• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2008 Lucky Winners From Nigeria

Do you guys think a declaration of age can be used for AOS purposes. How about a certified true copy of birth record? Thanks
Write Your signature

Pls i need answers from Nigerian viewers,is it possible to call kcc to confirm interview date cos i think its in the NL that u shd not call and send e-mail.I tried sending an e-mail
but no reply can one call insted?
Thank u in anticipation for ur reply

One can only know wht to say if u write ur signature like others.
Never use Declaration of age

Do you guys think a declaration of age can be used for AOS purposes. How about a certified true copy of birth record? Thanks

Declaration of age is not acceptable but Original birth Cert.,Certified true copy & NPC are all acceptable.ok
Navigator, Have you received the email reply from KCC concerning your date of interview?
For my own,It took 3 days to get the reply from KCC after sending the second email.
I have to mention here that I did send 2 emails to KCC. The first email was sent from my yahoo email address account on Tues 15th July, but didn't get any reply. After 3 days,i decided to send a second email to KCC using my hotmail email address on Friday July18th. I immediately received an auto-reply as shown below:-

Information Received.‏
From: KCC DV (KCCDV@state.gov)
Sent: Fri 7/18/08 7:56 PM
To: xxxxxxxx
Greetings, Your inquiry or message has been received and routed to the appropriategroup. This is an automated message, please do not reply. Thank You, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Kentucky Consular Center

On Monday 21st July night, I received the email reply telling me the information that i earlier requested.
I think the key to getting a email response from KCC is the automated email reply, if you don't get the auto reply message immediately after sending your mail to KCC, then the chances are that your mail has not been received KCC or it was received but routed to the junk folder as spam mails, hence there was no automated message sent to you immediately to confirm that your mail has been received and routed to the concerned section.

My Brother, I 've not gotten any reply, even after I had forwarded the same email to KCC a week atfer the !st one.
There was no auto-reply mail, meaning that it was not received.
Is it yahoo issue? I may have to try again today and will revert to you as soon as any thing comes. thank u pls.
I had given up on this thred but i dont know what u mean by signature like others cos i'm quite new to this forum
Hi Navigator,
I feel u shd stop sending e-mails to kcc.i did the same thing as u but no reply.I feel we shd just wait and pray 2 get the 2nd NL soon.
Try sending the mail using another email account

My Brother, I 've not gotten any reply, even after I had forwarded the same email to KCC a week atfer the !st one.
There was no auto-reply mail, meaning that it was not received.
Is it yahoo issue? I may have to try again today and will revert to you as soon as any thing comes. thank u pls.[/QUOTE

Sarajoe, there's is nothing wrong with sending emails to KCC as long as one's number is current. They'll reply and give you the information you required.
Navigator, I'll suggest that you do the same thing as i did by sending the same email using another email account such as Hotmail, etc. It has not failed me on the 2 occasions that i have sent emails to KCC.
Better still, just call KCC and speak to an operator, the operator will ask for your case number, full names and date of birth. Also, he or she will ask if you are the principal applicant or not.
You'll still get the same information by phone, the only snag being that you cannot have a prove or evidence to show at the Hospital in case you choose to start your medical examinations before the arrival of the second package.
Try the hotmail email option, I'm sure that you'll get a reply in 3 days time
Thanks a lot SB2008 i will give it a try right away.I hope navigator will see this soon so he can also give it a try 2.Thanks.
THANK GOD!!! I am finally able to participate in this forum. I had tried for so long to be a part of the house but for reason I don't know I was unable to sign in. When I was finally able to sign in posting my signature became another problem. I am happy that I can now contribute.

I have been visiting the thread since sometime last year when I came across it by chance while browsing the net seeking answers to questions I had concerning the DV. Since then I have visited almost on daily bases. God used this forum to answer almost all the questions I had, including identifying some serious mistakes I made in the forms I submitted to KCC. Infact, I had to refil and submit one of the forms altogether after learning from the experience of others in the forum.

I thank the originators of the forum and also, all you wonderful members ( names are too many to mention) of the house. You have all been very wonderful. May God bless you all.

I had my interview on the 5th of May, 2008 and to the glory of God Almighty it was successful. We got there by 5.30am and entered around 7am. I was given number 9. After payment and submission of documents my number was called at about 8.30am. It was a man that interviewed me. With the exception of the oat taking and finger printing the real interview did not last up to 3minutes. I was asked my name, DoB, PoB as well as that of my family. After this the blue form was handed to me to come for the visas. My wife was not asked any question. It was all God's doing and it is to Him I give all the glory. In another window a lady was busy drilling another applicant for long time.

My advice to any one going for interview is to be prayerful. Ask for God's favour. It is imported to advice that all applicant be truthful. Don't try to over impress the interviewer by talking too much. And also, please don't go with fake documents or documents that are not yours. The Interviewers are not fools. They are very good in psychology. Be confident and make sure you submit documents required. Haven done your own part leave the others to God to perfect.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! to everyone who have had successful interview. Those preparing for their interview, I wish you success.

