• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 AOS Only

I am in same situation as you. here is what I did and worked for me.
I submitted my W2 forms to Chicago with I485 application. Also I send a copy of employment confirmation which was reflecting all type of contracts that I was in with the university (like RA, TA,..)
For my interview I had the original ones + copy of all my previous and current contracts with university.
during the interview I saw that officer looked at the letter and copy of W2 forms and he did not say or ask for anything else. What I think is basically if you have enough income it does not make sense to ask for other supports even though one strange and not professional officer may ask for it.
For me, I did not have any option of preparing another form of support, if I could I would. so If you can prepare them, but if you can't I doubt that be a problem.

I will have my interview next week. I am currently on an F1 visa and I am being paid by the university. Does anyone know whether a letter from my university will be enough to prove that I will have enough money and I won't become a public charge in the US or I also need to fill out and sign an I864 form for myself? My income is above poverty line.
Thanks Yoni, my problem is that I can not find somebody to (a friend or relative) to sign that form for me... Are you sure we need to have I-134? in a generic letter, USCIS asked me to prepare I864!

Maybe it would be wise for you to prepare I-134 signed by someone with good income/assets.
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Thanks Joseph, so I don't have to fill out any of the forms and then sign it as "self sponsor - somebody who have a job and sponsors himself" and you think bringing the job contracts and W2s to the interview will be enough?

I am in same situation as you. here is what I did and worked for me.
I submitted my W2 forms to Chicago with I485 application. Also I send a copy of employment confirmation which was reflecting all type of contracts that I was in with the university (like RA, TA,..)
For my interview I had the original ones + copy of all my previous and current contracts with university.
during the interview I saw that officer looked at the letter and copy of W2 forms and he did not say or ask for anything else. What I think is basically if you have enough income it does not make sense to ask for other supports even though one strange and not professional officer may ask for it.
For me, I did not have any option of preparing another form of support, if I could I would. so If you can prepare them, but if you can't I doubt that be a problem.
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The I-864 is only for family based cases. You got the generic invitation for interview, that's why it shows that....Keep in mind 90%+ of interviews are for family based cases, employment cases are usually adjudicated without interview, and DV cases are niddle in the haystack compared to the total number of cases.....
It is good to have I-134 just in case they ask you, if they don't, simply shred it after the interview...If you don't or can't have it, that's still fine, hopefully you don't fall on an officer that might ask it...

Also, you can't sponsor yourself....either you have a good stable income/education to support good income, or you don't. That is how they determine a chance to become public charge....
btw: this is actually one of the reasons they are considering to terminate the DV program...since it has such low qualifications...they claim it would be better to allocate the 50,000 spots for employment based immigrants that are waiting in line for years....

Thanks Yoni, my problem is that I can not find somebody to (a friend or relative) to sign that form for me... Are you sure we need to have I-134? in a generic letter, USCIS asked me to prepare I864!
My 2nd infopass experience today....
After my horror story of two weeks ago...I came to another infopass. During my wait for my number to be called, i noticed the "devil"/evil officer at one of the windows. I was praying not to fall "under her arms" again...I prepared to call for supervisor, etc. Even was considering to skip my number and act like i didn't hear them calling me...just not to got to her again.
I got lucky today - thank you God. Today i got an extremely nice lady that welcomed me with a nice "good morning", "how can i help you..."
I had a list of questions that i presented and she answered all of them. The good news is that I cleared FP, IBIS, and name check....
She said my file is under review in the local field office, said that an officer is working on it...So i just need to wait. When i mention about the sunset provision and the need to complete by Sep 30th, fiscal year, she said they know about this.
I thanked her for being so nice and friendly and left. What a day vs. night.....compared to last time..
My KCC file as of today was not yet requested.
So at least I left with positive feeling. Already sent letters to two senators, congress man, ombudsman, and first lady. Still considering filing WOM (writ of Mandamus) Not sure if i have enough time to file it / met the burden of proof that i have exhausted all other avenues......I mean, i can't really wait 2-3 months to get reply from senators...I only have 60 days....
Thank you all for praying for me.
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Yoni, I was following your story from day 1, what a roller coaster. I am from Europe too, and my number is almost the same as yours DF2012EU00026XXX. I am a PhD student here and my original plan was doing the AOS, because I really do not have time to travel around the globe to do an interview, but now I am ready to reconsider. What scares me is that in case they found something wrong with my application and decide to reject my DV visa the doors to US will be shut for good. They will not give me an F1 anymore, that's for sure. So I don't know what to do...

