Data Consolidation Project February Thread

how do i attach files to this post, I tried to using the attach file option and it looks like it is not added to the reply, help me out in this , thanks :)
Ver 169: Cons_01 Rescans

Lots of RFEs and a few approvals. I think we should start tracking the RFEs in the Cons_sum file.

Ver 169: Cons_03 Rescanned

next person let's start rescanning 01 from the beginning. leave the active portion and 02 for tonight or tomorrow so include the potential saturday activities, although i doubt any would work today with the snow
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cons_01 partially rescanned upto before 01-249. next person, please start with 01-249.
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So we are uploading files whose name does not convey the year that is being covered?

I think we need to review the procedure before proceeding further. Why are you not uploading a file with the name cons_2003_verxx zip, instead of

I understand the urge to concentrate only on the range of your GC app or your friends' but should we not spell that out :what is what? Remember there are still cases pending out of 2000 RD- dont know why. The few who get held by a small crack needs attention too.

I am instituting a review of the whole consolidated checking process. Please state what is the plan and why we post partially scanned files as consolidated files. I think the individual upload stating "I scanned 04-111" seems like a better bet.

It is also easy on the memory that can handle.

If I see rogue uploads, I am going to lock this thread. Be fair to everybody.
Originally posted by jaxen
So we are uploading files whose name does not convey the year that is being covered?

I think we need to review the procedure before proceeding further. Why are you not uploading a file with the name cons_2003_verxx zip, instead of

Jaxen, I am not sure if you have recently unzipped any

They usually contain a cons_0x.xls and sometimes cons_sum.xls or even another cons_0x.xls. So naming them by the year didn't seem right.

To give you a background we were going with just 1 consolidated.xls file but the file got bigger and we got limited by the upload limit of 1 MB.
So , we had to break it by years and make it into multiple files.
You may prefer to see the data broken yearwise but there are 10 other people who prefered to see it in1 file.

As per the name of the zip file, if you
prefer to name a file '', we can do that.
This is the 1st time I have heard someone asking for such name and changing the name of the zip file is not a big deal.
we can even name the file Partial_xxxx_verxx.xip or even

Originally posted by jaxen

I understand the urge to concentrate only on the range of your GC app or your friends' but should we not spell that out :what is what? Remember there are still cases pending out of 2000 RD- dont know why. The few who get held by a small crack needs attention too.

Last I knew JuanKarloz & Takeanumber were with RD 2000 who have recently got approved.
Do you know anyone on the forum who is unapproved from RD 2000 and please give their starting SRC? Or if possible even help by scanning for that date. I too urge you not to just concentrate on your date 01-277 but also scan for more dates and post them.

Originally posted by jaxen

I am instituting a review of the whole consolidated checking process. Please state what is the plan and why we post partially scanned files as consolidated files.

I think the individual upload stating "I scanned 04-111" seems like a better bet.

The plan was to collect as much data as possible. To collect all the 485 data seems impossible. We realize we are hvg a partial data. But I feel even with that partial data, we can know how TSC is doing this month, how many approvals TSC had this month compared to previous month, where TSC is actively Approving, Issuing RFEs or Transferring. If you feel this does not help anyone, then its cool, we can stop.

If you feel indivial postings of '01-277' and its scans and your analysis of how many RFEs,analysis for 01-277 helps then sure we can go that route. Does everyone here agree with that ?

Originally posted by jaxen

It is also easy on the memory that can handle.

If I see rogue uploads, I am going to lock this thread. Be fair to everybody.

If possible , Can you please define rogue uploads for all of us.
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I would like to reply your messages , but goastros has covered by and large, and I do agree with each one of those replies ...

Suggest you look at couple of pages back ,where you will find the start of the break up files. I can understand your not following through each message and hence missed the background of this multiple files. But it is more civilized to ask why there is a change in format before putting out a message like what you have. I too get offended by the style of your message. I do not believe we have any objection for a diffrent format if we have a viable one.

As much as I appreciate for this great service, I also believe is not the end of the world.

