• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

Who I am!

Hi Friends,

I really can understand the frustration, just hang on there and I am sure things will work out alright.

I deduced from your latest and some of your past posts that you have been kinda paranoid thinking that the USCIS may be 'monitoring' these forums, and may be more specifically your case!
I am not sure why you think that way.
However I too hope its the smart thing for their PR experts to do, just so they understand to what extent the 'system' is broke ! (but its hard to imagine, sort of just a pipe dream that they'll 'learn' that way!)

Anyways Good Luck my friend....take it easy !
Hey guys, I got A# for post-completion OPT and right now I am a student again. Should I mention this A# in I-485 forms. It says A#(if any). Thanks for any input.

I filled in my OPT A# in all the applications when submitting. However they have issued a different A# to process my AOS.
From what I read about A#s, they have different A#s for immigrants and non-immigrants. Since the one I have was based on a non-immigrant status, I believe they will assign me another one based on my 485. But one can only wait and see.

I agree. If I were you I would not write my A# in the supporting documents.
Yes indeed Nokira! Your card production was ordered only 4 days after your biometrics; in my case it's been almost 40 days and I still haven't received an interview letter...I really wish I was as lucky :):):)
Hey Capeolive,
It's been a long trip for you and you've done amazingly well so far. I'm sure u'll find a way to bring everything to a closure pretty soon!
BTW I always wanted to be an Ottoman after I first read about the turkish conquest in middle school:)
I'm looking forward to visiting Istanbul though

Who I am!

Hi Friends,

I was not planning to introduce myself at all
but due to some circumstances I have decided
to do it at this point.

First of all, I should mention that nobody can choose
his/her parents or where he/she is from. So, nobody
is better than the others based on these factors.

I am son of a Turkish woman and an American (WASP) man.
My father was a US soldier at a US base in Germany, my mother
was a young girl working in Germany. They met, fell in love wanted
to get married but my father's officers did not approve it. So he
became an AWOL they went to Turkey. I was born in Turkey. Later
they decided that my father should go back and do his time and be
free again. First my father left, then my mother. My father was placed
in a military prison, beaten etc. To make long story short in time
my parents were separated and went their separate ways but I was
left behind. I was adopted and raised by my grandparents in Istanbul.
I met my father for the first time when I was 25. My mother has been
living in US for years, my father has been living here since he was born.

I have rights to US Citizenship from birth. The past cannot be changed though.
I still had rights but it would take around 8 years at the time so I have
decided not to go through my parents and do FB application.

Before doing DV AOS application I had an EB based application pending
for 6 years. Before that I had had another one. My immediate family
has been separated for years due to the things we had little control
over. That would be a shame if they don't give my family's visas.

I have been still pushing gently but this is a time sensitive application.
I hope I am not mistaken but if there has been any discrimination towards
me or my family, please correct it. Apparently a mistake has been made
at least by sending my file to the wrong place by mistake.

I believe there is a good woman working on my case.
I will be satisfied only when my family get their visas though.

The mistake that was done years ago to my parents cannot be
corrected anymore. Please, correct the mistake that was done
to me and my family! Kindly, give their visas in time...
Yes indeed Nokira! Your card production was ordered only 4 days after your biometrics; in my case it's been almost 40 days and I still haven't received an interview letter...I really wish I was as lucky
Congratulations BRAND new one, brand new official permanent resident of the US and A :) All the best.
Who I am!

Hi Friends,

I was not planning to introduce myself at all
but due to some circumstances I have decided
to do it at this point.

The mistake that was done years ago to my parents cannot be
corrected anymore. Please, correct the mistake that was done
to me and my family! Kindly, give their visas in time...

Hi Capeolive,

Thank you for sharing about you and your family. I am searching for right words to put it here but will write what my heart has to say. I am really sorry about your parents situation. How one person or person in position can change the lives of many people. It is shame what they did to your parents. But in the brighter side, you should not just give up and YOU do have all rights to get your immediate family to come to US. I wish you good luck and will keep you and your family in my prayer. I am sure you will be able to bring your family soon. Just hang it there.
hi capeolive,
I didnt want to cancel that appointment but the thing was i dont have the copy of the appointment letter to take it to the FO. since i have already closed the browser i cannot get back to the same page. however luckly, i just found one appointment for the same date on thursday but at 6:30 in the morning, i just gave it a shot to see if it will let me make the appointment and it really did, i hope that wont mess up anything. i havent heard about my case yet now and now my heart is really pounding. I have nothing new to update you guys till then, i will get back to you all after i hear something good after that appointment..

Hoping to hear a good news soon.
has anyone noticed that the case status page of your account is different? mine has less details ... like no rfe or oath ceremony. any views as to why the change?
Hi Friends,

Thank you for your good words, wishes and prayers
in public and in private, they mean a lot to me.

As most of you know I have been working on my
case on several fronts. Something simple unfortunately
turned out so complicated. I hope they do correct it.
I did my post in case, just in case, it might help them.

