• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2008 Lucky Winners From Nigeria

My middle name was omitted in the WAEC Certificate

is that such a big deal in 9ja? don't you have DOB on the certificates? I think the name issue should be with what you have in your birth certificate and passport. I'm not very sure about the local requirements though
Thank u for ur advise, God will bless u. Do you need to explain any emigration situation to the American consular. (God forbid if they ask) I had 2years gap in my Visa while in UK. this is been rectified at the moment. however all my qualifications apart from WAEC are from UK. Are they gonna require my status while in UK or I am gonna go with a Fresh 9ja passport.

Thank u for ur anticipated advise, God will bless u all.

I think you should not get a new 9ja passport. All they need from us is to be truthful and l dont think that your stay in Uk has anything to do with your winning the lottery. since you got some of your cert while staying illegally in UK, tell them if they ask you but be as breif as you you can be and to the point never say more than you are asked." ALL THINGS WORKS TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD AND ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE." The two years visa gap in Uk is inclusive. SO CLAIM IT!!!:)

cn 2008af00022xxx
first letter :April 17th
kcc receive form: may 10th
awaiting second letter

thank you GOd will bless u for ur kind advise.
What is all this about?

CHACHO, watz up? I guess you feel my idea about breaking things up, although my man onoriode is against it. The reason why i'm doing this is because the questions have the same pattern, but your interview would far more exceed those questions. Breaking my experience up is the only way i can give more details, and make fellow members see reasons for some occurences. Well, if you don't want the details, i'd just go straight to the questions, as my time is also precious, ok.
What Was That All About? Part 1, 2, xyz

CHACHO, watz up? I guess you feel my idea about breaking things up, although my man onoriode is against it. The reason why i'm doing this is because the questions have the same pattern, but your interview would far more exceed those questions. Breaking my experience up is the only way i can give more details, and make fellow members see reasons for some occurences. Well, if you don't want the details, i'd just go straight to the questions, as my time is also precious, ok.QUOTE]

Over the last year or so, I repeatedly visited this forum initially to get valuable information but later to address incorrect information. In the course of doing that, I would sometimes find statements or write-ups posted just for laughs. I must say that I have never found any like demoddon's. What was that all about? A three-part posting to narrate an interview experience; a whole first part just dedicated to some guy known in all world embassies and a high flyer who is a true son of the United Nations to conduct a mock interview. That was indeed a brilliant presentation. But I have to say though that it was absolutely unnecessary. One thing I have appreciated about this forum was a genuine willingness of people to help one another. But in an attempt to do so sometimes, many people ovecomplicate matters for so many who are willing to heed their call. That is not so good.
First of all, all that effort was worth it for Demoddon. But for all it's worth I will ask that you steer clear of all that information. DV lottery in itself has a straightforward interview process after you have been selected. I would say that the most difficult part of the process is actually being selected. Once you have been selected, (and remember even this part is outside of your control after you have submitted an entry) the rest is pretty straighforward. Now I am not suggesting that you should be complacent. But you must know that no two cases are identical and someone else's experience may not be yours. I will say again, all that information by demoddon was unnecessary. I ask again what was that all about? I am sure the guy who wrote it had a good intention of helping people. But I think his effort would probably discourage more than offer help to them. I also find it difficult to accept his version of the questions asked at the interview. I don't see how a consular officer would ask so many questions on a subject matter. Now I was not there. So demoddon might have had a very unique interview. And all credit to him for being successful after putting up a show of answering all those Chemistry questions. But I would not accept that version of event on the basis of what I have seen or been through myself.
I will strongly urge all the guys preparing for interviews to read postings on this forum with care. Read all information, but accept them at your own risk. Be yourself at the interview. Forget about mock interviews. Know your subject matter well. Be honest. Be courteous. Be simple. Don't try to be who you are not. All the best!
By the way, I think it will help many if you just kept your posting staright to the point. It's unnecessary to write in parts just to try and help others. Don't go about looking for some experienced high flyer to conduct interviews for you. That's a complete waste of time. Don't expect to recite a text book at the interview. The consular officer is probably not as qualified as you. After you ahve completed your interview, keep your narration short and to the point. Otherwise you will write just for laughs.
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no cassualty

thank you GOd will bless u for ur kind advise.[/QUOTE]

oga, we no really want any denial in this house, with this in mind, since we all have sealed identity, can u really explain what is up with ur situation so that we can diagnose and treat once and forever, all this bit by bit infor fit no work ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
its me

hi everyone
thanks for your comments.
rule no 1 : dont panic, they are just people like you and me who just want to accert the trueness of your claims .
rule 2: dont play smart by bringing fake docs . i guarantee you they will find out , why do u think they give you a month before you collect your visa and tell you specifically never to make any travelling arrangement until u get your visa.
rule 3. give straight forward answers, dont say what you werent asked . if you dont understand indicate so

by the way , am from nigeria , ibo to be exact .
love you all

Hi house, I have this little problem which i want the house to help me out.

