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DV 2010 AOS Only

Hi Zuno

Can you tell me how can you change you Biometric date many days ahead.
My bio date is far behind. I wish i could move it to recent.
please give me advise.

thank you

you will get ur letter in days!!! cuz I got my letter today. :)

And a question for guys who done your interview, do I need to prepare every doc show on "check list" paper?! even I don't have something like income Tax returns?(I never work here) etc..
Hi Norkira,

I was looking at your signature. And I wondered how can you get your green card without any interview date. That was really cool. Could please share your experience? I wish I had one like this. :)

Thank you

Ditto what capeolive said. As far as notarizing, the actual form don't think it has too, but the bank statements might. I would, just to be safe.
Hi usbhero,

First of all it is very important that you learn the process for yourself.

You have to make sure that you won for real. To understand it call KCC
try to get the case number and if you are a winner request them to send
you a copy of First Notification Letter.

If you can do this then come back to the forum, we will help you...

Hi capeolive,
I know that I am selected as a DV 2011 winner by checking the online website.
I called KCC and asked for my case#, but instead they just told me to send forms without case# and barcode (other people who did not receive NL1 are also being replied the same way). I don't know why KCC is not giving out case# this year?
Hi Norkira,

I was looking at your signature. And I wondered how can you get your green card without any interview date. That was really cool. Could please share your experience? I wish I had one like this. :)

Thank you

Hi suu5,
As I said on my last post, I really don't think it's anything that I've done, I guess I just got lucky. I remember we sent the package, felt like it took forever to get a bio appointment, and once we got that, 4 days later our online status started changing. We figured it was one of those things they do by mistake, because we were still waiting for the interview letter. Few days letter we got our NOA that said congratulations and stuff.....we were like, OK, something's seriously wrong. We were scared to think otherwise. Couple of days later, sure enough we got our green cards....that was the assurance. I don't know how or why, maybe Detroit is not such a busy office, even though it's a real melting pot in here, but who knows....maybe this year was slow and they just decided to feel generous :)

Good luck to you.
Did you email KCC and make sure that it will be fine if you send forms without you case#?

Hi capeolive,
I know that I am selected as a DV 2011 winner by checking the online website.
I called KCC and asked for my case#, but instead they just told me to send forms without case# and barcode (other people who did not receive NL1 are also being replied the same way). I don't know why KCC is not giving out case# this year?
Hi winee10,

Usually biometrics trigger some action in the DV AOS
process. Most likely FO won't request your file before
the biometrics. Since there is not much time left in FY
they might have a different practice but I doubt it.

So, it is very important to do the biometrics, if possible
ahead of time. When doing walk-in biometrics sometimes
it would be very helpful to have a good excuse. Sometimes
they don't even ask a thing though...

Thanks again for your valuable advices. I didn't know that there is a separate office for biometrics. More over I haven't read the interview letter properly. ASC is on another floor in the same building, we went to field office instead of ASC. Now only my husband says he saw a sign " biometrics on the sixth floor". Now he says we shall go there again day after tomorrow.
If they accept us, It will save us a week time which is very important.
one more Q - should they have our file in field office by the time we give biometrics?
Hi suu5,

You just go there with your ASC appointment notice and asked documentation
and do it. They accept it most of the time. It sometimes helps to have a good
excuse just in case...

Biometrics is very important step in the process. I would try to do a walk-in
biometrics. You won't have much time left if you do it on scheduled date...

Can you tell me how can you change you Biometric date many days ahead.
My bio date is far behind. I wish i could move it to recent.
please give me advise.

thank you
Hi usbhero,

I can say the case number is the most important thing in the process.
You need it for almost every step you need to take. It is very important
that you learn it. Try to email them. Also call again different time, try to
get a different person. Be nice and diplomatic to them...

Hi capeolive,
I know that I am selected as a DV 2011 winner by checking the online website.
I called KCC and asked for my case#, but instead they just told me to send forms without case# and barcode (other people who did not receive NL1 are also being replied the same way). I don't know why KCC is not giving out case# this year?
Hi Norkira,

It is good to still see some color in the forum.
You are a special one because you are the only
one in the forum who got the card without interview.

I should mention that I have learned at least 2 other
people got their cards without interview this Fiscal Year.
I think what happened was that it was the DV AOS practice
of the Field Office or the Immigration Officer.

So, yours was a miracle but there are at least 2 more miracles out there...

Applicants, still I wouldn't dream about getting the card without interview though...

Everybody should be happy and thankful enough to get the card at the end...

