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DV 2011 Winners from EUROPE ONLY

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A Greater Threat Than Terrorism Outsourcing the American Economy
by Paul Craig Roberts on April 16, 2010 - 9:56am

Economy in Crisis

Is offshore outsourcing good or harmful for America? To convince Americans of outsourcing's benefits, corporate outsourcers sponsor misleading one-sided "studies."

Only a small handful of people have looked objectively at the issue. These few and the large number of Americans whose careers have been destroyed by outsourcing have a different view of outsourcing's impact. But so far there has been no debate, just a shouting down of skeptics as "protectionists."

Now comes an important new book, Outsourcing America , published by the American Management Association. The authors, two brothers, Ron and Anil Hira, are experts on the subject. One is a professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology, and the other is professor at Simon Fraser University.

The authors note that despite the enormity of the stakes for all Americans, a state of denial exists among policymakers and outsourcing's corporate champions about the adverse effects on the US. The Hira brothers succeed in their task of interjecting harsh reality where delusion has ruled.

In what might be an underestimate, a University of California study concludes that 14 million white-collar jobs are vulnerable to being outsourced offshore. These are not only call-center operators, customer service and back-office jobs, but also information technology, accounting, architecture, advanced engineering design, news reporting, stock analysis, and medical and legal services. The authors note that these are the jobs of the American Dream, the jobs of upward mobility that generate the bulk of the tax revenues that fund our education, health, infrastructure, and social security systems.

The loss of these jobs "is fool's gold for companies." Corporate America's short-term mentality, stemming from bonuses tied to quarterly results, is causing US companies to lose not only their best employees-their human capital-but also the consumers who buy their products. Employees displaced by foreigners and left unemployed or in lower paid work have a reduced presence in the consumer market. They provide fewer retirement savings for new investment.

Nothink economists assume that new, better jobs are on the way for displaced Americans, but no economists can identify these jobs. The authors point out that "the track record for the re-employment of displaced US workers is abysmal: "The Department of Labor reports that more than one in three workers who are displaced remains unemployed, and many of those who are lucky enough to find jobs take major pay cuts. Many former manufacturing workers who were displaced a decade ago because of manufacturing that went offshore took training courses and found jobs in the information technology sector. They are now facing the unenviable situation of having their second career disappear overseas."

American economists are so inattentive to outsourcing's perils that they fail to realize that the same incentive that leads to the outsourcing of one tradable good or service holds for all tradable goods and services. In the 21st century the US economy has only been able to create jobs in nontradable domestic services-the hallmark of a third world labor force.

Prior to the advent of offshore outsourcing, US employees were shielded against low wage foreign labor. Americans worked with more capital and better technology, and their higher productivity protected their higher wages.

Outsourcing forces Americans to "compete head-to-head with foreign workers" by "undermining US workers' primary competitive advantage over foreign workers: their physical presence in the US" and "by providing those overseas workers with the same ************."

The result is a lose-lose situation for American employees, American businesses, and the American government. Outsourcing has brought about record unemployment in engineering fields and a major drop in university enrollments in technical and scientific disciplines. Even many of the remaining jobs are being filled by lower paid foreigners brought in on H-1b and L-1 visas. American employees are discharged after being forced to train their foreign replacements.

US corporations justify their offshore operations as essential to gain a foothold in emerging Asian markets. The Hira brothers believe this is self-delusion. "There is no evidence that they will be able to outcompete local Chinese and Indian companies, who are very rapidly assimilating the technology and know-how from the local US plants. In fact, studies show that Indian IT companies have been consistently outcompeting their US counterparts, even in US markets. Thus, it is time for CEOs to start thinking about whether they are fine with their own jobs being outsourced as well."

The authors note that the national security implications of outsourcing "have been largely ignored."

Outsourcing is rapidly eroding America's superpower status. Beginning in 2002 the US began running trade deficits in advanced technology products with Asia, Mexico and Ireland. As these countries are not leaders in advanced technology, the deficits obviously stem from US offshore manufacturing. In effect, the US is giving away its technology, which is rapidly being captured, while US firms reduce themselves to a brand name with a sales force.

In an appendix, the authors provide a devastating expose of the three "studies" that have been used to silence doubts about offshore outsourcing-the Global Insight study (March 2004) for the Information Technology Association of America, the Catherine Mann study (December 2003) for the Institute for International Economics, and the McKinsey Global Institute study (August 2003).

The ITAA is a lobbying group for outsourcing. The ITAA spun the results of the study by releasing only the executive summary to reporters who agreed not to seek outside opinion prior to writing their stories.

