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DV 2011 AOS Only


I'm very glad to hear your good news from your info pass! You know, for the last two weeks when I read your post, even though I know my GC was on the way; I somehow felt sad to hear your news. Now I'm very very happy for you. Things will turn out to be great as we wish it to be.

We will enjoy our new status in this country! God Bless You and America!
btw: why do you think that they would be rushing as the deadline approaches? Do you know of any incentives that they might have to process successfully as many cases as they can?? why would they? Much easier to sit on you butt and drink coffee with cookies.

Yoni.. Of course I can't know that for certain, I do not know anyone who works in CIS. But.. I know of some cases of extension or change of status, where the case was at stand still forever and only moved fast right before the deadline (expiration of I-94 and things like this). Also I think CIS as any other government agency must report their statistics to management regularly, and the cases which were delayed because of lack of effort from CIS do not look good on them, so it is at their best interest to have their numbers in green all the time. Of course they can blame delays on other agencies, but in your case all security clearances are done, so it is all in their hands from now on. This is why I am sure your situation will be solved before the deadline.

If hell break lose and you get denied, you still have you F visa, and USCIS is totally not involved in your process...

Do you think they will not cancel my current visa before the interview? I always thought that they cancel your current visa first and then proceed with interview. In this case if something goes wrong with DV visa I am pretty much screwed, no way to establish non-immigrant intent after that. I do not see any reasons to be denied, however we never know what would be in the mind of CO that day. I do not want to sacrifice all the time investment I made into my PhD. Well... it is all the lyrics, I will go for CP and let it roll from there. And once again, I am sure your situation will work itself out.
That's good. So did you get confirmation that you cleared name check?
in my case she went to "another screen" and then confirmed that I cleared name check.

Congrats Yoni for the good news you got today. Many of us 2012 er's who are following your case now have more reasons to be hopeful on the whole AOS/namecheck/fingerprint etc processes..

If I may ask, which country are you from? I'm just curious since the first 4 letters of your name is not so common, at least to a lot of guys on this forum who are from a certain region of the Asian sub-continent. They probably find it very interesting, and I am sure it also helps them chuckle once in a while =).

In jest; a dv humor on the occasion of your good news ;)
thank you for the kind words. I really feel that there's a positive energy that comes from the people on this forum that actually makes people like me and in my position to feel better these days.

You're probably right and i guess i hope you're right in your logic.
But to your question, I've never heard about canceling your F visa before the I-485 interview...simply doesn't happen. The only time when your F visa would be canceled is after you complete successfully the interview and get the green card...If your F visa is valid till after the interview date, i don't see any problem. (even though the F is not dual intent visa)

I hope you and your fellow DV2012 are reading our forum from page 1 till the end and so the 2010 and 2009 forums. You will get all the info you need. It will help you put everything the right way and probably save you from making mistakes.
About my nick name, it is not my name simply a nick name that i have adopted because i liked it. I'm from center-eastern europe.
thank you for the kind words. I really feel that there's a positive energy that comes from the people on this forum that actually makes people like me and in my position to feel better these days.

You're probably right and i guess i hope you're right in your logic.
But to your question, I've never heard about canceling your F visa before the I-485 interview...simply doesn't happen. The only time when your F visa would be canceled is after you complete successfully the interview and get the green card...If your F visa is valid till after the interview date, i don't see any problem. (even though the F is not dual intent visa)

I hope you and your fellow DV2012 are reading our forum from page 1 till the end and so the 2010 and 2009 forums. You will get all the info you need. It will help you put everything the right way and probably save you from making mistakes.
About my nick name, it is not my name simply a nick name that i have adopted because i liked it. I'm from center-eastern europe.

Yoni you can do better than that................"""""""""CENTER-EASTERN EUROPE"""""""""". LOL.:D:D:D Just Kidding Yoni......
By the way since you are talking about the user name, My wife was reading the posts and she kept refering to you as "she" because of your user name..... so we argued whether to use "he" or "she".
I still can't change her mind...............:D
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No, our case moved to Mount Laurel, very small FO. But we met very friendly people in Newark too during the info pass.

