• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

Capeolive.....I know words cannot describe your anxiety but I admire your positive attitude.
My prayers and wishes are that things will workout fine.

The only way your family process can workout is by the USCIS sending the file to embassy or the embassy request the file from USCIS giving them the specific details. (latter was the route which helped me out on the AoS to CP trnsfr process)
Do you think you can convince the embassy to simultaneously ask for the file? or you asked them to do it already and they are not responsive/cooperative?
Let us be optimistic now that the USCIS has sort of 'reopened' the 'process', and that they will 'slide' it through the correct channel.

However for whatever its worth I would like you to prepare and file DHS form 7001 as well. (under an 'urgent!!' banner !!)


Good Luck and my best regards !
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God help me, they don't know the process and they don't know that
they don't know. They are not even willing to learn. There are still
some "good" people though.

True, so true !!
Hardest thing is 'understanding' this reality yet be optimistic that things will workout fine......and more often than not things DO workout fine.
Chances are always high with ones understanding of the process and regular 'stirring up' of the case with them, that it will hit the nerves of a 'good person' and things will roll for good !!

Best !!
[Update on my Case!

Hello capeolive

Am sorry what happen .........one time you said your self ("Do what you can as humanly as possible, at the end submit to the will of God...')

All my prayers to you........it is just some thing you need to go through at the end every thing going okay and u will meet your family
God going to hear prayer of.......... those three family member you left behind

Keep your Faith ........as usual

Hi Friends,
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Hey Guys,

Just wanted to give you a bit of an update. We called KCC last week Friday again to reconfirm if they have changed our request for CP from AOS. They said they modified as per our request and our number is current and we should call them after one week (from last call on Friday) for the interview. But I am really worried and confused what he said because still the new visa bulletin is not out yet. We asked him that the visa bulletin is not out yet but he said our number is current. Do you think this guy from KCC is giving us right info? If he just modified our request for CP, how come we will be able to get interview letter this week. I am happy about what he said and thankful too and we also want to keep our hope high. Is it possible that they could send our file so fast to the US embassy. Does anybody know if they send it by mail or send it by email? Any comment will be really helpful.

Thank you Capeolive, NuvF, i2009,Nokira, Chooti, Sumeet and EVERYONE for your support.
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to give you a bit of an update. We called KCC last week Friday again to reconfirm if they have changed our request for CP from AOS. They said they modified as per our request and our number is current and we should call them after one week (from last call on Friday) for the interview. But I am really worried and confused what he said because still the new visa bulletin is not out yet. We asked him that the visa bulletin is not out yet but he said our number is current. Do you think this guy from KCC is giving us right info? If he just modified our request for CP, how come we will be able to get interview letter this week. I am happy about what he said and thankful too and we also want to keep our hope high. Is it possible that they could send our file so fast to the US embassy. Does anybody know if they send it by mail or send it by email? Any comment will be really helpful.

Thank you Capeolive, NuvF, i2009,Nokira, Chooti, Sumeet and EVERYONE for your support.

Hello maila,

That's good news that they are working on your case. I would think that the DOS person said that your number is current because they might have access to the new Visa Bulletin or that they know that all the numbers will become current in September.

Good luck!
hi capeolive,
I really admire your positive thinking, U have been the one to be giving me the hope and helping me out in every step during this process. So just want to remind you what you told me, whatever hard ship you go though, it feels good to be cracking jokes about it when everything is done,.Dont worry, bad things doesnt happen to the good people and since you have already located your file it will be in US Embassy soon. If I can get my file from such a cruel lawyer, geting your file shouldnt be that hard, just a little more patience. And you have your own prayer and prayer from all the members of "DV-2010 AOS only" and others that are related to you so the prayer wont get wasted. I have high hope that every problem we went through and every anxiety we had will come to end by the end of this fiscal year when everybody will get green. you all have already hear this quote "I have a dream" from a very famous person. so our dream will all come true. Best of luck to all including me myself.
P.S-think about having a new forum after this fiscal year " DV 2010 AOS only Alumni".

Update on my Case!

