Dallas TX - N-400 Timeline -

Any oath letters lately?

Hi All,

Has anybody received a oath letter lately from the Dallas DO for interview conducted in the August/September timeframe. Any information would be appreciated..

Thanks in advance!
Oath letter received 11/19


Received Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony for Dec 14, 2005. To re-cap, here is my timeline:

PD: March 14, 2005
FD: May 05, 2005
ID: August 30, 2005

So, a total of 9 months between PD and oath dates.

Good luck to all!
HVN Congrats! Finally the wait is over for you. For the benefit of those who are waiting can you please list the questions they have asked in the oath letter with regard changes from the interview until the date of the oath. Have they asked you to bring anything to the oath ceremony. Was your status updated again online before reciept of the letter or is it still showing the same. Also, where is the scheduled ceremony?

jay_m said:
HVN Congrats! Finally the wait is over for you. For the benefit of those who are waiting can you please list the questions they have asked in the oath letter with regard changes from the interview until the date of the oath. Have they asked you to bring anything to the oath ceremony.

Hi jay_m, Thank you!

Here is a PDF of the form N-445 (oath letter).


This seems to be the previous version of the form. The new version is dated 04/05/05. However, the only difference that I could see was on page 2 -- they have combined questions 3 and 4. Everything else seems to be the same.

Was your status updated again online before reciept of the letter or is it still showing the same. Also, where is the scheduled ceremony?

There was no change in my online status. It is still the same message: "The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system......"

The naturalization ceremony is on December 14, 2005 at the Plano Convention Center in Plano.

Good luck! Hope you receive your oath letter soon too..
any updates anyone?

i had my interview on Nov.4 th, and i'm waiting for my oath letter.

The interview officer said most probably it would be in january (the next available ceremony), but i am too impatient...:-(
nvenkat said:
I am still waiting on my Interview. In my Infopass on Aug , I was told that my application is in "QUE" for Interview. I do not know what it means. All checks are cleared and my application is waiting on Inteview to be Scheduled. I do not know how long it is going to take .


Hi Venkat,

Have you received any more information on your case?

Last month, we called the 800-number to ask for status on my wife's application. Since the processing time was outside the Current Processing dates, they sent a request to the TSC for status. After several weeks TSC responded in writing by saying that the "application was with the Dallas, TX office in a QUE for an interview."
HVN400, Good that you got some 'update' from TSC. I think the process works likes this. Normally TSC sets up the interview and forwards the file to local DO. If for some reason (unlucky ones) TSC misses the processing the application within the timelines that they are working on (I think they must be processing July/August 2005 Apps. as per some postings here), then we have missed the boat and then the local DO takes over the case (on a case-by-case basis) requests file from TSC and sets up interview based on their 'availability'.

Whatever maybe the reason, it is frustrating to be waiting and know that people behind you (priority date wise) have already become citizens in your own DO.

One question, did the letter state when the file was sent to Dallas DO to be put on the 'QUE'? I am trying to estimate a timeline of how long it will take to get an interview after being in the local DO QUE.
quick question for andone

hey andone.

I saw you had your interview on November 4th. Seems it went well for you. Nice to hear. Mine is on Dec 20th and I am curious to know what the officer asked you exactly. Did the interview go very quickly?? I am always nervous by nature. The interview is on my mind a lot Hope you can share your experience with me and others in more detail if you don't mind :)

Many thanks
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sure waitin...

first, he asked me to raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth.
then,he asked to see my driver license and my green card.

Then, he basically went over my application and asked me some of those questions again. Things like: how many trips ive had outside the US in the past 5 years, and other questions from my application (if you support the constitution,....).
He also asked to see my passport.However, he did not check the stamps on the passport and airline tickets that i had, i guess he just wanted to see that the number that i said matched the one on my application.but i suggest you have all proof of your trips ready,like i did.

He asked me where i work, and what i do there. he was writting that info down, i guess they keep that info with each case.
he also asked me if i was ever part of any organization/association, and i said yeah, i was part of many sports teams and an ecological organization.

After this was done, he asked me 6 questions from the 100 test questions.
If you know the 100 questions, you shouldnt have a problem.
He also asked me to write down a sentence, and then read it out loud.
At one point, he also asked me to sign my name on the pictures (which you filed with your application), and then sign some other papers from my application.

Then, he said that I passed the test, and that ill be recommended for citizenship.
He wished me congratulations, and he said that I will receive the oath letter in the mail.

I asked him when that will be, and he said that most probably in january, cause chances are december was all full at that time.

He was a very nice guy, and it was a pleasant experience.

Most important facts i learned from the interview experience: study the 100 questions, try to go over your application (most importantly, how many trips uve had outside the US in the past 5 years).
Have any documents that you think might be helpful ready-chances are they wont look at them, but better safe then sorry.

Most interview officers are very nice people (from what ive read on this forum), and interviews are not that frightening.

Just be yourself, tell the truth, and sooner that you know it, it will be over.

Hope this helps.....

good night everyone...

Thanks for taking the time in writing down your interview experience. I appreciate it a bunch

After my interiew, I'll make sure to write down my interview experience.

Let me know when you Oath ceremony is. Perhaps we will be in the same one. You never know!!
andone said:
i just got my oath letter, which will be on Dec. 14 in Plano!!!!!!!!

Congratulations! Hope everybody waiting for their interview letters and oath letters will receive them soon too..
jay_m said:
HVN400, Good that you got some 'update' from TSC. I think the process works likes this. Normally TSC sets up the interview and forwards the file to local DO. If for some reason (unlucky ones) TSC misses the processing the application within the timelines that they are working on (I think they must be processing July/August 2005 Apps. as per some postings here), then we have missed the boat and then the local DO takes over the case (on a case-by-case basis) requests file from TSC and sets up interview based on their 'availability'.

