Guys sorry for being away for this long. I have to urgently attend to other aspect of my life which I put on hold over two months before my interview. I have to travel over a long distance and internet links were very bad. I have scanned through all the comments and contributions and thank you all for your words of encouragement. I strongly believe in God and it is only Him who directs and the best of direction is His. Whatever happens I know would be to my own goodness. God is in full control. I SHALL WAIT FOR HIS TIME.
My only worry however is that I can't travel out of the country as I had planned since my passport is with the Embassy. I have no way of knowing when I will get it back. My little research points to the fact that it could take weeks and months and with the nature of my job, I have to travel a lot of times.
Yet still I have no choice but to wait and wait for GOD'S CALL.
God is in control, your call is on the way! Stay blessed.