Hi suu5,
As I said on my last post, I really don't think it's anything that I've done, I guess I just got lucky. I remember we sent the package, felt like it took forever to get a bio appointment, and once we got that, 4 days later our online status started changing. We figured it was one of those things they do by mistake, because we were still waiting for the interview letter. Few days letter we got our NOA that said congratulations and stuff.....we were like, OK, something's seriously wrong. We were scared to think otherwise. Couple of days later, sure enough we got our green cards....that was the assurance. I don't know how or why, maybe Detroit is not such a busy office, even though it's a real melting pot in here, but who knows....maybe this year was slow and they just decided to feel generous :)

Good luck to you.
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IMO, I think you should do what KCC tells you to do at this point, send in the forms (include the email conversation with KCC) and wait for the NL2, since NL2 will have your case number, full name and post plus the barcode on top. It probably would work fine (if you are in their system as a selectee), just my idea...
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Hello all,

First of all many thanks to capeolive and all others who keep this forum going!

I had my interview this morning and the outcome was that the IO approved the I485 with the remark that his decision would be reviewed by a fellow IO to avoid mistakes. My status on the I485 has switched from 'acceptance' to 'Card production ordered'.

As for the interview: My IO this morning was a man of few words. He called my name and my wife and I were brought to his office. We had to swear the oath and then he asked for identification (DL and passport) and started thumbing through the application. He wanted to see our marriage certificate, education background (I had grade cards from my home country, evaluation of my home country degree and translated certificate of my diploma), asked if I was working (I'm on H1B) and asked for pay stubs and employment letter (had only pay stubs). He then went through the I485 to confirm the information on it like home address and phone numbers and went through the questions of page 2. Then he started doing his admin work which took him about 20 minutes and mentioned about 10 minutes into his work process that he was updating the administrative part of the application and that the interview was over. As mentioned before, after completing his updates, he told us: I approved your application, however it will be reviewed by another IO to avoid that I made any errors. We thanked him and he escorted us to the exit...

Just wanted to share my experience on this and wish everybody else good luck in their endeavors.

It will be over when I have my card (green or other color) in my hand!
thanks for ur wishes Norkira,
till todays date have heard of no updates in my case. Hope i will hear something my thursday 7am. when i go for infopass.
Hang in there Summet, I pray that you also get an interview letter fast.
congratulation for a successful interview.
Hello all,

First of all many thanks to capeolive and all others who keep this forum going!

I had my interview this morning and the outcome was that the IO approved the I485 with the remark that his decision would be reviewed by a fellow IO to avoid mistakes. My status on the I485 has switched from 'acceptance' to 'Card production ordered'.

As for the interview: My IO this morning was a man of few words. He called my name and my wife and I were brought to his office. We had to swear the oath and then he asked for identification (DL and passport) and started thumbing through the application. He wanted to see our marriage certificate, education background (I had grade cards from my home country, evaluation of my home country degree and translated certificate of my diploma), asked if I was working (I'm on H1B) and asked for pay stubs and employment letter (had only pay stubs). He then went through the I485 to confirm the information on it like home address and phone numbers and went through the questions of page 2. Then he started doing his admin work which took him about 20 minutes and mentioned about 10 minutes into his work process that he was updating the administrative part of the application and that the interview was over. As mentioned before, after completing his updates, he told us: I approved your application, however it will be reviewed by another IO to avoid that I made any errors. We thanked him and he escorted us to the exit...

Just wanted to share my experience on this and wish everybody else good luck in their endeavors.

It will be over when I have my card (green or other color) in my hand!

Congratulations and thanks for sharing your interview experience! I hope you will get your GC soon! :D :D :D

Hello all,

First of all many thanks to capeolive and all others who keep this forum going!

I had my interview this morning and the outcome was that the IO approved the I485 with the remark that his decision would be reviewed by a fellow IO to avoid mistakes. My status on the I485 has switched from 'acceptance' to 'Card production ordered'.

As for the interview: My IO this morning was a man of few words. He called my name and my wife and I were brought to his office. We had to swear the oath and then he asked for identification (DL and passport) and started thumbing through the application. He wanted to see our marriage certificate, education background (I had grade cards from my home country, evaluation of my home country degree and translated certificate of my diploma), asked if I was working (I'm on H1B) and asked for pay stubs and employment letter (had only pay stubs). He then went through the I485 to confirm the information on it like home address and phone numbers and went through the questions of page 2. Then he started doing his admin work which took him about 20 minutes and mentioned about 10 minutes into his work process that he was updating the administrative part of the application and that the interview was over. As mentioned before, after completing his updates, he told us: I approved your application, however it will be reviewed by another IO to avoid that I made any errors. We thanked him and he escorted us to the exit...

Just wanted to share my experience on this and wish everybody else good luck in their endeavors.