Wow, these two offices are like hour and a half from each other, you live closer by philly? Mount Laurel is a much faster moving FO, you'll get your IL in no time.
We live just in the middle between these offices, and our zip code belongs to Newark. But they sent us there. No idea why. Anyway, they told interview will be first week of September, not earlier.
Wow, these two offices are like hour and a half from each other, you live closer by philly? Mount Laurel is a much faster moving FO, you'll get your IL in no time.
I live like 2 hours away from Mount Laurel, I wish my case could've gotten transfer there, probably would've gotten my interview letter already.
But FO got our case yesterday only, means it was in NBC for almost 4 months. Looks like processing time not denenp of FO before.Bu
I live like 2 hours away from Mount Laurel, I wish my case could've gotten transfer there, probably would've gotten my interview letter already.
But FO got our case yesterday only, means it was in NBC for almost 4 months. Looks like processing time not denenp of FO before.Bu
yea its puzzling why it was in NBC for so long, I guess they were confused about which office to sent your file, so it took them 4 months to flip a coin to decide.
I'll let you two continue arguing over this :)
That makes it more fun to wonder....
I'll share that info at the end...

Yoni you can do better than that................"""""""""CENTER-EASTERN EUROPE"""""""""". LOL.:D:D:D Just Kidding Yoni......
By the way since you are talking about the user name, My wife was reading the posts and she kept refering to you as "she" because of your user name..... so we argued whether to use "he" or "she".
I still can't change her mind...............:D
I'll let you two continue arguing over this :)
That makes it more fun to wonder....
I'll share that info at the end...

Yoni, Do you thing i should do an Infopass if didn't get anything from the USCIS between now and the first week of August....
Yes, you can do infopass and check if you cleared all security checks (mainly name check)
Seeing that your KCC file was sent to FO...is a very good sign that a IL is on the way to you....

Yoni, Do you thing i should do an Infopass if didn't get anything from the USCIS between now and the first week of August....
Just found out, that 3 cases were requested from KCC in one day, July 21, and were sent to 3 different FO.
Might suggest that KCC files are requested by NBC and not FO....but also can be just coincidental.
I was under the impression that in most cases, KCC file is requested little after/before IL is sent.

Just found out, that 3 cases were requested from KCC in one day, July 21, and were sent to 3 different FO.
In our case,our file was requested July 21, and arrived to FO July 26, and FO plan to schedule interview at the first week of september. If we shall think positive, may be NBC did all security checkings before sending files to FO, if not, our 3 cases were felt in the hands of one person and he put them far in the desk. May be we must also sent some letters to senators, we don't want to wait till september, thinking every day about 50000 limit? Yoni, did you get any responces on your letters?
Might suggest that KCC files are requested by NBC and not FO....but also can be just coincidental.
I was under the impression that in most cases, KCC file is requested little after/before IL is sent.
also i've heard that what normally causes delays besides field offices processing time is the name check, any specific reasons for that? if my name is extremely rare (pretty sure i'm the only one with it! hahah) will that make any difference? just curious and giving myself some hope.
no responses yet...just the green (certified mail receipt) cards...
I did get an email from ombudsman saying that they are reviewing my app and either they or USCIS would let me know the status and whether they can help me or not.

About the 50,000 limit...you know that the criteria for approving the GC, is for them to check the VB (visa Bulletin), we also already got the advanced notification for September that shows all current (with minor exceptions). I think that only key info is to see VB for September that would be published around August 8th...If, as expected it would still show the info as it was showing a month ago on the advanced table, then there would be no problem. I think DOS has made some regions current in August and all of them in September because they think that they would not be able to issue 50,000 visa and have "ample" supply.
But, I might be dead wrong here....

In our case,our file was requested July 21, and arrived to FO July 26, and FO plan to schedule interview at the first week of september. If we shall think positive, may be NBC did all security checkings before sending files to FO, if not, our 3 cases were felt in the hands of one person and he put them far in the desk. May be we must also sent some letters to senators, we don't want to wait till september, thinking every day about 50000 limit? Yoni, did you get any responces on your letters?