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DV 2011 Winners from EUROPE ONLY

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eh listen if you need some change to make month's end you can give me a call and i'll send u a few pennies.
Yes I'm that generous.

man ..you beating a dead horse ,its gone ..its up .. take it anyway you want .. its over... why you keep going ???
From your comments I can see you know nothing about Bulgaria. Although I am not Bulgarian myself, that is just an assumption you have wrongly made, I have visited on a number of occasions, so please quit the cheap xenophobic, stereotypical insults. If you have such a high opinion of the EU, why dont you put your money where your mouth is, and move here.
Personally, due to my qualifications and experience in a specialized area, I have excellent prospects in the US or the EU. Although in my particular industry the US will certainly be a major growth area over the next 10 years. So, my career prospects are brighter in the US. I am not saying everything is fine and dandy in the US, but your idea of the EU is way off the mark.

hm very naive observation..LETS SEE....

you have here a country which is in permanent state of war for last 2 decades

you have institutionalized corruption of all legislative bodies in this country (senat ,house of representatives even white house staff and secretaries )..not even talking about corrupt politicians who got elected just now on the lastmid term elections ..in the state of Florida for example BOTH CANDIDATES ARE INVOLVED IN MASSIVE CORRUPTION AND SCAM AND FRAUD SCANDALS ND TRIALS BUT YET THEY RUN FOR THE OFFICE .. AND THE GUY WHOSE COMPANY GOT FINED HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS BECAUSE OF ORGANIZED TEFT IS OUR NEW GOVERNOR ....

massive debt of 3 trillion dollars which would amount to almost 90% of the national GDP in 5 years time

almost 5 million jobs got outsourced in just over decade to mexico,india etc from this country

80 million people in this country lives in poverty

45 million people lives on food stamps

28 million people unemployed or underployed (working poor)

3 million people in jails

4.5 million people who got released from prisons in the last 10 years

sharp polarization in political life between two political options and directions ..which in turn destroys very fiber of this society and its economy

federal reserve which just prints money in order to kick start dying economy

and last but not least...

this country does not produce anything which you use in everyday life ..turn around your room and count how many things you have and use that are made in the USA
(i have none and I LIVE HERE )

and yet you think yu have ''prospects in this country'' ...what are you smoking ??
who in his right mind would move to a country like that ..???....

just my two cents ...I'm off
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hm very naive observation..LETS SEE....

you have here a country which is in permanent state of war for last 2 decades

you have institutionalized corruption of all legislative bodies in this country (senat ,house of representatives even white house staff and secretaries )..not even talking about corrupt politicians who got elected just now on the lastmid term elections ..in the state of Florida for example BOTH CANDIDATES ARE INVOLVED IN MASSIVE CORRUPTION AND SCAM AND FRAUD SCANDALS ND TRIALS BUT YET THEY RUN FOR THE OFFICE .. AND THE GUY WHOSE COMPANY GOT FINED HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS BECAUSE OF ORGANIZED TEFT IS OUR NEW GOVERNOR ....

massive debt of 3 trillion dollars which would amount to almost 90% of the national GDP in 5 years time

almost 5 million jobs got outsourced in just over decade to mexico,india etc from this country

80 million people in this country lives in poverty

45 million people lives on food stamps

28 million people unemployed or underployed (working poor)

3 million people in jails

4.5 million people who got released from prisons in the last 10 years

sharp polarization in political life between two political options and directions ..which in turn destroys very fiber of this society and its economy

federal reserve which just prints money in order to kick start dying economy

and last but not least...

this country does not produce anything which you use in everyday life ..turn around your room and count how many things you have and use that are made in the USA
(i have none and I LIVE HERE )

and yet you think yu have ''prospects in this country'' ...what are you smoking ??
who in his right mind would move to a country like that ..???....

just my two cents ...I'm off
You are a retard :)
Jules is making a comparison between his prospects in Europe vs USA. He is talking about his case. Nobody cares if you are poor Praha. You dont know shit so why are you talking? The situation you describe may be bad but it's even worse in Europe you idiot. Cant you understand the point that Jules is making ? You love to talk shit just for the sake of talking shit.
Limit yourself to what you know and to what JUles is saying. Getting an education through internet is not the best option.
It blows my mind how retarded you are.
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you are a retard :)
jules is making a comparison between his prospects in europe vs usa. He is talking about his case. Nobody cares if you are poor praha. You dont know shit so why are you talking? The situation you describe may be bad but it's even worse in europe you idiot. Cant you understand the point that jules is making ? You love to talk shit just for the sake of talking shit.
Limit yourself to what you know and to what jules is saying. Getting an education through internet is not the best option.
It blows my mind how retarded you are.

idiot..why you are still on this forum?? ..you got busted for cheating and lying and yet you keep posting ...why ???..i know you have no brains but this is just beyond any reason ..even animal would quit by now !!!.WHY DON'T YOU JUST .leave THIS FORUM you dumb A.S.
idiot..why you are still on this forum?? ..you got busted for cheating and lying and yet you keep posting ...why ???..i know you have no brains but this is just beyond any reason ..even animal would quit by now !!!.WHY DON'T YOU JUST .leave THIS FORUM you dumb A.S.

I own this place
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