• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2009 - Aos Only

the new DS2019 does not mention that I have that waiver. Do you think guys that I have to get that waiver from USCIS or send a copy of the expired visa when I do AOS?
I am in the same boat: my original IAP-66 has this waiver, and my expired visa also has it, but none of the several DS-2019 has this box checked. I personally do not worry about it too much, I reckon it would be easy to get a new printout with a waiver, and I will also include copies of expired visa and the original IAP-66 for. If they are not habituated to waive these waivers, of course :)
I'm Ph.D. student with J1 visa and my visa that was issued by US embassy at my home country states that, I have J1 waiver.
But it is expired and the new DS2019 does not mention that I have that waiver.
Do you think guys that I have to get that waiver from USCIS or send a copy of the expired visa when I do AOS?

the interviewer will check your old visas and DS-2019s.

if any of them say that you are subject to 212(e) then you will need a waiver. if they do not then you will not need a waiver.

it is normal for extension/renewal DS-2019s to leave the 212(e) section blank. the original DS-2019 will be used instead.
Thanks masematn and orange.
This relieves some sterss.
Because one of the basic requirements to apply for AOS is to have that waiver.
Without it, they will deney your case.
My Australian passport is in very poor condition. Do you guys think it would be wise to get a new one before submitting my AOS package?
My Australian passport is in very poor condition. Do you guys think it would be wise to get a new one before submitting my AOS package?

It might be worth the effort if you can get a new one on time.

I once had a problem with my passport (apparently it was worn out ). I thought it was in good enough shape, but the consular officer thought otherwise - they approved the visa but declined to put the stamp on it until I got a new one.
I finally got around to scheduling my medicals. I should have that completed within the next couple of weeks. They said the whole process would take about a week. Incidentally, $200 seem standard around here, though I don't think that includes any chest x-rays should you need them.


Hi there!

My number will also become current in November but I haven't even make an appointment for the medical examination. I better not to postpone it anymore.
The thing is I don't think I can find the proof of the vaccinations I had in my home country. So I'm considering having all the vaccinations here in the US. Do you guys have any idea about the cost of medical exam and all that in Midwest?
And one more question.

Where did you guys translated your police certificate you got from your home country? in the US or in your home country?

I know its a stupid question but just couldn't figure it out. :eek:

Edit: I just read in another topic that no police record is required when you do AOS. So please ignore this question.
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this sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have my medicals in a few days but now I have the freaking flu! I feel like crap! Not that it's a big deal, but I would have liked to be in tip-top shape for the screening. cough..cough..sniff..sniff..:(

I haven't had a cold or flu in two years, then I get the flu a few days before my GC medicals.....ain't that ironic?!?!
I am spouse of DV 08 winner and I'd like to share my experience from start to end.

After you got the winning letter, first thing first was to consult with USCIS to ensure which path you should do to process your DV: Consular processing (aka CP) or AOS (Adjustment of Status). CP requires you to (usually) go back to your country and apply for DV at US consulate. With AOS you adjust your status to be permanent resident while you are in US. So if you are currently in US, make sure you are eligible to do AOS. Ask USCIS, not KCC!

So now you got some DS forms you have to fill out and send back to KCC along with the check. Read the instruction carefully! Last year, it was stated that we could pay with personal check or money order (just 1 check for you, your spouse and children). From now on, make a habit to ALWAYS copy your signed forms and all supplemental documents you are mailing to USCIS. I can't emphasis enough how important it is. DO NOT expect USCIS will have your copies ready/available. Trust me on this one.

Later (within weeks), you will get a confirmation letter indicating that your case got transferred to USCIS along with receipt of your DV fee. Let me explain about this situation. Department of State does the DV lottery program annually, but USCIS is the one that actually doing your AOS. The fee you pay when mailing your DS form was to cover the DV lottery program. It has nothing to do with other fees you will pay later when doing your AOS. So if you have question why you have to pay DV in the first place and pay again later, this is why.

Make copy of the receipt and keep all documents in safe place. If you are doing it with your spouse (and children), organize them. Have folders for each person. This will help you later when ready to file your AOS.

I heard they have new numbering system for DV 09, but i couldn't imagine how much different it would be from past numbering. It is still worth to try to analyst when approximately your number will be current from monthly visa bulletins in the past.

So now you have your approximate time when your number is current. Now you need to prepare a lot of documents for your AOS filing. This is what you need to do:

1. ALWAYS go to USCIS website to download required forms. The reason is that each form has its expiration date. Form I-485 may look same from year to year, but you definetely do not want to use expired form. Anything expired is always not good. :)

2. From the section you download the form, there is usually a link to download the instruction for corresponding form. Download and read it carefully. It will have everything you need in order to fill and where to send the form.