Hi Friends,

After my case was approved the Field Office was
supposed to send my file to the US Embassy in my
country. Last time I went there they told me that the
file was out of the field office but could not or did not
tell me where they had sent it.

I had my suspicions that they might have sent my file
to the wrong place. But since the "person" I talked to
insisted that she could not do anything and could not
talk to the immigration officer who handled the case
I have decided to wait about two more weeks and
meanwhile try to call the field office and contact the
US Embassy. I had four phone numbers of the field
office, I called all the numbers may be 10 times.
I was never able to talk to a person I left messages
but nobody called me back. I have also been contacting
the US Embassy and they have been telling me that
they had not received my file.

I was at the Field Office today with another infopass.
I was finally able to convince the first person I talked to
and was able to talk to the supervisor. She talked to the
immigration officer on the upper floor. I was finally
told that instead of sending my file to the US Embassy
for processing of my family's visas, my file had been
sent to National Records Center where they send the
files they are done with.

So, now they have to request my file back and expedite
it. We scheduled another appointment in two weeks.

Unfortunately, they do not know the process. They are still
not convinced that they have to send the file to the US Embassy.
I have made it clear from the beginning and then at the interview.
After the interview I sent them two more request letters. They
have not even read the cover letter.

Also I was asked some weird things: like they wanted to see the 1NL
with my family members name on, I told them it comes only with primary
winners name on. Also they told me if I had paid the visa fee for my family,
I told them it is paid during the interview at the US Embassy.

God help me, they don't know the process and they don't know that
they don't know. They are not even willing to learn. There are still
some "good" people though.

How convenient it is: "Winning the DV Lotto is not a guarantee to get
the card" and "If you cannot get it by September 30th, you lose your right"

At least it was partially good news that I was able to locate the file.
I will go there one last time. I hope they get my file back and transfer
it to the US Embassy so that my family's case can be processed on time.
I will do whatever it takes. I have just been trying to do it without going
to higher up people.

I hope nobody experiences similar things in the future but I am posting
my experience for the future applicants and for the friends who still
care for my case so that they can pray for me...
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Hi Capeolive,

You summed it all up Capeoplive; many of the officers working on immigration cases do not know procedures and the rules. Many of them are not qualified but they are the ones deciding our fate. They can make it easy for the applicant or harder than it should actually.That's life for us Immigrant: we got to keep our fingers crossed.
I would recommend that you approach your congressman office in order to have them call or write a letter to the embassy or to the local office(In most cases they are ready to help because you will be a potential voter). It makes such a big difference when these people step in. I had a situation when I applied for my OPT and it really got things settled.
I have faith you will find the magic touch!
Stay up!

Update on my Case!

Hi Friends,

After my case was approved the Field Office was
supposed to send my file to the US Embassy in my
country. Last time I went there they told me that the
file was out of the field office but could not or did not
tell me where they had sent it.

I had my suspicions that they might have sent my file
to the wrong place. But since the "person" I talked to
insisted that she could not do anything and could not
talk to the immigration officer who handled the case
I have decided to wait about two more weeks and
meanwhile try to call the field office and contact the
US Embassy. I had four phone numbers of the field
office, I called all the numbers may be 10 times.
I was never able to talk to a person I left messages
but nobody called me back. I have also been contacting
the US Embassy and they have been telling me that
they had not received my file.

I was at the Field Office today with another infopass.
I was finally able to convince the first person I talked to
and was able to talk to the supervisor. She talked to the
immigration officer on the upper floor. I was finally
told that instead of sending my file to the US Embassy
for processing of my family's visas, my file had been
sent to National Records Center where they send the
files they are done with.

So, now they have to request my file back and expedite
it. We scheduled another appointment in two weeks.

Unfortunately, they do not know the process. They are still
not convinced that they have to send the file to the US Embassy.
I have made it clear from the beginning and then at the interview.
After the interview I sent them two more request letters. They
have not even read the cover letter.

Also I was asked some weird things: like they wanted to see the 1NL
with my family members name on, I told them it comes only with primary
winners name on. Also they told me if I had paid the visa fee for my family,
I told them it is paid during the interview at the US Embassy.

