Delaware SESA Tracker

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hi vicky

hi Vicky.

thanx for all the info.
Pls let me know the number for philly dol.i would check there and see if i can track my case

i am not sure about the philly number. but i guess if u check the philly dol thread in this forum, u will find all teh info you need.
call: 215 861-5286
number 1 wait....
number 1 again if you know your case #....
...if not
number 2 (search by emplyee phone #)

The employer phone number will be the # submited on your original forms that were submited to for the state labor approval!
The other option is to email:
leave the subject line blank!
For the message: put your employer phone # (again the one used on your original application to the state!)
takes approx. 24-48 hrs to get an email back...
it will state all cases under that phone #:
Employer: xxxxxxxxx
Address: xxxxxxxxx
Case #: xxxxxxxxx
DOT Code: xxxxxxxxx
DOT Description: xxxxxxxxx
No. of Openings: x
Wage / Base: $xx.xx
Recieved Regional Office: __/__/__
Current Status: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Does the email address or phone number help you get the info at the state level? I thought this is useful only after your case has been sent to DOL? Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks in advace!!!
Yes you are right,only at the Federal level, you can check the status of your case, not at the state level in Delaware.
rituy! did you get your labor certified? I suppose they are processing around 2 week of October...just wondering anybody with priority date of 0ct1st to oct 14th got certified?
If so please update the forum.
any new approvals recently

keep this thread running guys. did we any recent approvals from delaware sesa? any one in mid october? share the news
No news yet

I haven't heared anything from Dol
neither from my lawyer.
again just for your information my case was filed on Oct 1st 2001 in EB2/RIR category.

Hello Guys

I was just checking the DE Labor Tracker, I guess DE is processing first EB2 RIR cases. Is this true. I see that EB3 RIR cases of september are yet to be processed. I am not sure guys, but do give your inputs.

Also has other guys Emilyde, Love2002, sur_tal, crazion got your GC certified. Last case reported to be certified is of immigrateravi on Apr 11 2003. since then its been close to one month i guess many cases should have been processed.

please keep this forum updated



have u checked the Phil DOL phone line. it usually takes i guess 2 weeks from the date it is certified at DE SESA and your lawyer getting the notice. check that system, phily might have recieved it.



Hi Vicky,

I dont think so ........ I am sure they are processing EB3 RIR in Oct. I know of a guy whose case was processed from Oct'03

Good Luck

I guess DE is approving one or two application per month. Not sure why is that but it is very very slow. I heard that Philly DOL is getting current again. SO guys if you are getting approved here in DE then applicaiton for Philly DOL should not take more time. Hope we hear something from DE fast.


Emilyde, Love2002, sur_tal, crazion

Hey guys have you tried checking the Philly DOL number by entering your employers phoen number to see if your case has been transfered to DOL.

Hi Folks,
good news. My case is accepted at Philly on April 23.

my lawyer posted the app on Oct 15
DL accepted it on 21st Oct
PA accepted case on 23 Apr

mine is Eb3 RIR.

lets hope, PA doesnt remand it back or anything like that.

All the Best..

congrats crazion

wow thats a good news after a long time. congrats again crazion and all the best for Philly DOL.
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