• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Lottery Winners From Ghana Meet Here

Where are my people? I seem to be alone. Please come one, come all. I wish everybody good luck. Peace! Benniit

I wonder how this thread has been deserted by our own people. There are many Ghanaian winners than any country including Nigeria but only few winners come here to register and contribute. Where are the over 6,000 winners hiding? It's very sad!
I wonder how this thread has been deserted by our own people. There are many Ghanaian winners than any country including Nigeria but only few winners come here to register and contribute. Where are the over 6,000 winners hiding? It's very sad!

Yes, bro you're right! Our fellow Nigerians and Kenyans are not like that! Ghanaians, please join this wonderful forum, where success is ours in the Mighty Name of Jesus!!

Today is 1st December, 2010. Let's see how it starts. For those going for their interviews this week, I wish them the best of good luck! May the good Lord be with them and grant them favor. Peace! Benniit
gud mornin forumite. ammeck09 I think that majority of these winners arec not aware of this thread since majority of these people are not aware when it comes to internet usage. hope everyone is fine. we will definitely get there by God's grace.
I wonder how this thread has been deserted by our own people. There are many Ghanaian winners than any country including Nigeria but only few winners come here to register and contribute. Where are the over 6,000 winners hiding? It's very sad!

gud mornin forumite. ammeck09 I think that majority of these winners arec not aware of this thread since majority of these people are not aware when it comes to internet usage. hope everyone is fine. we will definitely get there by God's grace.
Yes, bro you're right! Our fellow Nigerians and Kenyans are not like that! Ghanaians, please join this wonderful forum, where success is ours in the Mighty Name of Jesus!!

Today is 1st December, 2010. Let's see how it starts. For those going for their interviews this week, I wish them the best of good luck! May the good Lord be with them and grant them favor. Peace! Benniit
yes you are all right. our brothers in nigeria and kenya are very proactive. we should make everybody aware including winners. wish all who will be going for interview this week the best of luck. by the way I emailed KCC today to know whats up. 9s day to you all.
My bros & sis frm ghana dis thread my not die o.

where are those going for interview this december? I want to use this opportunity to wish everyone a successful december in Jesus name. Amen!
I found this prayer interesting and encouraging and I would like all forumites to take note(originally borrowed from kwamepoku77 on the 2009 thread)

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul.
The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Psalm 121.

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Mark 9:23

Heavenly Father, with my heart full of thanksgiving and my mouth filled with praise I come before you as your child. You O Lord are the possessor of Heaven and Earth. I bow my knees before you and acknowledge you as my King. You are my shield and my defense; My Lord I thank you for making me and other fellow Ghanaians winners of the 2009 DV programme. Father the real battle starts from 1st October, 2008 – 31th September, 2009, this I commit into your HANDS. Father there is no way we can go through all the processes including the INTERVIEW on our own and come out VICTORIOUS that is why we are laying our petition (DV VISA) before your THRONE OF GRACE AND MERCY this moment.

Father the BATTLE IS YOURS NOT OURS! in the name of JESUS WE CAST OUT EVERY SPIRIT OF SHAME, DISGRACE AND DISAPPOINTMENT from our lives. Father, please help us make ready all DV documents and lead each and everyone of us to the embassy for the interview.

Father, WE COME AGAINST ANY SPIRIT OF FEAR IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Cause us to be very calm knowing that you are GOD.

Father, you are our only HOPE that is why we have come before you to see us through. You CLOSED the mouths of LIONS and they could not eat up Daniel. By your power you TURNED the red sea into DRY LAND; you made it POSSIBLE for Abraham and Sarah to have children when it was past the right age for them to have children. My God, out of Abraham came many NATIONS, You answered Hannah’s prayer by opening up her womb and she had children. We are also very much aware of the GREAT AND MIGTHY things you did in Egypt to get your children out of that nation.

You are the same awesome God that we have come to and we BELIEVE you can do same for us. Anoint our heads with oil and fill our mouths with LAUGHTER. Instead of shame, Father give us DOUBLE HONOUR. Cause DOORS that were once closed to OPEN NOW before us IN JESUS NAME.

