Delaware SESA Tracker

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Re: To ajilab

Page !!
Your information is updated .
Originally posted by pgae
It is already a 7-8 working days now but I do not find a new Case Number against my employer in the AVM system at PA DOL. I was told it takes about 2-3 weeks before the lawyer gets a receipt back. It contains the case number assigned by PA DOL. The AVM might echo this information maybe a couple of days earlier.

Can someone help me on the following?

My brother's employer applied for his Labor certification in August 2003 at Delware. There is no communication about the case from Lawyer or DOL so far.

1. How to confirm the receipt of the case by DOL and the filing date?

2. Is there any new rule that the employee should work in Delaware if applied from Delaware? (Employer is claiming that my brother should start all over again from where he works - Boston)

Thanks for the help in advance.
1)Filing date and recept dates will be with the attorny. and from STATE Dol you dont get any receipts .. Once after it moved to phili DOL you might get case number that too from attroney only .. as personaly you dont get any thing by calling or mailing or whatever
2)no .. you dont need to work in delaware.. your employer is cheating or lying .. he can work on anywhere

Originally posted by jshree
Can someone help me on the following?

My brother's employer applied for his Labor certification in August 2003 at Delware. There is no communication about the case from Lawyer or DOL so far.

1. How to confirm the receipt of the case by DOL and the filing date?

2. Is there any new rule that the employee should work in Delaware if applied from Delaware? (Employer is claiming that my brother should start all over again from where he works - Boston)

Thanks for the help in advance.
Phili DOL

Does anyone know how much approximate processing time does the phili DOL take after the state labor is cleared ?

Re: Phili DOL

It depends on the rush.. earlier it took just one month to twomonths,.
Now .. hmm .. its taking atleast 6-8 months.. as we all know they are clearing the cases filed in july to august .. Now you calculate ..

Originally posted by DeepForest
Does anyone know how much approximate processing time does the phili DOL take after the state labor is cleared ?


kishuibm is right on issue of Boston/Delware.

Just adding to his answer:

... provided employer can show intent of hiring in Delaware.

It should not be a big deal.
future employer GC

I am currently with company A,and have filed for my Labor thro Delaware with them.I am hoping to clear my state labor in a month,and then Phili Regional and then apply for I-140,I-485 EAD etc.
I have another offer from company B now which is much better,more prospects,and maybe a bit stabler.I know since GC is for future employment i could transfer my visa,and keep my GC going with company A,if i can negotiate and strike some deal with them.I have been with them for 1 1/2 yrs and been able to make them quite some revenue.
what are the risks to doing this from a lega perspective?at what stage would company A have to show that i am on payroll etc.
Once the GC comes through which would probably be 2 years from now would i have to come back and join A.
Advice would be much appreciated
As long as company is willing to show that it will hire you in future - no legal problem.

It is advised that you join it after getting EAD for good measures. However technically you can join after getting GC.
Philli LC fed level

Hi ,
My case (EB2-RIR) must have moved to Philli Fed processing center from Delaware state processing in Nov2003. Either the employer or the lawyer didn't get any case number or even any communication either from Delaware or 'from Philli processing center.

Can you pl. let me know if
1) any one of you did get a case number from Philli LC processing center Fed level
2) If your LC has been completed recently from Philly processing center

your reply is much appreciated ...

thank you,
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FEB Guys!!!

Feb Guys!!
Any more news from your companys or lawyers??
or Delaware is still working on FEB??
Any updates
Any body with I.T Wizards Inc.

I happened to get conned by a company named I.T Wizards(with offices in delaware) who accepted money from me to file a labor application from Delaware back in 2002. They did not file anything and kept saying they have done so, until I found out recently. I'd like to know if there's anyone else out there who's been a victim of this fraud. It may sound stupid to some to have trusted a company like that, but under certain job-related circumstances back in September of 2002 I was left without an option.

Thanks for the co-operation in advance.

DE SESA approvals

Have any of you received some kind of concrete proof that your case has moved from DE SESA to PA DOL. The lawyer mentioned that they receive a postcard from DE SESA once your case moves from SESA to DOL.

In my case the lawyer says it was an e-mail. Have any of you asked for proof (e-mail or copy of the postcard) about the case moving from SESA to DOL.

This is related to the problem mentioned by quietrioter

Re: DE SESA approvals

I got a letter from phili dol saying that they recieved the application on such and such date

Originally posted by pgae
Have any of you received some kind of concrete proof that your case has moved from DE SESA to PA DOL. The lawyer mentioned that they receive a postcard from DE SESA once your case moves from SESA to DOL.

In my case the lawyer says it was an e-mail. Have any of you asked for proof (e-mail or copy of the postcard) about the case moving from SESA to DOL.

This is related to the problem mentioned by quietrioter

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