Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking


frenchdream said:
PD:12-12-2000 TWC
RD:Aug 2001 Dallas DOL
first "45 day letter" from Dallas DOL in Dec 2001
Second "45-day letter" from Dallas BEC in Dec 20 2004
replied on Dec 23 2004.

new Case number: D-04295-142**
So far nothing happened.

What was the first letter from Dallas DOL about (It must be a NOF)
If your case was remanded to state, then you will be in the TWC queue again.

Can you find out what happened after the first letter from Dallas DOL.
First letter was just asked "if you still want to continue the labor application". that was all, it is not NOF. it is not remanded case. after the first letter replied in Dec 2001, then the lawyer said: be paitent and wait.
the category is NON-RIR. until July 2004, the Dallas DOL was processing cases of Mar 2000 for NOn-RIR case.

Zany_Brainy said:
What was the first letter from Dallas DOL about (It must be a NOF)
If your case was remanded to state, then you will be in the TWC queue again.
Can you find out what happened after the first letter from Dallas DOL.
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Dude my friend has similar situation. His PD is 12/1998 and he hasnt heard anything back from TWC at all.

My case is PD 9/2001 RD 04/2002 but then kicked back to TWC. Last I heard was from Enterject in 12/2004 asking wether to continue with the case.


Do you know if all files from TWC (incling opened ones with Enterject) have now been received by Dallas BEC.

Also how is the progress on receiving ALL FINAL files from all states. Wasnt the deadline 4/22/05.

My case is from MIchigan with PD September 2000 Non RIR
Recd 45 days letter one month back. I just wanted to let you know.
It may be in recruitment now.

frenchdream said:
First letter was just asked "if you still want to continue the labor application". that was all, it is not NOF. it is not remanded case. after the first letter replied in Dec 2001, then the lawyer said: be paitent and wait.
the category is NON-RIR. until July 2004, the Dallas DOL was processing cases of Mar 2000 for NOn-RIR case.

Non-RIR cases are supposed to take an average of a month to process. So if they are in the April 2001 in Non-RIR queue now, your case may be approved in a month

REPLY Please!!

Hi Icarus/Gurus
Please help me predict when I will get the approval for LCA. I am in a bad situation and need to make some decisions based on the approval... I am a health care professional.. but not schedule A..I need to make a decision to resign and get my GC via the regular NIW or finish this working another 20 months.

State WI
Process RIR
PD 12/2003
RD 06/04
BEC 45 day notice: replied april 19th 2005.
April 2001 - non rir case

writing to let you all know that my spouse's company recvd the 45 day lettter to a pending labor application on apr 15.

case details:
recvd at SWA: Apr 2001, non-rir

1. Does this mean, teh case will be approved in 1 month after the company responds to the 45 day letter?

2. How does the advertising work in this case? does the employer need to wait for instructions from BRC to place advertisements???

3. my spouse plans to use this for a substitution labor. is that possible? The employee for whom the application was made no longer resides in the US.

any insights will be greatly appreciated.
many thanks

Has your wife's case been at SWA since April 2001 ? Did it never move to DOL ? or is it a remand case ?

What state was it filed in ?
texancanadian said:
Has your wife's case been at SWA since April 2001 ? Did it never move to DOL ? or is it a remand case ?

What state was it filed in ?

NEVER moved to regional. been sitting happily at SWA. not a remand case either.
state - NY

any insights to what happens next>??
mudra1234 said:
NEVER moved to regional. been sitting happily at SWA. not a remand case either.
state - NY

any insights to what happens next>??

I am sure the next step would be an advertisement under their strick supervision, if thats not the case, the NON-RIR queue would move quickly. Without advertisement, without recuritment effort, I dont think it is possible to get the LC approved.

texancanadian said:
Has your wife's case been at SWA since April 2001 ? Did it never move to DOL ? or is it a remand case ?

What state was it filed in ?

I think you will be the next that will post stating that the LC 45 days letter made to your door.

I really don't understand how BEC works. My company Visa Analsyt had confirmed that she received 45-day letter for SWA cases BUT NOT for year 2001 (they are for year 2003). and of course NONE of those letters are for Indiana SWA.

How come those SWA cases filed in 2003 got the "love" letter? I thought the BEC would look outside the boxes and use the priority date to enter the data. Is BEC not following the guildline or the Indiana SWA doesn't know how to read the instruction?


Please please please confirm that BECs are approving CA cases also? This is critical!!!

I am a little confused, you said that Analysis on Dec 2001 cases was happening on 4/19/2005 and then you also said that the queue is at April 2001, can you spare a few words to explain in laymans terms

Last but not the least, are the approval letters getting mailed out or everything is still piling up at the CO level?

Thanks in advance

ZB :confused:

Thanks and as they say in Hindi

"Aapke mooh Ghee Shakar" - May you be rewarded with sweets for your good words.

However honestly I am quite skeptical. As far as I know TWC may have not even sent my file to BEC yet. Lets wish for the best but also make alternative plans. Viva la Canada.
Dull in dallas

:) Hi guys - I am new here - after going through this forum, I am optimistic. :D My case cleared state and sent to DOl - Mar.2003.
for your tracking

My case
Texas - RIR
PD - Sept.2002
RD - Mar 2003
45 days letter - End. Dec
Replied - Jan 29th ( Lawyer was sleeping)
Track no: D04257 - XXXXX

ZB, Icarus. other brainies - any guess for my labour pain?
texancanadian said:
Thanks and as they say in Hindi

"Aapke mooh Ghee Shakar" - May you be rewarded with sweets for your good words.

However honestly I am quite skeptical. As far as I know TWC may have not even sent my file to BEC yet. Lets wish for the best but also make alternative plans. Viva la Canada.

You mean "Aapke Mooh Me Ghee Shakkar". Its all good dude, being in US for this long, you definately deserve that LC getting cleared. Since we both happen to apply in TWC, I must pray lord for our success.