My girlfriend is pregnant now and though we are not formerly married and i intend marrying her as soon as possible.

can i send email to kcc to include her after we are married or will it jeopardize my chances if i do that?
Hi house, I have this little problem which i want the house to help me out.

My girlfriend is pregnant now and though we are not formerly married and i intend marrying her as soon as possible.

can i send email to kcc to include her after we are married or will it jeopardize my chances if i do that?

Aganwoko, if you ask me, I would say go ahead and marry your girl. Thereafter get KCC informed of your new status.
In the mean time keep all medical records of your pregnant wife. I don't know when you got her pregnant but I guess she may put to birth before your number becomes current. When that happens, send another info to KCC.
Get things like DNA ready when you know your interview date...

Hey, NO CHILD SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND. I'm sure the US Consulates around the world understand that. I don't know from what country you are but in Europe I thing the consulate officers may give you a basket of flower for making such a good decision - marying your childs mother.

Over the last year or so, I repeatedly visited this forum initially to get valuable information but later to address incorrect information. In the course of doing that, I would sometimes find statements or write-ups posted just for laughs. I must say that I have never found any like demoddon's. What was that all about? A three-part posting to narrate an interview experience; a whole first part just dedicated to some guy known in all world embassies and a high flyer who is a true son of the United Nations to conduct a mock interview. That was indeed a brilliant presentation. But I have to say though that it was absolutely unnecessary. One thing I have appreciated about this forum was a genuine willingness of people to help one another. But in an attempt to do so sometimes, many people ovecomplicate matters for so many who are willing to heed their call. That is not so good.
First of all, all that effort was worth it for Demoddon. But for all it's worth I will ask that you steer clear of all that information. DV lottery in itself has a straightforward interview process after you have been selected. I would say that the most difficult part of the process is actually being selected. Once you have been selected, (and remember even this part is outside of your control after you have submitted an entry) the rest is pretty straighforward. Now I am not suggesting that you should be complacent. But you must know that no two cases are identical and someone else's experience may not be yours. I will say again, all that information by demoddon was unnecessary. I ask again what was that all about? I am sure the guy who wrote it had a good intention of helping people. But I think his effort would probably discourage more than offer help to them. I also find it difficult to accept his version of the questions asked at the interview. I don't see how a consular officer would ask so many questions on a subject matter. Now I was not there. So demoddon might have had a very unique interview. And all credit to him for being successful after putting up a show of answering all those Chemistry questions. But I would not accept that version of event on the basis of what I have seen or been through myself.
I will strongly urge all the guys preparing for interviews to read postings on this forum with care. Read all information, but accept them at your own risk. Be yourself at the interview. Forget about mock interviews. Know your subject matter well. Be honest. Be courteous. Be simple. Don't try to be who you are not. All the best!
By the way, I think it will help many if you just kept your posting staright to the point. It's unnecessary to write in parts just to try and help others. Don't go about looking for some experienced high flyer to conduct interviews for you. That's a complete waste of time. Don't expect to recite a text book at the interview. The consular officer is probably not as qualified as you. After you ahve completed your interview, keep your narration short and to the point. Otherwise you will write just for laughs.

Hello, did i scare anyone? You said i should post my experience, and i was trying to do that. My experience transcends the interview questions. You are doubting they asked me all those questions. Infact, the lady was about going into organic chemistry, when i said, madam i can't remember all those. For your information, before she started questioning, she commended my WAEC results, saying it was very outstanding compared to what have been submitted over the years. This same lady rejected a guy and girl that couldn't
answer questions on WAEC subjects and University courses.

Before i went for the interview, i printed about 40 PQs from DV2007 lucky winners from Nigeria, and had answers to all of them, but things bliped. If not for God being on my side, i just wonder what would have happened. I kind of think my fasting and prayer worked, because God brought most of those things to my remembrance.

