• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2009 - Aos Only

Thanks for the response lindina254. This really gives me hope.
Also, here is what our company's immigration attorney said:

"An Officer normally does not remove and take your I-94 card unless they are going to approve you - otherwise, they understand that you should retain your I-94 card as proof of your underlying status while the matter remains pending. The fact that you are subject to additional "administrative review" can mean a number of things, possibly that the Officer did not complete the IBIS security check (which can be done quickly) - but we cannot be sure. It is positive that they did not request additional documents, and that you should receive a response within 30 days - you may wish to schedule an InfoPass in 45 days - and inquire if you do not hear anything. "
My DV experience in Columbus OH

Hi all,

First I would like to thank everybody on this forum. All your posts have been a great help.

Two weeks ago I had my interview and it went very smoothly. The IO was not familiar with DV so I was a little bit scared at first. After taking the oath my wife and I answered a few questions from the i-485 form (name, DoB, did you commit a crime,...) and that was basically it. The IO didn't ask for any of the original documents, proof of my hepatitis B shots, afidavit,....
At the end of the interview, the IO told us that he would have to talk to his supervisor before making is decision. So, he didn't take the I-94.

The whole DV experience was pretty straightforward. With only the I-485instructions and this forum, I was able to figure out pretty much everything.

Also, I didn't provide the afidavit and didn't bring one to the interview. From the I-485 instructions, it was clear that DV winners don't need one (at least this is my interpretation).

Because everything went smoothly I don't have much advice. The only thing is after waiting for about 2 months for the interview letter, I decided to have an infopass. All I learned is that everything was fine and that my background check had cleared. However, less than one week later I received the interview letter. Maybe just a coincidence but it may be related.

Good luck to everybody
Thanks for the response lindina254. This really gives me hope.
Also, here is what our company's immigration attorney said: QUOTE]

I understanyou may be a bit scared, but honestly, it sounds like there wasn't any major issue and you'll be receiving news soon, hope for the best !!!!!!
It looks like my journey is over after 9 years in the US!!! I just checked the USCIS website and it says the following:

"On March 17, 2009, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service."

Many thanks to everyone on this board for your support.
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Here is my experience:

My interview was at 1:00pm. The officer verified my information. It was short but he didn't approve my case. He took my I-94 card and said everything looks good but he gave a letter stating my case is still pending for further review " An adjudicative review of your case is needed. No additional information is required from you at this time." , and he said I should check back within 30 days if I don't hear anything. What gives?? Why is that? I am really stressed now.

Anyone had this experience? or know someone who did?

FYI: I am in Los Angeles.


I had the same experience. The officer told me that everything looked fine but she gave me a sheet indicating that my case was pending. She told me to contact them if I do not hear anything by the end of two months. My status changed the following day and I was approved. Some of the officers do not get a chance to look at your file prior to the interview so they need additional time to review and approve the case.
It looks like my journey is over after 9 years in the US!!! I just checked the USCIS website and it says the following:

"On March 17, 2009, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service."

Many thanks to everyone on this board for your support.

Congrats !!!, :D
It looks like my journey is over after 9 years in the US!!!


I think this is like a soap opera, they kept you in suspense for a while but it worked out in the end.
Best wishes in the U.S. of A!!

Welcome back, we hope to hear some good news from you too.
It looks like my journey is over after 9 years in the US!!! I just checked the USCIS website and it says the following:

"On March 17, 2009, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service."

Many thanks to everyone on this board for your support.

see!!!! we told you not to worry!! congrats horizon67!

(on a funny note- my online status on the USCIS website still has not changed since October 2008!!)

thanks for all the good wishes!!! Today i came home and saw a mail from my local office. It says that i need to fill out form DSP 122 (not the one that had been an issue by the way, till to today the issue was about the form DS-230 weird haa:), they attach the form to the mail and asking me to fill that and drop it to my local office before march 31, it is great newssss!!!! I will drop it there as the first thing in the morning. i think contacting with the congressman has worked:) so hopefully that will be the last issue with my case, i can not explain how happy i am:) It took for them 3 months to figure out if the form was needed or not but I am ready to forget about all the issues that i have faced with this process and hopefully i will give u guys better news soon:) thanks to all!!!
thanks for all the good wishes!!! Today i came home and saw a mail from my local office. It says that i need to fill out form DSP 122 ........

Just for clarification,

Didn't you send the DSP 122 to KCC as soon as you got your DV winner notification letter?
Why are they asking for it again?
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Good for you Kakaco !!!!! I have the same questions...didn't you send back then the DSP-122 to KCC in response to the winner notification letter ? If you did, how come they want another one? Do you think they lost it ???

BTW, congratulaions horizon67 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good for you Kakaco !!!!! I have the same questions...didn't you send back then the DSP-122 to KCC in response to the winner notification letter ? If you did, how come they want another one? Do you think they lost it ???

BTW, congratulaions horizon67 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No i didnot send DSP-122 and DS-230 to kentucky because i made my AOS application right after receiving the package because of the suggestion of the lawyer and the immigration officer from my local office they told me to not to send any of them to kentucky and because of the early application my AOS package was rejected and i received a letter from kentucky confirming my AOS application and telling me not to send anything to them from now on, so after my interview DS-230 was an issue nobody even concern about DSP-122 and all the sudden they send me 122 to fill out
If you are referring to form G-325A (Biographic Information) then YES, the form IS required. Please take time to review the instructions for completing form I-485. It's covered under the 'Initial Evidence' section - part 13 on page 4. :)
Thanks Dematra, yes i mean form G-325, so did you imply that if one fills form 1-485 then no need for G-325? How will you know that g325 is required/where is it indicated? Thanks.
You do need the G-325 "AND" I-485. As dematra said, please spend some time reading the instructions of the form I-485. The instructions mention the paperwork to you need to submit along with your I-485, one of them is the G-325.
thanks very much, I now found the info sandwiched somewhere on the i-485 form. Wish you luck.

G325A needs to be filed in with '4 copies'
use the form at following link to fill in the info, you need to fill only one copy, it fills others auto.

hope this helps