Father, let no consular overturn our harvest, let your power of LOVE touch their hearts and minds and cause them to be at peace with us when we go for the interview.
Father, this is THE HOUR OF VISITATION AND AMERICA IS NOW NEARER THAN BEFORE, by faith we declare that the HEAVENS ARE OPENED over lives, the devourer is REBUKED, and we receive victory in the NAME OF JESUS.

WE RECEIVE TODAY, THE ANOINTING TO BEGIN, THE ANOINTING TO CONTINUE AND THE ANOINTING TO FINISH. We are fully persuaded that He, who has started a good work in us, will bring it into completion IN JESUS NAME.


I found this prayer interesting and encouraging and I would like all forumites to take note(originally borrowed from kwamepoku77 on the 2009 thread)

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul.
The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Psalm 121.

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Mark 9:23

Heavenly Father, with my heart full of thanksgiving and my mouth filled with praise I come before you as your child. You O Lord are the possessor of Heaven and Earth. I bow my knees before you and acknowledge you as my King. You are my shield and my defense; My Lord I thank you for making me and other fellow Ghanaians winners of the 2009 DV programme. Father the real battle starts from 1st October, 2008 – 31th September, 2009, this I commit into your HANDS. Father there is no way we can go through all the processes including the INTERVIEW on our own and come out VICTORIOUS that is why we are laying our petition (DV VISA) before your THRONE OF GRACE AND MERCY this moment.

Father the BATTLE IS YOURS NOT OURS! in the name of JESUS WE CAST OUT EVERY SPIRIT OF SHAME, DISGRACE AND DISAPPOINTMENT from our lives. Father, please help us make ready all DV documents and lead each and everyone of us to the embassy for the interview.

Father, WE COME AGAINST ANY SPIRIT OF FEAR IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Cause us to be very calm knowing that you are GOD.

Father, you are our only HOPE that is why we have come before you to see us through. You CLOSED the mouths of LIONS and they could not eat up Daniel. By your power you TURNED the red sea into DRY LAND; you made it POSSIBLE for Abraham and Sarah to have children when it was past the right age for them to have children. My God, out of Abraham came many NATIONS, You answered Hannah’s prayer by opening up her womb and she had children. We are also very much aware of the GREAT AND MIGTHY things you did in Egypt to get your children out of that nation.

You are the same awesome God that we have come to and we BELIEVE you can do same for us. Anoint our heads with oil and fill our mouths with LAUGHTER. Instead of shame, Father give us DOUBLE HONOUR. Cause DOORS that were once closed to OPEN NOW before us IN JESUS NAME.

Father, let no consular overturn our harvest, let your power of LOVE touch their hearts and minds and cause them to be at peace with us when we go for the interview.
Father, this is THE HOUR OF VISITATION AND AMERICA IS NOW NEARER THAN BEFORE, by faith we declare that the HEAVENS ARE OPENED over lives, the devourer is REBUKED, and we receive victory in the NAME OF JESUS.

WE RECEIVE TODAY, THE ANOINTING TO BEGIN, THE ANOINTING TO CONTINUE AND THE ANOINTING TO FINISH. We are fully persuaded that He, who has started a good work in us, will bring it into completion IN JESUS NAME.



hmmm its a pity sometimes how this thread is continually becoming a dead one. de last time i was at the embassy i was so surprised to see so many ppl who knew nothing abt dis thread.

fellows please lets propagate the message of this thread. it has helped some of us and we can't afford to let it die a natural death. lets invite others to join in our joy...
Beniitt,AmecK09,Stmykael, the thread will never die, from kenyan thread we do disapear and just come back. Its a journey that we made commitment to walk, so we just have to continue.
Do not be discourage Beniitt, when you see people dead quite, things are moving in the right directions,
otherwise it would be questions and noise all over. We thank Almighty God for the postive testimonies we've so far heard. sometimes we have nothing to contribute but I urge those who make it to bring us testimonies as encouragment, and also tell us if theres' any changes at the Embassy.
If you have nothing to contribute in the forum, Please just us bring us prayers its very important.
God bless us.
In jesus name,we pray that ALL going for interview in this month of December,AND THE MONTHS TO COME shall find divine favour of God and successful interview,AMEN.

We shall ALL laugh last on this forum and the good Lord shall go before Us,with us and after US in all we do.

