Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Icarus, would appreciate a reply

I have asked this before as well but am not sure if you replied to it. Do you have any insights into Philly BEC as well? Would really appreciate a response.
Quick Question Guru's

I have few questions regarding the Que in BEc...

1. Is there a seperate Q For Reginal / State Cases
2. Is there a seperate Q For RIR / Non - RIR Cases

Shed some light on this....ZB, gp111, Icraus....

rhythmram said:
I have few questions regarding the Que in BEc...

1. Is there a seperate Q For Reginal / State Cases


2. Is there a seperate Q For RIR / Non - RIR Cases


What's the current pace?

Hi Icarus/gp/gurus

What is the current pace (# of cases/day) – is it still @ 90 analyzed at Dallas BEC? Also is there any backlog of analyzed for Certifying Officers?


I come on here every few days or so - but hey,why would you wait for info from me? I am just like the rest of you - clueless and helpless!

Kanjoos said:

Thanks for updating us. Reading your post gives lots of hope to me. Of late PUHRINCE is missing in action, havent heard from him too.
As I said before...

As far as seeing approvals, the rate at which the cases are processed becomes unimportant, so even though Icarus' updates are helpful, they do not tell us much about the rate of approvals. Even if all cases would be fully processed by the analysts, the CO queue is the one that counts.

ziv711 said:
I believe the big question now doesn't really have to do with the rate of processing cases, but rather the rate of approvals by the Certifying officers. According to Icarus, there is already a backlog of about 1800 cases at the CO level. To me this means that rates are already getting processed at a faster pace than can be approved.

All the analysis of 4000/months, increasing number of analysts processing cases, when will data entry end becomes irrelevant. If all had their processing completed today, we would still have to wait for the certifying officers.

Another question is if there is anything after the certifying officer. Is the approval letter being generated automatically AND sent immediately after approval, or will there be another internal backlog of getting those letters out?
ziv711 said:
As far as seeing approvals, the rate at which the cases are processed becomes unimportant, so even though Icarus' updates are helpful, they do not tell us much about the rate of approvals. Even if all cases would be fully processed by the analysts, the CO queue is the one that counts.

I believe you are on the money sir (or maam) ! All this analysis and information is great, it makes for interesting reading material, all this information without approvals (or even denials) also means that the backlog is simply shifting from one point to another.
May be wrong question to this forum?

Just a simple question. Do you all guys own a house? Is it safe to buy a house during GC in process...
PM sent

shaaka said:
Just a simple question. Do you all guys own a house? Is it safe to buy a house during GC in process...

As this is not the correct forum, I have answered you via PM.
Good luck!
regional (DOL) cases

Would the regional cases be processed before starting the SWA cases. Why do they even need to process regional cases. Those cases have already been processed and approved at SWA level. proper recruitment effort has already been made at SWA level. all that was needed was the approval stamp from regional DOL office. Why is the BEC wasting it's time by re-opening the regional cases?
shaaka said:
Just a simple question. Do you all guys own a house? Is it safe to buy a house during GC in process...

I got a house, a pickup truck, a motorcycle and did I tell you Iam getting a dog pretty soon.... :p
Everything is safe if you know how to get rid of it when needed.

Wrong thread buddy....
Hi Icarus

One more important question.
I came across onemessage in another thread and it makes sence to me.
RIR regional cases are being already analyzed by doing the recruitment process and checked on wages.
What more analysis are done in RIR regional que. Shouldn't it be faster that SWA RIR cases as they still have to be checked and analyzed.
I might be wrong but kindly shed some light on this.
and also pls answer my previous question too. (Approx. when should I hear from Dallas BEC with PD Oct 2003)
Thank you.

I think You got me all wrong. I just said, havent seen messages from you. ICARUS updates news, he is someone we all look upon.

For you, I think your messages are pretty much balanced and generally you maintain decorum in the thread. Recently I saw lot of nonsence going on, I thought you will be person who will be calming members down and instruct them to post relevant stuff only.

Anyways nei bother.

puhrince said:

I come on here every few days or so - but hey,why would you wait for info from me? I am just like the rest of you - clueless and helpless!
Regional Cases

Well said gapya2000.

If they(BECs) are smart they will not even look at these swa processed cases, as states have monitored the recruitment and approved.
They just need to be certified by a CO. As simple as that.

ganpya2000 said:
Would the regional cases be processed before starting the SWA cases. Why do they even need to process regional cases. Those cases have already been processed and approved at SWA level. proper recruitment effort has already been made at SWA level. all that was needed was the approval stamp from regional DOL office. Why is the BEC wasting it's time by re-opening the regional cases?

I believe once SWA has approved we should get GC...but then again we need to go through all the loops and holes to ...get GC...you never know what they want...they might be surfing the net instead of working and approving the applications.

badluckinusa said:
Well said gapya2000.

If they(BECs) are smart they will not even look at these swa processed cases, as states have monitored the recruitment and approved.
They just need to be certified by a CO. As simple as that.
Indira Gandhi: I sure hope thats true

I meet this criteria. My PD is August 2001, SWA approved but kickbacked by Dallas DOL. Last correspondence was from Enterject in December 2004 on if company wants to continue to pursue the case to which lawyer replied in the affirmative.
I wish your prediction comes through. Is this info from a reliable source ? Have all Enterject files reached the BEC ? I know the deadline was April 22nd.

IndiraGandhi said:
For those who acknowledged the pending case initiation from Enterject and responded with positive retort in recent days will much less likely to get any 45 days letter from D-BEC. Since the cases been already entered into the PBLS system from Enterject, folks from D-BEC with pending cases in TWC, either the original one or the kicked back one should more or less count in days of receiving the instruction from D-BEC to pursue their long awaited pending cases.
badluckinusa said:
Well said gapya2000.

If they(BECs) are smart they will not even look at these swa processed cases, as states have monitored the recruitment and approved.
They just need to be certified by a CO. As simple as that.
only reason i can think of for them to re-open regional cases would be that there are many old reginonal cases, they want to make sure those are not cold cases...of course you know they (BEC) don't care how much we suffer from all these bullcrap, i'm just trying to understand this whold madness from their stand point of view.
indylaborpain said:
Based on my reading on this forum, BEC is currently processing May June 2001. When would they reach August 2001 any idea? Icarus any input?

The key word is "processing" - not approving. My guess is that approvals are still in April '01, and that they should move beyond that in a couple of months.