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DV 2011 AOS Only

Was RFE sent by the Field Office or the NBC?

It was dated October 29th. I received my biometrics around October 15th. I was shocked when I received the letter because I thought everything was running smoothly. But I only lost a month since my interview is in mid-January.
Hey Queenslurker,
What is your status then? Are you under the 245(i)?
I think that if you're out of status your only way to do AOS is by using 245(i) (if you qualify for it of course)
Share your details please.

Yes. I applied under 245i. I was aged-out of an application that became current last year. So the DV lottery came at a great time.
I added the info for Izzy. She had told me her CPO was on 3rd Dec. without interview. I thought you guys should know.

Yeah, what's up with that? Seems like CPO without interview is a big deal, and for Izzy not to share this... even if she's pissed at someone or whatever. Anyway, something is fishy here...
Hi nncu, I am just sharing what I knew from her through PM. And could you add your signature? Did you get your interview letter?

Yeah, what's up with that? Seems like CPO without interview is a big deal, and for Izzy not to share this... even if she's pissed at someone or whatever. Anyway, something is fishy here...
I understand. I'm in a similar situation.
Please share your interview experience once you do that.

btw: since you got RFE for the financial issue...and they wanted the I-134, i would think that they wanted toi approve you without interview.
I mean, they could have simply asked you to bring it to the interview...

Yes. I applied under 245i. I was aged-out of an application that became current last year. So the DV lottery came at a great time.
Yeah I know right? something does not sit right with me here... Why would she be hiding?
Well, she told feel so congratulations to her.

Yeah, what's up with that? Seems like CPO without interview is a big deal, and for Izzy not to share this... even if she's pissed at someone or whatever. Anyway, something is fishy here...
Guys, Izzy is not hiding anything, she just got CPO as a coincidence, regarding not showing up here anymore, she had her reasons, personal matters, but she also said she is done with the forum, she helped us enough, lets wish her a great start as she did a great job earlier in the year researching info and helping us all.

Yeah I know right? something does not sit right with me here... Why would she be hiding?
Well, she told feel so congratulations to her.
OHH MY GOD........ I did not know that it happened, just noticed it today and lately I was not able to check forum here so did not see your messages either, SORRY.. I created our original spreadsheet with public access so everyone can edit it, but apparently sharing settings were changed although I did not change anything, and I have no idea how this happened, I'll try to find out and let you know, guys. Now it is all set for public access again.



Guys let us fill up missing data on backup copy of the spreadsheet posted by Baobab. We need to make it as complete as possible so that it would help those who are current late in the FY 2011. I regret that our old copy of spreadsheet is not accessible to us.
Vezuha, you posted the original spreadsheet and I wonder if you still have access to it and can make it public.

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I'm all of sudden unable to access the online spreadsheet. Looks like somebody made it "private" and now requires invitation. Why? I frankly prefer it to remain "public to anyone".

Agree, public to anyone, that is how sharing was set, but it changes somehow, still do not know why, sorry for any inconvenience - now spreadsheet is public again.

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Hi nncu, I am just sharing what I knew from her through PM. And could you add your signature? Did you get your interview letter?

Here's my signature. I do not show it every time I post something, especially if I post multiple times a day. Just takes too much space, and it gets repetitive.
Worst case is them sending back your application. and yes you can send it again. this happened few times before.

I'm on H1B. I know it's supposedly safe to travel while the application is being processed... would you be aware of people having problems in this situation in the past?
Is it bad if I receive the NOA at my US address while abroad?
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Guys, Izzy is not hiding anything, she just got CPO as a coincidence, regarding not showing up here anymore, she had her reasons, personal matters, but she also said she is done with the forum, she helped us enough, lets wish her a great start as she did a great job earlier in the year researching info and helping us all.

Natta, what does "she just got CPO as a coincidence" even mean?

As to personal reasons for being done with the forum, that's fine with me, I understand how one could get frustrated with things. But Izzy was beyond your regular forumite in terms of knowledge. "She" knew all these things about the process, both in depth and breadth. One example would be calling the FBI to ask about your background check. I mean who gives tips on HOW to speak to those folks and precisely WHAT to say? Unless you have experience with the matter. Also, there was a plug at one point for a "legal advice hotline". Only a few bucks, remember?

Regardless, Izzy has really been a huge part of this forum and has helped more than anyone, and for that we are grateful.
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Thanks Vezuha, but we have updated a whole bunch of new information to the new one that baobab has uploaded. that one has links to the interview experiences. Shall we stick to the new one?


having two is a bit confusing.

What do others think?

Agree, public to anyone, that is how sharing was set, but it changes somehow, still do not know why, sorry for any inconvenience - now spreadsheet is public again.

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Agreed, She has been great help. I wish her the best with her new status.

Jacksonville, FL never had CPO without interview, there is Chenthittayil with the same FO and time-line still pending there.

Natta, what does "she just got CPO as a coincidence" even mean?

As to personal reasons for being done with the forum, that's fine with me, I understand how one could get frustrated with things. But Izzy was beyond your regular forumite in terms of knowledge. "She" knew all these things about the process, in both in depth and breadth. One example would be calling the FBI to ask about your background check. Who gives tips on HOW to speak to those folks and precisely what to say? Unless you have experience with this matter. There was a plug at one point for a "legal advice hotline". Only a few bucks, remember?

Regardless, Izzy has really been a huge part of this forum and has helped more than anyone, and for that we are grateful.
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Also, about the process, at which point to they check your I94 number against their record?
Before acceptance?
Before NOA?