[/QUOTEn

made my first million by the time I was 34 and retired at 44... yes not much I did -lived in 6 different countries -4 in EU and 2 in NA ... have 2 children ...and 3 homes in EU ...catch me if you can .. about the forum ... well you are on it ... have lots of time on my hands and I like to mess with stupid ,inept.."people" like you ... sorry its my hobby
ps about me giving you "shit" ... Well that too is coming your way pretty soon .. but not from me .. heheh

Dude is that all - I know at least 5 five people that did more than that and they are still in their 20's - haha - you a are an old fart - hahaha and if you think you made it think again!!!! What you did i surviving not making it - LOL Loooooooooooooooser.
Dude is that all - I know at least 5 five people that did more than that and they are still in their 20's - haha - you a are an old fart - hahaha and if you think you made it think again!!!! What you did i surviving not making it - LOL Loooooooooooooooser.

about being old fart ...well I gladly fart in your mouth ..I can see you like that sort of stuff(that's why you mentioned it at the first place -probably some old fart like me abused you when you where young )..its cool and I'm down with it ...so be my guest and take a deep breath .. heheheh :cool:
ps I can see you achieved a lot hehehe...getting off on farts and all that scat fetishes hehehehe ;)..sorry to disappoint you but you have to live 3 life times if you want to catch up with me success wise .. "achievements" of your imaginary friends don't count much I'm afraid unless all 5 of them fart in the same time ...in your direction ...keep farting somewhere else .. here you are just an average idiot trying to be smart .. well ...you are not ...crawl back where you came from..:cool:
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about being old fart ...well I gladly fart in your mouth ..I can see you like that sort of stuff(that's why you mentioned it at the first place -probably some old fart like me abused you when you where young )..its cool and I'm down with it ...so be my guest and take a deep breath .. heheheh :cool:
ps I can see you achieved a lot hehehe...getting off on farts and all that scat fetishes hehehehe ;)..sorry to disappoint you but you have to live 3 life times if you want to catch up with me success wise .. "achievements" of your imaginary friends don't count much I'm afraid unless all 5 of them fart in the same time ...in your direction ...keep farting somewhere else .. here you are just an average idiot trying to be smart .. well ...you are not ...crawl back where you came from..:cool:

Yeahhh we've seen your posts and all know by now that you suck, but we ask ourselfs why do you still write stuff about life when you have no f.....g clue about it!!! I think my friend that you have some serious issues. So please please please seek some medical help ASAP and stop "bragging" about your shitty life and that you are still a baby (based on your older posts - whaaaa whaaa whaaa USA whaaaa CANADA whaaaa whaaa EU whaaa) and move on, grow up, let things go and take the blue pill today instead of the red one! See the difference already :)
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Yeahhh we've seen your posts and all know by now that you suck, but we ask ourselfs why do you still write stuff about life when you have no f.....g clue about it!!! I think my friend that you have some serious issues. So please please please seek some medical help ASAP and stop "bragging" about your shitty life and that you are still a baby (based on your older posts - whaaaa whaaa whaaa USA whaaaa CANADA whaaaa whaaa EU whaaa) and move on, grow up, let things go and take the blue pill today instead of the red one! See the difference already :)

dude you are MORON ..first work on your English and only then post here .. JUST continue to play GC lottery ..I hope you will never win it.. because if you do you will go mental and end up in lunatic asylum again ..
I already cashed in my "shitty life " for lots of money ..your shitty life is
on HOLD for dozen of years so far .. who needs to grow up then ??
every post and replay on my posts by you is just another example how stupid you can be .. every time I think you reached bottom and can not be more idiotic you surprise me even more .. heads down you are the biggest s..t head here on this forum

everything I posted here is from personal experience in this "lovely" country whereas every comment by you on this forum is just hear-say from your boyfriends conveyed to you after intensive anal sex you endured ...:cool:
about being old fart ...well I gladly fart in your mouth ..I can see you like that sort of stuff(that's why you mentioned it at the first place -probably some old fart like me abused you when you where young )..its cool and I'm down with it ...so be my guest and take a deep breath .. heheheh :cool:
ps I can see you achieved a lot hehehe...getting off on farts and all that scat fetishes hehehehe ;)..sorry to disappoint you but you have to live 3 life times if you want to catch up with me success wise .. "achievements" of your imaginary friends don't count much I'm afraid unless all 5 of them fart in the same time ...in your direction ...keep farting somewhere else .. here you are just an average idiot trying to be smart .. well ...you are not ...crawl back where you came from..:cool:

LOL;;; well said
dude you are MORON ..first work on your English and only then post here .. JUST continue to play GC lottery ..I hope you will never win it.. because if you do you will go mental and end up in lunatic asylum again ..
I already cashed in my "shitty life " for lots of money ..your shitty life is
on HOLD for dozen of years so far .. who needs to grow up then ??
every post and replay on my posts by you is just another example how stupid you can be .. every time I think you reached bottom and can not be more idiotic you surprise me even more .. heads down you are the biggest s..t head here on this forum

everything I posted here is from personal experience in this "lovely" country whereas every comment by you on this forum is just hear-say from your boyfriends conveyed to you after intensive anal sex you endured ...:cool:

Thanks - I knew that you are gay;) No need to prove any more. Oh may I suggest you take something for the hemoroids - i heard that you gay people get that a lot and then you might be more tolerable by everybody else :D
Hi sista_mai,

you were right. I got my 2nd letter and my interview is in October. Btw I'm from Italy.

I was wondering... I'm a student, and I'll have my last exams of the bachelor in Economics this September, and I don't have working experience.

Do I need an affidavit of support? It's OK if my parents transfer on my bank account an ammount of money to show that I won't be a pubblic charge?
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