Mann's study is "an unreasonably optimistic forecast based on faulty logic and a poor understanding of technology and strategy."

The McKinsey report "should be viewed as a self-interested lobbying document that presents an unrealistically optimistic estimate of the impact of offshore outsourcing and an undeveloped and politically unviable solution to the problems they identify."

Outsourcing America is a powerful work. Only fools will continue clinging to the premise that outsourcing is good for America
thanx bro .. but I already have a place in SPAIN (just bought it few months back) ..in IBITZA ..that's where I spend my hard earned us dollars :D

Seriously, Spain??? Out of the frying pan into the fire. You obviously spend a lot of time researching the US, perhaps some of that time would be better spent researching the dire state of the Spanish economy.
Seriously, Spain??? Out of the frying pan into the fire. You obviously spend a lot of time researching the US, perhaps some of that time would be better spent researching the dire state of the Spanish economy.

granted .. but I came over to enjoy myself not to invest or work
on the other hand for the sake of the argument I think Spain has been around longer then USA (that's understatement).. so Spain should cope with the crisis better then US on the long run ...first and foremost as a society ... whereas US (again I m thinking as a society )is already on the point of total melt down in every respect ..:D where everything is possible and ruling class (politicians and powers to be ) has no clue in which direction to go
granted .. but I came over to enjoy myself not to invest or work
on the other hand for the sake of the argument I think Spain has been around longer then USA (that's understatement).. so Spain should cope with the crisis better then US on the long run ...first and foremost as a society ... whereas US (again I m thinking as a society )is already on the point of total melt down in every respect ..:D where everything is possible and ruling class (politicians and powers to be ) has no clue in which direction to go

I am sure you will enjoy yourself in Ibiza if you dont need to work, it is a great holiday island. However, not so sure about the superior Spanish society.
Remember, Spain had a civil war in the 20th century and was ruled by a Facist dictator until 1975. In terms of a democratic nation, it is a mere child compared to the USA. The regions of Spain are still deeply divided, with internal nationalist terrorist group ETA regularly killing people.
I have lived in Australia, the UK and Spain, I can honestly say that Spain has the most established Class structure, there is little opportunity for people to work hard to make something of themselves with such poor social mobility.
Political corruption is endemic (just look how many Mayors of Spain are now in prison).
I would say Spain is a nice place to live, but only if you are already wealthy, and dont have any children to grow up with such a lack of opportunity. Spain has the worst unemployment in the EU, far, far worse than anywhere in the US. Youth unemployment (18-25 years) is around 50%.
Personally I cant wait to get out of here.
I know all that .. I'm from Europe myself ...about all the stats you mentioned ..its all the same in the USA too.. you also have very rigid class society here and on top of it race segregation and on top of it gang culture and mob mentality like nowhere else you been to and on top of all that you have greedy class of no talented and uneducated bozos who think they are gods gift to humanity but through exposure in media and wast spread of hypocrisy they got rich beyond wildest dreams (those are the people who usually appear on TV saying stuff like .. THIS IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD AND LAND OF OPPORTUNITY AND ...SIMILAR BULL .S..T BRAIN WASHING MANTRA ).
young people also are unemployed in very high numbers here too -about 80% of the young graduate MOVE BACK with their parent AFTER they GRADUATE these days

when I said that Spain as a country could weather problems (both social and economic ones ) I was thinking about ability of ruling class to do that without perils of breaking its fiber and dividing its citizens and country apart ...in the US you see cracks appearing at alarming speed all over and result could be ugly because here politicians think that BIG WORDS could carry them a long way even if they do nothing ...also system in the US is so corrupt and eroded its gonna be very difficult even with educated and skillful European type of politicians to work out way out of this mess and USA DOES NOT HAVE THOSE PEOPLE ...current president is fine example of all this ...totally inept ..full of himself ...to use the saying from my old country -he does even not know where he got holes on his body -and yet he is the best one they could scramble and put in charge to find the way out -its like blind guiding lunatics through quick send

to put it simple.. they are toast.. there is no money and no industry left to pull them out of s..t ,they can only print money and hope for the best ...or start a new war with say Iran or North Korea ....not many options left I'm afraid ...things are just not improving at all in the US .. if anything its getting worse .. sorry but this the new reality and its nor gonna get any better even if the prez keep saying its doing fantastic job....just one conclusion country to be avoid ..at any costs.. only fol could put too much faith and gamble with one future on the line and put his/her family and welfare of its children by moving over here

