Hello Baba Agba, i have always read your post and i think you can be of help to me too. I am a 2008 DV winner and in filling my forms, i mistakenly sighed the item 35 of my DS-230 part II form, which states that i must not sign until instructed to do so, but in my been carefully of signing the other forms i signed it and i have send it back to Kentucky, i just discovered this mistake, hoipe it will not affect my application.... And my case number is 2008AF15... when am i likely to be called for my interview/
You have succeded in giving these guys a chance of calling you Nigerian, we still lack READING attitude or should i say reading culture, you should have read the instructions carefully before filling anything on the forms, honestly i don't know watz up here, there is a place in one of the forms that says failure to sign the form leads to automatic disqualification, i don't know if it is the same as this because they said you should not sign until you are told to do so at the time of interview, i hope not. Write them and tell them about it so that they can make necessary corrections on time. I wish you good luck.