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DV 2010 AOS Only

Hi, everyone, finally after a long wait. My case has been approved and I got my Welcome Letter today!!! So happy! Thanks all for the support~~
I will stick around here to assist others, especially those that have case waiting for long to be approved
Thanks everyone...I'm anxious...however, I guess I am prepared and hope for the best...
My field office is West Palm Beach, FL.
After about 3-4 weeks following my biometrixs , I went to an infopass appointment (knowing that KCC forwarded my case, and that my FBI check was cleared) to see whats going on with my case, a week after the infopass, I got the interview appointment...I was lucky that the USCIS person, during my infopass, went to talk to me IO (I actually could see them talking) and I have a feeling that this appointment gave my case a certain push forward...I am still surprised that my 8 years old also got an appointment letter...lets see...

Good luck, thomen!!! We are with you!!! Keep my fingers crossed for you!!!
And finally the wait is over. Today we received our green cards in the mail.
Thanks to everyone on this blog for their help and support through this process. I wish everyone luck on their upcoming interviews......I hope you have a smooth process

Yeh!!! my congratulations!!!! Enjoy your new life now!!! Good luck!!!
Hi, everyone, finally after a long wait. My case has been approved and I got my Welcome Letter today!!! So happy! Thanks all for the support~~
I will stick around here to assist others, especially those that have case waiting for long to be approved

Great news!!! now it's time for the green card!!!!!
And finally the wait is over. Today we received our green cards in the mail.
Thanks to everyone on this blog for their help and support through this process. I wish everyone luck on their upcoming interviews......I hope you have a smooth process

Yaaay, Congratulations!
Hi, everyone, finally after a long wait. My case has been approved and I got my Welcome Letter today!!! So happy! Thanks all for the support~~
I will stick around here to assist others, especially those that have case waiting for long to be approved

great, congratulations!
And finally the wait is over. Today we received our green cards in the mail.
Thanks to everyone on this blog for their help and support through this process. I wish everyone luck on their upcoming interviews......I hope you have a smooth process

Congratulations ICE MAN, excellent news. I am very happy for you and I hope that you enjoy your new status.
Hi, everyone, finally after a long wait. My case has been approved and I got my Welcome Letter today!!! So happy! Thanks all for the support~~
I will stick around here to assist others, especially those that have case waiting for long to be approved

Congratulations drake, your card should arrive pretty soon.
And finally the wait is over. Today we received our green cards in the mail.
Thanks to everyone on this blog for their help and support through this process. I wish everyone luck on their upcoming interviews......I hope you have a smooth process

Hi, everyone, finally after a long wait. My case has been approved and I got my Welcome Letter today!!! So happy! Thanks all for the support~~
I will stick around here to assist others, especially those that have case waiting for long to be approved

i was wondering about your case!! so happy to hear this!
i2009...Did you hear back about your case?

Hello bentlebee,

No, I have not had any news regarding my case. Thanks for asking. I was hoping to see at least LUDs on my cases (the employment-based and DV) but nothing. The wait is awful!

My last LUD is when I had the biometrics done at the end of November/2009.
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Hi guys, am really impressed at how you genuinely care about each others case. Am also a winner but my number number is so huge(AF 76XXX) that am confused at the moment. I really want to do AOS but time is not on my side. Anybody has experience with large numbers such as mine? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
My friends case never was updated untill she got the txt message and email that her GC was processed and that was approx. 2 days before she received it...that online status is basically worth less or if you one of the lucky cases that they did update it...

I know waiting is awful, good luck:)
Yesterday we got our GCs :). what is next:confused:

Thank you all for your help and good luck to everybody who's still in the process.
I just had a truly awesome experience...
Our interview was scheduled for 9am, we arrived just in time. After 15 minutes waiting, a IO called us to inform that he will need another 10 min before he can take us in. After another 10-15 minutes waiting it was then finally our turn. The atmosphere was really relaxed, we made a couple of jokes how special we are winning the lottery etc...anyway, he went with each of us through some questions like mothers maiden name, address, telephone number and the usual questions like affiliate of communist party, prostitution, drug trafficking, polygamy etc...at the end of the questioning he said our paperwork looks really good and well prepared and he then informed us that we can consider ourself as approved!!! he went on and said that he will have to fax something to Dept. of State and once he gets the answer, which usually comes right a way, he will finish the paper work... we then asked if we just could wait until he gets the answer so that he could stamp our passports right a way, still today...and he agreed! He wrote on our appointment letter that we should come back in 1.5hrs...so we then actuallly went for breakfast and returned at the given time to get our passports stamped and to receive a letter which states that our application has been granted and that today we became lawful permanent residents of the USA and will get our actual cars within 30 days...I mean, how awesome is this....still can't believe it...with the stamps in our passports and the approval letter we can get our SS cards and so on...I am still amazed how smooth everything went today!

Bottom line, a lot depends on the IO and how well s/he knows the DV AOS process etc. as well as preparation of paper work (BTW, my online status still didn't change but I don't care anymore as I have the passport stamped and the approval notice in front of me:) )

Once more, thank you all for your contribution in this forum, not only could we save plenty in lawyers fee but also get psychological support knowing that you guys go/went through the same and at the end all of us will get the GC...
I will still hang in here and share my gained knowledge and experience with you.

Thank you all!