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DV 2011 AOS Only

yes i checked it at 10pm tonight and it says "Card/ Document Production-On November 23, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you"........please check yours too.

Congrats Tuscany!!!!!!!! Remember this day because it will state on your PR card that you have been a resident since 11/23/2010! The new PR card is kinda cool since if you look at the back closely you can see the presidents of U.S. including Obama at the end (It's really really small so hard to see without sufficient lighting)

Great words,Tuscany: "Freedom at last".
Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving!
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Just a reminder: The new USCIS fees (I-485: $985 + Biometrics: $85) kicked in yesterday. All applications from now on should reflect these new fees. Good luck to all and congratulations to all those who already got approved.
Thank you everybody for congratulations! Freedom!!!!!!! By the way if smb in MD needs a lawyer for DV cases I can recommend you one because he, actually, did all the work for me. I just completed the medicals. He is realy very experienced and not expensive
Parviz, i cant send you a private message.
to tell you the truth I have no idea about your question. I paid him 125 for my hour consultation and later it got included into the whole amount. If it's only one question, may be you should find some lawyer online (there are such websites) where you pay 10 bucks and ask them questions. Sorry I cant give you more detailed info about it. Also ask smb on forum. May be they know or ask their lawyers because I am not in touch with mine any longer, since my case is completed.

I can not reply to your message, so here is my reply re issue when not all ppl on the DV file proceed with AOS:

On the e-file for DV , my husband included myself (since we were already married) and his daughter from the first marriage. Since his daughter lives with his mom, she will not apply for AOS. So , we sent a payment for only two of us to KCC and explain that daughter will not do AOS. That is completely ok to pay for only ppl that do AOS and exclude the others. Except, KCC did not update our file so they were holding our file till we explained why we underpaid. So, if you only pay for yourself , but with your payment and DS122 include cover letter just saying that only you are doing AOS, you should be fine with KCC. If you already paid, you can still send an email message to KCC at KCCDV@state.gov and let them know that only you are doing AOS. Regardless what you do, just call them after you submit AOS to confirm that they have your file updated properly.

However, on the form for AOS they do ask you to list current or previous spouses and submit a copy of marriage to current or divorce certificate to past wife, even if noone is trying to do AOS with you at this time. I am not sure how you should proceed with AOS files given that you might have problems obtaining needed certificate. However, when unsure, you can seek advise from immigration expert. In my town there are free legal advice offered once a month at local church for immigrants. Maybe there is something similar in your town?

Congratulations to everyone who has finished and is waiting for the GC.

I have a question about the affidavit of support and the poverty guideline. As I understand, to prove that we will not become a public charge we have to show that we are making more money than the amount listed in the poverty guideline. Does that amount has to be 100% of the poverty guideline or 125% of poverty guideline? I have seen people in the forum saying if you make 100% of the poverty guideline it's enough, but my understanding is that it should be 125%.

One more question about the sponsor. How much money dose he have to show that he has on I-134? I have a sponsor that is willing to show any amount that is required but he also does not want to show anything extra if he does not have to.

Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!
The answer is simple: your sponsor has to show whatever money he makes per annum, and you need to support this fact by providing his W2s, tax returns and employment verification letter. Also, attach copies of green card or citizenship certificate along with his/her birth Certificate / Passport biodata Pages (if not a US Citizen)....It has to be 125% per my understanding. Include sponsor's dependent(s) while doing this calculations though...Again, you might not need I-134.However, I think it is not worth taking a risk at that point of time. It is your call, I am just suggesting.

Congratulations to everyone who has finished and is waiting for the GC.

I have a question about the affidavit of support and the poverty guideline. As I understand, to prove that we will not become a public charge we have to show that we are making more money than the amount listed in the poverty guideline. Does that amount has to be 100% of the poverty guideline or 125% of poverty guideline? I have seen people in the forum saying if you make 100% of the poverty guideline it's enough, but my understanding is that it should be 125%.

One more question about the sponsor. How much money dose he have to show that he has on I-134? I have a sponsor that is willing to show any amount that is required but he also does not want to show anything extra if he does not have to.

Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!
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My lawyer told me that my annual salary should be not less than 140000$. In that case you don't need the affidavit. As to affidavit, my friend needed it but for a marriage-based interview. The amount has to be not less than 22000$
I think you mean 14K not 140K in the first case...:)

My lawyer told me that my annual salary should be not less than 140000$. In that case you don't need the affidavit. As to affidavit, my friend needed it but for a marriage-based interview. The amount has to be not less than 22000$
Antin, were you asked for I-134 or any kind in the interview? Did you send W2 or Tax return transcripts or Bank statements with your AOS packet?
yeah, sorry, 14K. No, I wasnt' asked for any I-134. I'm on H1 and I didnt' send any W2s or taxes, just employment letter and 3 recent paystubs. At the interview I was asked what my job is , I said teacher and in the end my lawyer advised me to give the officer the updated employment letter.