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DV 2011 winners from Bangladesh

Dear All,

Can anyone tell me, Is it like this someone can not make his or her PCC before receive second letter? Is it written anywhere in US embassy guideline? I am just asking coz i have made all of my PCC's. I am containing three PCC's including Bangladesh. So, i did not get any thing wrong to make the PCC before getting the second letter in hand.

Anyway, We (Me and my wife) have received our second letter 5th November and our interview will be held on 2nd week of December.
First of all, Dont make corrections to your national ID card after gettin first NL. Because they want ID card which is older than 2009, a new corrected issued ID will have a issue date of current days only. They will not accept it. U see, simple mistakes in NID r very normal in Bangladesh, thus they may ignore it, as they ignored in my case.

Secondly, PCC can be done before getting 2 NL. If u reside in Dhaka, it takes only one week to take PCC through one stop center of Police Headquarter, Ramna, Dhaka.Thus i suggest residents of Dhaka to take PCC after getting 2nd NL. Residents of other cities may start your process of PCC as nowhere it has been said, that PCC should be very curent. Suppose u collected PCC on November 2010 and ur interview scheduled in May 2011. Then its a normal question why did u collect PCC so early? They may ask u for another PCC. Its very normal that, between the huge time intervel u may have engagement with criminal activities.

Sabrira, dont think of ID card. Its not linked with u. Ur interview was very successful , now they r taking time only for security reasons, or name check. So just sleep and wait for a phone call!

SSTrict36, i never said that , my parents were interview without 2nd NL. They received their 2nd NL on September 10 and their interview date was October 13th.
please post on wall when u get 2nd NL.my CN is close to yours.So will get an Idea...
Wish u good luck.
Sabrina & all
Did u get any call from embassy? Me worried what will happen & when ? Did any body have exp. regarding case pending like us,plz share it, what will be chance to get visa? plz feel to share .
Dear Sapana1979!
No, I didn't get any call from embassy yet. Don't worry coz my cousin got dv-2009 and got phone call after 4 months of his interview and got visa. Now he is a green card holder. I saw him, after 2 months of interview he tried to communicate with embassy by e-mail and phone and he got reply that his case is pending. Me and my family members were also worried for him. I remember that day, when he was going to embassy after getting phone call. He told me, "Today will be the final countdown, I will be hero or zero".
Thanks to Allah that lastly he got visa.
I don't know why it took much time for his case. His case number was not high.
So don't worry. It totally depends on their works. Name check/background check may take long time. But we don't know whether we will get visa or not. There is no gurantee of visa. It totally depends on their wish. Pray to Allah!
Take care.

Sabrina & all
Did u get any call from embassy? Me worried what will happen & when ? Did any body have exp. regarding case pending like us,plz share it, what will be chance to get visa? plz feel to share .
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Can i show them, some my older versity admission test admit card where have my old photo?
Plz share.....
received call form embassy yesterday..she said
1.take ur blue sheet paper
2.at 2:30pm
3.take all documents u have to show those paper again..

They returned me all papers/id cards after my interview finished. but why they wanna check my papers again?? for what?? ufffff i m really disturb..i dnt knw what the hell is going on..just pray for me..
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Dear all,
My case number become current this month, so I was very optimistic about my 2nd NL. But today when I make phone call to KCC after necessary verification she told me that my Case is in process and the 2nd NL will be send to me at the address provided in DSP 122 form after 8 weeks. That means a matter of 2 months. Now I feel that what an unlucky person I am. If my relative informed me instantly after getting the 1st NL. I would not lagging behind this long time. What an unlucky person I am. My advice to all DV 2012 applicants that you must check mail box regularly after being confirmed from the website immediately after the result published.

Best of luck
Dear all,
My case number become current this month, so I was very optimistic about my 2nd NL. But today when I make phone call to KCC after necessary verification she told me that my Case is in process and the 2nd NL will be send to me at the address provided in DSP 122 form after 8 weeks. That means a matter of 2 months. Now I feel that what an unlucky person I am. If my relative informed me instantly after getting the 1st NL. I would not lagging behind this long time. What an unlucky person I am. My advice to all DV 2012 applicants that you must check mail box regularly after being confirmed from the website immediately after the result published.

Best of luck
I understand that it annoys anyone to get delayed unnecessarily. However, everything has a reason when it happens and it actually may be for your own good. You are very lucky that you have won the lottery and just leave the rest to God to accomplish it for you. You will understand in due time why you are so delayed in your dv processing. Good luck.
received call form embassy yesterday..she said
1.take ur blue sheet paper
2.at 2:30pm
3.take all documents u have to show those paper again..

They returned me all papers/id cards after my interview finished. but why they wanna check my papers again?? for what?? ufffff i m really disturb..i dnt knw what the hell is going on..just pray for me..

why they wanna check my papers again?? plzz reply
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hi sstric36
can u tell me where should u find that ur number is current.bcz my case number is same to u and i want to cheak my number.

CN: 2011AS00010XXX
I understand that it annoys anyone to get delayed unnecessarily. However, everything has a reason when it happens and it actually may be for your own good. You are very lucky that you have won the lottery and just leave the rest to God to accomplish it for you. You will understand in due time why you are so delayed in your dv processing. Good luck.

Well said Labora!!!
I am myself in the same situation, but I try to stay positive, I keep repeating to myself that I am already very blessed because I actually won at the lottery, but I can understand how difficult it is to wait... I Have been waiting since august to have an interview date cause my number is current for october... and it's november...
Dear Himaloy!
Don't worry. Are you confident that all your papers are correct and there is nothing hidden or fraud?
You have to show your confidence.
Best of luck.

They returned me all papers/id cards after my interview finished. but why they wanna check my papers again?? for what?? ufffff i m really disturb..i dnt knw what the hell is going on..just pay for me..
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I think u were in administrative processing. Just do what they want. They only have the photocopies of ur docs. They might have some confusion about ur any documents. So just take it. As ur docs are all ok, dont get nervous.Also take photo ID, as much as u have

They made a call to u, and told u to take passports , these r all very good symble.So just go and get it. Ok??
dear sabrina
my all papers are 100% ok but 3papers are duplicate coz i hav lost those and correct found form board..i m studying in AIUB 9th semester..i m fraud?? shalar betara paise ta ki??