God help me, they don't know the process and they don't know that
they don't know. They are not even willing to learn. There are still
some "good" people though.

How convenient it is: "Winning the DV Lotto is not a guarantee to get
the card" and "If you cannot get it by September 30th, you lose your right"

At least it was partially good news that I was able to locate the file.
I will go there one last time. I hope they get my file back and transfer
it to the US Embassy so that my family's case can be processed on time.
I will do whatever it takes. I have just been trying to do it without going
to higher up people.

I hope nobody experiences similar things in the future but I am posting
my experience for the future applicants and for the friends who still
care for my case so that they can pray for me...
Hi maila,

Thank you for your good wishes and prayers.

They have to send hard copy and digital files all together.
If/when they decide to do it everything can be done in less
than a week. I have already scheduled another appointment
within 2 weeks...

Hi Capeolive,

I am sorry to hear about your situation. But I am positive that everything will be alright. You have helped people like us and I believe in Karma. I will keep you in my prayer. Do you know how many days do they take to send your file to US embassy? Do they have to send it by mail or they send the scanned copy of your document? If they send it by email it should not take that long.
I think you should not wait 2 weeks to get info pass; may be showing up every week will help.
Good luck.
Hi i2009,

Thank you for your good wishes.

I don't know what kind of system they have if they do have one to
handle the cases. I know it for sure that they do not know much
about DV AOS cases let alone DV FTJ cases.

During my interview when we talked about FTJ for my family
I was told that they are going to send the file to National Visa Center.
When I insisted that it goes straight to the Embassy since it was a DV
case, the IO said that he was not sure, when I continue insisting he left
to ask his supervisor. He came back saying his supervisor was not sure
where my file would be send either. I left them another request to transfer
the file to the US embassy in my country. That's all I could do before getting
my card.

At the end they ended up sending the file to the "file cemetery".

Yes, most of the immigration officers are professional people but sometimes
they simply do not do their homework. Most of them are not experienced in
DV cases anyways. I guess there are not much consequences for them...

Hello capeolive,

I am so sorry to hear about your case. I still am in shock about your update. I really don't get it, how is that these people have in their hands our future and they don't seem to care. My personal experience says that the Immigration Officers are professionals but the rest of the staff don't know a thing. They are just there to complicate the cases. I agree, some InfoPass employees are nice but unfortunately being nice alone does not solve any issue.

Is there any way that we can request to talk with an Immigration Officer? Can the DOS help?

All the best and thank you for sharing your case. I always am wondering about your case.
Hi Norkira,

Thank you for your prayers and good wishes.

I will do my struggle for sure. Nothing is complicated for me.
It is only complicated for them. They are still not sure what
to do with the file. They can learn it if they want to though...
Hi NuvF,

Thank you for your prayers and good wishes.
Until my last infopass I had not been positive that
my file had been sent to the wrong place. There
was a possibility that it had been sent to the US
Embassy and they had not received it at the time.

Now, since I know the truth I will focus my energy better.
I will put up a fight indeed but I want to give them two
more weeks.

They simply (There is nothing simple about it, they could
have at least read the cover letter) made a mistake, they
can correct it in an expedited way.

I hope they do correct it on time, otherwise they won't like it...

Capeolive.....I know words cannot describe your anxiety but I admire your positive attitude.
My prayers and wishes are that things will workout fine.

The only way your family process can workout is by the USCIS sending the file to embassy or the embassy request the file from USCIS giving them the specific details. (latter was the route which helped me out on the AoS to CP trnsfr process)
Do you think you can convince the embassy to simultaneously ask for the file? or you asked them to do it already and they are not responsive/cooperative?
Let us be optimistic now that the USCIS has sort of 'reopened' the 'process', and that they will 'slide' it through the correct channel.

However for whatever its worth I would like you to prepare and file DHS form 7001 as well. (under an 'urgent!!' banner !!)


Good Luck and my best regards ![/QUOTE]
Hi NuvF,

I am optimistic despite everything. There are still people who do care.

The sad thing is that if I had waited trusting them I could have lost my chance.
Good news is the fiscal year is not over yet and there is still hope...

