• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2007 winners From Nigeria


Am so sorry about this case, but the truth is u should have brought it to the notice of thehouse, when i did my interview i saw a case like that and the guy was denied. i think the truth is no waec no visa. i wanted to respond to the post in the morning but i was reluctant because i knew then what i had to say wasnt going to be good, but why am writing this is because it wont be worth it to spend so much processing the dv and also spend so much pursuing legal option, my advice is please dont pursue the legal option because the dv year is running to a close and even appeal cases spend months before they are decided on. am so sorry.every decision is based on the discretion of the consular.
Hello house. My name is Taiwo. I'm one of the lucky winners of DV2007. I just got my second letter which confirmed my date of interview yesterday. While I was was going through the forms that came with the letter I found a form about tax and one affidavit of support for my sponsor. I want to know I'm suppose to fill the tax form or whether I ahve to send the affidavit of support form to my sponsor to fill. Thank you house
Hi Morgd,

Am so sorry for what has happened but i do agree with Baba Aladura that something can still be done. This is the violent taketh it by force oh. Please write to the department of labour, telling them that u have been in this for 13yrs and that u manage other automobile mechanics working under you. If they give u thesame reply they gave Tnllc's dad then forward the reply from the department of labour to the american embassy letting them know that u have been mistaken for a junior automobile mechanic and all the other story then hear what they have to say. If it works out, you have to be able to prove that u have a shop and that u have plp working under u, well when that time comes we'll know how to cross it but first things first, write to the deparment of labour like Baba Aladura said and let's see what happens from there.
I must give kudos to you for being brave and honest to tell the house that you were rejected. most plp would never come back to say they were rejected. This shows that we are one big family and I love the honesty and sincerity we share even if we don't know how selves individually.

I hate to be the pessimist one here but I just can't see a brother going through what he went through and still go through another with additional spending amd more still to come.
Let assume Morgd gets a lawyer and the lawyer writes the embassy, don't forget the DV FY is getting to an end(Sep).

What I see the embassy doing,is to write the lawyer in return, telling him/her they will look into the matter,which usually takes longer time for them to do so, bear in mind that, No Visa is carried forward after the end of Sep 2007.

This is just my opinion,you are have the final decision to make.

Sorry once again...
Hello house. My name is Taiwo. I'm one of the lucky winners of DV2007. I just got my second letter which confirmed my date of interview yesterday. While I was was going through the forms that came with the letter I found a form about tax and one affidavit of support for my sponsor. I want to know I'm suppose to fill the tax form or whether I ahve to send the affidavit of support form to my sponsor to fill. Thank you house

Welcome on board Taiwo.
It depends, if you are going for your interview as a single applicant, then you don't need the Affidavit of Support and Tax return but if you are going as couple then your sponsor need send you the Affidavit of Support and the Tax return.
This has already been answered on the thread before, just take the time out to read through the thread.
I hate to be the pessimist one here but I just can't see a brother going through what he went through and still go through another with additional spending amd more still to come.
Let assume Morgd gets a lawyer and the lawyer writes the embassy, don't forget the DV FY is getting to an end(Sep).

What I see the embassy doing,is to write the lawyer in return, telling him/her they will look into the matter,which usually takes longer time for them to do so, bear in mind that, No Visa is carried forward after the end of Sep 2007.

This is just my opinion,you are have the final decision to make.

Sorry once again...

Hello guys, to buttress jrcies comment i just put this case across to someone working at the embassy and he told me point blank that the consular is looking for all possible ways to disqualify people unless proved otherwise(until you able to convince him/her that you are qualified). Once they get the avenue to do so;to reverse it is always difficult, what if we ask morgd to pursue legal means? he said they will just be pending the case till the end of the whole thing, i mean till the end of Dv-2007 in Sept. and of course we all know what follows after Sept.
I dont know what to say at this junction. Men its weird!
It is well with us all.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We lift our brothers and sisters to You today and we would like to bless them with these words of prayer. Lord, these are Your people and we know many have grown weary along the way, but today we pray that the weariness will lift from them and You will send a time of refreshing to them - spirit, soul and body. Lord, encourage them with Your Spirit. We don't know all the needs but You do.

Bless them with health, finances, direction, strength, wisdom, love and the things that are needful at this time. Lord, may You heal any relationship problems in their churches, homes and families. Give them revelation from on High. May they hear Your voice. Restore the joy of their salvation to those who are laboring without a rejoicing heart. Father, may the joy of the Lord flood over them and help them to serve You with newness of heart and spirit. We pray for them in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Thank you, Morgd

Hi Morgd,
I know this is a difficult time, but I have you in my prayers.
I just want to support Mama J's comments; it is very courageous of you to come back and tell us what happened 2 days ago . Many people will learn from it.
I thank and salute you.
Wow this is serious!!! so it all still boils down to the fact that we should all share and speak up if you have anything bothering you. This way, we can all put our heads together to help each other. But I still don't blame you Morgd coz you felt your job is classified under zone 4 or 5.
If this is the case, then KCC should stop putting "Jobs under zone 4 or 5" it's confusing and like someone in the house said, if they know u are not qualified, then they should stop you from paying.
Wow this is serious!!! so it all still boils down to the fact that we should all share and speak up if you have anything bothering you. This way, we can all put our heads together to help each other. But I still don't blame you Morgd coz you felt your job is classified under zone 4 or 5.
If this is the case, then KCC should stop putting "Jobs under zone 4 or 5" it's confusing and like someone in the house said, if they know u are not qualified, then they should stop you from paying.

