• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 AOS Only

Thanks Vezuha and Khayat for confirming that this was indeed the acceptance email notification. I feel much better now. I already update this in our spreadsheet (which I think is the best one in the DV AOS history!!!) My checks are yet to be cashed though.. hopefully in a couple of days..
@ Sica1983 : congrats for not needing a interview. @ Anti: congrats for having a successful interview :)
I hear you natta... It would be a reeeaal nice Christmas/New Year present...

Hey guys, what is going on, no more interview letters. :( At my infopass they told me to wait at least 30 days from the biometrics, so I plan to go for another infopass next week :(
Hey Tuscany, we are waiting for good news from your interview :)

God is great and greatly to be praised!!!
Please permit me start by thanking God for this great gift, FREEDOM AT LAST!!! I also want to thank EVERY MEMBER OF THIS UNIQUE FORUM, you ALL have helped me in more ways than one, I sincerely appreciate your kind words, contribution, advise, and perspectives. Together we ALL will achieve all that we can be in America. Everyone here will get his/her GC, it will happen, and we’ll ALL share in the joy together.;););)

I had my interview today. I waited only 10 minutes and it lasted 30minutes, not because the IO asked many questions but because he interviewed my wife and I together and was exceptionally pleasant and highly professional. He created a very relaxed environment. The 1st thing he did was swear us in and then he collected our I-94s and all other approvals (+ the interview notice) and said “you would not be needing this anymore.” At that point, I was like “does this mean an approval”….. but I soon woke up to reality when he started asking the questions below:

Key Questions:
• “YES” & “NO” questions
• Provide original of I-94, status documents, all previous approvals; e.g. F-1, H-1B, (school transcripts & OPT/employment authorization card – originals.
• Birth certificate of our 2 children (even though they are U.S. citizens and not on the DV application)

Other Questions:
• What grades are your children in?
• What school are your children in?
• What’s your mother –in- law’s full name?
• What’s your wife’s/husband’s DOB?
• Are you presently employed?
• What is your profession and position at your job?
(The IO asked my wife the same questions)

He followed every answer my wife and I gave to the above questions with a pleasant comment. My wife smiled all through the interview, I could not, I was nervous even though the IO was candidly nice, exceptionally at ease, straightforward and relaxed.
After about 30minutes the IO asked the final question; what question do you have concerning your interview? My wife and I eagerly said “have we been approved?”

He answered and said that “am satisfied with all you presented and all answers provided and I will recommend approval, after my approval recommendation, it goes to other levels for further processing, you should hear from us within 30 days”.
Then the IO, my wife and I talked about Thanksgiving and how we would be spending it, he talked about his family and Thanksgiving plans, we talked about ours. He walked us out to the waiting area, made photocopies of our passports and driver’s license and we exchanged final greetings.

My wife and I Ieft the FO and went to celebrate,:cool::cool::cool: thanking God. It was a good interview, now we have to wait for the notice of approval next week and the GC in about 2 weeks.
Thanks again and I honestly wish everyone in this forum the best……. GC!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!:):):)
Thanks to everyone again, for your good wishes and all.....God bless you all.
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I am truly happy for you. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.
So far we have lots of good news

God bless :)

God is great and greatly to be praised!!!
Please permit me start by thanking God for this great gift, FREEDOM AT LAST!!! I also want to thank EVERY MEMBER OF THIS UNIQUE FORUM, you ALL have helped me in more ways than one, I sincerely appreciate your kind words, contribution, advise, and perspectives. Together we ALL will achieve all that we can be in America. Everyone here will get his/her GC, it will happen, and we’ll ALL share in the joy together.;););)

I had my interview today. I waited only 10 minutes and it lasted 30minutes, not because the IO asked many questions but because he interviewed my wife and I together and was exceptionally pleasant and highly professional. He created a very relaxed environment. The 1st thing he did was swear us in and then he collected our I-94s and all other approvals (+ the interview notice) and said “you would not be needing this anymore.” At that point, I was like “does this mean an approval”….. but I soon woke up to reality when he started asking the questions below:

Key Questions:
• “YES” & “NO” questions
• Provide original of I-94, status documents, all previous approvals; e.g. F-1, H-1B, (school transcripts & OPT/employment authorization card – originals.
• Birth certificate of our 2 children (even though they are U.S. citizens and not on the DV application)

Other Questions:
• What grades are your children in?
• What school are your children in?
• What’s your mother –in- law’s full name?
• What’s your wife’s/husband’s DOB?
• Are you presently employed?
• What is your profession and position at your job?
(The IO asked my wife the same questions)

He followed every answer my wife and I gave to the above questions with a pleasant comment. My wife smiled all through the interview, I could not, I was nervous even though the IO was candidly nice, exceptionally at ease, straightforward and relaxed.
After about 30minutes the IO asked the final question; what question do you have concerning your interview? My wife and I eagerly said “have we been approved?”

He answered and said that “am satisfied with all you presented and all answers provided and I will recommend approval, after my approval recommendation, it goes to other levels for further processing, you should hear from us within 30 days”.
Then the IO, my wife and I talked about Thanksgiving and how we would be spending it, he talked about his family and Thanksgiving plans, we talked about ours. He walked us out to the waiting area, made photocopies of our passports and driver’s license and we exchanged final greetings.

