Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

texancanadian said:
I meet this criteria. My PD is August 2001, SWA approved but kickbacked by Dallas DOL. Last correspondence was from Enterject in December 2004 on if company wants to continue to pursue the case to which lawyer replied in the affirmative.
I wish your prediction comes through. Is this info from a reliable source ? Have all Enterject files reached the BEC ? I know the deadline was April 22nd.

Details are coming from various sources, but could not authenticate the reliability on the received info. To the degree that the days are troubled, and being noted that single person failed to receive 45 days letter, seems like the source may have right projectile. Enterject succeeded in their agreement and being cast out as their tenure is over, the data that was inserted was in Enterject's own database, D-BEC will be working to shift these formed data in tto their queue for more dependability. Also if D-BEC will send out 45 days letter for those whose file being touched by Enterject would not make any sense as it will be harrassing the emp/lawyer in their monkey business, asking the same question again and again.
OnH1B said:

I am in a similar situation, just worse :

State: Illinois
Type: Non-RIR
PD: March, 2004
Regional: Never made it

Any projections ? Will appreciate a lot..

Icarus, Guys,

Any projections for my case?

RIR SFO case filed on May 2003.

My RIR case was filed at SFO on My 2003, moved to the Federal level in Mar 2004 and then moved to Dallas Backlog centre. Does anyone has any ideas on the status there? Any one would like to guess as to when I could hope to get the labor cleared? This year? Is it optimistic?


Read this one too - if you have time. This is good source of info. How the contractors at BEC are expected to work.

DFLC is spending $16-$18 million per year for both BEC.


Read 7, 67

This program was originally for 4 years and could be extended. So that means these contractors are not in a hurry. If program is extended beyond 4 yrs then its good for them(contractors).

Also Read 101 and 102 for processing time.

Also read 113 - No Financial penalties for contractors

Read 130, 131, 132 for 45 day letters

Read 133 for NOF.

Read 161 for FIFO
I know this is old doc but it give a better picture of BEC
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ziv711 said:
The key word is "processing" - not approving. My guess is that approvals are still in April '01, and that they should move beyond that in a couple of months.

Right on, ziv711. I just confirmed with my lawyer that there are 1600+ cases waiting for final approval at Dallas BEC.

So, Icarus was more than accurate in his update last weekend. Now the backlog has just shifted from the analysts to the certifying officers (COs). Hope they appoint more COs and start sending out approval letters at a rapid pace.
Source Info

Could you please ask your lawyer about the source of this 1600+ data?

Right on, ziv711. I just confirmed with my lawyer that there are 1600+ cases waiting for final approval at Dallas BEC.

So, Icarus was more than accurate in his update last weekend. Now the backlog has just shifted from the analysts to the certifying officers (COs). Hope they appoint more COs and start sending out approval letters at a rapid pace.
Hey Icarus

Kindly asnwer my previous question. Also I was thinking , as some of us got the letter in january and replied it immediately, is it possible that cases with PD's of 2003 are also waiting for final approval from CO.
As regional RIR , what more can be analyzed in these cases.
Pls answer.It will be a great help to some of us.
Approval timing theory

Since we now agree that the approval process is the real issue, I am reposting my theory that was posted in the midst of posts not really relating to this thread... and hence may have been overlooked.

ziv711 said:
Just my opinion, as I have no inside information:

My theory is that once the analyst completes the processing he/she submits the case to the certifying officer with either a recommnedation to approve, or label it as "case with issues". I don't believe the certifying officers spend too much time on cases which are recommneded for approval. Probably just make a quick review of the material in the case, make sure evrything makes sense, and approve it.

The problem is that "cases with issues" are those that create the backlog at the CO level, and I expect many of the April '01 cases to be of that type. These proabbly require some more time and the CO will have to deny and I think they need to provide a reason in the denial letter. The reasons could vary from case to case and this becomes a more time consuming process.

A couple of assumptions: Say it takes 5 minutes for the CO to certify a case recommended for approval, and about 15 minutes to analyze a case recommended for denial.

Also assume about half of the 1800 pending cases are "good" so it's about 150 hours to certify those. The other half is taking 450 hours. so the total needed is 600 hours or about 300 hours per officer.

At 37.5 hours a week, this means these 1800 cases should be cleared in 8 weeks. (of course then there will be more backlog) - but if this is true then in 8-10 weeks we should start seeing May '01 cases getting their approvals.

Again - these are all total guesses - I could be totally out of the ball park.

Any comments, other opinions?
May be you need to consider the fact that, they may need to wait to certify all 166 or 1800 cases to mail. They should have a system in which they can mail as soon as they finish case no. 1 on on and on.

ziv711 said:
Since we now agree that the approval process is the real issue, I am reposting my theory that was posted in the midst of posts not really relating to this thread... and hence may have been overlooked.

Any comments, other opinions?
Good evaluation... however, seems you doubled the time - 900 cases @ 5mins will take 75 hours not 150 and @ 15mins will take 225 hours. But I suppose we cannot expect COs to work like robots churning out one approval every 5 mins! So I'd say your estimate is fair.

ziv711 said:
Also assume about half of the 1800 pending cases are "good" so it's about 150 hours to certify those. The other half is taking 450 hours. so the total needed is 600 hours or about 300 hours per officer.

