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DV 2010 AOS Only

I know it was risky...

Thanks Capeolive....
I am fully aware I took a risk sending it that early but I did math and since you can apply 90 days in advance and that if my number was current it would be current September 1st that mean that technically I could have applied June 1st...
But now the case is stuck on "Acceptance".
I think they couldn't legally reject it because I am in the legal timeframe of the 90 days but maybe they just put in on hold.
Summet was rejected I believe after having his biometrics done, but apparently I am not even at this stage :(
Do you have any idea if you have to be in "initial review" before they send you the biometrics letter?
Thanks :)

Hi FrenchiC,

It is interesting that even though you applied long time
ago they have not returned your application. They returned
Summet's application after cashing his check for instance.

People whose numbers are current for September are
just applying now.

Since your application is already in they can process it now.
Honestly they couldn't have done anything till yesterday.
Good luck for the rest of the process...
Hi Capeolive,

Just a quick question. Do you think the visa number will run out for CP even if we have appointment from KCC? Everyone please chime in. Again, I am sure you will be fine. Our prayers are with you.

Hi maila,

I am sure you will have your interview soon.
Usually there is enough visas at the end.
Lot of people don't apply so they almost never run out with visas.
Finally, I got my Green Card ...Thank you Capeolive, i2009, and newone for your support and suggestion.

Hi Olsson,

congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! That's amazing!
I believe that feeling cannot compare with anything :D.
Enjoy your new status!
All the best!
Hi new one,

There is a good news within the bad one.
The file had been lost before, I was at least able to locate it.

I am not angry yet for two more weeks at least.

Thank you for your prayers, and good wishes...

You got your PDA yet?

Hi capeolive,

yes, it's good thing you know where is a file:D.
I'm sure it will be ok everything.
Takes a lot of energy, but it's worth.

I got my PDA on Saturday.
But I don't have a mailbox key :(,
and my employer is away for three days.
Maybe I got my GC but it's stuck
alone in that small, dark box :D
Hi FrenchiC,

Don't worry about acceptance etc. the system
is complicated. I would wait at least till end of the
month then do phone calls and infopasses etc.

Keep in mind they cannot transfer your file before
September 1st. I agree sometimes risks should be taken.
But they can be risky at times...

Thanks Capeolive....
I am fully aware I took a risk sending it that early but I did math and since you can apply 90 days in advance and that if my number was current it would be current September 1st that mean that technically I could have applied June 1st...
But now the case is stuck on "Acceptance".
I think they couldn't legally reject it because I am in the legal timeframe of the 90 days but maybe they just put in on hold.
Summet was rejected I believe after having his biometrics done, but apparently I am not even at this stage :(
Do you have any idea if you have to be in "initial review" before they send you the biometrics letter?
Thanks :)
Hi new one,

May be you should hire security for that "small, dark box"
It might have a "treasure hidden within" Make sure to be
with your employer when she opens the box.

Since I cannot see inside the box cannot congratulate you yet...

Hi capeolive,

yes, it's good thing you know where is a file:D.
I'm sure it will be ok everything.
Takes a lot of energy, but it's worth.

I got my PDA on Saturday.
But I don't have a mailbox key :(,
and my employer is away for three days.
Maybe I got my GC but it's stuck
alone in that small, dark box :D
Hi everybody,
I have a question. I might move to a new place from next year. I already sent DSP 122 and DSP 230 forms to KCC with my current address on it , which is gonna change next year. So, will it be OK if i correct this address when I send I-485 form to USCIS? Where do USCIS typically correspond with you ? Does it makes any difference to have discrepancy on I-485 address and the address on DSP-122/DS 230 forms?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Well I might start to get really annoyed in a few days though...
I was hoping to be able to travel back home for a little bit and i was very much thinking on leaving after the biometrics were done.
That's why I am so impatient and also cause everyone else seemed to have their biometrics appointment super fast (er) !

Hi FrenchiC,

Don't worry about acceptance etc. the system
is complicated. I would wait at least till end of the
month then do phone calls and infopasses etc.

Keep in mind they cannot transfer your file before
September 1st. I agree sometimes risks should be taken.
But they can be risky at times...
Thanks for the jokes. I will wait till the august.and will try to relax.thanks capeolive
Hi Summet,

You shouldn't even think about doing anything before August 1st.
If you get any news on bio or interview you can act accordingly.
Just schedule an InfoPass for the first week of August in advance.

I will throw you some jokes about your favorite subject "lawyers"

This is just "freedom of speech". Good lawyers please, don't get offended.


Q: What's the difference between a law firm and a circus?

A: At a circus, the clowns don't charge the public by the hour.


Q: What do honest lawyers and UFOs have in common?

A: You always hear about them, but you never see them.