You just make me laugh, that the consular officers are probably not as qualified as we are. Thank God you added "probably," because anything you are not sure of, please don't say. I once thought that way, until the man that chatted with me b4 the interview told me: Don't think you can just speak gibbrish, because some of those interviewing have BS, Masters and Phds. Or do you think an american embassy with much pride would draft in a high school drop out, or someone unqualified, No, never!!! You'll notice that when they start calling numbers, it wouldn't be consecutive. Meaning you are most like going to meet someone who knows what you know. Infact, i couldn't remember one of the chemistry and biology and she gave me the answers. I kind of like her because she was tough, but friendly. I had thought i would be doing more of physics and Maths, as i'm an engineer, but no.

I'll remove all those previous posts on my experiences because according to LiveForum, they are wacked. My advice to people in forum are these:

1. Each interview is unique; yours may not be like mine. At list some people's interview that i saw was so simple.
2. The have the same pattern, so get the PQs on this Site.
3. Study a little about those courses you did well in WAEC, because they may go deep.
4. Know about the courses in did in university, projects etcs. If you work, know about your work.
5. Keep your answers simple, because one question gives birth to another.
6. Have an open mind, and pray for God's favor.


P.S: I have edited the way the questions were asked. The stared ones were the ones i couldn't remember, and she answered them. I almost got her number, because it was more of chat than an interview
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Thanks Man

Aganwoko, if you ask me, I would say go ahead and marry your girl. Thereafter get KCC informed of your new status.
In the mean time keep all medical records of your pregnant wife. I don't know when you got her pregnant but I guess she may put to birth before your number becomes current. When that happens, send another info to KCC.
Get things like DNA ready when you know your interview date...

Hey, NO CHILD SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND. I'm sure the US Consulates around the world understand that. I don't know from what country you are but in Europe I thing the consulate officers may give you a basket of flower for making such a good decision - marying your childs mother.

Thank you Blackgerman, I will go ahead and marry my girl cos i love her very much. GOD BLESS you
Re: chacho

demoddon,did the consular officer asked u all those questions or it was wat u decided to talk about? .........because am beginning to wonder,if it was a job interview!.........yee pls who can borrow me chemistry textbook oo?my interview is nxt wk.make i start serious jacking.lol:confused:

Yes. But my man, no fear. They are very friendly. You don't have to remember every thing, when you no carry fire for head. Try get some txt books in about 2 or 3 subjects you did well in WAEC, and glance through them. They won't ask you direct questions. It's always tell me anything about this and that. Then from there, they start picking their questions. If you don finish Uni. glance through your final year project report and read up a few things about 3 or 4 coures you did in school. It is well, men. Cheers!!

Congrat!!!demoddon , the good lord who saw you through this interview will surely perfect his work in this place. But please everyone should listen? Don't be scared of questions, the good lord who saw you through this DV will surely make it happen. His favour shall go before you, if you dnt know the verse in the BIBLE go to ISSIAH 45 pray with it. Do you guys think God is foolish, ofcourse no, and if you thnk the answer is no.....ask yourself a question.... millions of people applied for this lottery and you're opportuned to win and you're there shivering for one yeye Interview question....abeg make una no mk me vex, dnt give the devil the room to laugh at you and plunch fear into you....DON'T I advice....ask for God's favour and he will surely perfect what he has started in your lifes....As for me I told you guys before, my interview is November, i bet you I won't be asked any question cuz I know God who saw me through this fin won't allow them ask me what I dnt hv the answer too...Be brave, don't fret don't despair for the lord is your strenght....For everything that stands as a fear I curse that thing this moment in the name of Jesus, for the lord says I have no given you the spirit of fear so go and come back with testimony....In Jesus name...AMENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...It is done!!!!!
well, congrats for your success in your interview but Consular officers have no time to be asking you such questions.
My advice to those of you going for the interview is that you must not forget every detail submitted to KCC. Date of birth, place Birth and make sure the spelling of your name are correct in all your document.
Actually, the consular will ask you simple question that you will know, so you dont have to be scare stiff. You will all make it

CHACHO, watz up? I guess you feel my idea about breaking things up, although my man onoriode is against it. The reason why i'm doing this is because the questions have the same pattern, but your interview would far more exceed those questions. Breaking my experience up is the only way i can give more details, and make fellow members see reasons for some occurences. Well, if you don't want the details, i'd just go straight to the questions, as my time is also precious, ok.

