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DV 2010 AOS Only

Hi Guys! I RECEIVED MY GC TODAY!!!!!. My journey is finally over. I wish good luck to those still in process. You will all get it. I'll always be around to answer questions that some of you might have :D:D

My congratulations!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! It was so fast, that I can't believe it!!!! That's great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, have fun!!!!!
My financial situation is one of biggest fear. I am a graduate student with F1, with wife and daughter. My income as a graduate assistant is just about $8,000. I receive about $8,000-10,000 wire transfer from my country approximately every 6 months.
1. Can these funds be sufficient to satisfy USCIS requirements?
2. Can I use my foreign (my country) bank statements as available funds?
3. It is hard for me to find an I-134 sponsor here since I don't have any relative around or close friend around here. Any suggestions in ways of finding I-134 sponsors?

I think it to all you have it's better to have a Job Offer and then if you have some questions you will explain that you can not work becuase you status, but you have Job Offer and you really want to work. I think it will help plus your bank account and some letters from your university! And I really hope nobody will ask you about that!!!
Thank everyone:D Now I'll try to apply for state residency in order to be able to pay resident tuition. Non-resident tuition sucks like hell

Some schools have different proof they need to show you are in State. My friend applied for Summer school and was told she needs other proof then a GC....weird, now she has the green card and that isn't enough, but she can show utility bills and car ins. for that State and that is what they need to have...I thought the GC would be proof enough and solve the In State issue...where she is going to College, she is awarded with In-State tuition while she never lived in that State, so some schools are very easy while others are very hard...btw both are private Colleges and last Summer she needed car. ins. and utility bills for Summer classes at a Community College.
Congratulations to those who received their cards! I am truly happy for you guys!

It seems like there are many of us here who are students and I was just curious to know your reaction thoughts about my situation.
I am a PhD student, just started last August. I have master's degree.
I am sick of studying and what they give me as a stipend is not enough for us and I am not the type of person who can sacrifice his family and life for the sake of science. I want to drop out of PhD program and start working, preferably with my master's qualifications, but not necessarily. I just want to start making some money and improve our situation.
I also want to move to another place where it is better for settling and starting a new life.
What do you guys think about this?
Congratulations to those who received their cards! I am truly happy for you guys!

It seems like there are many of us here who are students and I was just curious to know your reaction thoughts about my situation.
I am a PhD student, just started last August. I have master's degree.
I am sick of studying and what they give me as a stipend is not enough for us and I am not the type of person who can sacrifice his family and life for the sake of science. I want to drop out of PhD program and start working, preferably with my master's qualifications, but not necessarily. I just want to start making some money and improve our situation.
I also want to move to another place where it is better for settling and starting a new life.
What do you guys think about this?

I read your massage and it's look like you are desperate! Prabobly you're just tired of everything and especially waiting of this GC. You dicided to stay in the USA, so you need this diploma, because they don't accept ours, from our countries. So, when you gradute you will have a great oppotunity to make good money. Now you need just to wait couple weeks then you'll be able to work and you'll start making money. Now I work in the hotel in the kitchen as a cook and server in the restaurant with my two University Diplomas from my country) I have no choice for now. So, now I'm thingking to get my MBA degree here, because I want to achiev something in this life! So, if you have Master Degree from USA University it's a good start, I can say even great, but if you have Phd it'll be even better! So think all over and make a decision, not to regret about that!!!
Good luck!!!!
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Hi Ahad,

If I were you I would not drop out of the PhD program
just because I hit the lotto (DV). If you had your PhD degree
today would you use it like teaching in a university? If your
answer is yes then finish your studies.
Your university pays your tuition and gives you a stipend
this is a very good opportunity. There are a lot of people
here they work night time and go to school they time.
After getting your card you will have more opportunities,
you can get a part time job etc. You were able to do it
without a work permit, you can do it after getting your card.
It is not easy to keep studying especially after getting your card
but if as I said before what you are studying is something you
don't mind working in the field of, get your PhD.
I don't know if you have special reasons for dropping out
but if I were you I would complete my degree.
I am telling you as somebody who studied many years
and has been working here more than 10 years non stop.
Believe me studying is much easier than working esspecialy
in this labor market and economy.

By the way you have my best wishes for your upcoming interview...

Congratulations to those who received their cards! I am truly happy for you guys!

It seems like there are many of us here who are students and I was just curious to know your reaction thoughts about my situation.
I am a PhD student, just started last August. I have master's degree.
I am sick of studying and what they give me as a stipend is not enough for us and I am not the type of person who can sacrifice his family and life for the sake of science. I want to drop out of PhD program and start working, preferably with my master's qualifications, but not necessarily. I just want to start making some money and improve our situation.
I also want to move to another place where it is better for settling and starting a new life.
What do you guys think about this?
Hi jasmine182,

Good luck to you tomorrow.

