• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

Hi Summet,

Good thinking. I don't think we can handle another
"rubber band issue". Just do what you can and relax...

Hey guys,
I have stopped thinking about my Driving license deal and the tax papers, I am not gonna worry about it any more, I dont want it to make a big deal out of it making it like out past issur ( rubber band issue). All i am gonna do is go to the DL office tell them I lost my DL and get the paper copy, coz if i go to change the address they will take my plastic ID. so that way I will have both of them during my interview. and there is something I have to be happy about, I finally found a guy to be my sponsor, the same guy who was going to give me the job offer letter, He is 75% sure that he is gonna write me the sponsor letter but when I talked to him about his tax document and other stuff, he told me that he is gonna answer me in few days, I am pumped about it and I am hopeful that things gonna work out. Besides that, I wont be posting more of my misery here coz I know its not worth confusing and complicating the case.
to all the ppl here helping me here, thnx a lot again, desperately waiting for 2:00pm of august 25th.
Hi Summet,

You should start to plan on
"what to wear" at the interview.
Less than 10 days and going down
every second...

You have my best...

Thanks a lot capeolive,
I am working on all your suggestion, I will have all the documents ready by this wednesday except the tax document and I might be able to get the I-134. Besides I am taking my official transcripts from all the colleges in case. and After this week, I will stop thinking about it. I will just have all the documents handy and stay calm.
I am just wearing something casual, may be a khaki, with the casual shirt on and a loafer shoes.
any suggestion.:)
Hi Summet,

You should start to plan on
"what to wear" at the interview.
Less than 10 days and going down
every second...

You have my best...
Hi all,

I know that it might not related to your current topic, but I'd appreciate if anyone answer my questions.

1. in Form I-485 "USCIS status expires on", should it be written "D/S" as in I-94 or expiration date on I-20.
2. Is it o.k. to send higher degrees like BSc or Ms instead of high school diploma?
3. I have read somewhere that our responses should be fitted into space provided (I mean for address, name ...) as I guess that they fill out the same form that we have sent. is that true?

Hi Summet,

No, that's fine, I don't have any suggestions
on what to wear. When I said "start planning
on what to wear to the interview" what I meant
was stop worrying about the things you cannot
provide due to timing and conditions and focus
on the interview.

Nobody is perfect and nobody goes to interview
100 % prepared. They might think that they do
but they don't.

Stop worrying about the things you cannot
change. Do whatever you can under your
conditions, pray and leave the rest to God.

Don't forget you have prayers and good wishes
of many people who follow this thread...

I am just wearing something casual, may be a khaki, with the casual shirt on and a loafer shoes.
any suggestion.:)
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I would do:
1. D/S
2. Yes, of course but along with HS diploma.
3. I am not sure. Seniors, let us know!!!

Hi all,

I know that it might not related to your current topic, but I'd appreciate if anyone answer my questions.

1. in Form I-485 "USCIS status expires on", should it be written "D/S" as in I-94 or expiration date on I-20.
2. Is it o.k. to send higher degrees like BSc or Ms instead of high school diploma?
3. I have read somewhere that our responses should be fitted into space provided (I mean for address, name ...) as I guess that they fill out the same form that we have sent. is that true?

Hi js7,

A1. D/S (duration of stay) I take it you are a student.

A2. Sometimes they insist on high school diploma.
It will be wise to find and send a copy of your high
school diploma. You can add copies of your undergraduate
and graduate diplomas as well.

A3. I could not quite understand what you are asking.
If you are asking if something does not fit in the form.
Then you can add a "supplemental page" and write
the information on it.

Most of the forms can be downloaded online and
filled out as PDF, such as Form I-485. Always read
the instructions thoroughly for yourself...



Hi all,

I know that it might not related to your current topic, but I'd appreciate if anyone answer my questions.

1. in Form I-485 "USCIS status expires on", should it be written "D/S" as in I-94 or expiration date on I-20.
2. Is it o.k. to send higher degrees like BSc or Ms instead of high school diploma?
3. I have read somewhere that our responses should be fitted into space provided (I mean for address, name ...) as I guess that they fill out the same form that we have sent. is that true?

thanks a lot.. all credit goes to the forum DV 2010 AOS only.
Hi Summet,

No, that's fine, I don't have any suggestions
on what to wear. When I said "start planning
on what to wear to the interview" what I meant
was stop worrying about the things you cannot
provide due to timing and conditions and focus
on the interview.