3. Gather all necessary supplemental/supporting documents such as birth certificates, I-20s, H1-B, visa, passport (page showing your bio), photos, financial statement, job verification, stock, 401K, etc. Make copies all the doc for each applicant (you, your spouse). Your children may not need all of doc mentioned above. The basic idea is to provide all documents that would satisfy credibility and egibility of each applicant to apply for AOS. Each applicant refers to you, your spouse or your kids.

4. Now, another tip for you: try to make copies with duplex (double sided) with short-edge option. This is not mandatory! I did it because it was a favorable option that USCIS stated on how to file the application. Make it easier for the officer so he could review your case effectively and efficiently :)

5. About medical examination, I believed USCIS added more vaccines for you guys to take. There are several options to obtain them if you are on tight budget: check your local health department for free adult vaccines (this may not cover all of them, but at least save some $$$). Definetely you want to shop around among certified USCIS doctors. One thing I like about going to USCIS doctor was all the vaccines are available at one place. You get it done right away. The free ones sometimes require you to sign up for whatever the next available slot. It's really up to your choice. Once you got your immunization, make sure you ask for immunization card. Check the name and the date carefully. If you have some of the shots at local health center, then you get the rest at USCIS doctor, you could use the card as the prove for the doctor to sign the USCIS medical form (i believe I-639). So again, choice is yours. Before you go to USCIS doctor, make sure you are familiar with the form that he will sign. You will not provide the form. The doctor has it. What i did was before taking the shot, at the reception desk, I asked for the form they have. I checked if the form was not expired or anything that I was not familiar with. The problem with this was the form will be sealed and (sometimes) they didnt want to give you copy of what the doctor wrote in it. So the question would be how do I know for sure that he didnt use the expired one? I would be very very upset if later USCIS immigration officer rejected my case just because the form was not correct (or expired). We are all human, and not bullet proof of not making mistakes. USCIS changes rules a lot. You may be aware of new rule, but are they? The medical examination lasts for 1 year. I took it a month prior my current date.

6. OK, now you got your docs filled and supporting docs copied for each applicant. You are now ready to mail them. Group the docs and add a cover letter with the following info for each applicant:

Applicant: name
Primary applicant: Yes or No
DV #: xxxxx

List of documents:

1. Form xxx (2 copies)
2. photos and money order (see envelope)
3. Form xxxx
4. Form xxxx

List of supporting documents:

1. Birth certificate
2. Birth certificate translation
3. xxxx
4. xxxx

Put the supporting docs in order as listed on the cover letter. As i mentioned earlier, make copy of each doc you are sending to USCIS. Make "exact" copy even how you organize them. This will help you later in the interview.

7. Weeks or months later you receive letter for biometric appointment at your nearest local USCIS office. Nothing special about it. Show up with the letter, and they will take your pictures and your 10 finger prints.

8. Months later you receive interview letter at your nearest local USCIS office. Bring the copies of your docs you prepared in step 6, also other documents (originals). At this moment it's really about luck which officer you get. Some of them are very efficient, but others give you hard time. Mine was simple. Didn't ask for documents, just verified info on the form. Also, with mine, the officer right away approved my case. In some offices, they actually put stamp on your passport. I dont know why this is not a standarized practice. If you could pursue the officer to get it stamped, then do it. The stamp is your temporary prove that you are now permanent residence.

9. Weeks later you got your welcome letter and soon you will get the card.

10. That's it.

Hope I give you some insight to ease your journey. Best luck to all of you.
Finally dediced to do AOS

Ey Guys, i am a DV2009 winner, I finally decided to do AOS, I am about to send the DS-122 to KCC and the DV fees to DOL this week.I think my number will be current in November.
Fiscal year 2009 is finally coming , good luck to all of you guys !!!!!!!!!! Let's keep us posted, ok ?
Ey Guys, i am a DV2009 winner, I finally decided to do AOS, I am about to send the DS-122 to KCC and the DV fees to DOL this week.I think my number will be current in November.
Fiscal year 2009 is finally coming , good luck to all of you guys !!!!!!!!!! Let's keep us posted, ok ?


