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DV 2010 AOS Only

Thak you Capeolive for your list,

I am from phoneix, Arizona. also the first link that you have provided does not open and asks for login name and ID. By the way what it is about. However I have printed the latest I-485. Thank you for everything
First link was just about:

Revised Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, and Revised Filing Locations

I am sending you the link again...


Thak you Capeolive for your list,

I am from phoneix, Arizona. also the first link that you have provided does not open and asks for login name and ID. By the way what it is about. However I have printed the latest I-485. Thank you for everything
I just got my interview letter for april 8 at 9:00 am. it is faster than i expect.
a quick question: it says bring with you
1)Identity documents: photo ID , passport, i-94, birth certificate
2)A translator (if needed)
3)Employment Authorization Cards

i understood 1 and 2. but 3, i didn't get it. does it mean SSN Card or another thing. because i am a student and i got my ssn from school for basically to get credit card and rent a room. i have never worked in school or another place. school gave me a paper that shows i am working at the school for 2 hours a week. they gave that paper when i try to get ssn. could it be that paper? of course i am going to take both ssn card and that paper with me on the interview date. but, i am confused.
Hi ewokra,

Congratulations on receiving the interview letter.

Employment Authorization Card is a permit given in result of certain
immigrant type applications that gives you authorization to work here.
To get it I-765 form is filed like most of the people in this forum did.
If you never had such a card in US just disregard it. You simply cannot
present something you do not have. But if you had such a card in the past
take it with you...

Would you tell me where they sent the interview letter from NBC or Boston Field Office.

I just got my interview letter for april 8 at 9:00 am. it is faster than i expect.
a quick question: it says bring with you
1)Identity documents: photo ID , passport, i-94, birth certificate
2)A translator (if needed)
3)Employment Authorization Cards

i understood 1 and 2. but 3, i didn't get it. does it mean SSN Card or another thing. because i am a student and i got my ssn from school for basically to get credit card and rent a room. i have never worked in school or another place. school gave me a paper that shows i am working at the school for 2 hours a week. they gave that paper when i try to get ssn. could it be that paper? of course i am going to take both ssn card and that paper with me on the interview date. but, i am confused.
Hi ewokra,

Congratulations on receiving the interview letter.

Employment Authorization Card is a permit given in result of certain
immigrant type applications that gives you authorization to work here.
To get it I-765 form is filed like most of the people in this forum did.
If you never had such a card in US just disregard it. You simply cannot
present something you do not have. But if you had such a card in the past
take it with you...

Would you tell me where they sent the interview letter from NBC or Boston Field Office.

if you are asking office location. it is JFK federal building, government center, Boston MA
Ref: I applied for an employment-based AOS and my A-File is not in the Local Office. The Officer can't approve my case until the A-File is in the Local Office.

I got an InfoPass today and, as expected, the Officer was not helpful and, as expected, she told me to wait.

Anyway, I think that there was a good sign though. She said that the file transfer has been initiated. I asked her what does that mean and she explained that the file was requested in late November/09 but that it might has been processed and so it was withheld in the Service Center. That the file transfer has been initiated means that the file is now ready and in the process of being transferred.

I also asked if the file was lost and she denied it. She said that it is not lost, that it was withheld in the Service Center.

So, here I am "waiting...."

Hang in there friend, good things come to those who wait! we are with you!
I just got my interview letter for april 8 at 9:00 am. it is faster than i expect.
a quick question: it says bring with you
1)Identity documents: photo ID , passport, i-94, birth certificate
2)A translator (if needed)
3)Employment Authorization Cards

i understood 1 and 2. but 3, i didn't get it. does it mean SSN Card or another thing. because i am a student and i got my ssn from school for basically to get credit card and rent a room. i have never worked in school or another place. school gave me a paper that shows i am working at the school for 2 hours a week. they gave that paper when i try to get ssn. could it be that paper? of course i am going to take both ssn card and that paper with me on the interview date. but, i am confused.

Congrats! Don't worry about the EAD, if you've never had it it's ok, that's just standard. All the best!
Thanks Daima, capeolive, thomen, bianfid for your words of encouragement and for being with me. I am confident that I eventually will get the GC and I am ready for a fight. I will be taking InfoPasses until they confirm that my file arrived at the Local Office.

Thanks guys
Congratulations to all those that have had successful interviews and are awaiting your GC. You all are at the finish line !!!!

Update on my status: Biometrics done 22nd and 24th for self and family respectively. Decided to just go by their appointment dates.

Have been reading the case of i2009 and the delay in the AOS - EB file transfer. My husband is on an H1B and we have a pending AOS - EB case. I can see that capeolive withdrew his AOS - EB prior to filing AOS - DV. If we withdraw AOS -EB at this stage wont my husband be out of status? As I am the principal applicant on DV ?

Today we received a NOA informing us that our AOS - EB case has been transfered to our local office in Orange County. I gather this is a good sign and I should just let things flow for now. Please advise.

Hello 2010FORME,

That your file has been transferred to the Local Office is very good news indeed. As capeolive suggested, I would not do anything with your pending case right now. It could contribute to confusion and you don't want that to happen.

The attorney, that is handling my EB case, suggested that I should not withdraw my EB case prior to filing the DV case. The reason why is that if something goes wrong with the DV case (very unlikely for early applicants though) then the applicant needs to file a new EB case (new Labor Certificate if it expired, new lawyer fees, new filing fees, etc). Also, my wife's status depends upon the EB case because she is using her EAD; if I had withdrawn my EB case, she would had needed to go back to H4 to maintain her legal status. Although this was confirmed by the Immigration Officer during the interview, it may not be always true.