Nobody is perfect and nobody goes to interview
100 % prepared. They might think that they do
but they don't.

Stop worrying about the things you cannot
change. Do whatever you can under your
conditions, pray and leave the rest to God.

Don't forget you have prayers and good wishes
of many people who follow this thread...
Hi teamworks,

You have my best wishes and prayers for
your interview tomorrow. Come back with
good news. Please, keep us posted...
Hi Capeolive

Thank you.

Hi winnerdv11,

How many lawyers have you consulted?
Have you asked the lawyer that I was
talking about. At least consult three lawyers.

Just give us more details. Have you just consulted
one lawyer and he/she has told you this or you have
consulted several lawyers and only one of them has
told you that you are not eligible?
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I would be glad to name you you some lawyers and cut some from your list from my experience if u can tell me the city u are residing at. I will be able to name you some if u are close to dallas tx. coz there are some lawyers here in tx that does't even know if DV process exist.
I have consulted 2 lawyers so far. The one u recommended said " past history of out of status makes DV AOS ineligible ". Another one said "won't be a problem". Now I am confused what to do next. I am trying to consult with few others. Have u guys heard about such cases. Am I the only one who has such problem?

The reason of being out of status is when I first came to U.S, I didnot know that I have to have valid I-20 all the time even I am taking full credit classes. It happened in 2005. My I-20 was good until 12.31.2004. On 12.21.2004 I got a telephone call from my international advisor saying I will be " out of status from 1.1.2005 to 1.5.2010 becasue I have not renewed my I-20 at that time. During my telephone conversation I asked her to renew my I-20, but she said " its 3 pm and SEVIS is closed" and she won't have access until the school reopens which is on 1.4.2010. Then she said come to the college on 1.4.2010 so that she will give me a list of things to prepare for reinstate. So I went to college on 1.4.2005 and got a bunch of paperwork which needs to be completed for reinstatement process. I paid fee and prepared documents on that day and I went back on 1.5.2005. That day I got a new I-20 and my advisor told me start taking classess as usual and she said "it will take 3,4 months to get reinstatement approved. On MAY 2005, I got approved. This is my story.
I was not paying much attention about my past "out of status" since I never saw anywhere stating that past history will make someone ineligible for DV AOS. I thought that someone needs to be on status by the time she/he applies for AOS.

Please guys, correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you.
Hi winnerdv11,

First of all I would recommend that
you contact two more lawyers and
post your experience. I will tell you
at the end what you could do under
the conditions.

The lawyers I want you to contact are:



I have consulted 2 lawyers so far. The one u recommended said " past history of out of status makes DV AOS ineligible ". Another one said "won't be a problem". Now I am confused what to do next. I am trying to consult with few others. Have u guys heard about such cases. Am I the only one who has such problem?

The reason of being out of status is when I first came to U.S, I didnot know that I have to have valid I-20 all the time even I am taking full credit classes. It happened in 2005. My I-20 was good until 12.31.2004. On 12.21.2004 I got a telephone call from my international advisor saying I will be " out of status from 1.1.2005 to 1.5.2010 becasue I have not renewed my I-20 at that time. During my telephone conversation I asked her to renew my I-20, but she said " its 3 pm and SEVIS is closed" and she won't have access until the school reopens which is on 1.4.2010. Then she said come to the college on 1.4.2010 so that she will give me a list of things to prepare for reinstate. So I went to college on 1.4.2005 and got a bunch of paperwork which needs to be completed for reinstatement process. I paid fee and prepared documents on that day and I went back on 1.5.2005. That day I got a new I-20 and my advisor told me start taking classess as usual and she said "it will take 3,4 months to get reinstatement approved. On MAY 2005, I got approved. This is my story.
I was not paying much attention about my past "out of status" since I never saw anywhere stating that past history will make someone ineligible for DV AOS. I thought that someone needs to be on status by the time she/he applies for AOS.

