The medical examination consists of a physical examination (eyes, ears, nose, throat, extremities, heart, lungs, abdomen, lymph nodes, skin and external genitalia) chest X-ray and a blood test, which includes testing for venereal disease (e.g. syphilis infection). The blood test and X-ray are generally not required of persons under the age of 15, but they are required, under existing United States immigration law, of all other persons.
Your vaccination records will be reviewed to verify whether you meet the United States vaccination requirement, or if it is medically inappropriate for you to receive any of the vaccinations listed in the vaccination chart you received from the Embassy.
If you do not have a vaccination record of any of the required vaccines, you can be vaccinated on the day of your medical examination.
Pregnant women need not undergo the X-ray if they do no wish to do so. Arrangements can be made to have an X-Ray taken at a later date once the baby is born.