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DV 2011 AOS Only

I-20 lost

I lost my first i-20, what should I do? I have 3 more i-20s after but i dont have first one. Thanks a lot.
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I waited for 21 days. So hang in there. I think you will get it by the end of next week. Remember to have your passport renewed before your interview.

Thanks, feel! I'll keep waiting!

Looks fine. You still need to wait few more days. You should contact USCIS 30 days after sending I-485. Otherwise, they will not respond.

Thanks, sharminlee! I didn't know about this 30 days limit.
Original Birth Certificate

Hi friends,

I have two questions. I have checked previous entries in this blog but I could not find anything helpful:

1) I guess I accidentally attached the original birth certificate when I submitted my ap to Chicago Lock box. Is this gonna be a problem during my interview? Should I order a new one from the consulate?

2) I dont know where my high school diploma is. I have a BSc diploma and two MSc diplomas with me. Are they going to substitute my high school diploma?

If I were you, I would try to get duplicate birth certificate and high school diploma. Logically BS/MS certificate should replace high school diploma. But during interview, all it matters what the IO is asking for.

Hi friends,

I have two questions. I have checked previous entries in this blog but I could not find anything helpful:

1) I guess I accidentally attached the original birth certificate when I submitted my ap to Chicago Lock box. Is this gonna be a problem during my interview? Should I order a new one from the consulate?

2) I dont know where my high school diploma is. I have a BSc diploma and two MSc diplomas with me. Are they going to substitute my high school diploma?

It is just next week, i don't see why i should do that. Couldn't find evidence that it would expedite things. Also, it is not that i got an interview letter for next week...
I'm patient....

Yoni, Did you try Walk-in Bio?
I was curious. You may be right.

It is just next week, i don't see why i should do that. Couldn't find evidence that it would expedite things. Also, it is not that i got an interview letter for next week...
I'm patient....
Hey guys,
I am about to send my AOS packet ( just waiting for the next visa bulletin), and my I-20 IS gonna expire on 12/31/2011. However, I am transferring to another University(Fall2011) which will give me a new I-20 on august. I am assuming that as long as I bring my new I-20 to the interview i'm good to go. Please let me know if you think it's a problem.
Should I send my university acceptance letter with the AOS packet ?
Also, I wanted to make sure that if I live in Austin Tx I have to send my packet to Chicago, or is it San Antonio?

Thank you in Advance,
If you are on a legal F-1 status right now, you are good to go. You do not need your new I-20 that you said you will get in August 2011. Send all copies of the I-20s including your current I-20 you have right now, also copy of Form I-94. Remember for DV 2011 winners, AOS will have to be completed before September 30,2011.

You MUST send I-485 to Chicago Lockbox. Check the address on the Instructions for Form I-485.
You should submit the document what are available right now. You don't need to submit the acceptance letter of your new school. If you get your new I-20 before your interview is scheduled, then bring that to the interview.

Hey guys,
I am about to send my AOS packet ( just waiting for the next visa bulletin), and my I-20 IS gonna expire on 12/31/2011. However, I am transferring to another University(Fall2011) which will give me a new I-20 on august. I am assuming that as long as I bring my new I-20 to the interview i'm good to go. Please let me know if you think it's a problem.
Should I send my university acceptance letter with the AOS packet ?
Also, I wanted to make sure that if I live in Austin Tx I have to send my packet to Chicago, or is it San Antonio?

Thank you in Advance,
Thank you a lot,
Yeah I am aware that I have to be done by September 30th,I am ready to send my AOS docs.
I just hope that my case won't take too long :s :s
Does anybody know about lost i-20? i have only copy i lost original. what should i do? please give me advise. thx
I would not worry much if the one you lost is the old I-20. If you lost your current I-20, then get a new one from your school as soon as you can. They usually provide it in couple of days. Hope this helps.

Does anybody know about lost i-20? i have only copy i lost original. what should i do? please give me advise. thx
hey guys, it is so interesting to see the new dv 2012 winners, I feel like we are all graduating and that the new generation is coming behind us, same questions, same discussions, same steps that we had since the begining in the forum. :) its nice to know that you can help.
Congratulations to those who got their welcome letters this week.
Yes natta, it is interesting to know how similar the discussions are at the beginning. None of them have signatures like we do...maybe 2012 winners will do that soon.

hey guys, it is so interesting to see the new dv 2012 winners, I feel like we are all graduating and that the new generation is coming behind us, same questions, same discussions, same steps that we had since the begining in the forum. :) its nice to know that you can help.
Congratulations to those who got their welcome letters this week.