Please guys, correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you.
Dear all,

thanks for your responses. about my previous Qs. I do not have my HS diploma now, but I have my undergrad and grad degrees. Is it ok to send those degrees instead of HS diploma.
I have another question. Is applying for EAD needed just for those who currently work or the students should also apply for that. I do not know its use actually. I'm currently on F1 visa as a GRA and I'm going to finish my study 3 years from now at least. so do I need to apply also for EAD.

thanks a bunch
Hello guys!!! Could you help me to answer a question? Does the sponsor who is going to sign I-134 have to be LPR or US citizen?
Hi js7,

As I said before you should find
a copy of your high school diploma.
If you cannot get it by the time
you send in your AOS application
you can enclose your other diplomas
for the time being and take your
high school diploma and its translation
to the interview.

What is your case number?

Dear all,

thanks for your responses. about my previous Qs. I do not have my HS diploma now, but I have my undergrad and grad degrees. Is it ok to send those degrees instead of HS diploma.
I have another question. Is applying for EAD needed just for those who currently work or the students should also apply for that. I do not know its use actually. I'm currently on F1 visa as a GRA and I'm going to finish my study 3 years from now at least. so do I need to apply also for EAD.

thanks a bunch
Hi mechta,

Technically the sponsor does not have to be a citizen
or green card holder. That is the case for I-134. But
sometimes immigration officers might apply requirements
for I-864 to form I-134. So, under normal conditions
it is NOT a requirement.

Always read the instructions for yourself before doing
anything. It is important that you understand the process.

You are welcome here anytime until I leave the forum...



Hello guys!!! Could you help me to answer a question? Does the sponsor who is going to sign I-134 have to be LPR or US citizen?

The reason of being out of status is when I first came to U.S, I didnot know that I have to have valid I-20 all the time even I am taking full credit classes. It happened in 2005. My I-20 was good until 12.31.2004. On 12.21.2004 I got a telephone call from my international advisor saying I will be " out of status from 1.1.2005 to 1.5.2010 becasue I have not renewed my I-20 at that time. During my telephone conversation I asked her to renew my I-20, but she said " its 3 pm and SEVIS is closed" and she won't have access until the school reopens which is on 1.4.2010. Then she said come to the college on 1.4.2010 so that she will give me a list of things to prepare for reinstate. So I went to college on 1.4.2005 and got a bunch of paperwork which needs to be completed for reinstatement process. I paid fee and prepared documents on that day and I went back on 1.5.2005. That day I got a new I-20 and my advisor told me start taking classess as usual and she said "it will take 3,4 months to get reinstatement approved. On MAY 2005, I got approved. This is my story.
I was not paying much attention about my past "out of status" since I never saw anywhere stating that past history will make someone ineligible for DV AOS. I thought that someone needs to be on status by the time she/he applies for AOS.

Please guys, correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you.

My 1st Q to you is, when they approved your reinstatement after 4 months, what did it say? did they re-instated you effective 1-4-05 ? or it is different from that date? my guess is it SHOULD be effective 1-4-05 and you are ok.

Point is, an i-20 needed to be renewed at least 90-120 days before it lapse.
If it lapse/end without renewal for whatever reason, one has 60 days grace period to leave US, change/adjust status or start reinstatement.
You did it well within that period and my understanding is, if you start reinstatement within 60 days, your stay is legal until that application is approved/rejected.
DSO s know this, that's why you were able to reg and go for classes.

Best !
Hello to all,

My and my wife's journey is at an end for the green card! Thank you to all of you for your support, tips, and help!!

Good luck to all still in the queue.

8/3/10 Interview
8/6/10 Welcome notice received
8/14/10 Green card received
Hi mechta,

Technically the sponsor does not have to be a citizen
or green card holder. That is the case for I-134. But
sometimes immigration officers might apply requirements
for I-864 to form I-134. So, under normal conditions
it is NOT a requirement.

Always read the instructions for yourself before doing
anything. It is important that you understand the process.

You are welcome here anytime until I leave the forum...



Thank you Capeolive and Feel. I’ve read these instructions countless times, however as Capeolive noticed there is always some BUT....:(