BTW ...I meet one American guy recently (when I was in LA )who was going through whole process of getting married with some Polish girl so HE CAN EMIGRATE TO POLAND ...he PAID FOR THE SHAM MARRIAGE...that gives you perspective on whats going on ...I doubt he is the only one doing and thinking the same on this side of Atlantic (just pass the Canadian consulate in NY these days ... there is hundreds of people there every morning making applications for immigration visas -by the English spoken I can deduct they are native born Americans not some 3 world rag tag mob)

or you can check NEW ZEALAND embassy ..I think they are breaking all the records regarding immigration visas inquiries
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All I will say is all of these points apply to Europe too. Anyway, this thread seems to be way off topic, if you want to debate these points, why dont you open a new thread, "Don't come to the USA" or something.
All I will say is all of these points apply to Europe too. Anyway, this thread seems to be way off topic, if you want to debate these points, why dont you open a new thread, "Don't come to the USA" or something.

Thanks, I kept tellin him this... tsss OPEN A NEW THREAD!
agree ..well about EUROPE ;;I don't think its all the same considering ONE BIG DIFFERENCE ..European countries NEVER DITCHED AND OUTSOURCED THEIR INDUSTRIES TO OTHER COUNTRIES LIKE USA DID ... and never introduced corporate greed as USA did ...only country to adopt USA ""economic model "from A to Z is ISLAND (thanx to a fact that last two prime ministers and ministers of finance of this country are actually USA "trained"-educated -in economy ,result of all that is bankruptcy of this once prosperous country ).. enough said about EU and USA difference ...
Sigh, he still busy? Put that guy on ignore like I did, it's pathetic what he writes. He obviously can't even read the title of the thread "DV 2011 Winners from EUROPE ONLY".

That says wiNNers, not whiners :)

Anyway, don't waste ur time on this block of frustration, he's not worth our time or attention. It's pretty obvious why some people won't make it anywhere in the world :rolleyes:
Sigh, he still busy? Put that guy on ignore like I did, it's pathetic what he writes. He obviously can't even read the title of the thread "DV 2011 Winners from EUROPE ONLY".

That says wiNNers, not whiners :)

Anyway, don't waste ur time on this block of frustration, he's not worth our time or attention. It's pretty obvious why some people won't make it anywhere in the world :rolleyes:

;) you can only dream to "make it" as much as I did dude...would take you 3-4 lifetimes to archive what I did in just under decade
;) you can only dream to "make it" as much as I did dude...would take you 3-4 lifetimes to archive what I did in just under decade

Oh I believe you on that one!!! Cause I dont know too many people who would act so dumb for SO long and insisted on doing it again and again like you doing right now!!!
LOL Anyway it makes me smile everytime I see you write something new :) Keep making us smile bmx88!
Oh I believe you on that one!!! Cause I dont know too many people who would act so dumb for SO long and insisted on doing it again and again like you doing right now!!!
LOL Anyway it makes me smile everytime I see you write something new :) Keep making us smile bmx88!

hehehe you are just a whack sista .. no twos about that ;; ABOUT LAUGHING ..well wait till you come over you gonna be laughing like never before

PS if you where "dumb" as I am your IQ would be around 130 ...I'm afraid you are more into LOWER TWO DIGIT numbers ...sorry sista ...but you are looking at long and prosperous career of a dish washer ...;)

there is a saying in my (old ) country ...smart people are smart because they listen to idiots but idiots are idiots because they laugh at smarts peoples words ...laugh away sista
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hehehe you are just a whack sista .. no twos about that ;; ABOUT LAUGHING ..well wait till you come over you gonna be laughing like never before

PS if you where "dumb" as I am your IQ would be around 130 ...I'm afraid you are more into LOWER TWO DIGIT numbers ...sorry sista ...but you are looking at long and prosperous career of a dish washer ...;)

there is a saying in my (old ) country ...smart people are smart because they listen to idiots but idiots are idiots because they laugh at smarts peoples words ...laugh away sista

pfff you are so an idiot!
i've been living in Atlanta already and my life was way much more better back there than in London where I am right now!! Believe me, Im earning twice more in London than in Atlanta, But I cannot afford even half of what I had in Atlanta! So just do the maths... Oh and i alreadu got my job waiting for me back there so don't you worry too much about me ;-) Im sorry but the cost of life is way to expensive in Europe... And you cant tell me nothing since I ve been working in Canada and the US as well, And I've been in London just for the past year, and I swear... It's not that better... ( and dont give me the bullshit of free healthcare shit cause here when you want quality in healthcare you got to pay and it's much more expensive than private clinic in the US, Im in a middle of a situation right now and I can see that all the taxes Im paying are spent on shit!)
hehehe you are just a whack sista .. no twos about that ;; ABOUT LAUGHING ..well wait till you come over you gonna be laughing like never before