I have a strong feeling though that your case will end up just fine, security checks are all done and I think they are just dragging their feet, but when deadline approaches they will be rushing like crazy and get everything done. I pray for you, keep it up!
Hi Concerned_, welcome to the forum.
Yeah, most likely you will become current in May or June which under normal/average timelines should be fine. However....as you can see with my case, it is not always true. If you get slapped with 180 days of delay after May/June, you might not make it. The only comforting thing is the name check process. I think the people from EU usually don'
t have issues with name check. I think USCIS "excuse" in most of the cases i read so far to delay or when they need to explain their delay is to blame name check (FBI) thus putting the blame on another agency...If you clear that, I don't think they can claim other issues, since it is really now under their control.

If I were you, I would consider CP... Basically you can plan ahead by getting all your paperwork ready, get police certs, and doctors report. Then just wait for your interview to be scheduled at the embassy. simply fly and get there that day, pass, get your passport stamped, and you can board the flight back with I-551 and enter US as PR. If hell break lose and you get denied, you still have you F visa, and USCIS is totally not involved in your process...

btw: why do you think that they would be rushing as the deadline approaches? Do you know of any incentives that they might have to process successfully as many cases as they can?? why would they? Much easier to sit on you butt and drink coffee with cookies.

Thanks for following and praying for me.
Good thing shell happen to good people eventually.

Yoni, I was following your story from day 1, what a roller coaster. I am from Europe too, and my number is almost the same as yours DF2012EU00026XXX. I am a PhD student here and my original plan was doing the AOS, because I really do not have time to travel around the globe to do an interview, but now I am ready to reconsider. What scares me is that in case they found something wrong with my application and decide to reject my DV visa the doors to US will be shut for good. They will not give me an F1 anymore, that's for sure. So I don't know what to do...

I have a strong feeling though that your case will end up just fine, security checks are all done and I think they are just dragging their feet, but when deadline approaches they will be rushing like crazy and get everything done. I pray for you, keep it up!
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Looks like today was good day for infopass. We also did them 2. First we visit FO we were sent according to Zip code, there very friendly people sent us to the other FO, where our case have arrived TODAY!!! 102 days after Uscis recieved our forms. They helped us to put in wrong zip code in the infopass kiosk and we went to the other, very nice and tiny office. There very nice lady told us, we must not worry about names checking and other issues, in 1_2 week we shall get IL, which probably would be scheduled for the first week of september. Now at least we know, that our case was just delivered to FO, And hope we shall get IL in time.
That's good. So did you get confirmation that you cleared name check?
in my case she went to "another screen" and then confirmed that I cleared name check.

Looks like today was good day for infopass. We also did them 2. First we visit FO we were sent according to Zip code, there very friendly people sent us to the other FO, where our case have arrived TODAY!!! 102 days after Uscis recieved our forms. They helped us to put in wrong zip code in the infopass kiosk and we went to the other, very nice and tiny office. There very nice lady told us, we must not worry about names checking and other issues, in 1_2 week we shall get IL, which probably would be scheduled for the first week of september. Now at least we know, that our case was just delivered to FO, And hope we shall get IL in time.
Hi all, please don't stuck on the legal lottery or other kinde of immigration. We come here legally, but those came to USA illegally could get all the benefit better than we do. Please read the attachment as follows:

..California "Dream Act" approved for illegal immigrants

By Alex Dobuzinskis | Reuters – 17 hrs ago
....tweet102EmailPrint......LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law on Monday a bill allowing illegal immigrants to receive privately funded scholarships to attend the state's public colleges and universities.

The bill, dubbed the California Dream Act, passed the state Legislature earlier this month and aims at helping illegal immigrants who earned a diploma after attending at least three years of high school in the state.

Enactment of the California measure came three days after opponents of a similar law in Maryland collected enough signatures to force a state referendum seeking its repeal.

"At the end of the day, if we're going to continue as a powerful, equal-opportunity society, we're going to have to invest in our people," Brown, a Democrat, said at the signing ceremony in the library of a Los Angeles community college.

The California law is named after national legislation in Congress to give young, undocumented immigrants who have lived in the United States for at least five years a pathway to citizenship through college or military service.