It will be over when I have my card (green or other color) in my hand!
hi guys,
So far I havent got the interview letter but I am keeping myself busy doing other stuffs so that I wont get worried about the case. During this course, I was looking for the sponsor. I talked to some that I have known through years but were in different states. When I asked them if they can be the sponsor, they just declined saying that the sponsor has to be a relative or a sponsor. I looked through many places to show them in written that thats not true and the sponsor can be any one. If you guys can send me some official link that states that It can be any one ( not only relative, blood relation, employer). I can show it to him and try to convince him for the sponsorship.
@ capeolive- I havent been to the IRS office yet, I think this time I am keeping myself very busy, I havent even got time to go there. But I am planning for the following days to be there and get some information.
Hi Summet,

I have been following your case very closely, and I really wish you the whole world's best that you will see some movement in your case soon. Good Luck!

hi guys,
So far I havent got the interview letter but I am keeping myself busy doing other stuffs so that I wont get worried about the case. During this course, I was looking for the sponsor. I talked to some that I have known through years but were in different states. When I asked them if they can be the sponsor, they just declined saying that the sponsor has to be a relative or a sponsor. I looked through many places to show them in written that thats not true and the sponsor can be any one. If you guys can send me some official link that states that It can be any one ( not only relative, blood relation, employer). I can show it to him and try to convince him for the sponsorship.
@ capeolive- I havent been to the IRS office yet, I think this time I am keeping myself very busy, I havent even got time to go there. But I am planning for the following days to be there and get some information.
Hello all,

First of all many thanks to capeolive and all others who keep this forum going!

I had my interview this morning and the outcome was that the IO approved the I485 with the remark that his decision would be reviewed by a fellow IO to avoid mistakes. My status on the I485 has switched from 'acceptance' to 'Card production ordered'.

As for the interview: My IO this morning was a man of few words. He called my name and my wife and I were brought to his office. We had to swear the oath and then he asked for identification (DL and passport) and started thumbing through the application. He wanted to see our marriage certificate, education background (I had grade cards from my home country, evaluation of my home country degree and translated certificate of my diploma), asked if I was working (I'm on H1B) and asked for pay stubs and employment letter (had only pay stubs). He then went through the I485 to confirm the information on it like home address and phone numbers and went through the questions of page 2. Then he started doing his admin work which took him about 20 minutes and mentioned about 10 minutes into his work process that he was updating the administrative part of the application and that the interview was over. As mentioned before, after completing his updates, he told us: I approved your application, however it will be reviewed by another IO to avoid that I made any errors. We thanked him and he escorted us to the exit...

Just wanted to share my experience on this and wish everybody else good luck in their endeavors.

It will be over when I have my card (green or other color) in my hand!

Congrats schneid!!!
Hi schneidi68,

I am happy to hear the good news.
If you still have doubts I should tell
you that your case status' moving
to CPO means your case was also
approved by the supervisor.

You will get couple of LUD's on your
status then it will move to PDA.
Afterwards you will get your cards
in 2-5 days. Congratulations again
I hope the cards bring goodness to
your family.

Sorry your interview has slipped my
mind I wish I could have sent my good
wishes before the interview.

You can believe your cards are on the
way. Be thankful and humble...

Hello all,

First of all many thanks to capeolive and all others who keep this forum going!

I had my interview this morning and the outcome was that the IO approved the I485 with the remark that his decision would be reviewed by a fellow IO to avoid mistakes. My status on the I485 has switched from 'acceptance' to 'Card production ordered'.

As for the interview: My IO this morning was a man of few words. He called my name and my wife and I were brought to his office. We had to swear the oath and then he asked for identification (DL and passport) and started thumbing through the application. He wanted to see our marriage certificate, education background (I had grade cards from my home country, evaluation of my home country degree and translated certificate of my diploma), asked if I was working (I'm on H1B) and asked for pay stubs and employment letter (had only pay stubs). He then went through the I485 to confirm the information on it like home address and phone numbers and went through the questions of page 2. Then he started doing his admin work which took him about 20 minutes and mentioned about 10 minutes into his work process that he was updating the administrative part of the application and that the interview was over. As mentioned before, after completing his updates, he told us: I approved your application, however it will be reviewed by another IO to avoid that I made any errors. We thanked him and he escorted us to the exit...

Just wanted to share my experience on this and wish everybody else good luck in their endeavors.

It will be over when I have my card (green or other color) in my hand!
Hi summet,

There are two kinds of affidavit of support forms:

The first one is the "real one" which only close relatives can give that's called I-864.


The second one is the "not so real one" which anybody can give and is a rather weak or vague form that's I-134.


Since what you are looking for is "not so real one" when you are requesting it
you should say: you need an I-134 form filled on your behalf and explain that
it is not I-864 etc. Read the instructions for yourself and educate yourself so
that you will have a better chance expressing yourself...

hi guys,
So far I havent got the interview letter but I am keeping myself busy doing other stuffs so that I wont get worried about the case. During this course, I was looking for the sponsor. I talked to some that I have known through years but were in different states. When I asked them if they can be the sponsor, they just declined saying that the sponsor has to be a relative or a sponsor. I looked through many places to show them in written that thats not true and the sponsor can be any one. If you guys can send me some official link that states that It can be any one ( not only relative, blood relation, employer). I can show it to him and try to convince him for the sponsorship.
@ capeolive- I havent been to the IRS office yet, I think this time I am keeping myself very busy, I havent even got time to go there. But I am planning for the following days to be there and get some information.
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