True, so true !!
Hardest thing is 'understanding' this reality yet be optimistic that things will workout fine......and more often than not things DO workout fine.
Chances are always high with ones understanding of the process and regular 'stirring up' of the case with them, that it will hit the nerves of a 'good person' and things will roll for good !!

Best !!
Hi fitness901,

Thank you for your prayers and good wishes.

Yes, I am doing what I can and I will submit to the will of God after September 30th.
Now, it is time to struggle. I just do not want to lose my chance to reunite my family
because of some government workers who do not care. I will put up a fight...

[Update on my Case!

Hello capeolive

Am sorry what happen .........one time you said your self ("Do what you can as humanly as possible, at the end submit to the will of God...')

All my prayers to you........it is just some thing you need to go through at the end every thing going okay and u will meet your family
God going to hear prayer of.......... those three family member you left behind

Keep your Faith ........as usual

Hi Friends,
Hi maila,

It is good news. I think KCC has access to the Visa Bulletin
in advance. They will send your DV Case File to your embassy
hard copies and digital files. You should get some information
package in mail. You can probably see your interview date
at the Embassy's website. You can learn it in advance from
KCC though. Your case is moving along, be happy...

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to give you a bit of an update. We called KCC last week Friday again to reconfirm if they have changed our request for CP from AOS. They said they modified as per our request and our number is current and we should call them after one week (from last call on Friday) for the interview. But I am really worried and confused what he said because still the new visa bulletin is not out yet. We asked him that the visa bulletin is not out yet but he said our number is current. Do you think this guy from KCC is giving us right info? If he just modified our request for CP, how come we will be able to get interview letter this week. I am happy about what he said and thankful too and we also want to keep our hope high. Is it possible that they could send our file so fast to the US embassy. Does anybody know if they send it by mail or send it by email? Any comment will be really helpful.

Thank you Capeolive, NuvF, i2009,Nokira, Chooti, Sumeet and EVERYONE for your support.
Hi leongsce,

Thank you.

As you know we have to do what we can and then rely on God.
That's what I am trying to do. The result will be decided by God.
My job is to struggle...

God is with you ... always. Trust in Him to take care of it.
Hi Summet,

Thank you for your prayers and good wishes.

Thank God, I don't have a lawyer who can further complicate the things...

hi capeolive,
I really admire your positive thinking, U have been the one to be giving me the hope and helping me out in every step during this process. So just want to remind you what you told me, whatever hard ship you go though, it feels good to be cracking jokes about it when everything is done,.Dont worry, bad things doesnt happen to the good people and since you have already located your file it will be in US Embassy soon. If I can get my file from such a cruel lawyer, geting your file shouldnt be that hard, just a little more patience. And you have your own prayer and prayer from all the members of "DV-2010 AOS only" and others that are related to you so the prayer wont get wasted. I have high hope that every problem we went through and every anxiety we had will come to end by the end of this fiscal year when everybody will get green. you all have already hear this quote "I have a dream" from a very famous person. so our dream will all come true. Best of luck to all including me myself.
P.S-think about having a new forum after this fiscal year " DV 2010 AOS only Alumni".
Hi LeTigreNoire,

Thank you.

I have a road map but for now I want to give them two more weeks...

Hi Capeolive,

You summed it all up Capeoplive; many of the officers working on immigration cases do not know procedures and the rules. Many of them are not qualified but they are the ones deciding our fate. They can make it easy for the applicant or harder than it should actually.That's life for us Immigrant: we got to keep our fingers crossed.
I would recommend that you approach your congressman office in order to have them call or write a letter to the embassy or to the local office(In most cases they are ready to help because you will be a potential voter). It makes such a big difference when these people step in. I had a situation when I applied for my OPT and it really got things settled.
I have faith you will find the magic touch!
Stay up!
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Hey capeolive

I wish i know that raod map.........i can use it for a while .heheheheh !!!

QUOTE=capeolive;2206002]Hi LeTigreNoire,

Thank you.

I had a road map but for now I want to give them two more weeks...[/QUOTE]
Hello sogdian,

I hope that you have a great and successful interview tomorrow! When you can let us know how it went.

Best of luck