The federal bill failed to win passage in December 2010, and its chances have dimmed since a newly elected Republican majority took control of the House of Representatives.

Critics say the California Dream Act gives illegal immigrants a false promise because their status will not change after graduating from college and they will remain unable to find legal employment. Former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, vetoed an earlier version of the bill last year.

But Julian Rivera, 20, a student at the University of California at Berkeley who entered the United States illegally with his parents at age 12 from Mexico, said the measure could make it easier those like him to afford to stay in school.

"It doesn't matter where you come from, it doesn't matter what your background is, it just matters that you have passion for something and you want to do it," he said. "This is a country that has given us that freedom."


Patrick McDonough, a Republican member of the Maryland House of Delegates who helped lead the petition drive for the repeal initiative there, said U.S. citizens who are struggling to pay for college should not have to compete with illegal immigrants for scarce financial resources.

"People would say, 'Why should we, when we're having tough economic times ourselves, pay for someone who is here illegally?'" he said.

The new California law is fairly limited in scope, making undocumented students who qualify eligible for private scholarships. A separate bill under consideration in the legislature would allow illegal immigrants to seek publicly funded scholarships as well.

State law already allows illegal immigrants who qualify for admission to a four-year state university to pay in-state tuition rather than the more expensive out-of-state tuition rate. But four-year institutions are still beyond reach for many undocumented students without financial aid.

Twelve other states also grant in-state tuition eligibility to illegal immigrants based on attendance and graduation from a state high school, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, South Carolina and Indiana have laws barring illegal immigrants from in-state tuition benefits.

Passage of legislation in California and Maryland to extend private scholarships to illegal immigrants comes as a number of states, led by Arizona, have taken steps to crack down on the undocumented.

"You're going to see the red states go more the Arizona approach and blue states the California Dream Act approach," said John Skrentny, director of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at University of California, San Diego.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis; Editing by Steve Gorman and Cynthia Johnston)
No, she told you must not worry about it, come back with the whole family to the interview.)))
That's good. So did you get confirmation that you cleared name check?
in my case she went to "another screen" and then confirmed that I cleared name check.
Thanks Yoni for wishes! I'm really hape to hear that you've made the second info pass and at least now you know that you're name is clear which is really important I guesss. I hope you will recived you IL soon. For some reason I think that is going to be around August 7th, but who know maybe even earlier. Thansk for everything

Joseph230 congraduations as welllllll! :))))))))))

My 2nd infopass experience today....
After my horror story of two weeks ago...I came to another infopass. During my wait for my number to be called, i noticed the "devil"/evil officer at one of the windows. I was praying not to fall "under her arms" again...I prepared to call for supervisor, etc. Even was considering to skip my number and act like i didn't hear them calling me...just not to got to her again.
I got lucky today - thank you God. Today i got an extremely nice lady that welcomed me with a nice "good morning", "how can i help you..."
I had a list of questions that i presented and she answered all of them. The good news is that I cleared FP, IBIS, and name check....
She said my file is under review in the local field office, said that an officer is working on it...So i just need to wait. When i mention about the sunset provision and the need to complete by Sep 30th, fiscal year, she said they know about this.
I thanked her for being so nice and friendly and left. What a day vs. night.....compared to last time..
My KCC file as of today was not yet requested.
So at least I left with positive feeling. Already sent letters to two senators, congress man, ombudsman, and first lady. Still considering filing WOM (writ of Mandamus) Not sure if i have enough time to file it / met the burden of proof that i have exhausted all other avenues......I mean, i can't really wait 2-3 months to get reply from senators...I only have 60 days....
Thank you all for praying for me.
So you asked whether you cleared name check and the answer was : "You must not worry about it? "
You should have followed by saying: "That means I didn't clear the name check and I'm still pending?.. "
That way, they, if nice enough, would give you yes/no status on that.
Not that it changes anything or would give you any benefit other than peace of mind.
Today under the pressure of Sept. 30th, peace of mind is appreciated...

No, she told you must not worry about it, come back with the whole family to the interview.)))
Thanks you very much Yoni! I'm happy that everything today turned out to be a great day for you!

