Dallas Regional DOL Tracker

In this website, it said DOL is processing case in October... is it true? From auto phone system, some cases in August 31st or early september are still pending, no any action.....

Bolboli u r correct, per this site they are processing October, and I know of atleast 2 cases that are mid/end September that have not heard a thing from DOL....
Very frustrating.
how long dol dallas takes to reply on final action of NOF Reply?
I heard that that it takes 30-45 days to take action, is it true?
TX DOL Processing

Hi All,

Rang Dallas office today, the lady told me they are processing October 2002 RIR cases. Has anyone got approval for Aug 02 yet? Please let me know. Automated phone line still not working. Also do you have email address for status check? Would greatly appreciate it.

LC not yet cleared

My LC application cleared state and was submitted for federal as of 27th Nov 2001..

I still have not heard back from DOL about my progress.. it was filed in EB2 under RIR.. On the DOL website it shows that they are processing Aug 2002.

Do you think my application is way over due ?? as I was not sure if other who have filed after mine have got it cleared or not ??
According to the attorney, my application has been sent to DOL, Dallas on 11/13/2002. I have not heard anything so far. They are processing 10/2002 applications it seems. I have sent a query to automated email system to find my case number with my employers taxID. The list is not showing the most recent application details.Is there anything wrong with the system? Please post here if anyone has updates.

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Use your employer phone number (it was filled in your ETA-750 form) to check. or just dial 214-767-9384 and input your employer phone to find your case number.

Tax ID only showes old case, I think.
Thank you,
I have verified automated phone and email services. email service has sent 10 cases which are filed from my employer. i didnt see all these cases through phone service. I guess some thing wrong with these automated services. Do we get the case number only after they open the application. Because they are working on 10/2002 cases, my application has been sent on 11/13/2002.

My case was sent to DOL at the end of Feburary 2003 and I found out my case number on April 1st.

I think you already have your case number, but just because your company has so many cases and could not figure it out which one is yours.

my company filed one LC application 3 years ago, so when I input tax id, it only showed that old one. I use phone auto retrieval system to find my case number by input my employer phone number...

I don't think lawyer will help you find your case number...but maybe your boss or people in HR will help you check by calling.

Good luck
Strane case from Texas - DOL

Hi ,
Please advice..Here is the scenario
1) Filied Labor in RIR/EB2 on 14-Sep-2001 in Texas
2) SESA got approved in March 2002.
3) US labor received in regional office on 11-Mar-2002.

Our compnay have filed the labor for 2 employees. My colleague has got some inquiry on US labor around Chritmas 2002. Lawyers re- adverstise the Ads in the news papers. Submit the response back to DOL on time. His RIR has been denied on Mar 17 2003..

Does this effect my case also...
As far my case is concerned there is no update yet!! no query!!
My lawyer is afraid to do the inquiry on my case.
Texas US labor is processing for Oct-2002.

Auotmated phone system still has the old message...

Any updates/advice...


DOT Code Salary Issue

When I get the automated e-mail for my case # from DOL, the salary is different from what I make (Much higher). Is this an issue? Or will it cause problems in my case?
Are you sure that is your case?

My DOT code has been changed, but still kind of similar to my job description. BUT salary is the same as the original one,which obtained from TWC.

Maybe you should consult your lawyer since the salary is very important...it should be the same amount for your internal post advertisement...

Thanks for the DOL email.

Yep, I tried the email database for my RIR and my salary is also higher then what was put forward to Labor, whats going on??? Also can anyone tell me, why they are processing October cases and August cases still show as 'received at regional office'? from the email I got.
I did check telephone retrieval system. I have heard 7 cases from July/2001 to May 2003. None of the cases received on NOV/2002. According to my attorney, my case has been sent to DOL on NOV/13/2002. He faxed me a copy from TWC. I called the other number several times but the lady is asking me to verify automated phone system. Please advice how to get my case number.

case number

Ring automated phone number (214 7674975) and search by employers phone number. It will give you all listing of cases filed by your employer, once it gets to Nov 13th 2003 it will give you your case number and DOT number.