Would you mind posting from which city you are applying from,
it will be helpful for other applicants to know how fast things are
going at different field offices. Thanks...

going to biometrics tomorrow guys!
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Congratulations to those who received their cards! I am truly happy for you guys!

It seems like there are many of us here who are students and I was just curious to know your reaction thoughts about my situation.
I am a PhD student, just started last August. I have master's degree.
I am sick of studying and what they give me as a stipend is not enough for us and I am not the type of person who can sacrifice his family and life for the sake of science. I want to drop out of PhD program and start working, preferably with my master's qualifications, but not necessarily. I just want to start making some money and improve our situation.
I also want to move to another place where it is better for settling and starting a new life.
What do you guys think about this?

Hello Ahad,

Yours is a tough question to answer, you got to put everything in perspective and make a goal oriented decision.

This is what I think as an outsider. You can complete a PhD program later but, as you get older, you get more and more responsibilities and it makes it harder to get back to school. Also, with a PhD degree you will have plenty more possibilities to land in a good and well paid job. In the other hand, I understand your frustration and it is something you need to weigh in making a decision.

Good luck!
Congratulations to those who received their cards! I am truly happy for you guys!

It seems like there are many of us here who are students and I was just curious to know your reaction thoughts about my situation.
I am a PhD student, just started last August. I have master's degree.
I am sick of studying and what they give me as a stipend is not enough for us and I am not the type of person who can sacrifice his family and life for the sake of science. I want to drop out of PhD program and start working, preferably with my master's qualifications, but not necessarily. I just want to start making some money and improve our situation.
I also want to move to another place where it is better for settling and starting a new life.
What do you guys think about this?

Hi Ahad,

I second what i2009 and others have said. I was a PhD student not too long ago, I thank God, the GC came right on time (when my OPT was about to expire). What I'm saying is I understand your frustrations! But I can tell you this, with the experience I've had studying and being in the US for as long as I have, a Masters degree will only get you so far (especially if you are in the Science field)), a PhD will give you more opportunities. I know it's hard since you just started and you have a family. You can take a student loan after you get your GC to help out with the living expenses etc until you finish. But don't rush into quiting your program yet, think it through!

All the best with your interview and whatever decision you make for the future!
I have a question. Do they ask for copies of medical exams at the time of the interview? I called my doctor to give me a copy of my medical ex, and he said that nobody asked before me for copies of their med. ex. for the immigration purposes and that they should be in the sealed envelope only. He also said that I don't need copies at the interview. It was like not wanting to give them to me. I'll have to call back. Did any of your doctors react like that when you asked them for the copies of your med. ex.? Really weird. Are they supposed to keep them in secret? Not show them to you?

DV2010EU25XXX (Chicago,IL)
5/20/09: 1st NL from KKC
7/30/09: 2nd NL from KKC
8/20/09: Medical ex done
2/25/10: AOS package sent to Chicago (case nr current in April)
03/06/10: 2 NOA received
03/11/10: Biometrics Appointment received for 03/24/10
03/24/10: Biometrics done
03/24/10: Interview Appointment Notice received for 04/28/10
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Hi x2010x,

In the past I had 3 medical exams the first one was
many years ago but I think that time I was not given a copy.
At my last 2 medical exams I was given the copies.
Doctors have different practices but I know that they keep
copies for their records. They should be able to give you a copy.

At the interview though since you turned in the original I-693
they should not ask for a copy of it. Unfortunately different IOs
have different practices. So I would get a copy if I could, if not
would go to interview without one. In short having a copy won't hurt...

I have a question. Do they ask for copies of medical exams at the time of the interview? I called my doctor to give me a copy of my medical ex, and he said that nobody asked before me for copies of their med. ex. for the immigration purposes and that they should be in the sealed envelope only. He also said that I don't need copies at the interview. It was like not wanting to give them to me. I'll have to call back. Did any of your doctors react like that when you asked them for the copies of your med. ex.? Really weird. Are they supposed to keep them in secret? Not show them to you?