Q: When lawyers die, why don't vultures eat them?

A: Even a vulture has taste.

Hi FrenchiC,

You shouldn't be traveling while your case is pending.
It will be wiser to delay it until you get your card...

Well I might start to get really annoyed in a few days though...
I was hoping to be able to travel back home for a little bit and i was very much thinking on leaving after the biometrics were done.
That's why I am so impatient and also cause everyone else seemed to have their biometrics appointment super fast (er) !
Hi sagarghimire,

When you change your address you have to file a Form AR-11 with USCIS.
Also call and email KCC when you change your address to give them your
new address so that they can update your information...


Please, edit your signature, case number, location etc. Thank you.

Hi everybody,
I have a question. I might move to a new place from next year. I already sent DSP 122 and DSP 230 forms to KCC with my current address on it , which is gonna change next year. So, will it be OK if i correct this address when I send I-485 form to USCIS? Where do USCIS typically correspond with you ? Does it makes any difference to have discrepancy on I-485 address and the address on DSP-122/DS 230 forms?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
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Dear Capeolive!!! I am absolutely positive --- you will be a winner in this process and will be united with your family. Your knowledge is so comprehensive!!!! Sometimes, while reading your posts, I think this person must be a lawyer or IO. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with us!!! And the best!!!!
Thanks Capeolive....
I am fully aware I took a risk sending it that early but I did math and since you can apply 90 days in advance and that if my number was current it would be current September 1st that mean that technically I could have applied June 1st...
But now the case is stuck on "Acceptance".
I think they couldn't legally reject it because I am in the legal timeframe of the 90 days but maybe they just put in on hold.
Summet was rejected I believe after having his biometrics done, but apparently I am not even at this stage :(
Do you have any idea if you have to be in "initial review" before they send you the biometrics letter?
Thanks :)


Too bad no one properly answered your query back in Jan.

Did you follow this thread after that before you submitted your i-485 in June??, why did you take that unnecessary chance for a benefit of mere 30 days?
I can not insist and stress more......THE 90 DAY WINDOW 'MEMO' HAS NO LEGAL BASIS!!, just as many other USCIS memos, they are just advisories to manage things for the 'moment'!!
That 90 day window 'moment' was somewhere 10 years ago, and now it is ~50 days 'moment', and 'technically', I m sorry to say, you are in violation of INA 245 a (3).
Fact that you got acceptance, bios etc, has NO worth until it get to an IO and he makes the final decision, and I am afraid of what it would be!!

You got 2 options,
1. Insist that you are correct, wait till you go to intvw mid/late Sept. , if IO say ok...then its fine, if he/she say NO you argue then wait for decision.....one way or other!

2. Realize that you did it wrong. Write a letter saying you are withdrawing your case and then file a fresh i-485 asap, then they can not say NO. (yes you will loose your $1010, but does it matter??)

Decision is yours. What visa are you on now?

Best !!

PS: Doing your math correct and understanding correctly the legal basis of DV i-485 'early filing' are 2 different things altogether!
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Hi sagarghimire,

When you change your address you have to file a Form AR-11 with USCIS.
Also call and email KCC when you change your address to give them your
new address so that they can update your information...


Guys, I need your help. One year ago I changed my address, at that moment I didn’t know anything about a form AR-11. However, I submitted the information about the address changing to my college and they made changes in my SEVIS record. Do I need to file the AR-11 now?
Hi mechta,

Thank you for your good wishes...

Dear Capeolive!!! I am absolutely positive --- you will be a winner in this process and will be united with your family. Your knowledge is so comprehensive!!!! Sometimes, while reading your posts, I think this person must be a lawyer or IO. Thank you for sharing this knowledge with us!!! And the best!!!!
Hi mechta,

It has been a law to do the address change with DHS within 10 days with a Form AR-11.
They have several databases other than SEVIS.

My understanding is it would be better to file it even late than not to file it at all...



Guys, I need your help. One year ago I changed my address, at that moment I didn’t know anything about a form AR-11. However, I submitted the information about the address changing to my college and they made changes in my SEVIS record. Do I need to file the AR-11 now?
But my wife would reside in the old address ( as mentioned in DSP forms) , so can't I put the same address in my I-485 later on?

Hi sagarghimire,

When you change your address you have to file a Form AR-11 with USCIS.
Also call and email KCC when you change your address to give them your
new address so that they can update your information...


Please, edit your signature, case number, location etc. Thank you.
Hi mechta,

It has been a law to do the address change with DHS within 10 days with a Form AR-11.
They have several databases other than SEVIS.

My understanding is it would be better to file it even late than not to file it at all...



….The problem is that I will change the current address to my previous address in 2 weeks again. So, it will be the same address which the USCIS database already has. Do you think I still need to file AR-11? I am sorry for complications…