Whatever maybe the reason, it is frustrating to be waiting and know that people behind you (priority date wise) have already become citizens in your own DO.

One question, did the letter state when the file was sent to Dallas DO to be put on the 'QUE'? I am trying to estimate a timeline of how long it will take to get an interview after being in the local DO QUE.

Hi jay_m,

The letter that my wife got from the Texas Service Center does not say when the file was sent to the Dallas office. However, when I had asked the adjudicating officer at my own interview on Aug 30, the officer said that her application was in the QUE as of the end of June!!

All the letter says is that the application was placed in a QUE with the Dallas, TX office. There are no other specifics.

How is the situation with your wife's application? Anything progress? Also, have you tried to seek any help from your local congressman's office etc.?

No updates whatsoever on my wife's application. :rolleyes: I think it is a good idea to contact the congressman's office. I am not sure if you have tried this for your wife already. What are you contemplating?

I assume you received this letter from TSC less than a month ago.

I have one more Infopass coming up in 2 weeks and all we can do is to continue to be persistent and hope for the best.

It has been over 5 weeks since my interview and still no oath letter.
No interview letter

Did my fingerprinting on Nov 8. Haven't received the interview letter yet. What can I do to figure out what is going on. Don't want to miss the date due to misplaced postal mails etc. Should I be concerned yet?
vardhman said:
Did my fingerprinting on Nov 8. Haven't received the interview letter yet. What can I do to figure out what is going on. Don't want to miss the date due to misplaced postal mails etc. Should I be concerned yet?

You can typically expect to receive an interview letter in about 6-8 weeks after FP. However, in some situations that 6-8 weeks can stretch into a seemingly interminable wait. For instance, my wife had her 2nd FP done on June 22, 2005 and so far no interview letter...

What is really weird is that my wife and I have the very same priority date -- March 14, 2005! I got naturalized yesterday whereas she is still waiting for an interview date.

If you are concerned that there may be a problem, take an INFOPASS appointment and go speak to an immigration officer.
Oath experience in Plano -- Dec 14, 2005


Got naturalized yesterday at the Plano Convention Center. There were approximately 750 participants representing ~90 countries at the ceremony. Lots of people from India and Mexico! No surprise there, I guess!

Though I was given a 9:15 time on the oath letter, there was such a long line of participants trying to check in that I was not able to check in and get seated for the ceremony until about 10:15. What made the long lines (snaking way outside the building) even more uncomfortable than would usually be the case was the fact that there was cold wind blowing out of the north! However, once I reached the head of the line, USCIS staff reviewed the oath letter (the answers on the back), looked at my GC and directed me towards a specific numbered check-in desk. At this desk, the USCIS staff took my GC and asked me to review my naturalization certificate for accuracy. They marked my letter with a number and told me to go inside the ballroom and get seated in a designated area.

The ceremony finally got started ~10:40 AM and lasted for about an hour and fifteen minutes. At the completion of the ceremony people were handed out their naturalization certificates. At this point, friends and family were able to mingle with the participants and shoot video, take pictures etc. During the ceremony itself, there was a roped off section at the back of the ballroom where friends and family could sit and watch the proceedings. All in all, it was a pretty smooth process except for the long wait to check-in in cold weather!

Here is my timeline:

PD: Mar 14, 2005
FD: May 05, 2005
Interview letter received: ~ Jun 30, 2005
ID: Aug 30, 2005
Oath letter received: Nov 19, 2005
Oath Date: Dec 14, 2005

Good luck to all!
HVN400 said:
You can typically expect to receive an interview letter in about 6-8 weeks after FP. However, in some situations that 6-8 weeks can stretch into a seemingly interminable wait. For instance, my wife had her 2nd FP done on June 22, 2005 and so far no interview letter...

What is really weird is that my wife and I have the very same priority date -- March 14, 2005! I got naturalized yesterday whereas she is still waiting for an interview date.

If you are concerned that there may be a problem, take an INFOPASS appointment and go speak to an immigration officer.

Thanks for the reply. When did your wife got the letter (how many days after the Ist FP) about the need for her 2nd FP and what was the reason for 2nd FP.
vardhman said:
Thanks for the reply. When did your wife got the letter (how many days after the Ist FP) about the need for her 2nd FP and what was the reason for 2nd FP.

I believe she got the letter within a couple of weeks after the first FP. According to the FBI the original FP were unclassifiable; ergo the need for a second FP.

You can call the FBI and (304)625-5590 to find out about your FP. They will be able to tell you when they got the request to verify from the USCIS and when they responded.
This Thread has been dormant for a while

Hi All,

Have not seen ANY activity in this thread for a while. Hope that does not mean that the Dallas office is not processing Naturalizations.

Here is my timeline:

Priority Date: Aug 11, 2005
FP Notice: Aug 22, 2005
FP Taken: Sep 17, 2005

I have recieved NO interview notices since then. Isn't that very odd. I see other posters recieving them within 4 to 5 weeks after FP. Have any of you guys with PDs after me already recieved your Interview notices?

My wife is running a bit behind I think:

Priority Date: Aug 11, 2005
FP Notice: Aug 22, 2005
FP Taken: Sep 17, 2005
Notice of New FP: Oct 10, 2005
New FP Taken: Nov 1, 2005

Since it has been over 3.5 months since my FP, do you think I should go for an InfoPass to find out where I am stuck in the queue. I think most other people with my PD have already taken the oath.

All responses MUCH appreciated.