• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2009 - Aos Only

I have sent forms on March 2, and I received NOA today. My number became current this month too.

Hey ..Congrats..mine is probably on the way too..will let u know when I get it.
By the way where are you in US and whats your local USCIS Office?
hello guys!!!
I just came home from my 2 weeks vacation and my greencard application is still pending so no change:( I got into the country with AP it was not complicated they made me wait 15 minutes at the customs but easier than i expected. Before I went, i received a letter from my congressman telling me that he contacted with the USCIS for me and he simply said he hopes this helps but still my online status has not changed and i am stucked so i will wait a little bit more and see what else i can do... back to the waiting!!! so there is no good news from my side...
Just got the call from my gf. After three interviews today, I guess they said something that her number might be to high for Europe or some blah blah blah... she sounded all upset on the phone and then boom! The interviewer said that she is approved and should get her green card within 30 days!!!!

matutelandia I hope your interview went great this morning and hope to hear the same good news!

I can't thank the people on this message board enough for all of the help it has given us. Thank you very very much and good luck to everybody that is still in the process!
Success !!!!!

First at all, I would like to thank everybody that wished me good luck and to this amazing forum worth millions !!!! Kakako, I've been following your case, I hope your situation comes to a happy end soon.

This is my Interview experience:
My interview was set at 10:30 at the Houston Field office (16504 Central Greens Blvd) , I got there at 9:00 hahaha, I know, toooo early, but I was so nervous and paranoid that I wanted to do everything with extra time. I live about 1 hr away from the office so I gave myself extra time in case I had a problem during the drive(such a flat tire, being pulled over, etc). Since I got there so early I went to get some breakfast and came back to the office at 10:15.
As soon as I entered there was a small room with an X-Ray machine a metal detector, and 3 security guards, the security guard on the X-Ray machine asked me for the appointement letter, I gave it to him, and then he asked: Who is interviewing you ? I answered that I didn't know (there was no name on the appointment letter), and he kind of looked confused and started asking the other security guards, they didn't know either, so he starting making some phone calls; at this point I also was a little confused since nobody seemed to know I was gonna be there. Anyways, he asked me to take a seat, 5 minutes later a laddy came telling me that she was trying to find out who sent me the letter. At that point I got a little nervous, I was thinking: what if they don't find out who is working in my case and assign me a new person who is not familiar with it, or what if they lost my file...etc....etc
5 more minutes and a affrican-american looking laddy appeared, she called my name and asked me to follow her to her office. As soon as we entered her office I saw my file on her desk, and the file had lots of sheet markers and notes which showed she has been working on it, so I felt much better. I took the oath and then the first thing she asked me for was all my immigration papers, so I gave her my I-20s, my OPT card, my I-797 approval notices and my passport. It suprised me that she went throuhg every single one of them, including my 14 I-20s !!!!, then she asked general questions, like my parents names, my address, if I had been deported or illegal, bla bla bla bla. Those were the only quiestions.
She kept the OPT card and the I-94. Then she started printing some things and moving around the office, and all of the sudden I see she grabs a big red stamp and stamped the file "Approved" but she didn't say nothing yet. A couple of minutes latter she gave me the approval letter and told me that I now am a permanent resident of the United States and that I should receive the card no latter than 3 weeks, man I couldn't stop smiling :D:D:D, finally, I got it !!!!!!!!!!!
In summary: The interview was short and smooth, she asked only few and very general questions, and she was very serious but very professional as well

These are some suggestions for future filers:

1-Don't throw away any original immigration paper no matter how old they are or how simple they may look, they will ask you for them.
2-Don't waist your time or money getting a fancy folder for your papers, I got one of these awesome folders with subdivisions and markers, but the folder on her desk wasn't the one I sent, it was on of these regular ones with the two holes on top, I know they have a name but don't remember.
3-Get there early and be prepared to do a sort of "airport" security check, excep they don't ask you to take your shoes off.
4-Dress well and be polite and courteous, I know some people may disagree but I think they notice that and it may biass (I said:"it may") their decision (in a good way, of course)

Again, thank you, tahnk you , thank you everyboduy for all your support and posts, this forum really makes a difference; and good luck to all the future filers !!!!!!!!!
Help for rescheduling fingerprinting


I need to reschedule my fingerprinting appointment. Did anybody had similar problem? I read some people made info-pass and processed the fingerprinting. Also some went to ASC early? Any ideas?