DV2010EU25XXX (Chicago,IL)
5/20/09: 1st NL from KKC
7/30/09: 2nd NL from KKC
8/20/09: Medical ex done
2/25/10: AOS package sent to Chicago (case nr current in April)
03/06/10: 2 NOA received
03/11/10: Biometrics Appointment received for 03/24/10
03/24/10: Biometrics done
03/24/10: Interview Appointment Notice received for 04/28/10
Thank you for your insightful advices everyone.
I checked the job market for PhDs with my field. It is not looking good. There are not much tenure track jobs and a lot of unemployed PhDs. I heard today on the radio someone who had PhD is actually working at the census bureau instead of doing teaching or research. he said it is much easier and he is earning more.
There is also an issue of "overqualification" if you go and apply for a position at the post office (which offers great benefits and excellent job security) with your PhD they might refuse you on the grounds of overqualification.
I have MPA degree and I can work in government agencies, city administrations, etc. The university from which I earned my MPA is much more prestigious than the university I am doing my PhD.
The workload in the program is just enormous. The combination of study and teaching assistantship leaves practically no free time and I am up at least 2 nights a week to keep up with the pace and I get paid less than a university landscape worker. In order to finish the program I have to keep going like this for 4 years. This is just ruthless exploitation...
I want to buy (finally) new clothes to my kids and stop frequenting second hand stores and food banks. I want to send them to a daycare. I want to live a normal life: wake up in the morning-go to work-come back-spend two hours with family-sleep. I am sick constantly trying to meet the deadlines of severly underpaid and overloaded work.....
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I have a question. Do they ask for copies of medical exams at the time of the interview? I called my doctor to give me a copy of my medical ex, and he said that nobody asked before me for copies of their med. ex. for the immigration purposes and that they should be in the sealed envelope only. He also said that I don't need copies at the interview. It was like not wanting to give them to me. I'll have to call back. Did any of your doctors react like that when you asked them for the copies of your med. ex.? Really weird. Are they supposed to keep them in secret? Not show them to you?
My letter asked. I contacted my doctor and he sent me another signed and sealed copy in one day. Your doctor should not lecture you on what USCIS does. He just has to put another copy in a sealed envelope and send it to you. He got paid for this. If the postal expenses are being such a big deal, offer sending a pre-paid envelope.
Thanks capeolive and ahad,

I'll call the doctor again. They should give me the copy. If not, if they ask me about it at the time of the interview, I'll tell them that the doctor refused to give it to me. That's all I can do.
The doctor said that maybe USCIS didn't receive my medical ex. I told her that they did received it and she said that maybe I need new med. ex. Whatever. She doesn't think I'll pay another $150 for a physical exam!!
You're right, ahad. I'll ask the doctor to send me the copy in a sealed envelope. I hope she'll be more cooperative. She also asked to see the letter from USCIS that says that I need a copy. I don't have to show her the letter, right?
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Thanks capeolive,

I'll call the doctor again. They should give me the copy. If not, if they ask me about it at the time of the interview, I'll tell them that the doctor refused to give it to me. That's all I can do.

if he is skeptical, fax your interview letter to him.
I have a question. Do they ask for copies of medical exams at the time of the interview? I called my doctor to give me a copy of my medical ex, and he said that nobody asked before me for copies of their med. ex. for the immigration purposes and that they should be in the sealed envelope only. He also said that I don't need copies at the interview. It was like not wanting to give them to me. I'll have to call back. Did any of your doctors react like that when you asked them for the copies of your med. ex.? Really weird. Are they supposed to keep them in secret? Not show them to you?

DV2010EU25XXX (Chicago,IL)
5/20/09: 1st NL from KKC
7/30/09: 2nd NL from KKC
8/20/09: Medical ex done
2/25/10: AOS package sent to Chicago (case nr current in April)
03/06/10: 2 NOA received
03/11/10: Biometrics Appointment received for 03/24/10
03/24/10: Biometrics done
03/24/10: Interview Appointment Notice received for 04/28/10

Our Doctor gave us an extra sealed copy (just in case the USCIS lost the one we sent or anything else) and an open copy for us to see what was actually sent. So, your Doctor should not give you any stories on why you shouldn't have a copy!
Ahad, I have not reached the level of Phd yet, I am still ending my bachelor in Economics, I am 23 years old and now that I knew that I was going to get the green card, I took some science classes ( physics and chemistry, biology) because I always want to try the MCAT and PCAT. I have the opportunity to take loans and achieve my goals tomorrow.
Isn it what they say : You struggle today to be better tomorrow. I just think that you need some rest, you are stressed. I can feel it in your writing. Take 2 days off, just to sleep and relax with your kids without thinking about it and then, think again. You can do it. It is not everyone in this counrtry who goes up to a Phd, if you made it up to here, it means that you are a fighter and you are capable of it. Remember, you made it with either a student visa or an H1B visa, which is courageous. You can do it. You have the final words, this is what I think.

Congratulations to all of ya that received the welcome letter, the actual green cards and the interview letter. I hope for Sasha and Fitness it is a smoothy day today since they are attending their interview.
Fitness, I would like to know the ending for your sister because YOU BELIEVE IN IT AND YOU FOUGHT FOR THAT TO HAPPEN" I wish you all the luck and blessings you might need.