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DV 2010 AOS Only

The last LUD was the following day of biometrics and still the same. It seems there's a progress in your case and will receive your interview appointment soon. You will be able to verify the things in your infopass. Our file in KCC was not transferred to local USCIS office till last Friday. Hoping to call KCC again in this week. Has anyone got a new LUD after the file had been transfered from KCC to local office? How about you leongse?

no lud since after bio. file transferred to local office already.
Hi chooti,

In general you get a soft LUD after biometrics.
The next LUD you get is after the interview when
they approve you which is a hard LUD called CPO.
You can be approved the same they or much later.
It depends on the immigration officer.

So, most likely you won't get a LUD when your file
is transferred to your local office...

The last LUD was the following day of biometrics and still the same. It seems there's a progress in your case and will receive your interview appointment soon. You will be able to verify the things in your infopass. Our file in KCC was not transferred to local USCIS office till last Friday. Hoping to call KCC again in this week. Has anyone got a new LUD after the file had been transfered from KCC to local office? How about you leongse?

Don't worry you are not the first one and you won't be the last.
I am SO relieved!!!

I have been in immigration process for a long time.

I already feel sorry for USCIS, I don't know if they can handle you...
Geez, I am so flattered!!! What makes me so special when people have done Biometrics before their schedule before I have even considered it?

So much for asking one simple question and I get bombarded with criticism.

Although, thank you for taking the time to elaborate on it!
err...what's LUD?!
case status on line?
mine still on Acceptance..

@ zuno @chooti,
what was the last soft LUD on your case?was it before your biometrics, or after you biometrics or before getting the interview letter??? curios about that that LUD means to me
Hi Zuno

Tnx for your advise.

Good to know. I think I should try it soon. But what reason I can tell to go in?!?!
Any hint? :D

I did it as walk-in, which means it's not guarantee that everyone can do like this way,
but you can try following tips to enhance your chances.
1.find a nice afternoon around 2~3pm(in this time they usually not to busy like morning time)
2.prepare a good reason to convince them allows you to do it as walk-in.
3.a good luck(if that day the one who you are talking to, are in the bad mood, you better leave ASAP).

Thank you Capeolive,

I know time is so tight to me.
Actually what I neet to do at Biometric appointment day. Just fingerprint and Photo? That's all? Nothing else?
And also if they won't let me in, what reason should make out? Any suggession?

Hi suu5,

You just go there with your ASC appointment notice and asked documentation
and do it. They accept it most of the time. It sometimes helps to have a good
excuse just in case...

Biometrics is very important step in the process. I would try to do a walk-in
biometrics. You won't have much time left if you do it on scheduled date...
Hi zuno,

LUD means Last Update Date.
When some work is done on your case
the date of this action is saved as LUD.

When it is a soft LUD only the date changes.

When it is a hard LUD both the date and the status changes...

err...what's LUD?!
case status on line?
mine still on Acceptance..
Hi suu5,

Yes only fingerprinting and photograph.
But it is very important because after it
case starts being processed. It is an important
milestone in the DV AOS process.

There are different excuses one might have.
To me the greatest excuse could be if you
do the biometrics on the scheduled day you
may not have enough time left. But they may
not care about it.

I have heard people doing walk-in biometrics
without an excuse. You can go there, be cool
give in your ASC appointment letter if you are
asked anything about why you are there early
explain your excuse (somebody said in the past
that his lawyer called USCIS and was told that
since not much time is left walk-in biometrics
could be done)

You should try to read the first person who is the
most important one for you, be nice to him/her.
If you see the person having a bad day try another
time (some people are having a bad life you cannot
do anything about them)

If you see the place too crowded you can try later.
But sometimes when it is crowded people tend to check
less. It all depends.

It might be a "life and death" situation for you.
If I were you I would put this top of my priorities
and do it even if it takes going there 10 days in a row...