Thanks ans sorry if I am rude
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My understanding

why we post partially scanned files as consolidated files.
Partially scanned files are still consolidated files. However only a portion of the file has been updated. The person posting it probably did not complete the scanning due to the 1000 limit lockout by the CIS site.
Arrogance and a dictatorial tone is intolerable

Personally I feel like a parasite that has sucked the hard work of the data consolidation team. A few hard workers like goastros and pradha work their b***s off and now they are being accused of "unfairness". I personally think that those of us that feels like our date range is being ignored should personally sit down and add to the data bank instead of finding fault in what a few people are doing. The beauty of democracy is the freedom to do what one feels comfortable with and for others to benefit if it works to their benefit.


a suggestion about consolidating data

please do not take this post in any spirit other than a well-intentioned suggestion. the points raised are valid from either side of the fence. please keep acrimony out of this and undermine a gem of a grassroot effort. the scale and spirit of this massive purely voluntary undertaking is phenomenal.

i too am guilty of just scanning a selfishly pertinent section. i wasn't aware of the long-term plan but am religiously following progress. i've been tracking that range personally and plan to update when a significant change is noticed...

having worked on similar projects i'd like to put forth a couple of recommendations. hopefully this isn't a lot of added burden to those who are already volunteering precious time and energy...

a) limit updates to a few designated individuals - contributors can send outputs of their scans to a few designated facilitators who can then update the "official" versions. i believe this is happening anyway - formalising it would hopefully reduce clutter and optimise resource-usage on the portal...

b) create a meta-data sheet (range, date scanned, start/end #s etc) for contributors sending outputs of their scans to the facilitators. this will enable the facilitators to easily spot what's missing and request the contributors to make necessary changes prior to upload.

please disregard or vent away if you consider i'm bellowing out of me arse - just do not get frustrated and give up on the good work...

thanks much...
I am guilty of two things
1. I do not read all the posts in this thread (I would rather answer an unread thread elsewhere to give some help to somebody). I assumed that the latest zip file will either have all the year SRCs or the name of the consolidated zip file to reflect what year they are scanning. I did download 3 previous consolidated zips to find some meaning. One had only the approvals in Jan/Feb for a range.
Every time I scan 01-277 (more on why in the next point) I was downloading the latest consolidated zip and update it. If I had seen the name indicating what years it is covering, instead of running continuous (and ambiguous) version numbers I would not have been confused or initiated that "parasite" post.

2. 01-277 is not my range. I just picked it and a few users PM info on this range when they get some change of notice , so I stuck with it. Since all the ranges are adequately covered - from the summary sheet I thought you guys dont need any additional help. I can scan another 700 numbers at least once a week (I cannot promise a daily update , sorry) Let me know what other ranges I need to scan. Preferably in one consolidated xls.

When you volunteer to do something, you should be ready to answer questions from other volunteers. I do not represent the management of I would have imagined when you make a big policy change- like summary sheet, split up consolidation year groups, we should have started a new thread with only the first post in the thread detailing what is what.

A few get credit in starting this idea. Many get credit in supporting and doing the scan nearly every day. All the credits I "stole" I hearby transfer to goastros, pradha, ramanathansudha and other who feel offended.

Rogue uploads are uploads which only provide approval information. Now if I want to integrate this into the consolidated xls, I have to find the individual sheet, find each SRCs and change the row, manually. (or is there a macro for that too).
When I download a few xls I get more than 10 macros lined up? Which one should I run?
Consolidation is the next major step of innovation.
If you all are still offended , please let me know.
Jaxen & others,

There are 2 issues to this:

1) Upload Limit on file size.
2) Lots of activity in TSC (causing lots of excitement and lots of posting in this thread by many new contributors)

some of us have joined offline discussions to see how to manage this and if you or others want to be included please send your email to goastros.

Now due to issue (1) : the file needs to be split and this has caused lots of complexity.

In the past we have asked people to post comments on this :
(posted on 2/9)

How has your experience been with the MULTIPLE files ?? or do you prefer a SINGLE Consolidated file ?

We have been discussing this offline ..... but please post your experience.



But not many people have responded so we have had to make decisions. (abt spliting into multiple files)

So q. for Jaxen could you help remove the 1MB upload file limit for this thread only ??? this will ease lots of pain.