How can I put this right:confused: OK! let me just say, the Job thing works for others in other countries but like I said, if you are a Nigerian, then it's a BIG minus.
And yes in other countries, if they know you are not qualified for a Visa, they tell you so as not to pay for the interview except if you insist.
But here in Nigeria, it's difference....
Second package receiced pls help

Great Forumite,
I have been a regular visitor to this august forum and i cant but acknowledge first of all the wisdom of the great initiator and pioneer of this all inclusive and very educative forum.Starting from Jcries,Baba Agba, Ubus Wld,shelnkid,My brother Doubledroy,Pastor Adebayo, modest, mamaj, and others.
pls a friend of mine just received is second package yesterday 09.05.07 and the interview is coming up next month 12.06.07. PLS WHAT ARE THE IMMEDIATE ACTION he should take now to ensure hitch free and successfull interview.
Pls i want to ask what this form 9003 tagged<Additional question to be completed for permenent residence in US> means is going to e completed by the sponsor or the applicant.
pls your prompt will be highly appreciated

Change of Address for Receiving GC

Dear friends,

I want to thank you all for your positive response on my affidavit of Support issue.
I have another issue bothering me. Can one change the address where your GC is to be sent to in the second Notification Letter for interview? Many says the second Forms are not usually collected, but how can this be effected? I intend to change the address where the GC should be sent to. Your response on how to go about this will be appreciated.

Don't know much about this, but i will advice you send a mail to kcc informing them about the changes
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mamaj thanks for ur advice incuding my friends in da forum

case no 13***
ist nl letter sent:D
recevied second nl letter by 8-june-2007
hello my good and wonderful friends in the forum i thank u guys for a wonderful work u are doing and i pray the god that i worship will surely bless u all on this forum and i pray that god by is ultimate power to made u all to be current by each case numbers,well u all know when one is current u start going around so as to get all document ready and thats what im doing now soon i will be travelling to the east so as to complete my marriage vow with my wife ok,so i will need ur advices and pray which i believe is neccessial to our life do pray for me :D
And i will like to help anyone thats has problem with npc and police report as a low fee by than i may give such individual a contact phone number so as to get for a cheaper price ok
so house do pray for i and my wife.:D
Dear friends,

I want to thank you all for your positive response on my affidavit of Support issue.
I have another issue bothering me. Can one change the address where your GC is to be sent to in the second Notification Letter for interview? Many says the second Forms are not usually collected, but how can this be effected? I intend to change the address where the GC should be sent to. Your response on how to go about this will be appreciated.


Two things you can do.
1. Write Kcc informing them of the new address you want your GC to be sent.
2. At the POE you will be ask to fill a form in which you will have to put the address where you are going to stay.You can change the address at the POE.
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Hi Temi,

Since u have gone for your interview, can you please answer the question Yusnas asked:

Pls i want to ask what this form 9003 tagged<Additional question to be completed for permenent residence in US> means is going to e completed by the sponsor or the applicant.
pls your prompt will be highly appreciated

To the other question you asked, the first thing is to go do his medicals to ensure he gets the result before the date of his interview, then the police report, gather his document and then go thru the photocopy of the forms he filled to be sure of what to say and finally make sure he goes thru our great forum over and over again.
good evening hse;)
how's everyone doing. Morgd, sorry to hear about ur predicament. Anyways, a problem shared is one half-solved so I trust something positive wld come up.
Now quick question, I'm on the verge of getting a sponsor:D
but the Lady wants to know if there's certain criteria she has to meet (like a particular income bracket/limited number of dependants et al) before she consents "as she won't like to get into any trouble" her words:rolleyes:
So I need feedback, and pls pls don't ask me to read through the thread cos multilinks is acting up and it'll prolly take me bout a week to get the answers I need. Thanks and one luv!
Thanks so much for your contributions

I contacted the embassy about the eligibility of my sister (who entered US in August 2005 as LPR) and i was told she can provide the affidavit of support.
good evening hse;)
how's everyone doing. Morgd, sorry to hear about ur predicament. Anyways, a problem shared is one half-solved so I trust something positive wld come up.
Now quick question, I'm on the verge of getting a sponsor:D
but the Lady wants to know if there's certain criteria she has to meet (like a particular income bracket/limited number of dependants et al) before she consents "as she won't like to get into any trouble" her words:rolleyes:
So I need feedback, and pls pls don't ask me to read through the thread cos multilinks is acting up and it'll prolly take me bout a week to get the answers I need. Thanks and one luv!

here this may help u
Originally Posted by wld
Hi Modest,

These are the Documents required from your sponsor:

1. The Sponsors are required to earn min of 35,000.dollars p.a
2. Sponsors will collect an oath form from either dept of justice or notary public. Take an oath on the original form I -134