Note: When an alien files for AOS (and some other applications), they create a A-File that contains all the alien's information during his/her history with the USCIS. Withdrawing a pending case does not mean that the A-File is destroyed, actually they need to keep it for 70 years. Said that, if the applicant withdraws his/her pending case, they still need the A-File in the local office to approve the new case (i.e. the DV case).

I am sorry that my experience got you worried but many DV applicants have had pending EB cases and they did not have any issues. I am pretty sure that your case will go smoothly as your A-File is already in the local office.

Good luck
I just got my interview letter for april 8 at 9:00 am. it is faster than i expect.
a quick question: it says bring with you
1)Identity documents: photo ID , passport, i-94, birth certificate
2)A translator (if needed)
3)Employment Authorization Cards

i understood 1 and 2. but 3, i didn't get it. does it mean SSN Card or another thing. because i am a student and i got my ssn from school for basically to get credit card and rent a room. i have never worked in school or another place. school gave me a paper that shows i am working at the school for 2 hours a week. they gave that paper when i try to get ssn. could it be that paper? of course i am going to take both ssn card and that paper with me on the interview date. but, i am confused.

Congratulations ewokra!
Hi everyone,
Just want to update my status and ask a few questions. I received the interview appointment notice today and it asks me to bring to the interview some documents that I don't have. Medical Examination Form I-683 in a sealed envelope, which I already submitted. Do I need to do the medical examination again and take to the interview the new one?? Proof of payment of I-485 Supplement A. I didn't submit any Supplement A, nor was I asked for request of evidence. Should I call the USCIS office? Does anyone have the same situation? Thank you . I am also asked for Affidavit of Support I-864.

5/20/09: 1st NL from KKC
7/30/09: 2nd NL from KKC
8/20/09: Medical ex done
2/25/10: AOS package sent to Chicago (case nr current in April)
03/06/10: 2 NOA received
03/11/10: Biometrics Appointment received for 03/24/10
03/24/10: Interview Appointment Notice received for 04/28/10

Hello x2010x,

Congratulations on your interview letter. I think that they send standard letters and that's why they are asking you for the I-485 Supplement A and the copy of the Medical Examination.

Regarding the Affidavit of Support I-864. I-864 is required for family-based and some employment based applications but the officer may specifically require one for DV cases. I would suggest that you bring a I-134, if you can't get a I-864 sponsor. In either case, show it only if the officer asks for it.

Good luck!
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Hi guys,

Just checking in. Been a while since my last post. Congratualtions to everyone with successful interviews. For those still waiting, your time will come. Good luck!! :)

gdh, I wish you the same interview as middle.com had!

Thank you Ahad. I'm getting really nervous. :) It's less than a week. You must be too as your interview is just a day later than mine. Hope we'll have the same good experience.
Today we received a NOA informing us that our AOS - EB case has been transfered to our local office in Orange County. I gather this is a good sign and I should just let things flow for now. Please advise.

One question 2010FORME,

When you said that you received a NOA you meant a I-797 right? Did you also get any update on the case status website?
Thanks i2009 and capeolive.

The interview appointment letter came from the Chicago Field Office and it is on plain white paper. When they ask for the affidavit of support I-864 they mention that they also need my tax returns for the last 3 years, W 2's and current job letter. Do I need to fill out the form or it is done by a sponsor? If by a sponsor, does it have to be a close relative? I don't have any relatives in the US. I worked on campus at the school for almost 2 years and I can only bring tax returns for the last 2 years. As for a current job letter, I don't have one because I finished the school and I'm not working anymore.
What's the difference between a petitioner and an applicant? They ask me to come to the interview with my petitioner.

5/20/09: 1st NL from KKC
7/30/09: 2nd NL from KKC
8/20/09: Medical ex done
2/25/10: AOS package sent to Chicago (case nr current in April)
03/06/10: 2 NOA received
03/11/10: Biometrics Appointment received for 03/24/10
03/24/10: Biometrics done
03/24/10: Interview Appointment Notice received for 04/28/10
Thanks i2009 and capeolive.

The interview appointment letter came from the Chicago Field Office and it is on plain white paper. When they ask for the affidavit of support I-864 they mention that they also need my tax returns for the last 3 years, W 2's and current job letter. Do I need to fill out the form or it is done by a sponsor? If by a sponsor, does it have to be a close relative? I don't have any relatives in the US. I worked on campus at the school for almost 2 years and I can only bring tax returns for the last 2 years. As for a current job letter, I don't have one because I finished the school and I'm not working anymore.
What's the difference between a petitioner and an applicant? They ask me to come to the interview with my petitioner.

5/20/09: 1st NL from KKC
7/30/09: 2nd NL from KKC
8/20/09: Medical ex done
2/25/10: AOS package sent to Chicago (case nr current in April)
03/06/10: 2 NOA received
03/11/10: Biometrics Appointment received for 03/24/10
03/24/10: Biometrics done
03/24/10: Interview Appointment Notice received for 04/28/10

My friend had a plain white paper with the interview date and she got the Gc so don't worry!:)

On the form was also the I-864 mentioned but she took a I-134 just in case she needed it...It is a standard form and you only bring what is needed for your case and the rest you don't have to take notice off.

Take the tax return with you. The sponsor can be any one who is a perminent resident and has enough assetts or funding.

If you have no job offer, but enough savings then you are also good to go:) Some have stated nothing was asked during the interview while others were asked about savings, etc...my friend was grilled about her savings, perhaps because it was more then the average student has in her account and she had proof where it came from, but they kept asking until she provided the I-134 form and she was immediately approved. It could have to do with her visa status since she had a visa that is rare for a student.