First at all, I would like to thank everybody that wished me good luck and to this amazing forum worth millions !!!! Kakako, I've been following your case, I hope your situation comes to a happy end soon.

This is my Interview experience....

Congratulations matutelandia and mikenytola! Your journey is finally over.
Just got the call from my gf. After three interviews today, I guess they said something that her number might be to high for Europe or some blah blah blah... she sounded all upset on the phone and then boom! The interviewer said that she is approved and should get her green card within 30 days!!!!

matutelandia I hope your interview went great this morning and hope to hear the same good news!

I can't thank the people on this message board enough for all of the help it has given us. Thank you very very much and good luck to everybody that is still in the process!

:D Sweet!! :D Contratulations to your GF (and to you too). Best of luck!
A couple of minutes latter she gave me the approval letter and told me that I now am a permanent resident of the United States and that I should receive the card no latter than 3 weeks, man I couldn't stop smiling :D:D:D, finally, I got it !!!!!!!!!!!

:D Apparently today was a good day for you too. Super CONGRATULATIONS on your success!!

And, thanks to you too for your contribution to this thread. :D

Best of luck!!
Here is my experience:

My interview was at 1:00pm. The officer verified my information. It was short but he didn't approve my case. He took my I-94 card and said everything looks good but he gave a letter stating my case is still pending for further review " An adjudicative review of your case is needed. No additional information is required from you at this time." , and he said I should check back within 30 days if I don't hear anything. What gives?? Why is that? I am really stressed now.

Anyone had this experience? or know someone who did?

FYI: I am in Los Angeles.

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Here is my experience:

My interview was at 1:00pm. The officer verified my information. It was short but he didn't approve my case. He took my I-94 card and said everything looks good but he gave a letter stating my case is still pending for further review " An adjudicative review of your case is needed. No additional information is required from you at this time." , and he said I should check back within 30 days if I don't hear anything. What gives?? Why is that? I am really stressed now.

Anyone had this experience? or know someone who did?

FYI: I am in Los Angeles.



don't worry! I had possibly the worst interview experience recorded here so far (see previous posts) in that they did not take away my I94 and flat out told me they knew nothing of my case etc etc and they gave me the same letter they gave you. Less than a month later, I had the GC in hand (issued, believe it or not, the same day of the "tragic" interview.)

you are almost there! don't worry!

also congrats to matutelandia and mikenytola! It is so nice to see things work out for all those who contributed so much and gave so much support to all those who visited here!

kakaco- we are all rooting for you!
Congratulations matutelandia and mikenytola!

Best of luck to horizon67 and kakaco! kakaco, maybe you should do another InfoPass.
I got both our NOAs today...:)..Our ASC Code is 3 ...is that what everyone usually gets?

Dagistan: Did you already get your Biometrics Appointment Letter or you're just planning ahead?
Congrats matutelandia and mikenytola!


Yes I have it, scheduled for April 9 th. and I have to go for a conference on that day. So I maybe go to there early and try my chance. I dont know what to do?

My ASC code is 3 too.
San Francisco office

Hi i`m from San Francisco ,too.My number was current on October and i did my biometrics on November 7th.I received my EAD on December but i haven`t received my interview letter since then.I wonder if the San Francisco office is too slow or there is something wrong with my application. Does anybody know is there anything i can do about that?

Good luck to everyone!

Well, maybe it was the fax I sent in a few weeks ago, maybe it was the upcoming Infopass, or maybe somebody's reading this forum! My interview notice came last Friday, scheduled for early April. November to April wait for interview in the SF office.