Do you mind telling us your case number?

case number 2009SA00XXX. (sorry about putting all "X", but I am very carefula about posting info on the internet, especially since my name has been used two times before ......by somebody else ..... :mad:) but obviously, my case number is lower than 1000

P.S. I meant "sent the fees to DOS, not DOL" :p
Question re: translations and couple of tips from what I've learned so far

hello all!!
I am counting down the days until October 1 as I am fortunate enough that my CN will be current on that date!
I have a question to ask of you all and also some information to share (from my experience so far):

Question #1: as most of us, the majority of my documents had to be translated into English. I was told that it is sufficient to have the documents translated and have a certification placed at the bottom of each page that reads:

I, (translator name), certify that I am fluent in the English and I(other language) languages, and that the above document is a true and accurate translation of the document attached entitled: Birth certificate (front page)
(name of translator)
(address of translator)

Is this enough? Does the certification need to be notarized? I’ve heard yes and I’ve heard no.

What I learned #1: there are a lot of posts here in this thread about whether one should or should not send back both DSP 122 and DS 230 if one is going AOS. At the time I did not know about this wonderful website and therefore I sent both back to KCC (indicating however that I intended to go through AOS because I am currently in the U.S. on an H1B that expires in 2010.)

Although I sent back both, KCC knew that I was going to go with AOS and not CP and in fact, I received my second letter during the summer indicating that I would deal with USCIS from now on forward. So here is what I learned: do not worry if you sent both back! The people at KCC are very helpful and they will not get confused if you indicate USCIS or BCIS in DSP 122.

What I learned #2: I was going crazy for days trying to get my immunization records for purposes of the medical exam (calling my mom, my old school, my pediatrician from childhood etc.) Don’t worry! I spoke to the USCIS civil surgeon who will administer my medical later this week and all your immunizations will show up through the bloodwork test that you have to submit to anyway. So here is what I learned: if you have your immunization records, good- they will make the process easier but do not despair- the lab who processes the blood will be able to know what vaccinations you did (and which you did not do!)

What I learned #3: Send the DV fee of $375 to the Department of State earlier rather than later. I sent it this summer by certified mail (so I knew they’d received it) and got the receipt that it was paid almost within a week. So here is what I learned: Given that this receipt is a prerequisite to the interview, get it out of the way and pay it so that when the time comes for the interview, you will have it ready.

Finally: a MAJOR tip. Please please please make copies of everything that comes your way and that you send out for purposes of your greencard. I bought one of those accordion style folders with the sections at Staples and have kept copies of everything that I sent and everything I received. That way, should the need arise, you can immediately pull the required document just by accessing the proper tab.

hello all!!
I am counting down the days until October 1 as I am fortunate enough that my CN will be current on that date!
I have a question to ask of you all and also some information to share (from my experience so far):


You have covered it all! this is great!
the DV 2008-AOS only thread has helped me tremendously through the entire process whether it be for information gathering or for moral support. They are all awesome and I care for all of them deeply. I wanted everyone to receive their GC since I was going through the same ordeal and I understood their concerns.
Keep this thread going and good luck with the process. Looking back it was a very tough year but getting the GC made up for it all, it's like having a baby, you suffer for 9 months but seeing your child makes up for it! :D
Good luck everyone.
PS: Look back through the 2008 thread, there are many suggestions/information that will help you with this. I'm sure you can find an answer to anything! :)
I read quite a bit of the thread. Thank you all for sharing. The forum is immensely helpful. Here is my experience so far:

I made an appointment with USCIS. They were reluctant to provide any information and assurance. They said that I didn't need to send anything back to KCC and no fees to the Department of State!! As pointed out several times here, they seem pretty confident but they don't have any grasp of the process of AOS through DV lottery. Scary!

So I called KCC and they told that I should send:

- $375/person fee to US Deparment of State in Cashier's check with DV number on it + a self adressed & stamped envelope for return receipt.
- DS-122 form to KCC along with a passport size photo

I am sending the fee today and DS-122 next week. My number is likely to become current in Nov. I don't see any point in starting the application before your number is current. It is not worth taking the risk unless your number is large and you have concerns about not making it before the end of fiscal year.
Affidavit support

Do I have to include the Affidavit support form with I-485,....etc and other forms for AOS or keep it till they ask about it?
Yes, you do need to attach all the documentation to your I-485 and send it all together to USCIS . But also remember to take all the originals to the interview date, in case they ask you for them.
I am still a bit confused about who needs to file an affidavit of support. I am a student/research assistant so I make a bit over the poverty line. My wife is also applying.

1. Do I need to get a sponsor to fill me an affidavit of support?
2. What about my wife's application? It seems like I need to fill the I-864 for her? Been reading about co-sponsors and what not...

Can anyone help clarify this for me? Thanks a lot