I wish ALL of us on this forum a successful interview ahead in jesus name,AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In jesus name,we pray that ALL going for interview in this month of December,AND THE MONTHS TO COME shall find divine favour of God and successful interview,AMEN.

We shall ALL laugh last on this forum and the good Lord shall go before Us,with us and after US in all we do.

I wish ALL of us on this forum a successful interview ahead in jesus name,AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beniitt,AmecK09,Stmykael, the thread will never die, from kenyan thread we do disapear and just come back. Its a journey that we made commitment to walk, so we just have to continue.
Do not be discourage Beniitt, when you see people dead quite, things are moving in the right directions,
otherwise it would be questions and noise all over. We thank Almighty God for the postive testimonies we've so far heard. sometimes we have nothing to contribute but I urge those who make it to bring us testimonies as encouragment, and also tell us if theres' any changes at the Embassy.
If you have nothing to contribute in the forum, Please just us bring us prayers its very important.
God bless us.

Thanks for your words of encouragement. May the good Lord bless you. Peace! Benniit
hmmm its a pity sometimes how this thread is continually becoming a dead one. de last time i was at the embassy i was so surprised to see so many ppl who knew nothing abt dis thread.

fellows please lets propagate the message of this thread. it has helped some of us and we can't afford to let it die a natural death. lets invite others to join in our joy...

Please, tell me @ the embassy was your complete case number or the digits after the zeros called out? Or your name was mentioned. Please enlightened! Peace! Benniit
Please, tell me @ the embassy was your complete case number or the digits after the zeros called out? Or your name was mentioned. Please enlightened! Peace! Benniit

Benniit, I hope this time around, you hear good news from the visa bulletin. Stay blessed and prepared.
Benniit, I hope this time around, you hear good news from the visa bulletin. Stay blessed and prepared.

Yes, bro. I'm current for Dec., but due to the delay on my part though, it was not my fault, my interview will come in Feb. as said earlier. I called kcc the night of yesterday and was told to call back after the 15th of Dec. Thanks bro. Peace! Benniit
wat do these people tak us for?

Guys could you believe i just had a reply for an enquiry mail i sent to the US embassy in Accra on 21st September only yesterday? so wat at all were they doing that it kept them over 2 months to reply? assuming it was something so critical to obtaining my visa wat would have been my fate by now?

Guess something needs to be done on this. Its really a worrying situation.
Guys could you believe i just had a reply for an enquiry mail i sent to the US embassy in Accra on 21st September only yesterday? so wat at all were they doing that it kept them over 2 months to reply? assuming it was something so critical to obtaining my visa wat would have been my fate by now?

Guess something needs to be done on this. Its really a worrying situation.

hmmm 2 months to reply your email? I've nothing to say.
Marriage after interview but before entering the usa?
Hi all
I have a question and I'm so confued.
-Is it allowed to get marriage after interview but before entering the usa?
I've lived with my fiance for more six years. i registered dv2011 as single because Not yet marriage ,and my visa would be refused if i get marriage after being selected (winning).

-shall i problem when entring at POE when I'll declare that i'm maried?

any idea and experience will be help

thak all
Hello house,
A thousand apologies for my long absence, too much has been going on around me these few weeks, but by His grace there's been some major changes in my signature as you can see, and all thanks to the Almighty thus far.
Firstly, I did my medicals at Akai House on monday and it was rather a straight forward process. If you are able to get there early you could complete it in less than two hours!! I had no vaccination records so I did everything; physical exams, X-ray, vaccinations and taking of blood sample. The damage was GHC153(for physical exams, lab and x-ray) plus GHC154 (for vaccinations); and as usual results will be ready in 2 weeks.
Secondly I received my AOS from my sponsor but without the supporting documents :( .The reason is that according to my sponsor, he has mailed another AOS to the Accra Embassy and he says they'll put it on my file... To that effect, I mailed the Accra embassy so the could confirm reciept of the AOS but i got an interesting reply after 3 days...

" Re: 2011AFxxx

Thank you for your email inquiry.
We wish to inform you that Affidavit of Support will not be needed to process your Diversity Visa application.

We hope this information is helpful to you and please let us know if we may be of further assistance.

U.S. Embassy Accra
Consular Section "

What do you think about this guys? cheers.