Thank you Capeolive,

I know time is so tight to me.
Actually what I neet to do at Biometric appointment day. Just fingerprint and Photo? That's all? Nothing else?
And also if they won't let me in, what reason should make out? Any suggession?
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questions regarding OUT OF STATUS in the past

Thank you CAPEOLIVE, IZZY120 & NUVF for clarifying my confusions.

Thank you guys.
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Hi winnerdv11,

What is your current status?

Thank you CAPEOLIVE, IZZY120 & NUVF for clarifying my confusions.
I have some other questions.
I was out of status for 4 days in 2005 ( from January 1,2005 - January 4, 2005). I was in F-1 status. Later on I reinstated. Now my concern is will it cause any problem in my AOS process or during the interview. Although I have a explanation letter for the reasons being on out of status, I am worried if it will cause any problem. Should I hire a lawyer and take him with me during my interview? or do it on my own?

Thank you guys.
Hi winnerdv11,

I think you haven't noticed that now we are on page 226
of the thread, you are probably waiting on page 225.

Anyways since I gotta go I will try to answer without
knowing your current status.

I think you should start by consulting some good lawyers
about your being out of status in the past. You can also
ask some lawyers online. It is important that you consult
at least three lawyers.

Good lawyers who are experienced in DV AOS cases are
hard to come by. But it is still possible.

I am putting a link of an online forum. There is a lawyer
there, his name is Ron Gotcher. I don't know him personally
but having read his posts I can say that he knows what he is doing...

@capeolive, @chooti @zuno and every one who answered my question.. I am hopeful that the case might have been the same like you guys have been talking about. I hope everything goes fine. The only thing I am going to ask during my infopass is where is my AOS application file, If it has got to the Field offfice yet? when am I gonna get the Interview letter? is my biometrics accepted? and have my file from KCC been received yet?.
I hope they can answer this question of mine. and I can get some relief. Besides that I have to file my tax, change the address on driving license and lot more
so CAPEOLIVE i got things lined up to get busy.
Hello, fellow GC seekers

Yet another anxious DV-2010 winner. Stumbled on your post a while ago. I've been awaiting an interview appointment for the past 42 days (ever since my biometrics) . . . . . . :confused: Hang in there people.
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Hi Shariif,

If you can provide more information about
your case we might be able to help you.

1. Your Field Office.
2. Your Case Number.
3. NOA Date.
4. BIO Date.
5. Your Current Status.
6. If you have ever been Out of Status.

The devil is in the details. If we know
the details we might be helpful...

Yet another anxious DV-2010 winner. Stumbled on your post a while ago. I've been awaiting an interview appointment for the past 42 days (ever since my biometrics) . . . . . . :confused: Hang in there people.
Hi Capeolive,

I have put the details in my signature which isn't showing for some reason. I am in Miami, FL. I'll play around with the settings and see if I can fix it. Thanks!
you should go settings from top of the page,
then edit signature, write what you want to
then save signature, then when you post
something you should mark the little box that says
show signature...

I have put the details in my signature which isn't showing for some reason. I am in Miami, FL. I'll play around with the settings and see if I can fix it. Thanks!
Hi Shariifka,

I am in Miami too! It took me close to forever for the Biometrics. I am still waiting on my interview letter but I am current in September, so I still need to be patient.
Were you current in August?
Hi Norkira,
Thank you very much for your answer :)

Hi Aken,
Sorry it took me this long....been without internet for couple of days. Anyways, I really don't think it's because of the country I come from or my job. I mean, they might have helped, but my income isn't even that high. In any case, I believe it could have been because Detroit is not such a busy office, because I also have two other friends who got it without an interview. God had a lot to do with it too; and, of course, maintaining perfect record throughout my stay here, such as: I never got a ticket of any kind, good credit history, good student, always maintained a legal status and what not. As far as the documents, I followed the advices that I got from reading this forum.....there's some great people in here who always went the extra mile to help each-other. Anyways, best of luck to you.