My wife and I Ieft the FO and went to celebrate,:cool::cool::cool: thanking God. It was a good interview, now we have to wait for the notice of approval next week and the GC in about 2 weeks.
Thanks again and I honestly wish everyone in this forum the best……. GC!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!:):):)
I'm sooo happy for you, Tuscany and all of us! You are so right thanking God for this opportunity to win and successfully proceed the AOS process. We were all blessed. By the way, before going to the interview I would recommend everybody to pray and ask God to bless you for the interview!
By the way the officer I had also took all my previous approvals, so I hope we'll get the GC soon. I checked the online status (since onebawlofflaksa's changed the same day). Mine is stiil the same and it was updated last on the 16th. I checked last year forum. The guy from Baltimore got the status change in 4 days and his green card in 14.
Tuscany, indeed great news. I guess this would be the best thanksgiving ever for you guys as you have a lot to be thankfull for :)
This is a another great news,congrats Tuscany.I wish everyone in this Forum like this good news.
Good luck,friends!!!
I wonder where Tuscany is?

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Thank God that all went well for you today, am happy for you. The FO had alot of interviews today, am sure the case status update will change tomorrow to "APPROVED". The bigger hurdle has just been crossed, enjoy your new life.
God is great and greatly to be praised!!!
Please permit me start by thanking God for this great gift, FREEDOM AT LAST!!! I also want to thank EVERY MEMBER OF THIS UNIQUE FORUM, you ALL have helped me in more ways than one, I sincerely appreciate your kind words, contribution, advise, and perspectives. Together we ALL will achieve all that we can be in America. Everyone here will get his/her GC, it will happen, and we’ll ALL share in the joy together.;););)

I had my interview today. I waited only 10 minutes and it lasted 30minutes, not because the IO asked many questions but because he interviewed my wife and I together and was exceptionally pleasant and highly professional. He created a very relaxed environment. The 1st thing he did was swear us in and then he collected our I-94s and all other approvals (+ the interview notice) and said “you would not be needing this anymore.” At that point, I was like “does this mean an approval”….. but I soon woke up to reality when he started asking the questions below:

Key Questions:
• “YES” & “NO” questions
• Provide original of I-94, status documents, all previous approvals; e.g. F-1, H-1B, (school transcripts & OPT/employment authorization card – originals.
• Birth certificate of our 2 children (even though they are U.S. citizens and not on the DV application)

Other Questions:
• What grades are your children in?
• What school are your children in?
• What’s your mother –in- law’s full name?
• What’s your wife’s/husband’s DOB?
• Are you presently employed?
• What is your profession and position at your job?
(The IO asked my wife the same questions)

He followed every answer my wife and I gave to the above questions with a pleasant comment. My wife smiled all through the interview, I could not, I was nervous even though the IO was candidly nice, exceptionally at ease, straightforward and relaxed.
After about 30minutes the IO asked the final question; what question do you have concerning your interview? My wife and I eagerly said “have we been approved?”

He answered and said that “am satisfied with all you presented and all answers provided and I will recommend approval, after my approval recommendation, it goes to other levels for further processing, you should hear from us within 30 days”.
Then the IO, my wife and I talked about Thanksgiving and how we would be spending it, he talked about his family and Thanksgiving plans, we talked about ours. He walked us out to the waiting area, made photocopies of our passports and driver’s license and we exchanged final greetings.

My wife and I Ieft the FO and went to celebrate,:cool::cool::cool: thanking God. It was a good interview, now we have to wait for the notice of approval next week and the GC in about 2 weeks.
Thanks again and I honestly wish everyone in this forum the best……. GC!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!:):):)

Congratulations!! one more good news
Tuscany, did you check your online status?

yes i checked it at 10pm tonight and it says "Card/ Document Production-On November 23, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you"........please check yours too.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I just got a text message that my case was updated. i checked online and it said CPO! At 10 pm they updated it. Congrats Tuscany! Guys! Girls! You all are gonna get it soon too! Thank you all for your help! Thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys,
I had an interview today. It took about 15-20 min.
First the office verified all the info on I 485 (first page)
Asked some of Have you ever questions
Asked when and what visa I entered the USA
Tore my I94 entry in the passport
took away all my visa approvals (2 B2 and 2 H1Bs)
Then he was doing smth on the comp and then said there was smth wrong with the website and he couldnt get me a visa number. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It was so frustrating. I hope he wont forget to retry later. Than he said that he will reccomend my approval to the suprivisor, took my passports and DL and said to wait for him in the hall. 5 minutes later he returned me my doc-s (I wonder what he was doing with them). He said to expect the decision in mail during the next 30 days. Tuscony is interviewed now in the same FO. I wonder if he got his visa number. Onebawlofflaksa, did they tell you anything about this visa#?

Yeah... but in my case, all he did was glanced up at his world map hung up on the wall and said.. "okay your visa number is current" and then said that he will approve my visa later that day. I'm sure yours will be the same as well... CONGRATS!