The I-864 is only for family based cases. You got the generic invitation for interview, that's why it shows that....Keep in mind 90%+ of interviews are for family based cases, employment cases are usually adjudicated without interview, and DV cases are niddle in the haystack compared to the total number of cases.....
It is good to have I-134 just in case they ask you, if they don't, simply shred it after the interview...If you don't or can't have it, that's still fine, hopefully you don't fall on an officer that might ask it...

Also, you can't sponsor yourself....either you have a good stable income/education to support good income, or you don't. That is how they determine a chance to become public charge....
btw: this is actually one of the reasons they are considering to terminate the DV program...since it has such low qualifications...they claim it would be better to allocate the 50,000 spots for employment based immigrants that are waiting in line for years....
Thanks, Yoni. Next info pass we shall try to ask again. If anybody knows, which support documents must be submitted for the family, if husband , principal applicant,is working, wife is not working and child goes to school? Do we need to find a sponsor for the whole family, or just husband make affidavit of support to the wife and child?
I am so happy for you, Yoni.
Its definitely a GOOD sign!! Yaaayy~~
Can't wait to see you get your IL hehehe

My 2nd infopass experience today....
After my horror story of two weeks ago...I came to another infopass. During my wait for my number to be called, i noticed the "devil"/evil officer at one of the windows. I was praying not to fall "under her arms" again...I prepared to call for supervisor, etc. Even was considering to skip my number and act like i didn't hear them calling me...just not to got to her again.
I got lucky today - thank you God. Today i got an extremely nice lady that welcomed me with a nice "good morning", "how can i help you..."
I had a list of questions that i presented and she answered all of them. The good news is that I cleared FP, IBIS, and name check....
She said my file is under review in the local field office, said that an officer is working on it...So i just need to wait. When i mention about the sunset provision and the need to complete by Sep 30th, fiscal year, she said they know about this.
I thanked her for being so nice and friendly and left. What a day vs. night.....compared to last time..
My KCC file as of today was not yet requested.
So at least I left with positive feeling. Already sent letters to two senators, congress man, ombudsman, and first lady. Still considering filing WOM (writ of Mandamus) Not sure if i have enough time to file it / met the burden of proof that i have exhausted all other avenues......I mean, i can't really wait 2-3 months to get reply from senators...I only have 60 days....
Thank you all for praying for me.
Thanks everyone for all your help and support.

I used the forum extensively to gather documentation and process my application. I had my interview today. My interview went very smooth, it took about 5-7 minutes for the entire interview. The interviewer asked me to take the oath and then asked me to have a seat. He seemed to have gone through the documents I had sent with my I-485 application. He first asked for my original birth certificate and proof of payment to DOS. He also asked if I am working currently to which I replied that I will be starting employment within a couple of months. I provided my job offer letter as proof. Then he proceeded with the yes/no question. He also asked for my passport and then wrote something onto it. It was literally like about 5 minutes and it seemed the interview was over. So I asked the officer if my case was approved. He said everything looks fine and I should receive the card within the next 30 days.

I still cannot believe it that the interviewer did not ask for other documentation such as I 134. Thanks for all your help and support. My case status says Card Production this evening. I am very glad that this long journey has finally come to a sweet ending :) . I wish everyone will get to proceed smoothly and adjust their status by September end. I will also login to the forum from time to time see if I can be of help to anyone.

God bless you all.
Congrats to everyone that got their interview letters, interview approved and or good experiences at INFOPASS, i called KCC and was told my file was requested on the 21st, but given the different amount of time after file transfer, sometimes a week, sometimes a month before interview letter was received, I'm not holding my breath.
Looks like today was good day for infopass. We also did them 2. First we visit FO we were sent according to Zip code, there very friendly people sent us to the other FO, where our case have arrived TODAY!!! 102 days after Uscis recieved our forms. They helped us to put in wrong zip code in the infopass kiosk and we went to the other, very nice and tiny office. There very nice lady told us, we must not worry about names checking and other issues, in 1_2 week we shall get IL, which probably would be scheduled for the first week of september. Now at least we know, that our case was just delivered to FO, And hope we shall get IL in time.

So are you not at Newark FO anymore?
You're in excellent position. Since you cleared all security checks and had your KCC file requested, I bet the IO is about to send you the IL any day now.

Congrats to everyone that got their interview letters, interview approved and or good experiences at INFOPASS, i called KCC and was told my file was requested on the 21st, but given the different amount of time after file transfer, sometimes a week, sometimes a month before interview letter was received, I'm not holding my breath.