PS if you where "dumb" as I am your IQ would be around 130 ...I'm afraid you are more into LOWER TWO DIGIT numbers ...sorry sista ...but you are looking at long and prosperous career of a dish washer ...;)

there is a saying in my (old ) country ...smart people are smart because they listen to idiots but idiots are idiots because they laugh at smarts peoples words ...laugh away sista

and yeah... GET A LIFE, Im pretty sure you just done nothing with your life, being on a forum like this all the time tsss...
and yeah... GET A LIFE, Im pretty sure you just done nothing with your life, being on a forum like this all the time tsss...[/QUOTEn

made my first million by the time I was 34 and retired at 44... yes not much I did -lived in 6 different countries -4 in EU and 2 in NA ... have 2 children ...and 3 homes in EU ...catch me if you can .. about the forum ... well you are on it ... have lots of time on my hands and I like to mess with stupid ,inept.."people" like you ... sorry its my hobby
ps about me giving you "shit" ... Well that too is coming your way pretty soon .. but not from me .. heheh
I like posts which don't cherish american dream and repeat over used stories and salutations about advances of one emigrating to other side of atlantic ,so if I have to vote I vote for those kind of posts to stay on this threat
about insults traded between forum members its clear that nobody can match BMX in that respect so sista_may and ziva maybe you can just ignore his comments because every time you respond to his posts he buries you (literary ) with his insults -you been outwitted over and over and over and over again so maybe its time to quit and keep quiet:confused:
Look, this is a thread for DV2011 Winners from Europe. See first poster "This thread is ONLY to report DV Winners from EUROPE. Applicants who are waiting for first NL are welcome!" The poster even says "PS. If you have other issues about KCC or personal matters and write one page here, please create another thread. Thank you!"

Now if I'm not mistaken, bmx is already in the USA so why should he post here? Apart from that, his posts have nothing to do with the DV2011 hence why people have been asking him to make a seperate thread for his posts.

I have no objections against him posting hes views on the USA, everyone is entitled to their opinion but make a new thread. It's not really that hard to stick to a topic.

People are using this thread to see updates on NL's and stuff like that and some find it highly annoying to see someone quote stuff about how bad the economy is all the time. If I'm not mistaken, there's even a seperate thead for that so post there.

He's already on my ignore list so don't worry. As for outwitting... don't make me laugh please. The only thing he does well is show how dumb and bored he is. Lurking around on a forum all day bringing nothing but negativity.
pfff you are so an idiot!
i've been living in Atlanta already and my life was way much more better back there than in London where I am right now!! Believe me, Im earning twice more in London than in Atlanta, But I cannot afford even half of what I had in Atlanta! So just do the maths... Oh and i alreadu got my job waiting for me back there so don't you worry too much about me ;-) Im sorry but the cost of life is way to expensive in Europe... And you cant tell me nothing since I ve been working in Canada and the US as well, And I've been in London just for the past year, and I swear... It's not that better... ( and dont give me the bullshit of free healthcare shit cause here when you want quality in healthcare you got to pay and it's much more expensive than private clinic in the US, Im in a middle of a situation right now and I can see that all the taxes Im paying are spent on shit!)

you are right about paying money for quality health insurance but the only problem in the USA is if you get seriously sick you always go bankrupt ,I know way too many people who went under and filed for bankrupcy because they could not pay medical bills (some left the US all together );
Can you tell me what kind of the job you do in the US/Atlanta ?since you are using s..t so much and your English is so poor I just wonder what kind of high career you have ,maybe you can advise new immigrants on how to be uneducated and ill mannered and yet to land a good paying job in the US ???
you are right about paying money for quality health insurance but the only problem in the USA is if you get seriously sick you always go bankrupt ,I know way too many people who went under and filed for bankrupcy because they could not pay medical bills (some left the US all together );
Can you tell me what kind of the job you do in the US/Atlanta ?since you are using s..t so much and your English is so poor I just wonder what kind of high career you have ,maybe you can advise new immigrants on how to be uneducated and ill mannered and yet to land a good paying job in the US ???

ah ah! maybe I have a "prosperous career of a dish washer" like bmx88 said :)
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