What are your names?
where were you born?
when were you born?
What is the person you'll be staying with in the U.S to you?
what subjects did u have A1 in, in WAEC?
Tell me anything about Chemistry: i offered to talk about acid-base titration becos i felt it was simple
What is titration?
Can you remember the Solution u used for titration then?
In chemistry, you do practicals and theory tell me anything in the theory part that you can remember: I offered to talk about seperation technique bcos it was easy.
what is fractional distillation?
Talk about Periodic table?
What are the numbers in Periodic table called: Atomic Weight *
What are atomic weights?
What is Biology about?
What is a cell?
What is photosynthesis?
What is the name of the green pigments in plant: Chlorophy *
What do plants inhale and exhale?
When do you intend travelling?

When she was satisfied, she gave me the pink paper form. ok?
Is Okay..

There is nothing too strange about one who was asked so many questions
There is also nothing strange about asking one few questions,
And there is nothing strange about not asking one any question at all.
It has happened before and can still happen again.
What we should be after is the benefit we make out of every experience or if you don’t have any thing to gain from the experience Shekina..move on.
America we are heading to:)

The only thing wey me no understand Na the Nollywood Style Part 1 Part Part 3 stuff…:D
For the House.

Hello all. I believe we are a family and people should take to corrections. When onoriode initially rebuked me for putting my interview in parts, i heeded for the good of members of the house. I did that initially because i was so happy and wanted to say it all, because i considered us as a family. I wasn't expecting anyone to walk my walk, or talk my talk. I guess I'll save all those my long talks for my real-world folks and friends.

However, when some people like LiveForum just come up and start running me down; that makes me sick. For all i care, my interview was successful and i give all glory to God; but i'm thinking of others in the house too. When i went for the interview, i had u guys at the back of my mind, hoping that any observation could be related. I was rebuked by onoriode and heeded because i'm open to corrections. I accepted that because he did it maturedly, and have responded by removing all those past experiences, and editing my interview questions to reflect how the questions were asked. But i will not accept LiveForum's way of rebuke.

My people, I didn' mean to scare you, ok? DV interviews are not Cambridge Exams or Rocket Science. They are basic questions to authenticate your ownership of those documents. You don't have to remember every thing, but just be prepared, so that you don't get surprised, because it is better to be and not get questions, than not be and get bombarded. Play safe. I didn't go for a pre-interview like LiveForum said. if you had seen that post, then you'll know that it was the guy who did all the talking. It was just a series of advice and criticsm of my documents.

Please try to brush up on those courses and subjects you did well in in WAEC and college. Don't mind LiveForum for saying all that can't be asked. If you were present that day, the lady on Window 12, was particularly tough compared to others, and people prayed not to go either there or window 11. And please watch what you say, how you say it, because they pick questions from what you say. It's more like talking like onoriode: brief and straight to the point and not brash. Below is a list of some questions i used to prepare for my interview. It was edited from questions from DV2007 lucky winners from Nigeria for a single applicant. Practise with them. Compare them to the questions, i was asked.


1. What is your name
2. Where were you born
3. What your DOB
4. Where are you from
5. What's your mother's/father's name
6. Where was your mother born
7. When was she born
8. Why do you want to go to the US:
9. When do you intend travelling, and Why
10. What do you do
11. What High school did you finish from
12. What year
13. How many times did you sit for school certificate exam: Once
14. What were your best subjects in S.S.C.E
15. Tell me something about them
16. Discuss the practicals you had in your best subjects in SSCE?
17. What university did you attend
18. What course
19. Tell me something it
20. Why did you study what you studied in university
21. What can you say about the effect of your course of study on your country and the world at large?
22. List some courses that you took in university, and give a brief description of each
23.What was your best course in university, and tell me something about it
24. What was the title of your project
25. Talk about the project for two minutes?
26. What was your matric no. in school
27. List tools used in your Field of Study
28. Have you done your NYSC, if yes; where and when did you serve
29. What is your relationship with the person you going to stay with in the U.S.
30. What does he do.

Lastly, my people please pray for God's favor. Nothing can surpass that. If you need my help in answering some of the questions, well, i'll humbly be available. Wish you God's favor and a good success.
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Congratulations Admiral, God has done it again.

Please can you explain in details how your interview went.

God bless