2) Thanks for all the new members who are contributing but the "core" group ...goastros, pradha, ramanathansudha etc have to have to decide and provide direction to the effort.

I am included in the offiline mailing lists from the core group and I can tell you that there are lots of emails exchanges everyday it is amazing how much effort and hardwork they are putting into this. (Pleople who just see the files posted here do not realize how much is happening in the background).

Do you want the core group to stop posting in this thread ?
Do you want the core group to protect the file using a password so that people who do not contribute (...they want to have a free lunch ...) are kept out.

Have you ever thought what is the driving force, what is the motive behind all the core group ?

Guys wake up to the reality.
Time for some introspection.

bone to pick

Jaxen has always behaved like a bully on this forum so his latest outburst doesnot surprise me. I am totally in agreement with rama on this:mad: :mad: :mad:
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Jaxen I appreciate your reply

Lets all work together. I cannot even begin to tell you how important this forum has been to me emotionally in the last few years.

If I am in the jury seat, I do not hold you guilty of not reading thro and following the sequence of events. ( I do on this thread, but hardly look at other threads then). My objection is if some one do not understand they ask, They can either ask in an abusive language or a simple question. I expected the second one, this forum being a set of moderate civilized guys and was taken by surprise to get the rogue language , more so from the moderator.

I donot expect every one to scan either, though I encourage every one who has the resource to. More the data the merrier it is to watch. Look at the counts sheet in the summary and decide yourself where you can.

As to having a new thread I fully agree with you and that concept is in the air, but we were still not sure this is the most appropriate format or some minor variants of it. ( we did not get any viable alternative which is way simpler so far). Once we narrow down to one , I hope goastros will start a new thread like he does always with a new set of instructions

As to your confusion, You do not have to search and get all the files in sequence. If you can get a set of 4 files even from the first posting of the break up files( or From the first posting once a new thread is started) and keep in a directory in your PC. Hence forth you only have to get which ever you like to look. The later the data file like 01, 02, 03, the better what you see in the summary sheet. What I mean is you can download all four file today and 2 months down the line can get one file say 02 (and summary as occasionally new dates are added) and will work with the earlier files, but will see the updates of only for 02. As to the identification by and large the subject in the posting will tell you.

As to the macros you do not have to open any, just see the summary. If you are scanning you need to open only one file and hence only one macro ( and also need to upload only one file ie 1/4 th the size for storage as well as time). By they way it does not matter which one you click when you open multiple files also, they all work the same way.

By the way you cannot take the credit I am getting as most of that is in terms of what I enjoy. However if someone is contributing, I am willing to take part of that ( Don't take it serious and answer man)

I am making this post as some of the points you raised are very valid questions, needs an answer which will help every body. In the process it may appear at least hear and there I am picking on you, but is not intentional. Either you answer or not I am closing my replies with reference to this post here.

However any one has a question, Pls post. In fact eb2_I485.. some time back explicitly solicited for question/debates a day or two after we started this new format.

Let's move on

Jaxen, I understand you share an additional & Important responsibility of moderating this forum and we appreciate that.

I feel enough has been already said , but I will just like to add 1 thing to all -

For me , it does not matter if you are a major or minor contributor to the excel sheet data, but still everyone can give their suggestions about the project's directions.
Even a non-contributor to the excel data can give his ideas and
actually contribute to the success of this thread/project.

It is just that i feel no one shd dictate and say 'my way or highway'.

Jaxen, if space is an issue to this portal, then let everyone know, All could delete old zip file postings from their individual messages.

jaxen and all others, we have a informal offline e-mail discussion going amongst 9 of us in regards to collecting the data.
if anyone would like to join, send me a PM.
Scaned more SRC# for 01-243 range

now it's from 50000 to 52629 with version 171's update for existing srcs.
Dec 01 data

There is not much data collected for Dec 01 and then for Jan & Feb 02.
If anyone wishes to help, please start new scans for Dec 01 dates
SRC02-050 to SRC02-070.
Please put a note if you are doing so, that way we don't duplicate efforts.

I am scanning SRC01-213 ( Jul 01) data.