At 37.5 hours a week, this means these 1800 cases should be cleared in 8 weeks. (of course then there will be more backlog) - but if this is true then in 8-10 weeks we should start seeing May '01 cases getting their approvals.
Any comments, other opinions?
Wasting time...

I see lot of messages in this and other forums analyzing current data and predicting how long BEC will take to process the cases, when would an application be picked up, when should one receive 45-day letter, etc. Guys, is this analysis really worth? I think you guys are wasting your time in doing this analysis. No matter how smart you might be, DOL is not going to follow any order. There's not method to DOL's madness. So why waste time and fill the forum with useless stuff? I believe information on real past and present data is what we should be posting here and other tracker forums. I know people are frustrated and impatient, but I urge to use maturity and patience. No discussion or analysis here will help anyone to expedite thier case. Only factual data can help us know where the current process is (which is also useless in a way).
My 2 cents...
ZIV might be right

MannyD said:
Good evaluation... however, seems you doubled the time - 900 cases @ 5mins will take 75 hours not 150 and @ 15mins will take 225 hours. But I suppose we cannot expect COs to work like robots churning out one approval every 5 mins! So I'd say your estimate is fair.
I agree with MannyD and Ziv...
Working hours=8 per day
(*) Monday- Come at 8:15 (Sorry,Traffic was a big problem today),
Chat and Whine about traffic with co-workers.
settle down, start computer
Fill up Coffee mug
check emails(official and personal)
read headlines on all leading newspapers.
Take a break (coffee taking a toll here)
come back and chat about how great weekend was and how they hate coming back to work).
Refill Coffee mug.
Reply to emails
Call wife/GF/BF whine about traffic and emails that he/she got.
Pick up the first file...read thru it...check the referenced materials, discuss with Superior...
Refill coffee mug and take a Smoke break.
use restroom.
come back...Think...think...Think....
Certify the case...(Yay)
Take a lunch break(long one)
Discuss about plans for next weekend with co-worker/GF/BF
Go to a meeting where the discussion is on how to accelerate approvals and reduce backlog.
Soda break!
By the time this all is done it is already 4:00 PM...Hey time to packup.
Read emails....News Headlines.
4:30 Go home (to beat the traffic).

Tuesday.....(start reading from (*) )..............
MannyD said:
... But I suppose we cannot expect COs to work like robots churning out one approval every 5 mins! .

What are you talking about?

I thought the BEC is a well oiled machine: An example of efficiency at its best... :rolleyes:
45 letter not received yet, case no 05 Jan

one of my friends who has PD of 09/03 and case no D-05005-***** has not received 45 day letter yet. Do you know of any similar case. Should he contact BEC?

Illinois EB3
PD 01/15/04
RD 07/20/04
Received 45 day letter on May 11 and replied.
Case No: D-05112-*****
ziv711 said:
What are you talking about?

I thought the BEC is a well oiled machine: An example of efficiency at its best... :rolleyes:

Don't be so naive :) BRC is part govt, part private, for the lack of better words, "venture".
Source is ICARUS - Immigration portal

His lawyer reads post written by ICARUS, thats why he is correct.

First of all lawyers get information at AILA meeting's only. No other further information is given to individual lawyers. DOL does not give favours to individuals.

Secondly, all the hype and hoopla about labour getting approved within days and initial months were created, and it was created by our own portal guys who came up with the database and started predicting numbers.

Why is everybody cussing and talking about how DOL guys are lazy and spend time not doing work & just chit-chatting. Why dont you all look at your ownself?? seems like every one who is complaining about them is really expressing how they themself work and what thier own work ethics are.

Stop complaining, DOL is working as hard as they can.

MI_NonRIR said:
Could you please ask your lawyer about the source of this 1600+ data?
Kanjoos said:
His lawyer reads post written by ICARUS, thats why he is correct.

First of all lawyers get information at AILA meeting's only. No other further information is given to individual lawyers. DOL does not give favours to individuals.

Secondly, all the hype and hoopla about labour getting approved within days and initial months were created, and it was created by our own portal guys who came up with the database and started predicting numbers.

Why is everybody cussing and talking about how DOL guys are lazy and spend time not doing work & just chit-chatting. Why dont you all look at your ownself?? seems like every one who is complaining about them is really expressing how they themself work and what thier own work ethics are.

Stop complaining, DOL is working as hard as they can.

I am 100% agree with this post.
tomshu & icarus

Hello my friends

Do you have any updates directly from BEC about the aprovals or certification :) :) I think that everyone are waiting for some news from your hotlines.

I know Orissa lost her contact and Alkea to, so you two are the only ones rigtht now.

One suggestion guys,

We all know who among us visits the forum for GETTING the information(like me) and who comes here for GIVING us some useful information(Icarus and some others),

We all waste our time visiting this thread. I got addicted to it to the point of refreshing every few minutes to see if there is any new post (not anymore)

Nothing gained by wasting so much time here. Last few days I've been checking only once in a 2-3 days. Would like to reduce this frequency as well.

To everyone who feels the same way, Let us not check the status every few hours or days, let the information providers do the good work of posting what the latest news is and others come every week or even month to check on it.
This BEC thing is draining our minds and souls. give them some rest and forget about everything.... just visit after a few weeks and forget it again....
(Hey, even our dear Icarus is doing the same thing, visiting only once a week)

I noticed I've become more effecient and productive in many ways since I adopted this.....

what do you say guys,,,

anyway, I'll check the responses after a few days only....my weekly quota is getting over in next 5 minutes =;