My heart goes out to those whose numbers will not be current before September30th. I feel for you. But take heart and know that God has other better plans for you.
Hi Frola,
CONGRATULATIONS!!!.I wish you the best as u go to the states.But i would like to ask u a few questions if u dont mind.
Did u have your interview here in Niga? Did u do AOS or own funds? .
THANK GOD!!! I am finally able to participate in this forum. I had tried for so long to be a part of the house but for reason I don't know I was unable to sign in. When I was finally able to sign in posting my signature became another problem. I am happy that I can now contribute.

I have been visiting the thread since sometime last year when I came across it by chance while browsing the net seeking answers to questions I had concerning the DV. Since then I have visited almost on daily bases. God used this forum to answer almost all the questions I had, including identifying some serious mistakes I made in the forms I submitted to KCC. Infact, I had to refil and submit one of the forms altogether after learning from the experience of others in the forum.

I thank the originators of the forum and also, all you wonderful members ( names are too many to mention) of the house. You have all been very wonderful. May God bless you all.

I had my interview on the 5th of May, 2008 and to the glory of God Almighty it was successful. We got there by 5.30am and entered around 7am. I was given number 9. After payment and submission of documents my number was called at about 8.30am. It was a man that interviewed me. With the exception of the oat taking and finger printing the real interview did not last up to 3minutes. I was asked my name, DoB, PoB as well as that of my family. After this the blue form was handed to me to come for the visas. My wife was not asked any question. It was all God's doing and it is to Him I give all the glory. In another window a lady was busy drilling another applicant for long time.

My advice to any one going for interview is to be prayerful. Ask for God's favour. It is imported to advice that all applicant be truthful. Don't try to over impress the interviewer by talking too much. And also, please don't go with fake documents or documents that are not yours. The Interviewers are not fools. They are very good in psychology. Be confident and make sure you submit documents required. Haven done your own part leave the others to God to perfect.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! to everyone who have had successful interview. Those preparing for their interview, I wish you success.

My heart goes out to those whose numbers will not be current before September30th. I feel for you. But take heart and know that God has other better plans for you.

Hello all,

I want to thank GOD for you all and for your wonderful testimonies and encouragement. God bless you all.

I want to encourage those with high number, dont worry it is not over until it is over. if your CN does not come up this year, try the next DV. Have a winner's mentality. the whistle will not be blown until you have won. Keep trying until you have your own. I have been trying for the past 15years and finally i was selected for 2009. I am already in my dream country. dont worry try again.

For those that are current and are going for interview, dont worry baba GOD has gone ahead of you. For your sake, protocols will be jumped. Believe it no much question, the favour and goodness of God will go with you.

He that has brought you this far, cannot leave you at this junction. GOD is too organized to let you down.



My Brother, I 've not gotten any reply, even after I had forwarded the same email to KCC a week atfer the !st one.
There was no auto-reply mail, meaning that it was not received.
Is it yahoo issue? I may have to try again today and will revert to you as soon as any thing comes. thank u pls.[/QUOTE

Sarajoe, there's is nothing wrong with sending emails to KCC as long as one's number is current. They'll reply and give you the information you required.
Navigator, I'll suggest that you do the same thing as i did by sending the same email using another email account such as Hotmail, etc. It has not failed me on the 2 occasions that i have sent emails to KCC.
Better still, just call KCC and speak to an operator, the operator will ask for your case number, full names and date of birth. Also, he or she will ask if you are the principal applicant or not.
You'll still get the same information by phone, the only snag being that you cannot have a prove or evidence to show at the Hospital in case you choose to start your medical examinations before the arrival of the second package.
Try the hotmail email option, I'm sure that you'll get a reply in 3 days time

Thank you again;it did work out. At least I got an auto-reply. Iam expecting the real THING- email 2morrow (30/7/08) by the grace of God.
Thank you again;it did work out. At least I got an auto-reply. Iam expecting the real THING- email 2morrow (30/7/08) by the grace of God.

That's a good sign. I know it'll work out fine.
For some reason which i don't know, it looks like mails sent from Yahoo address does not get through to KCC. Anyway, expect reply from KCC in 2 or 3 days. It might take less time to get a reply, since i sent mine on a Friday and got a reply on Monday after the weekend.
Hi John, thanks for the reply, can the NPC certificate be issued for those born in the 70's before the NPC was established? How much does the NPC cert cost.


am not in nigeria so i don't know how much it cost. i don't know a whole lot about NPC.
Try and read previous pages

Hi John, thanks for the reply, can the NPC certificate be issued for those born in the 70's before the NPC was established? How much does the NPC cert cost.


Anyone born before 1988 can obtain NPC cert. it costs #2,000 but u'll need some doc. like Affidavit from High court sworn ny ur parent or Gaurdian & application letter at NPC office.