I know we are a diverse crowd. I may be diverse
within myself as well. I am happy who I am though...
Hi doxtyp,

A1. Interview does not mean anything if they do not approve the case in their online system by the deadline.
A2. In most cases they accept only the original birth certificate, but high school diploma can be a notarized and translated copy. If you have university diploma take it with you as well.

Saying all these I have to mention that IO has right to ask for extra documentation or originals, so you should comply if possible.

Would you please provide information on following, it might be helpful to the future applicants.
1. Which month your number was current?
2. Date of NOA?
3. Date of biometrics? (I take it 7/28/2010)
4. Date of interview?
5. Your field office?

Thank you, good luck in the process...

Hi again, thanks for helping along the way. (Sorry, I keep forgetting to update my signature). I am winner of DV-2010, number EU25xxx
Thank God I am doing biometrics tomorrow and interview invitation came as well. Hopefully everything will be done soon. That means I have a chance to beat Sept 30 deadline.
Two questions I have for our forum experts:
1. Does the card have o be issued/received by the deadline or is it for interview?
2. Invitation mentions originals of birth certificate and high school/college diploma. Is it an absolute requirement to bring originals? Or can I get away with notarized and translated copies?

Hi leongsce,

I checked mine, it is same as yours. I think USCIS has made some
changes or in the process of making them. Nobody wants RFE anyways...

has anyone noticed that the case status page of your account is different? mine has less details ... like no rfe or oath ceremony. any views as to why the change?
hi guys, so far I havent got any updates. I am just not having post here everyday I used to but still I am in this forum 24/7 to see what is going on.
@chooti &@ feel - thanx a lot for your wishes. I am also hoping forward to be hearing something new (good). I am just here looking forward to see how the things gonna go like. And i am a little frustated because I couldnt make an appointment for 2nd of august, atleast i could have got to know something earlier and now I have to wait till 5th. But still waiting for the mail for the interview. And chooti, if i have the same time line like yours I should be getting my letter by end of this month.
@ capeolive- Bad things doesnt happen to good poeole. I wish you good luck and pray for you.
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Who I am!

Hi Friends,

I was not planning to introduce myself at all
but due to some circumstances I have decided
to do it at this point.

First of all, I should mention that nobody can choose
his/her parents or where he/she is from. So, nobody
is better than the others based on these factors.

I am son of a Turkish woman and an American (WASP) man.
My father was a US soldier at a US base in Germany, my mother
was a young girl working in Germany. They met, fell in love wanted
to get married but my father's officers did not approve it. So he
became an AWOL they went to Turkey. I was born in Turkey. Later
they decided that my father should go back and do his time and be
free again. First my father left, then my mother. My father was placed
in a military prison, beaten etc. To make long story short in time
my parents were separated and went their separate ways but I was
left behind. I was adopted and raised by my grandparents in Istanbul.
I met my father for the first time when I was 25. My mother has been
living in US for years, my father has been living here since he was born.

I have rights to US Citizenship from birth. The past cannot be changed though.
I still had rights but it would take around 8 years at the time so I have
decided not to go through my parents and do FB application.

Before doing DV AOS application I had an EB based application pending
for 6 years. Before that I had had another one. My immediate family
has been separated for years due to the things we had little control
over. That would be a shame if they don't give my family's visas.

I have been still pushing gently but this is a time sensitive application.
I hope I am not mistaken but if there has been any discrimination towards
me or my family, please correct it. Apparently a mistake has been made
at least by sending my file to the wrong place by mistake.

I believe there is a good woman working on my case.
I will be satisfied only when my family get their visas though.

The mistake that was done years ago to my parents cannot be
corrected anymore. Please, correct the mistake that was done
to me and my family! Kindly, give their visas in time...

Hi capeolive,

you definitely have unique story.
You didn't get citizenship even that right
was given to you a long time ago.
I'm sure after years of waiting you and
your family will finally get that mistake corrected.
Best of luck!
I have a filing that soon we will hear: "APPROVED" :D
Hi guys,
My number, I think will be current next year around June/July . So, do you guys think I should apply for EAD together with my I 485 package? Also, If I work with my EAD and for some reason I 485 gets denied later on what would be the consequences? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Hi feel,

I think it would be a better idea to apply only for I-485
not I-765 and I-131. DV AOS applications usually take
average three to four months depending on your location
and case. Working with EAD sometimes causes complications.

Also, you should consider applying around 50 days in advance
which would give you a huge advantage in the process...

Hi guys,
My number, I think will be current next year around June/July . So, do you guys think I should apply for EAD together with my I 485 package? Also, If I work with my EAD and for some reason I 485 gets denied later on what would be the consequences? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Thanks Capeolive,
I wonder why people apply for EAD and not just wait for the GC getting approved. What are the consequences of using EAD before GC is approved or denied, any ideas?

Hi feel,

I think it would be a better idea to apply only for I-485
not I-765 and I-131. DV AOS applications usually take
average three to four months depending on your location
and case. Working with EAD sometimes causes complications.

Also, you should consider applying around 50 days in advance
which would give you a huge advantage in the process...